Powerful manifestation requires support.
Both visible AND invisible support.
What I am sharing here today is a first. I respect my calling so deeply that I seldom write about my deep experiences, fearing they will become a joke or fodder for tom foolery. In fact, I even share them in a way that is not overdramatized so that they will not be seen as too out of this world, when in TRUTH we are all experiencing mystical experiences and may often just push them off as “imagination.”
Today was my first day off in 10 days of intense growth, business lessons, spiritual technology deepening and all around abundance.
Gathered with sisters, got stuck in traffic, talked relationships, held delicious babies and laughed. Realized how much we’ve all grown since we met. Felt peace and joy as I watched my sisters and reflected on their special place in my life <3
Returning home at 8pm…my supercalifragilisticexpialidocious healer/massage therapist, Julie was waiting for me. Promising to arrange a night of massages for my friends at my place, we went inside.
Because I studied energy and teach it, I consciously work on mine at the beginning of my massages and then…let go.
Dropped deep. Energy shifted. I felt as if we were in the cosmos and I was falling thru space as I was being carried.
Landing in a deep net and then floating in space, I knew my guides had waited for this moment for a profound download. I was ready.
My angels stood around me ( I experience Angels to be really TALL) and began to explain all the events of the last month to me. Guiding me not to anger. No to take it personally. Instructing me to view those that I may have felt had been selfish, uncaring or unconscious as teachers.
They were teaching me what I want, what I don’t want. They were showing me how to shift mid-stream and make quick, hyper quick decisions that would ensure my desired manifestations. I was being taught how to rise above EVEN my own stories. Yes to rise above my own bullshit. And as you know, our bullshit can look really REAL.
Letting me know that when we cut ourselves as victims we cannot move quickly. It’s the nature of victim status to enhance stickiness.
The light warrior shifts in mid-stream, not because she is unstable or indecisive, but precisely because she is decisive, she shifts according to the tides to sail the ship in the direction EVEN when the winds are threatening and unstable.
I tend to shift and move quickly. Some have thought, does she compartmentalize?
No. I am literally in this moment and it is THIS WAY.
Now I am HERE and it is this way.
I read energy, I experience it as ever-changing.
Meaning this relationship works now…
and when it doesn’t, I can move forward without dragging it to it’s pathetic demise…
Been there, done that.
We see age as slowing us down.
The older I get, the faster I move.
The quicker everything materializes.
I am willing to be guided into and through the darkness.
I am willing to walk through the unknown with the faith that what I leave behind is not the best I can experience.
Faith over fear.
At the heart of some of my Soul lessons.
Spirit moves quickly, my guides say.
My guides have taught me to hop, skip and jump on an energetic dime…
Rare for a sun taurus I know…
It’s either learn to energetically double-dutch or get slapped, kicked an punched by lessons until they are learned…done that too. Have the keychain and gave away the t-shirts.
Yet these are the lessons.
To love deeply.
Be fully present.
Forgive quickly.
To know that it is ALL
for my greatest good.
See truth. Accept it and keep flowing. All in process, I am always learning.
My Angels parted, blue light filled my inner vision.
My guides stepped into perception.
“We are with you.
You are learning who is truly an ally and who is not.
You are stepping into another phase and the false stories of visibility or not, cannot serve your highest vision you have chosen for this life. Life is moving fast and you are being taught to shift adapt, stand strong and shape shift in integrity.”
Many don’t know that I actually hit 6 figures my first year online. It takes most, several years and thousands and thousands invested and much training.
I invested in a mastermind in 2012 that put me firmly on the road and had 2 two hour sessions with another coach but never did what she said (videos.)
I was very successful quickly (lots of hard work & faith) but I didn’t even know it.
Deep in the quiet healer story, I didn’t truly realize it.
My guides shared with me what to do AND often, I had to do it quickly. I don’t focus on how much I’ve made thru my intuition in my copy or my articles. Or that my first promotion of my 8 week program hit 10k. I see that as it supported my work, not as that is the raison d’être for my work.
And the kicker…I did all this with a website with NO services on it.
I was born to do this and by serving…abundance show up.
My website has an opt-in, that’s it. Some have said I was afraid of visibility…but yet here i was starting a business with intuition at it’s core BEFORE it was popular and the thing to talk about…so how much fear of visibility did I truly have?
I was afraid of being overwhelmed.
Many of us have that fear.
For me it’s a reality.
Most of us have this fear and yet for me, it’s played out.
And so, here on this massage table…
My guides began to share how deeply protected I am and loved.
How my website had to be done and proceeded to show me the breakdown and the elements of my process, my Soul mission and how I will just have to deal with overwhelm and hire people and get over it.
The showed me the school, the intuitives, leaders and healers. The showed me the global spiritual community <3
I was awed, moved and tears filled my eyes. I saw each process, each part of what I do clearly delineated and my school… the Universe’s school…
Coming out of my massage, my awesome Julie ( who initially came to me as an intuitive needing support) said,” You had really TALL guides standing around you today!!! Then I saw blue light and I was told not to be afraid.”
I smiled,” My Angels feel really TALL!”
We laughed. We sat and talked about life, business and how happy we are to be on each other’s teams.
Who is on your physical team supporting YOU?
Do you access and know your INNER TEAM?
This is what I do. That is what I support you with.
The inner and outer team to access your deepest clarity, your most transformative healing and your most powerful work in the world…of course, I had to learn to do it for myself first!
Powerful manifestation requires support.
Both visible AND invisible support. Period.
Thank YOU for yours. I CANNOT wait to share what I am birthing into the world. Thank you for witnessing my journey and sharing yours with me! Thank you for holding space for our collective Light to shine <3
loving you,
copuyright 2015 The Daily Oracle