Author Archives: vancod

The Daily Oracle: Your Soul can get $%^& DONE


Tell the truth. Oh, you know you are more powerful than you seem.

You know it…and there’s always something.
If only there was a better childhood, greater resources, more opportunities, more youth, more talent, whatever “IT ” is, you don”t seem to have it and you believe it’s screwing with your GREATNESS.

Whether you tell yourself you don’t have the right pen, the right setting or the right laptop and so you can’t do it…it’s all an EXCUSE.

Sure, we should all have the right everything to do what we do but the truth is most often you MAKE it happen because you are COMPELLED to. Don’t let your tantrum-throwing ego kick your SOUL to the corner. Don’t let the ego block the door. Soothe that ego and promise a walk, some fruit, some fun times and maybe the great cabin in the woods someday for the magnificent OPUS…then give it a love pacifier and take over. Your life’s work may link together in bars, hotels, studios, sidewalks and during lunchtime at the corporate headquarters. NO EXCUSES loves 

If you want the Universe to part her arms to you with boundless opportunities ( that are already there for you btw) you gotta get the energy flowing!

That means WRITE wherever you are ( i mean your heart & location), LOVE wherever you are at ( meet others wherever they are) and CREATE ( what you are desiring.) If we all waited for the right conditions, the right resources and the right frame of mind NOTHING would get done!

All HAIL magical JK Rowling, who took 10 years to collect ideas for Harry Potter then wrote it as a single mom, on welfare in street cafes. No money. No honey. ALL CREATIVE FIRE & SPIRIT.

The creative SOUL will NOT accept earthly limitations. Get to it!
loving you, V

Embodied Vision



Convinced more than ever. We are exactly made for the calling that aches within us, for the purpose that pulses it’s way through our interests, passions and desires. We are made with the stardust that will get the vision manifested. We are equipped for our Soul assignments. Made capable and fashioned by the Spirit that will inhabit it’s own vessel. Nothing is wasted. Everything serves. Now get to it.  ~vcc

The Daily Oracle: The Universe works through People

We’ve been pouring through every Earth school manual in the Universe…never does it say anywhere that you have to do it ALL yourself!

Why human beings have taken this belief to heart, is beyond the spirit world, truly.

We are all connected. We are ONE even that person that annoys the crap out of you, is made of stardust just like you!

So how about you really open your heart chakra and ASK for help? From getting the sales page done to getting past some traumatic event. Yes, the powers that be, that by the way include YOU & me. US. We “GOT THIS!”

When you open your heart and mind to receiving the love and support through another human being…everything changes.

We can definitely send you the peeps that will help you with healing, writing your website and just having a better time of it on Earth School in general! Yes, we will send you some brothers & sisters to play with!

Ego (who can be a kickass ally on earth) gets in the way when it thinks that, ” I can’t trust anyone. I need to do everything myself. No one can help. No one understands.”

It’s a limited paradigm that has outworn it’s welcome and use. Let it go. Please make our job a little easier 🙂 There’s nothing cooler than setting up kindred spirits to meet and support each other. After all, you did come to Earth School to get some major $%^& done and most missions…always have supporters from the invisible and visible realms!

The Universe works through human beings too. Which reminds us, don’t you have someone to offer a hand to today?

always love,


The Daily Oracle: Awakening

Some were born awake.
Bided their time as they gathered their re-membering.
Others in deep sleep.
Awake Ones guide the sleepy-eyed and the recently awakened remind the teachers. We are all ONE.

We are all always awakening. Be mindful not to use “spirituality” or “enlightenment” as yet another tool or vehicle for condescension, judgment and fear.

Being Awake we see that all unfolds as it needs to. There is a place for all of us in this Universe that is more populated than its 7 billion and counting.

Awaken to your own uniqueness AND to the understanding that we are interconnected. SHINE your Light and re-member that it is in service of ALL LIGHT. EVERYWHERE.

loving you,

Hypnosis: Vows that bind us


Sometimes being blocked to a present relationship goes beyond a negative experience in childhood or present-day relationship issues. I work with releasing patterns and beliefs based on childhood/life experiences all the time and that is part of healing work.

My client today was guided in a hypnosis session to connect deeply with her husband. An image of a dark-haired man, a deep sadness and a recurring dream from childhood came up. Going deeper we explored the significance of this “dark-haired man.”

Her husband has light hair. It didn’t turn out to be any of her present life relationships. She easily slipped into another time. A vow. A binding they did with pen, quill and Soul. He had been her sweetheart and had been killed before they could marry. Yet they were bound. She was unknowingly honoring this vow. Her “block” to having a full on open heart was tied to this vow. She had no idea and always thought that perhaps she just favored dark-haired men. We released it. She feels lighter. It’s a beautiful New Day  ~vcc

Hypnosis works!


Finished my last hypnosis session at 9pm tonight and I am dancing through the house. I love what I do. It’s not an average session…it takes time. It can go from 2 hours to maybe 3. It involves very deep listening and guiding the person out of their own paradigm into expansive ones in a very profound way. Of course as I am working with the subconscious and the invisible.

My paradigm at the core: everything can be healed. Everything can be release and it is NEVER too late to be what you might have been. It may take a different form but the essence of what we are can ALWAYS shine through when healing ensues.

I danced and hugged my mom and drew a bath. You would think it’s my first time! It’s not. I’ve done hundreds of these sessions but when my clients respond this way…I dance! I celebrate!

My client shared…” Last week’s forgiveness & release hypnosis session was unbelievable! I am a different person. This week I have been challenged in such an intense way that would’ve invited my normal angry reactions and reactive/defensive ways. I was surprised. I did not react. Instead I was filled with this deep wisdom with this sense of peace. I went from overly controlling and vigilant of what others do or say to being relaxed and trusting. This work has literally transformed me! Conflict is gone from my life. I used to look for it everywhere I went and THRIVE on conflict and anger. Now it’s unappealing. I am in a conscious and aware place. All I know is that this place FEELS like I should’ve been here my whole life. It’s natural and I want to allow it to flow every day. I just want to keep healing.”

Deep gratitude for a world that is awakening to love, compassion and connection. Deep gratitude for you sacred community and joyous gratitude for the cleansing bath I am about to take !

Sweet dreams…for they are ALREADY manifesting! ~V

The Daily Oracle: Seeing what’s in front of us

So often we focus on the long term goal or vision that we do not see the love in front of us. We ignore the most powerful experience that we can have…BEING present. Being fully awake to what we are experiencing and living now.

Let us awaken and give thanks for legs that carry us where we need to go. Family that loves us even if understanding is long in coming. For smiles, sunshine, snowflakes and true friends. For cats and dogs and fish and pet turtles.

Let us see the life we have NOW and give thanks…
not when you meet the “soulmate” or get the “job/career/business.”

Let’s start wherever we are. Loving ourselves into BEING…
Right now. Right here.
I see you and I love you.

Thank YOU for BEING here.


My story: Hypnosis works


How do you go from almost being totally wiped out to being healthy, doing what I love and having a sustainable and expanding business? My story: faith. surrender. intuition. hypnosis. reiki. mastery.

Hypnosis works for emotional AND physical challenges. I am an intuitive and a healer, also a clinical hypnotherapist/hypnotist trained through the Hypnosis Institute. I have been practicing since 1997 and had added training in 2003 and 2005. I have used it on thousands of clients and for my own well-being. It is something I have been drawn to since childhood and feel it’s a talent I bring in from other times.

Before my own major abdominal fibroid surgery I used a “Release Anxiety before surgery” hypnosis and for post-op, I used ” Accelerated Healing hypnosis. Everyone heals differently but I was out of the hospital in less than 2 days, walking to the door of my apt. 5 days after surgery to invite visiting friends in and 8 days after surgery i was walking ( slowly) for about 8 NYC blks with my mom to get a mani-pedi! I did not use any heavy meds.

I tried OxyContin once just to see the effects. I didn’t need it or like it. Using the hypnosis mp3 I made 2x a day kept me peaceful and I was not in pain. I had discomfort but could remember feeling sicker with the flu in the past!

My post-surgery experience was not what I had heard from others. It was an incredible time of healing and connecting to my body. A time of deep gratitude for my body’s strength and resilience. The only time I shed tears after surgery was for the miracle of keeping my uterus after 10 doctors had said hysterectomy. I felt blessed.

My surgeon did an incredible job of taking out my 20 tumors equal to a 6 and a half month pregnancy and keeping my uterus! After surgery though, her support staff never paid attention to my lab tests. Three months later, they called and I found out I had MRSA. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacteria that is resistant to many antibiotics. In the community, most MRSA infections are skin infections. In medical facilities, MRSA causes life-threatening bloodstream infections, pneumonia and surgical site infections.

I was horrified. I had know something was going on but my surgeon had assured me all was well. So when they found out and were scared I would see there was a bit of a cover-up. Lawyers told me I’d have to lose a body part, get really ill or die to go to court. I said,” Oh well I guess we are not moving forward. I have no plans for that!”

My surgeon called. Begged my forgiveness. I begged her to please step up her staff. To have less patients, the wait with an appointment was 4 hours! Less patients and more attention to those small details like MRSA.

It all turned out well because I was fully aligned and knew how to handle what was coming. If you’ve read this far down..please join me on my call. There is SO much to the human body, mind and spirit…make 2014 the year you step into and OWN this awareness for yourself!

I’ve been there and I know how to help people work their most precious resource: intuition/inner guidance to support them into their greatest expansion! Talk to you on February 12th!

CLICK HERE to join my complimentary training:

Confidence NOW! How to use your intuition to rock your life & business! 

NEW MOON in AQUARIUS Super Moon January 30th 2014


Many of us have been feeling that a rebirth is just around the corner…and I am not just talking about praying for Spring during this snowy winter!

The fact is that…the energy IS finally moving forward!

This second New Moon in January is a SUPER New Moon in Aquarius, along with the Year of the Horse and Venus finally going direct.

You may not know what that means but breathe easy…we are getting a break, a breath and energetic space to spread our wings!

January’s earlier New Moon in Capricorn taught us about stepping up, connecting to our devoted warrior and owning our power. This New Moon in the sign of Aquarius is all air, flight, vision, humanity and EXPANSION.

We are ready to share our visions and our unique talents with the world. Aquarius is the sign of the humanitarian and carries energy of the BIG PICTURE.

We may have been doing tons of healing, crying, releasing and just plain being patient with the limbo we found ourselves in late last year…now we are emerging and it’s all about bringing in the NEW.

Take a chance on a NEW venture. OPEN your heart to LOVE.

Be brave and share your secret dreams with kindred spirits…you may find they are willing to support make your dream a reality!

Aquarius shifts us from “Me” to the “We,” how are we showing up, no matter what is going with us individually, for the rest of the community?

A New Moon ushers in new beginnings and seeding intentions.

The Super New Moon means that the moon is in direct alignment with the Sun and the Earth. The Moon is also closest to the Earth during this time accentuating it’s power and strength.

The New Year of the Horse is ALL about movement, action, energy, travel and GIDDY UPPP!!!! Tortoises better hold on to the horse’s tail because you will be brought up to speed somehow in some area of your life…in a good way 

Even if you think this is pure hogwash, take a moment
and ask yourself,
“ What do I really BELIEVE in that I want to share with others? What do I stand by and how can I support community with the way I perceive this cause/experience/topic or subject? Where have I been hiding and keeping myself small?”

Then let her RIP! Go forth and follow the beat of your own drum! It’s a great time to OWN your uniqueness and ROCK your vision!

Time to kick up or heels and HIT THE ROAD of our evolving new REALITY 

Sending love,
~vcc 1/30/14


The Daily Oracle: Giving and Getting

The Daily Oracle: Giving and Getting

Many of us think that we are selfless givers…yet we unconsciously expect something in return. Hard not to perhaps. How do we give in a way that is not detrimental to our Souls, minds and bodies?

Mother Teresa said “Give till it hurts.” Yet we know intuitively that hurting ourselves in the process in not true giving. It smacks more of martyrdom. As we learn to “own” our gifts and our being in the world we also learn our own self-respect.

How to know then “how” to give?

* Give another because you want to.
* Give because it is a natural extension of feelings, compassion or understanding that needs expression.
* Give because it makes you feel good.
* Give because you want to have someone’s back the way they or maybe someone else had it.
* Give because you want to see the joy and light shine in another being supported.
* Give because it feels like love not because you fear not giving.

Don’t give out of condescension, arrogance or pity…it does no one any good. Don’t give to have ONE up on someone waiting for the day you can cash your card in…

Don’t give then turn to say,” Look at what I have done for you,” out loud and energetically saying, “And you OWE me big time! Start paying me back now!”

Take that in…doesn’t feel too good. So don’t give if you have that lurking within you.

Don’t give if you feel manipulated, threatened, bullied or manipulated into giving.

Most of all give CLEANLY.

Give without attachments or expectations AND IF you have these expectations and expectations…BE CLEAR.

Say, ” I am helping you with XYZ and I I want you to help me with XYZ.” That in turn is giving bit it is an agreement, an understanding.

Give and KNOW that it will be returned. It may not happen from that particular person or even in the EXACT way that you wanted…it will be returned.

So release expectation on HOW you receive. Release expectation and emotional attachment to what you have given.

When we give from our heart and souls it is freeing and true service to the world.

Know that no good deed goes unseen and that the Universe has magnificent plans for GIVING you what you need!

“I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy. I woke and I saw that life is all service. I served and I saw that service is joy.”
― Kahlil Gibran

~loving you,

vcc 1/30/14