Author Archives: vancod

Wounds are the Doorway…


What you fear and what you hide is actually the doorway to your freedom. I know this as I have experienced this in my own life. I know this because I am blessed to journey with men and women thru their greatest pains into their most beautiful expansion. Tonight my Forgiveness & Release hypnosis session went from the normal 2 hours to 3 hours. As we came out she said, “Thank you. I love you. I waited 20 years for this. Thank you…”

I thanked her for her bravery and for making the decision that this was IT. This was the year that she let go of the past and moved into the present to claim her life, her freedom and her peace. No more punishing herself for decisions she made based on beliefs/stories she accepted as truth. No more carrying around anger that was destroying her relationships and blocking her business. No more.

We make unconscious decisions to accept paradigms that limit us.
We can make conscious decisions to CHANGE and ACCEPT paradigms that set us FREE.
Be brave. Be bold. Break through fears. It is ALL worth it  <3 u

Healing Shifts


I believe in both a process AND I believe in instantaneous healing. They both support our awakenings and our healing. I hold space for both without expectation without pressure. When I go in though I want to do ALL I can to support instantaneous SHIFT.

One of my clients, a successful, handsome entrepreneur had been holding himself closed off to relationships for years. His block, his pain as he experienced it was a family abandonment. He had read books and chanted more than he could even count.

After our transformational hypnosis session last week, he drove home and parked. As stepped outside the parked car he looked at the sky…he said something just released and shifted! We just got off the phone and we both teared up. He contacted someone he had abruptly cut it off with and shared from his heart…they are meeting tonight and it feels so hopeful and expansive. Feeling honored to hold space for expanding hearts and soaring Souls! It never fails.

Healing brings in MORE.

MORE love. MORE abundance. MORE joy. MORE spirit. MORE connection.

Healing=more truth=more LOVE <3

The Daily Oracle: Visions & Truths


As I landed in the Miami airport this am, a woman sat quietly looking at me and then approached. She said,” You’re a vision seer?”

I was thinking,” is my business card hanging out?” Smiling, I said,” Aren’t we all?”

She said,” You know what I mean. You are clear. Be true, Be strong.”

I thanked her and then she said,” “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits” (Matt. 7:15)

Wepa! Getting slapped with the book that early is just too funny! Yet there was truth there for me  Thanks beautiful soul.

If all are reflections of ourselves, even the deceptions and lack of truths shine back Light on us.

Every time I’ve been in the face of greed, ambition and fierce ego machinery…remember I worked in Film/TV/entertainment/corporate/strategic PR and yes, even our personal development world.

I hold to the fact, the very truth of why I feel I came here. I am lucky I think. I never went to sleep.

Not an easy task as we are pressured to give away our power OVER and OVER again.

I gave my power away to not listening to myself in fear that I thought I was self-aggrandizing and blowing myself up. SO many times I acquiesced to others, not due to weakness but FEAR of being all ego or materialistic or coming from lack.

My taking shit from others wasn’t from weakness…the truth it was because I knew where I came from and who I was, A Divine spark of LIght that I could temporarily be harmonious and peace-loving or meek…
but in truth as others competed, cheated and lied for power…I was still.

When you “see” and are willing to acknowledge more than others will…(that’s just what intuitives and healers sign up for) there can be a time where you doubt your own CERTAINTY.

How can one see and know details so hidden to the eyes and hearts of others? Is it Soul truth or ego?

Perhaps, It would take me longer…but the Path of the priestess through service and direct revelation would carry me through…
She carries me now.

Winds of change have been here since the dawn of time.
We are constantly shifting. We can choose to expand into more joy or we can close downing fear.

Fear is not real.
Rejection is not real.
The most real relationship is the one with the Divine…
All else stems and flows from that ever plentiful fountain…

So my beautiful soul friends…do not give your power away even in strength. No need to battle with egos but remember and step up to what you came HERE to do.

No ONE person, can make you or break you. Not one opportunity. Not one book deal or lover. Not one promotion or lay off. Not one deception or betrayal. Hard to remember when we are in the throes of loss and pain.

It may feel like that your life is over. It may tear you up and in the end it’s opening you up. The truth is that it is OVER the way you were living is perhaps over and a NEW life is bursting through.

Remember you are here to SHINE! Not on social media alone. Every day. SHINE. YOU are enough. YOU are so much beauty, laughter & light!

Cannot wait to dive deep with all of you this year! Listen to yourselves & your connection to the Divine, which I call your INTUITION. When you take the time to really discover & understand it…it’s the foundation of a happy and healthy beautiful life 

The Daily Oracle

Grateful for this Intuitive Path…

Usually during an intuitive session, I hear how on point it is and how grateful they are to connect with me. I am so happy to feel this as it is an honor to support my people on their paths.

Often the skeptics say out loud,” I was prepared not to like you and think this was all BS!”

The intuitives have bowed their head in gratitude and said, ” Thank you sister for remembering our Soul agreement where you were supposed to remind me WHO I AM.”

I love that immediate sense of giving good service & deep connection.

Other times, it takes weeks or months and then I hear…”what you said was SO TRUE! I did what you suggested and it turned out like you saw it! I talked to so and so and the situation unfolded the way your guides shared. I told him what you said and he told me you were RIGHT and we were both instantly moved to begin sharing again!”

I love immediate knowing. I love delayed knowing and the good feeling of holding a deep mirror to truths that are not often seen, witnessed OR accepted. Thank you God/Goddess for a gift that felt too overwhelming once and is a blessings AND an advantage. 

Dreams Can Come True: WORK!

Many people are scared to death when it comes to actually making their dreams come true…it’s better to blame mommy/society/the man/lack of $$$/lack of education!

Making dreams come true means facing what YOU really want and what’s standing in your way…your story, your beliefs, your lack of forgiveness for self and others.

What happens when opportunity stares at you in the face? Making dreams come true is NOT about knowing the right people…what happens AFTER you step into the clique?

It’s not about the perfect website, how many people have you seen come and go?

Personally, I’m MORE afraid of not trying/doing/risking/loving and BEING than of staying safe…

It’s about TRUTH, COMMITMENT, LOVE, DEDICATION and the SACRED work of moving past fears…NO one was born without them. They teach us, they taunt us AND they can set us FREE when we dance with them and let them be as we SOAR!
loving you,


Creating Your Altar


Your altar is a physical manifestation of your spirituality and a working center that calls forth your goals, dreams and intentions. To the unknowing eye it may look like nothing more than a coffee table, bookshelf or computer desk with crystals, candles and some pictures…those objects are representing aspects of your self. The altar is a working channel connecting conscious and subconscious realities.

As the place where you hold rituals, meditate, cleanse, keep and/or store ritual items, or simply stop during your hectic week to gather yourself, the altar should be created with thought and intention. It is a center of power, strength and regeneration so use your creativity! If living arrangements make it impossible to keep the altar out at all times…make it portable! Smaller items are best for this and an attractive box or drawer for holding the items can be used as storage. Above all keep the altar clean and change it as it seems fit, as you are an ever-changing being so should your altar represent your growth, changes and achievements.

Before creating your altar, take a moment and ask,” What is the purpose of my altar?” It may be as simple as creating a center for worship, or to heal a particular ailment, to honor ancestors or to call on aspects of yourself that you may be needing during a particular transition in your life, ie. Fire for courage, leadership, passion & vitality as you embark on a new job search for the work you love. In other words, it should be personal and have clarity. Purpose and clarity help set your intention in the visible and invisible worlds.

copyright 2007 VCC

The Daily Oracle: Honesty= 1st step to Intuitive Clarity

If you want to develop your intuition ( that ability to know things without knowing exactly how you know…) start by being honest with what you REALLY want.

Intuition functions in a way whereby it may often guide you through the unchartered path…SO being honest with yourself and aligning yourself with what you REALLY want as opposed to what others (parents/family/society/school/business) TELL you to want is KEY!

Intuition/your Internal Guidance System and your inner compass all function to keep you aligned on what’s best for you and to keep you ON PURPOSE. To BE on it, you have to clear away all that is standing in your way. That doesn’t mean “getting rid” of people or things necessarily…it means honoring YOUR unique self and trusting what you NEED.

HONORING THYSELF is part of KNOWING THYSELF…the more you love yourself the more you increase the OPENING for your INTUITION to EXPAND!


The Sight & things I don’t want to see


There are things I don’t want to see. Several wks ago a friend asked me to take part in a police investigation. That’s just what I don’t want to “see” with my psychic skills. She’s been a student, client and friend for over a decade and was sure that I would be able to help with the investigation. As she asked, I “saw” images and “heard” information…I pushed it out of my mind. There are things I don’t want to see.

Yet some things cannot be “unseen” and today I found out that all my psychic impressions were on point. I’m shaky inside. Not because I doubted myself…I’ve been officially reading others since I am 16…but the feeling of what happened, how and how life is so easily lost.

I take great solace in being to serve whatever is happening in my life, emotions or even heart. Today, I cancelled my sessions for the day. I need a day of retreat. Wondering if I need to step up and do this kind of work. Wondering if it’s an act of service that is rising up for me to meet…or simply more validation on how expansive my Sight is. I don’t know. My heart is heavy and I am lighting candles on my altar for the family and the victim.

I think of how my intuition has guided entrepreneurs to connect to theirs and create kickass programs. I think of how my intuition has saved my life and that of my mother’s. I think of how my intuition has announced children being born…I just wish that there was no horror to “see.” And I know, I know that the victim is in a better place.

blessings to all. Be grateful for what you have. I am. Deeply grateful for love in all it’s forms and even the Sight that guides my way, especially through darkness…
loving you, V

The Daily Oracle: Elevate your Focus to Elevate your Vibe

Many great prophets have shared that WE BECOME WHAT WE THINK ABOUT…

Take that in. What do you THINK about everyday?

How you’ve let yourself down? That you are TOO fat/short/tall/young/old/TOO much/Not ENOUGH

How people aren’t being what you need them to be? How your job/man/woman/friends/life/the system…are KEEPIN YOU DOWN?

What we BELIEVE is what we PERCEIVE.

ALL the thoughts that you HOLD are in turn SHAPING YOUR LIFE!

Yes as you sleep.
As you eat.
As you talk and share with others…

Whatever you FOCUS on is what YOUR life will be about!

So if you want your life to have more love, more joy, more fun…talk about, think about, research about and step into EXPERIENCING MORE Of whatever you are wanting NOW!

Not tomorrow. Not when you lose weight. Get married. Get your team job. NOW wherever you ARE NOW.

Bring in those thoughts that make you HAPPY.

They called you a dreamer, you say?

Great! So get to DREAMING the most amazing stuff you can handle and INVITE IT IN!

much love sweet DREAMERS!
see ya on the rainbow slide!



The Daily Oracle: Sharing on BEing: OWN that $hit, for Realz!


Ritual has been a part of my life for two decades…lifetimes, really. I slip it in my teen trainings, I work it into my Intuition Immersion & Urban Priestess Program. I do it in the am, in the pm and even in bwteen…seamlessly, it is such a part of my life that I don’t even make a big deal of it or think about it!

Ritual helps align us to our core and provides a container and practical process to attain a certain consciousness. A saying attributed to Dion Fortune is: “Magic is the art of changing consciousness at will.” Those who do ritual, ceremony and meditation know how we can expand and recharge ourselves through changing consciousness!

I attribute much of my own mastery, success, peace, health on ritual and the alignment that comes from making it a habit for a healthy life.

Before the Full Moon one is growing intentions, the waning moon. After the Full Moon one accesses the intentions, the growth and one harvests…it is also a time of releasing. This is a natural cycle that is visible in the every day world, be it moon cycles, tides, nature and men and women…ALL of it CYCLES thru, SPINS and swirls in a CIRCLE of existence.

Learning about the Spirit and the Divine Feminine is now acceptable and even trendy…the times we have been waiting for are here. The time of Awakening! I still come from a time where you sat in solitude and really dove deeply in your training until you emerged…newly birthed.

Not after a weekend, or a week…after a year and a day of dedication, you moved into initiation and then levels of growth thereafter. So the fact that many of us have remained quiet is because of tradition and the lineage/heritage of the Craft of the Wise. Life of course, initiates and trains you through her unfolding through you!

I entered the Circle this week for deep healing and clearing. Powerful sisterhood and personal work with a shaman. I am so blessed to be witnessing the changes so quickly!!! I had been feeling blocked, even sllloooweed down beyond the winter hibernation pull.

The seeds are sprouting as the fogginess clears. A new partner in a business venture is expanding our mission, speaking at event with several hundred people, being an empowerment facilitator & curriculum support of a Leadership Institute, creating partnerships in various wellness centers here and in Miami, South America. Last year I spoke at 15 LIVE events from March ( the Odyssey Mastermind) to September. This year it seems the numbers may be growing!

Often people want to label or wrap their brain “around” what someone does. Clarity is good for business purposes and I believe in it! There are many though called to more than a snappy tagline!

While I am an clairvoyant psychic medium and intuition trainer, I am also a healer that supports change thru clinical transformative hypnotherapy. I work AND live from a deep place of Soul Service and deep dedication to the Light within each person I work with. I am a connector to the Divine, within you, within me. It is a latent connection with us all, I just decided at 19 to make it my conscious path and my raison d’être.

I have been a priestess for two decades and guided women in the Mysteries of the Divine Feminine…as well as men.

I help entrepreneurs get clarity, people quit smoking or give up fears AS WELL help birthing mommies turn their breech babies thru hypnosis/or move the placenta out of the way… as well as teach YOU how to ROCK YOUR intuition.

I create innovative transpersonal programming for teens in a competitive Leadership training as well as see them 1:1 or in intuition group sessions. I have worked with over 200 young women in the last 4 yrs! My mission is to be a vessel for inspiration & transformation…for now in English and Spanish..perhaps in another language in the future?

I work from wherever I am AND I also value my clients so if they want in person…I LOVE to meet them! I love people, always have. I love that Spirit works as Spirit does quickly through the phone line, instantaneously really,,,AND I love that I get to hold your hand as I connect and read you. I love guiding my tribe on tele class trainings as well as 3rd eye to 3rd eye seeing in a workshop or day event like this summer at Goddess on the Go! or three times this year alone in Panama, teaching Intuition Immersion & Conscious Manifestation workshops/talleres in SPanish !

Don’t let yourself be pigeonholed. You don’t have to BE one thing or DO one thing. If you do that ROCKS!!! If you don’t, that DOES TOO! Who cares if you are temporarily misunderstood, if your ideas or expressions are co-opted or imitated…Don’t let YOU tell you that you are TOO MUCH or not enough…It doesn’t matter if your interests are “weird” compared to others. They are organic to your essence and BEing.

KNOW that you were made with these passions and desires for a reason…as they anchor and guide you to your SOUL’s PURPOSE.

Learn to ROCK your intuition. Learn WHO YOU TRULY are and OWN that $hit, for realz!

in perfect love & perfect trust,
Blessed be 
Vanessa Codorniu, CHt, RMT, Urban Priestess