Author Archives: vancod

The Daily Oracle: Full MOon in Cancer January 15-16, 2014


Ohhhhh…are you feeling warm & fuzzy? If not, I bet you really need to!

The key words during this glorious Cancer Moon is EMOTIONS and NEEDS. The Full MOon is about bringing things to fruition, it is the fullest power of the moon itself. Mother MOon is fully visible in the sky and she is FULLY herself!

Cancer rules the mother, emotions, women, sisterhood, breasts, nurturing, needs and the nest. SO take time now to access what do you really NEED?

A friend texted me about a situation today where she was getting the shorter end of the stick and I responded: Choose what gives you greater peace. $$&* suffering over not getting what we need! Pain comes with life anyway…why COURT it?

SO look at where you are continuously setting yourself up to get the raw deal ( not the good kind, ok?) Ask for what you NEED and GET IT.

Shame and guilt over “needing” has got to go and the Full MOon is shining Her Light here.

If you don’t get what you need in one place, you will get it in another…and the TRUEST truth there is…ya gotta give it to YOURSELF FIRST!

So LOVE yourself up and figure out what you need, Stop compromising and “dealing with the undealable.”

Ohhh I’m getting into my mid-day tub before a meeting, why? CUz that’s what I need!

And remember, ” Make Momma Happy, cuz if Momma ain’t happy, ain’t NOBODY Happy…so make Momma Happy all the time!”
( Powow Spell- Silver RavenWolf- add Poppa if you’d like!)

Now I’m getting silly..sending you love from my sea salt bath!
Giving in to my inner mermaid 

NURTURE THYSELF says the Great Mother today! and…EVERYDAY!

blessed be,

Priestesses Gather


Deeply moved. Deeply shaken. Soul stirred. Another level in my shamanic training. Another initiation into the path of Heart and true devotion. The path of deep stillness, truth and courage is the priestess path AND the path of the shaman and medicine woman.

Healers need healing. Teachers need teaching. Guides need guiding. A powerful evening for transformational work. Grateful for my priestess sisters, for divining women and powerful shamanic work. Blessed to work with my courageous shaman brothers! Thank YOU, I know you chose to remains hidden and I honor your choice.

Just when I think I have seen or experienced it (almost) all in my long road on this path…I am awakened anew in a more profound way. The work is bigger than I could have ever imagined. The CALL is resonating throughout the world. I always say myself as one who serves, devotedly and loyally to the cause of bringing our LIGHT forth. Light work has never been easy and now it’s traps become more fine tuned as duplicity is easy to offer through the guise of “personal growth” “abundance creation,” etc. Listen for the truth in every friendship, every relationship and every interaction.

Spirit does bring ABUNDANCE. Spirit workers/healers can help clear away blocks to love/health or abundance…but remember that Spirit doesn’t sell itself in a forcible manner. It does not say it is the only way. In a room full of competing egos, the indwelling Spirit may be quiet and still. Spirit may be laughing wildly on the dance floor, no agenda no game but BEING.

Pleased to break bread with small or large, rich or poor. Spirit can share inspiration but does not exist soley to advance it’s own agenda. The ways of the Spirit on this earth walk are deep, varied and wide. Beware my friends and do not hand your power to a guru, guide, lover, teacher, clique, system, opinion, instagram message or trend.

My shamanic journey showed me that what goes up, goes down and it all turns around. Everything is momentary so being present is key.

May you walk in peace on this beautiful path…
loving you,

What Do I need to know right now?



“What do I need to know right now?” I asked after my first intuitive session today..
“The world is a reflection of your thoughts, beliefs and feelings. Embody the love you wish to see in the world.” -CBR Reflect by the sacred pool. Lets give thanks for how far we’ve come! We are the embodiment of Soul! Lets keep on with our good vibes knowing all is well! Much love! V

The Daily Oracle: We are ALWAYS connected

There are times when you believe that you are not connected.

You feel that your intuition is not ON. That somehow you are lost…

Please remember that “being connected” swirls, flows, dives,

rises and has its undercurrents just like our love, our hope and our feelings.

We are “always” connected, there is no way to not be…
only that our minds, ego and fears may believe we are not.

Let us pray that:

That even when we do not get an immediate answer,
may we smile and know that all is well.

That we may remember that we are being held,
as am I, as are you as we are all…and that when it is right,
the fear, the ego and the doubt parts to remind us of the ALL of the ALL that we are…
and that is a very, very good day.

We are all LOVE…
don’t let anything convince you otherwise…



The Daily Oracle: Waxing Moon in Taurus

It’s all about getting grounded today. A down-to-earth stance will go farther than any visionary idea can. It’s about giving your vision, life, your spirit and ideas-legs and FEET.
How are you handling the real world details of your hopes and dreams?
Build a sturdy foundation so the harvest can eventually come in!
This growing moon (moving towards full next week) is about tending to your intentions and your plans in a practical way.

Yes, Taurus can also keep you in bed longer and make you reach for the hot chocolate with TONS of whipped cream. So stay in bed a few minutes longer but make sure you get your bootay going today & tomorrow to keep your dreams growing!


Childhood Dreams can feed your Reality


Being YOURSELF=HEALTHY…I remember my Mami out of true concern telling me to pick ONE thing or for Heaven’s sake TWO things I loved…

Child of 8: I had to draw what I wanted to be when I grew up and i took to the creating with zest & zeal! I brought in about 15 pictures! Astronaut, teacher, writer, singer, circus performer, adventurer, dancer, actor, artist, mom, doctor, lawyer…the list went on.

Freshman year of college: broadcasting major/french minor, serious relationship, Debate scholarship & debate team champion, directed a one-act play and acted ( had to advocate my way into a upper-level college course!), President of Forensics Union, Staff writer on college newspaper…Mami is like “Por favor! Pick one or TWO things!”

And yes..I had crystals, incense, rituals, candles and meditated. I had cut out the letters and placed on my wall ” AWAKEN & CREATE!” I read about hypnosis and started experiments that took my math grade from a C to an A-!!!

My life: Always at least two jobs. A corporate gig by day and an event related gig by night, which turned into a Karaoke hostess, paid trade magazine writer, voice over artist. I’ve been paid to direct, act, sing, write, read and offered a gig dancing…by age of 30.

Today: THANK GOD I did all those things! Taught me to balance my services, speak, teach, write, present and guide/connect with others! It’s so easy for me to manage events, while writing and doing hypnosis/readings and fact, the variety is the EASY part!

The ONE or TWO things my mom always begged me to chose? I chose CREATIVITY & SOUL! So I’ve been studying astrology, meditation and all the metaphysical arts since I was a teen and I always had a creative outlet: drawing/painting, singing, dancing, acting, directing.

SO whatever is YOU, truly YOU…is GOOD for YOU! SOme people are passionate about history and that is their raison d’être! ROCK your history peeps!

Whatever TURNS YOU ON , connects you and keeps you going!

Several clients today have been scattered, addictive and unfocused in their lives…WHY? Because they “tried” to do what they were told and in doing so shut off their PASSION, their TRUTH and their INNER KNOWING!

One has secret lives…the lover/actor archetype within needs expression…he started acting class and the “other lives and other people” are taking a backseat to his PASSION & CREATIVITY!

Another female client has smiled and yes’ed everyone her whole life and secretly gotten needs met…food/sex/shopping/cleaning…and now as she is aligning with her TRUE soul’s passion and her intuitive guidance- she is becoming more whole and HONORING her TRUE SELF!

We are HEALTHIER & HAPPIER when we OWN who we are EVEN if others don’t fully understand! SO if you are feeling different or strange or even common and unremarkable…

ROCK YOUR WEIRD, ROCK how YOU EXPRESS you! HOwever that is!

much love, V


The Daily Oracle: What’s Sex & Love got to do with Intuition?

What’s Sex, Love & Connection got to do with intuition? EVERYTHING!

Intuition is our internal guidance system. Intuition is a knowing without knowing how we know. It’s what Caroline Myss refers to as translogical information-accessing and reading information that is beyond time or beyond space.

Since we can all safely say that we are made of energy without being too woo woo…we can also infer that our inner guidance system is processing energetic information about the world around us.

This affects our sexuality in many ways…if we are overwhelmed our libidos dampen, if we are being drawn by someone’s else’s desire and then snap to it and say? Why did I do that? You may be influenced through your own receptivity.

Sometimes you feel cray cray…how do you distinguish from a real “intuition” or codependency? How do you “know it’s meant to be” or its’ just your deep desire driving you and your ego attached to an outcome?

Gaining mastery over your inner guidance system is where it’s at!

Also when we trust our intuition we can open our hearts step into greater vulnerability and greater lovemaking. We can definitely intuit how to touch a lover and how to bring them to another level of ecstasy…the more we connect with our true powerful energetic nature the easier it is to attract and explore with ourselves and another/others sensually, sexually, creatively, emotionally/mentally…

So YES, owning and ROCKING our intuition can bring us greater health, wealth and yes amazing, sensual & sexual ecstatic experience!

YUM! Don’t you want some of that? Understanding your intuition goes beyond reading some books. Meditating once in awhile. It’s about stepping into a deep experiential AND fun space and getting to KNOW how yours works so you can make the MOST of what you’ve got! Intuition is your ADVANTAGE!


What do I need to know right now? Slow & Steady


As always, I ask myself every am, “What do I need to know right now?” The answer today is: Slow and Steady.

“Slow and steady wins the race.”~CBReid.

I love this card! Part fairy, part snail…that’s how I feel lately and my intuition and guides have been whispering since Fall 2013…slow down…

Of course, it’s too slow for my taste but the truth is…what are we rushing for? To be the first to get a book deal? Get on Oprah? Have a baby before it’s too late? Everything that is meant for us will be there EVEN if we take a nap! I’m not talking about getting your Rumpelstilskin on! Just taking care of ourselves 

We are bombarded with messages to be faster, fitter and MORE very day. I agree and I am always pushing at the comfort zones within my self but I also know that as I reach my milestones and live my life…I want to BE present! I want to be healthy, open and ALIVE! That won’t happen if I push myself to stressful heights and physical lows.

The truth is that when we are aligned we will arrive at what Spirit decides is best for us! Allowing ourselves to RECEIVE and SAVOR is also a very important part of our journey!

YUM! Savoring my green juice and feeling good in my leisurely pace sending love, V

~vcc 1/7/13

The Daily Oracle: Remember WHO you are

Imagine this for a moment with me…

Imagine that you live in beautiful place, filled with peace and LIGHT. In fact, you are LIGHT and pure undiluted POTENTIAL! As you look down you see a magical sphere of green, brown and blue hues and swirls…you look closer and you see people, trees, animals and all sorts of beauty AND mayhem.

YOU feel a tug. YOU feel a calling, a pulling. YOU decide that yes, you are coming down!

You hug everyone you love and prepare for a MOST amazing journey!

Today, YOU decided to come down to earth school! Learning, play and teach…above all to LOVE!

YOU most likely:
* will not remember much if anything of where you come from
* forget your mission and spend some or all of your life trying to “find” it
* bemoan the fact, that there is no “manual” to life
* ignore your “intuition”- inner knowing…which is EXACTLY your living, breathing manual to dealing with EVERYTHING!
* you will be uncomfortable
* you will yearn for home and not even know what you yearn for
* you will learn to be joyful no matter what, whether you like it or not!

So, let’s review:
Notice that IF you decided to come at this living stuff as something that YOU decided to do, as something that you chose as a Co-creator of your reality…you probably felt really good!

If you choose to believe that you are a victim of circumstance and were nilly-willy born on this planet and there is no rhyme or reason…I bet you feel kinda helpless or apathetic, right about now?

The thoughts you hold affect how you LOOK at the world. How you look at the world affects how you FEEL about you and the world AND how you move and act in the world.

Sooooo…I don’t know about you but I LOVE The whole looking down on the planet and deciding to come down story! I love seeing myself as PURE POTENTIAL and undiluted LOVE!

“I chose to come down to earth school to express my creativity, use my unlimited potential and play with others on this magical playground!”

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

What story do YOU want to bring into your day, very day?

Hope it’s the wild ride one!!!
~see ya on the playground at earth school!

much love,

The Daily Oracle: All that Glitters Isn’t Gold

There is a fear among sensitive people that SUCCESS will change them, that it will bend their character or tempt them to excess…so much so that they often hide and prefer to wrap themselves in the folds of “potential.”

In this day and ageor perhaps in every day and age…the glitter, the glam and the glitz seem to draw the eye…how long does that success last?

The artist/visionary/creative/intuitive wonders from their studio/work bench, will I need to sell out? Will I need to “sell” a story or adapt an image that is not my authentic self?
The truth though will always, always rise. The truth is adorned, veiled, painted and hidden…eventually though, it shines through!

The question to ask instead of, “What do I need to sell or be to be successful?” is ” How can I serve from my authentic self?”

When we serve from our authentic selves there will be no fear of being found out, there will be no fear of being discovered as a fraud.

When we are truly ourselves we can stand in the light and speak our truth. We do not need applause or gold at our feet…yet when we do something well and when we are brave enough to share…it will be there, dear ones.

All that glitters is not gold yet what may not be seen by the eyes is GOLD.





You are LOVE and you are pure, pure GOLD my friend.
