Author Archives: vancod

The Daily Oracle: Letting go of Mind & Letting Spirit

Our minds are constantly “working” to “figure it all out” and while this amazing resourcefulness allows us to hustle AND flow in the Survival game…it can be limiting in creating a life where we are THRIVING!

In this life where the mind has ruled the roost for so long…Spirit is having a comeback!

Our minds and logic have taken all of us to a certain point in love, in our health, out business or our careers…we say,” What else? what else?”

A resonating quiet often meets that question when it is asked from an authentic place.
Answers come quickly, fleetingly, vague or obvious…yes, answers come!

The thing is sometimes answers are right in front of you and your MIND won’t let you see them.

Most often we have to let go of what we are “thinking” and allow our “hard-working brains” to rest.

The ego thinks it is dying but this is the edge of comfort, it is the wilderness of our own Souls and here, here is where the true treasure lies!

Few are brave enough to surrender into the unknowing, into the brilliant light filled space of vast potential.

It requires courage, strength and the ability to let go of “knowing” in the conventional sense.

AFFIRMATION: “Today I surrender to my Spirit and I acknowledge that while intuitive, my Spirit knows more than I could ever imagine and I trust this. I TRUST my SPIRIT is guiding me into the next place of vast potential and that all is well.”

Giggling in the quiet.
Floating in the void.
playing in the darkness
While invoking the light and being open to all the miracles that have been and are unfolding NOW 

The Daily Oracle: Come in from the Cold…

When we feel that we will not be understood…we separate from others.
When we feel that we are different…we create space between ourselves and another, that may or may not exist.

In fact, we begin to BELIEVE that this is the truth, OUR TRUTH.

We start spinning a tale and weaving a story of being an outsider and lo and behold we begin to PERCEIVE this around us!

Interesting, huh?

How we take a couple of situations, comments and reactions and weave them together to create a loner/outsider/weirdo persona…AND therefore that reality is reflected back!

What would happen if you looked around and chose to believe that everyone felt this way? That at some point or another, they too had felt that they were “different” and that they did not “fit in?”


We would be a world of unique peeps, with special gifts with a single mission and deep desire!

And what would that desire be? To LOVE & BE LOVED.
To be SEEN and to SEE!

So during this holiday season, during any season…look for reasons to CONNECT not disengage, not separate, not run away. Be here NOW & Connect with others on earth school who want to know you.

Though there is a great BIG story of how the creatives/visionaries/intuitives are ostracized and we have witnessed this at times throughout history…the tables have turned!

While being the same, keeping our head down may have saved us in the past…standing for what we believe in and being our authentic selves is what will re-create and TRANSFORM our society now!

So come in from the cold…gather around the creative fire and share some daring tales with your tribe. We are all here and we are waiting for you!

 you strange ONE
We are more alike than different.

Remember and come in from the cold.
The world needs our FIRE & SPIRIT!
~vcc 12/20/13


Embrace Love with Oshun


Often we see Ochun/Oshun (the West AFrican Goddess of the Sweet waters) as a symbol for sensuality/sexuality, fertility and dance…ONLY. The truth is that she is what makes life worth living! She invites healing, sisterhood and creation to convene. Invoked she sweetens the deal and softens the harshest of situations.

Allow her to soften your heart, open your mind past judgements and beliefs. Know that while proud, she is forgiving but don’t take her kindness for weakness for there is a line and once drawn, it’s very difficult to get back on the good side. Don’t take advantage of kindness, patience or love. GIve thanks. EMBRACE yourself as worthy.

Often we push away friendship and love because we feel we do not deserve it. If we accept that we are all children of God/the Universe we will know that we were BORN to love and be loved. Let’s get to loving! ourselves and others, the world! Ashe! ♥~vcc

Full Moon in Gemini December 17, 2013


FULL MOON in GEMINI! The Full Moon in Gemini occurs at 26 degrees on December 17th, 2013. I will be polite…can I say verbal spillage? Look out for chattiness ensuing and covering up what’s REALLY going on!

The Full MOON is a time of power and of a culmination of what we have been working on. It symbolizes the coming to LIGHT of something that has been in the shadows. The FULL MOON brings in awareness.

Oh Mercury of thee I speak! Gemini is ruled by the winged-feet of the God of communication, Mercury.

There’s a lot rising up from the depths on this FULL moon! It will not be a boring moon and a lot of conversation and communication will be pulling at our attention. We are in the midst of the holiday seasons where expectations, family and responsibilities are all traversing the need for peace and quiet.

The Moon is opposed to the Sun in Sagittarius. Take time to be honest and truthful in a way that honors you. If you are frazzled and ODing on communication…take a break!

Personally, I’ve had my atennas really LIT UP today!

I live like this but today has been off the charts! SO after I finish posting and get off my last call…yes, sometimes I have a late last call…I will R-E-S-T!!!!

Light a candle. Breathe in peace and know that you can invite greater understanding at this time! blessed be!  VCC

The Daily Oracle: Stories we play out: DRAMA=DEEP

While there are circumstances that shock, rock and literally can burn your self-concept and what you “thought” your life was, to the ground…some intuitives/creatives believe in the depths of their hearts that DRAMA=DEEP.Perhaps it’s a phase. An acting out for every time you felt you had to keep quiet. Often on the path to growth we slide from one side of the spectrum then to the other!

We can go from objective, expressionless witness to dramatic vessel of all the pain in the WORLD!

Notice, what do you believe about “REAL” people? What do you believe about “being spiritual and DEEP?”

Is it all about solitude and being mysterious?
Not sharing yourself?
That your are TOO different and therefore not accepted?
Do you reject others BEFORE they can reject YOU?

Is it ALL about giving yourself away and helping everyone till you collapse in exhaustion and disappointment at the “ungrateful wretches?”

Is it about being the loudest whistleblower in town? Crying oppression, hostility, anger, abuse and trauma…at very turn?
Then saying,” That’s just the way I am!”

Ask yourself, “what do I believe about BEING spiritual/creative on earth and how do I express this in my behavior, words and actions?”

You might be surprised to find that you have fallen into a pattern or a “belief,” a story of some kind!

We’ve all been there, if we are honest enough to admit it.

From misunderstood, to the black sheep, the rebel, the outcast and the weird one…to the full throttle feeler of all the ills on the planet ( we think that’s called the teen years…)

The TRUTH is though…it IS a story. It may have played out to be true but it’s a story nonetheless!

A drama and pain doesn’t mean you are deeper or more authentic than anyone. Giving of yourself till you drop doesn’t equal great spiritual wisdom.

In means you are playing out stories. Isn’t it time to reclaim and tell a NEW story?

That YOU can be sensitive/creative/visionary/intuitive AND happy, successful, wildly abundant, SEEN, HEARD, VISIBLE and SAFE?

That’s what we are talking about! Letting these stories that make us stereotypes fall to the wayside and CREATING and OWNING a NEW PARADIGM

* where your INTUITION is YOUR advantage!
* where your depth and love do not limit rather EXPAND you!

* where you are in safe place to understand and then own ALL your weird, all your freakishly amazing talents that you keep hiding from the world!

We love you and KNOW…

The MOST powerful thing, beyond anything else you can do is KNOW YOURSELF…
yeah it’s on the Temple to APOLLO,
ehem… the center for Oracles 

Take that time. KNOW and OWN your unique ADVANTAGE!

Its’ the clearest most life-enhancing way to go…INSIDE out!
loving you,
~vcc 12/16/13

The Daily Oracle: Unapolegetically YOU

There is no need to be suave
smooth or cool.
No need to be trendy in your fashionable repose.
There is no necessity for a false perfection or false rebellion.

Let go of what you “think you should be” or what you “think you should be AGAINST.”

Both are reactive, both give away POWER, both are looking out instead of looking in.

Taking a deep breath and KNOW that:
there is no one to impress
there is nothing to prove…
there is nothing that you NEED…you just have to let it OUT

Gather all your resources.
Remember all YOU are.

Love the dark, the grey and light spaces within yourself…they bring forth the COLORS of your expression in the world!

Show Up with an open heart. The way to do that is with loving yourself first. When you accept yourself, it is easier to accept what is and invite what could BE.

The greatest POWER is in being your SELF!

Be Unapolegetically YOU
and the WORLD
is YOURS..
~vcc 12/15/13

Intuitive Tip ~ Facing Fears: Intuition = HUGE mission

Have you ever REALLY seen anyone AVOID their true path? Really? If someone is destined for something…somehow it will EVOLVE. That’s my experience, anyhow. You cannot hide from the Universe since the Universe is YOU.

So essentially somewhere along the line you must have signed on for this SOUL WORK. Get through the fear, the Universe usually asks us to STRETCH, FLY and go beyond our COMFORT zone…for our OWN GOOD. Let that GPS guide you!


The Daily Oracle: Looking Outside When You Need to look INSIDE

I’ve witnessed seeker after seeker go from one psychic to another, coach to another, stacking programs they have never finished and quoting more La Porte, Bernstein and Forleo that I ever thought possible! And that all can serve, it can and yet there comes a point where …it’s all YOU and the Universe/God!

I used to hop from psychic to psychic in my early twenties, they all said, ” What are you doing here? You are SO gifted you can do what I do and in an even bigger way!”

Truth was, I couldn’t hear it.
I was to scared to hear it.
Truth was I wasn’t ready to do the work it would take to make that HUGE leap of faith I needed to take.

I started to see less psychics at 22. I started doing private psychic readings parties at 23. I started gathering people at 24. Teaching through the old way of circling, gathering, empowering from true soul leadership. I started following my inner voice. It took over 10 years for me to devote myself to what I do now.

In all that time, I kept SHOWING UP and serving, doing, giving sharing.

My Soul, my inner guidance kept guiding me inwards.
I listened. I learned. So when it was time, I took a major leap and I FLEW!

So please, at some point…soon, LISTEN to your inner voice, dare to ALIGN yourself with your CALLING!

Look inwards. If you don’t know how, find a way. Stop taking course after course, quoting coach after coach. Reading book after book.

Go to the TRUEST thing you will EVER meet…YOU.

Look inwards,

What do YOU stand for?
What do YOU believe with all your heart & SOUL?
What would you do if you never made a dime but you KNOW you could be SO DAMN good that when you start to share…abundance starts a flowing?

YEAH, that which fills you with fear, love, energy, passion.

Master your intuition.
Hone your inner power.
Gather your internal ELEMENTS
ROCK your SOUL like nobody’s business!

partner & guide on the journey with you
in passionate transformation & sacred community,
~vcc 12/10/13


Past Lives & the World behind our Eyes

What do a triple figure entrepreneur/coach, an uber-talented struggling artist and a successful university administrator have in common? Hint…has to do with past lives!

ALL of them, my clients, have had sessions with me where when exploring abundance and money fears always go back past this life’s nurture and nature…way back, to another life time. Actually, usually lifetimes.

From making soul agreements with siblings during times of poverty in Japan that end in a suicide after one of their deaths, to being so curious they left their guarding position in a cave and getting killed by a wild animal and the others dying as well to have tremendous success in the Byzantine Empire then being thrown into slavery…These echoes live on, seem to be chilling in the subconscious and present themselves in reactions and patters of being that don’t promote the happiness, health and abundance that all these individuals seek or deserve.

Glad to report…they are all releasing and letting go and diving deeply into their own Soul’s wisdom!

If you have a pattern, a talent, anxiety or a recurring issue think about going OUTSIDE the medical profession. Sometimes the best meds, coaching or pep talk won’t do. Sometimes you need to GO BEYOND the everyday. That’s where I live. That’s where I serve.

I GO BEYOND the world in FRONT of your eyes to the world BEHIND your eyes.

The truth is for me, that’s where it ALL begins. That’s where it all exists from. That’s the place most people don’t want to look at. It’s the place people want to gloss over. That’s where I excel. That is where I thrive. Looking into the dark, the unclear and SEEING clearly and guiding YOU to SEE CLEARLY.

Without our VISION, without our internal compass we will waste time, procrastinate and not feel fully alive! It’s the ability to LIVE your vision and your passion that engages you FULLY!

blessings, V

The Daily Oracle: It’s BIGGER than YOU

So often intuitives/visionaries/creatives have a big vision, an expansive mission that they sense and feel is pushing from within.
This feeling drives them, moves them and often haunts them…

Sometimes, it pushes them into taking risks they never would have taken! Sometimes, this makes them shut down and close down thinking, ” Who the hell do I think I am? WHO am I to have this vision and even BELIEVE that I can do this?”

Other times, those risk takers that moved and grooved with their purpose for quite a bit…get to a cliff that they deem to high, to deep to jump from and they STOP!

So what are we to do? Mission. Check. Passion. Check. Vision. Check.Fears…double check…

It’s times like these, those moments where you may want to let someone else run to the edge, where you may want to just hide until the next life that you must REMEMBER.

Remember that what you are here to share.
What you are here to OFFER the world is BIGGER than YOU!

It’s BIGGER than your fears, your lacks, your limitations, your “I can’ts”, you’re buts, “I don’ts” it’s BIGGER than YOUR bs too…

SO fear can seem so damn real and just like you will call out your friend and say,” It’s just a STORY,” well…look at the stories that you are using to keep yourself quiet. Look at your beliefs, what you are telling yourself.

And say out loud, ” What I am here to do is BIGGER than me.”

The fact is, that it IS.

What you are here to give, share and put forth in the world is: organic and flows through you WHEN you get out of your way.

Please get out of your way. Your lovers, friends, family, clients, readers, fans are waiting for the BIGGER YOU that you are BEcoming!

We love you, ALL of you!
~vcc 12/8/13