Author Archives: vancod

Talking bout a Spiritual revolution


I just saw Russel Brand’s video and it brings up a lot of thoughts.

I remember as I became a self-taught automatic writer (now called a writing channel) in my late teens, all the information about being part of a spiritual revolution. At the time I was at NYU Tisch and I just wanted to be left alone to be a film director. My written downloads guided me to soul agreements at school, in life and in relationships. I was conflicted. I walked away…came back a week later.

I said, “No more! Get someone else for the gig…” I could never leave though. At 21, I held free monthly gatherings with two other young channels in NYC and we did akashic readings for strangers…sometimes over 20 strangers showed up. We served. We learned. It was NOT cool then. It was not trendy. We were on point though. We helped many. We were in practice. We were living the training.

I’ve known very clearly from a young age that I was here to work alongside others to make this world a better place. The words expressed as a teen were spiritual guide/teacher/healer/writer. I kept quiet and did my work for almost two decades before getting the courage to step up and be publicly vocal…that is, to speak at organizations/conferences and events that were not exclusively “women’s spirituality” events. I felt safe there but knew I had to outreach to both men and women.

So here I am. I coach and while all of us are intuitive…I do my sessions without an intake sheet and without tons of information from you where I can do excellent pattern recognition. I have a skill that I’ve honed for over 2 decades. I do “see” “hear” and “know” about people and details without ever seeing an image or googling them. I also know more than I let on.

Which is funny…because people still are not truthful around me or think they can fool me. I may smile pleasantly as you go on but truthfully I see through it…and I love you anyway. I see, understand it and I love you in your growth and in the place that you are in the moment. I respect boundaries and people’s individual journeys but frankly remote viewing and accessing info are as easy as taking three breaths…answers are easy to acquire and avenues of healing and understanding are plentiful.

What does this have to so with spiritual revolution?
SELF-MASTERY. The truth is that part of my mission is to assist you on TRUSTING YOUR INTUITION like no one and nobody before or EVER again. Bringing it back to your own ability for direct revelation and your own connection with Divine Intelligence.

There are tons of videos about spiritual revolution circulating nowadays and thankfully most of us are consciously awakening and knowing that we and the planet needs healing.

So we are all talking about it, which rocks but are we BEING the change? Are we ALLOWING ourselves to be used as a transformational tool?

Yet, how can we move forward with MAJOR structural changes if we don’t even TRUST OURSELVES? So we take a million courses and travel and tinder-our booties off…but are we TRUSTING OURSELVES?

IF we do not TRUST ourselves how can a planet shift in a positive way? We will only re-create what was before with a “prettier” name or social marketing branding campaign.

And HOW exactly do we get to that level of CONFIDENCE in our OWN internal guidance system, with our OWN INTUITION?

I love talking. I love words. I also know…talk is cheap. Words are free. If what we say is not deeply aligned with our TRUE self and with our mission…we don’t feel well and there is no peace even while enjoying wild earthly success!

So we rush to bring down old-systems…and don’t even now what to REPLACE it with? The story of our planet’s coups and revolution turned dictatorship once in power. We are doomed to repeat if we do not learn.

So as we all continue to read, talk and put down “the system”…can we ask how we will ALSO move into a place of greater mastery so we can change how we SEE the world and then how we MOVE through it?

Honestly speaking, there is a place and a part for all of us…yet I believe that true, real transformation comes from not only awareness and consciousness but also COMMITMENT and ACTION.

Of course, it will all happen in it’s own time and as my guides say, ” well, essentially you do have ALL time to learn it…”

But WHO we are RIGHT NOW doesn’t have all time. Our soul does, the facet of that multidimensional diamond we reincarnated into at this time…only has NOW.

Soooo… my powerful intuitives, who hate your jobs and like to think,” If i only didn’t have this job i’d be a healer/artist/muse/writer/etc.” I beg you from my HEART and my EXPERIENCE…don’t be satisfied with mere dreaming and vision-boarding!

Make a decision.
Make the commitment.
Let this be the year that you STOP being the closet ,mystic, healer/lover that you are…and that you step up and let the UNiverse/God give you the downloads and the divine assignments that you are seeking!

I love you and I am So with you on this! YOU have no idea what greatness I SEE in you. YOU have no idea what sacred space I hold for YOU.

Sitting around the cosmic fire and shooting the s%^t about our committed actions for 2014 is where I am at. Sending out an invite soon…

loving you,

~vcc 1/1/14



So I’ve been ending the year doing tons of intuitive sessions and there is definitely a theme here! As I looked deeper into the New Moon in Capricorn arriving January 1st it makes TOTAL sense that it’s here to usher in a time of stepping into our own authenticity and power!

Why? because various aspects in the sky had us rolling around in some deep scorpionic undercurrents then rising up for air. The warriors in the group kept trudging through but got a physical backlash that they are in the middle of recovering from. The sleeping intuitives have been sleeping (they did need to get their DOWNLOADS ON ) and it is time to WAKE UP soon!

What’s at the heart of it? We have been rolling around in patterns, expectations and past pains that while USEFUL now need to be let go of. We have been dreamily sketching our hopes and intentions into the ethers and often holding back when it was time to get s%^t done.

You may excel at stuff that’s easy for you: your discipline and business may rock but you lost your love life years ago and didn’t even put up a MISSING sign!

Time to open those doors  You may excel at love & relationships but your health is in the pits…time to wake and get your GREEN JUICE on!

So whatever area you’ve ignored, been afraid of or genuinely needed to sacrifice..well, she’s hollering and she wants some attention!

2014 starts with one of the most hard-working signs at the helm! So take advantage! Clean up. Assess where you are at, with compassion of course!

The New Moon is about new ideas, intentions and placing seeds…This new moon lends us a strong cosmic arm so that we can CLEAN UP the soil….mind/body and spirit…so the seeds may be planted.

Capricorn is cardinal sign ( think leader) an earth element (think solid) so you can tap into your INNER BADASS and delegate, manifest and move your dreamy booty on the path!

The symbol of the goat represents this sign and we all know that anything worth having is not just about hard work, it can also involve sacrifice. This climb to grow, expand and give more to the world may feel rough yet imagine all the possibilities at the top of the mountain? If it’s all perspective then prepare to see the BIGGER PICTURE!

With New Moon in Capricorn, transiting Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries and Mercury in Capricorn…omg all the generals, soldiers and warriors are aligning cosmically and IF we accept and tap into our FIERCE and passionate energy to get moving…all will unfold in AMAZING WAYS!

Prepare for major clearing and the courage it takes to ACTUALLY do, be, dream and love with ALL you’ve got  We are each stepping up, kind whether we like it or not…to RISE to a HIGHER LEVEL through managing our challenges and obstacles as we OVERCOME and become the leaders, visionaries, movers & shakers that we are!

loving you  ~ VCC



BLESSED: Finishing up my work day. As hard as this entrepreneurial life can be: standing out, being seen, financial AND emotional risk, different schedules, stress of launches, wearing almost every hat in your small biz ( thankful for VA, tech asst & intern!) and the doubts that come with walking to the beat of your own drum…as hard as all this can be, I am BLESSED!

Blessed to meet powerful, badass folks who are making a difference in the world. My clients are REALLY brave peeps you have faced s%^t that would make most faint AND not only have they lived to teach and share about it…they are SHINING THEIR LIGHT!

Thank you to all my incredible peeps who LISTENED and worked with me, took a class and really…actually heard the deep call to go further and to SOAR! Thank you for your inspiration! Thank YOU for keeping on NO MATTER what life throws at you as you tap into your inner guidance to BRING IT!

BLESSED to end each day feeling well used in that nothing is spared to support YOU on your journey!

BLESSED to GROW…yes, GROW into EVEN more abilities with time and age. Just when I think I am spiritually traveling, seeing and knowing enough…my Soul & guides take me further, deeper and LIGHTER/HIGHER!

Thank you to all the people that always believed in me  My SOL Circle and my fam and friends. My soul sisters in Panama, Lisa & Tisha! Grateful for Akila Yoga and Mijael! SO much love for your loving spirits!

DEEP love for Panama  for every soul I met there. For LA, NM, Miami and NYC…for all the friends that spent time and cheered me on the GYpsy Project this year!

To my beautiful powerful wise women & mentors for the Urban Priestess Mastery 2013! To BALI and Yu Wai Khin! Just so many people to be grateful for!

I thank my Cancer moon mom with the Moon in Scorpio…who inspired me to be all that I am and MORE! My Libra Sun dad and his moon in Virgo…I learned and honed the desire for healing, transformation and desire to employ my spiritual gifts from the la casa and my upbringing. Thank you to my Ancestors who walked before me and LIGHT my way…

BLESSED to be ALIVE! To be in one piece and to be thriving!

BLESSED to have loved, tumbled, fallen, betrayed, found. BLESSED to be loved by Angels and guided by Heaven AND to know that it is SO…no matter what the circumstances.

So are YOU.
That is ALL.


The Daily Oracle: Power in Silence

As we awaken and recognize that we have been silencing our truth and self-expression…we begin to share, and share and share!

There is strength, beauty and a deep freedom in finally owning and stepping into that power. The power and the confidence to say what we mean and speak what we feel is freeing and life-changing.

How about what we SEE, what we KNOW?

As intuitives/creatives/visionaries it is up to us to share the vision and the inner voice that drives us. It IS important that we learn to speak our knowing in a way that is supportive and not ego-based or fear-based.

What of silence?

It has a place, a space for deep self-knowing.

It is in the quiet of our own solitude that we discover WHO we truly are and what WE truly desire.

In fact, it is in this solitude where one also discovers who OTHERS are and what they truly want from you, with you or for themselves!


Allow yourself some time and go quiet.
Drift in the dunes of solitude.
Swim in the sea of silence.
Get past the words and thoughts…
Allow the quiet to bring forth what is
what is necessary
what is yours
right now.

No need to share. No need to proclaim loudly.
Sit with your wisdom.
Sit with your knowledge.
Allow it to gather strength.
Allow it to raise it’s own power
it is time…
for the world to know and hear your magic!

Being powerful is not about broadcasting every thought or word. It is about sharing when it is right…even when others may say it is not right.

The way to know about timing is to explore your own inner landscape and your own integrity. As you come to understand yourself and the whys and wherefore’s as well as the whats…you come to understand what you stand for and what you fall for.

Allowing the fear of being “left behind” or ‘falling out of the rat race” to simmer and settle will in the end lend you greater freedom!

Here is to soaring quietly and rising above & BEYOND your wildest dreams!

The eagle’s sound cannot be heard from those below. There is no great need for this for it’s flight is witnessed and experienced by those who truly SEE.

blessed be,
~vcc 12/28/13


Holiday Reunion Circle at BALI


Attending Harvard. Model United Nations. Work in Italy w/art directors. School & work. 4.0s. Choosing their truth. Presenting on how religions are more alike than different. Sharing their Voice. Making it into AND thru a tough dental program. Running for student govt. Club presidents. Athletes. Club founders. Changing thoughts on beauty, sisterhood and feminism. Racism breakers. Truth speakers. Movers & Shakers! BALI women are powerful! Blessed to sit in circle with these powerful young leaders !

Mission: Paying it forward

The moment when you hear a student share some wisdom in your own words…and you smile deeply.

You KNOW that you have not just walked through this earth space…you have touched it, inspired it and left your anonymous mark and that it is enough.

You know that those that hear her words will go out and repeat them, and they will add or embellish and then others will go on, so on and so on…And you have delivered the message that now keeps spinning, landing and floating into various hearts. Opening eyes and setting spirits aflame. That was your job. That was your mission.

You bow to your division Guide, Gabriel…and She smiles back. More messages to deliver. Mission under way and vision expanding…Blessed be, Ashe, Aho, Amen! VCC

The Daily Oracle: Intuition & Spiritual lessons

It’s been my experience that while I can “read” certain soul agreements, destinies, etc…that we DO have spiritual lessons to learn and that there are some things you practically cannot escape and there are those that depend completely on what YOU decide in the moment!Being aware of what you came in with, what you are working with and how circumstances and people around you are feeling & dealing can completely move you forward.

As we move into this time of greater freedom, the greatest gift you can give yourself is to KNOW and UNDERSTAND how to USE your gifts.

Many have looked at their spiritual awareness and intuitive connections as curses or weaknesses because it has caused you to run from “society” or “hide” to be like the rest.

The fact is that the best entrepreneurs, doctors, leaders, creators and artists ARE intuitive. They allow themselves ACCESS to this part of themselves in order to CREATE their best work and best BREAKTHROUGHS. They connect to a level of consciousness that has no bounds and has no constraints…they have allowed intuition to be their advantage.

While there are some amazing things that you cannot escape and some soul lessons that you can decide to work through or avoid ( you can try, right?)

The bottom-line for ANYONE who wants to make shit happen and make it happen for the world is dealing with your own stuff first. Not only do we have to stare at uncomfortable stuff in the face..we get to see it’s deep gifts in the shadows. Once we are in touch with that non-linear and trans~logical space and we KNOW how to use it we enter the zone where all the magic happens!

~vcc 12/26/13


Deep Questioning as the year ends

As the old year ends and the new one draws nearer, I am asking questions like: Who do I want to be in 2014? Who do I want to do great stuff with? How do I want to show up for love, for myself? And am I ready to take the greatest risk of all? Allowing another to walk this path with me and expanding my family circle?

As hardworking and on overdrive as I can be at times…I do know this. That I reserve the right to PLAY on earth school, to DIVE deeply on what it means to be ALIVE & to THRIVE. I cannot help but dive deeply and ask the questions that many fear.

That is my life and breath…and it is natural for me. It is also the gift I reflect for others.
Going deep into the unknown, the uncomfortable together…we find unparalleled treasures that can be carried back and shared with community.

As deeply as I go, I am not tied to the depths. I also reserve the divine right to SOAR! Freely, openly, fearlessly, creatively, lovingly. People cannot live on their mission or vision alone (though they try) and who you invite to dance with you on the earth path needs to be a conscious act.

Who are you? What do you know you’ve been missing within yourself? More dancing? More touch? Kissing? Loving? Singing? As the year closes, make a commitment to nurturing your beautiful heart! Beating everyday, working overtime.

Begetting brilliance and vibrant expression…your heart needs LOVE from another too. Remember to honor yourself by HONORING your relationships. Honor your SELF and DIVE, DANCE, PLAY and SOAR! 
~vcc 12/24/13


The Daily Oracle: Open to Unusual Possibilities

We are awakening into greater awareness everyday and ” Universal rules” and “lessons” are being discussed more and more.

When seeking to uncover your life purpose or romantic partner we are BOTH told to make an intensely detailed list of all that we are wanting to feel and what we envision WHILE remaining open to the form!

Seems at odds, right?

Though we suggest that the FEELING you want to feel would happen with ANY form, so really…by being OPEN you are in essence INVITING more varieties of possibilities to enter your life!

As you put out your request and ask for the CORE energy and feelings that go with having it/experiencing it…you draw it closer and closer.

By keeping your EYES and HEART open, you ACCEPT it into your life!

What you are wanting may not look or seem like it’s what you wanted but if you ALLOW your HEART to receive…it may actually BE even MORE than you had been asking for!

Be open to the possibilities. Don’t let your standards down. Don’t let yourself down by accepting less than you deserve AND do know that the UNiverse has some really magical surprises for you!

Just say YES! and invite them in! It’s all happening NOW and yes, it’s kinda a done deal so…RELAX. We love you 

~vcc 12/23/13