Author Archives: vancod

The Daily Oracle: Dare to withstand the Void

We are in by nature always attempting to keep ourselves safe. Part of attaining security and safety for human beings, has always been, having control. Needing to know is part of every conscious and unconscious human being. Whether we are planning/conjuring an event, our birthday or a new romance…we want to KNOW.

How it will go. What will go down and how we should handle it.

For the most part our intuition, when honed and used can guide and lead us into our aligned truth.

There are times though where
my friends, we are in the VOID.

The place of “I don’t know”
The place of nothingness
That space where we do not know if we should move forward or turn back.

If we were to sit still and ALLOW the void to do what it wants with us?

What would be gain?

Strength. Courage and a deep capacity to withstand uncertainty.

This capacity when honed to the fullest can steer us into ground-breaking changes, decisions and opportunities.

So allow your intuition to guide you to the void. Allow yourself to just BE and KNOW that all will be shown, all will be clearer soon!

There are always reasons and delays and obstacles can offer deep service to your path. Practice awareness and remain open to the possibilities!

Daring to withstand the uncertainty of the Universe and Earth School makes you a badass Jedi and I for one, love having that on my resume!

Much love badass Jedi!

~vcc 12/7/13

Becoming Conscious

conscious beings

conscious ensouled beings

“I believe that life as we know it is set up to help us SEE past the physical container we exist in. It’s so easy to make judgements based what we think is happening TO us. When we adopt a perception that it’s happening FOR us we start to see beyond the immediate limitations, pain and heart break. We are meant to be hearts & Souls without borders. Our lives create a structure that our SOUL was meant to surpass, outgrow and TRANSFORM beyond. Let’s not view obstacles and hurts as instruments of limitation and shrinking but rather a weeding of our thoughts, beliefs and ego so we can GROW and THRIVE into the next evolution- Conscious Ensouled Beings .”


The Daily Oracle: Don’t Fight the Pull to Rest

We are in love and loathing with our to-do lists. Every check ignites us and what is left can haunt us.

Our “making shit happen” anthem is loud and pulsating…our desire for quiet and rest can often be pushed to the side.

In the midst of these seasonal changes, we begin to feel the pull to rest, to go inward. Allow your Soul to call you back to the void, to the darkness from where all creation is BORN.

Give into the darkness, the quiet, the solitude of slumber.

Know that you are being reborn, know that you are emptied so you can be filled again with fuel, fire and purpose.

Don’t fight the pull to rest, it’s the key to your rejuvenation and your deep well of inspiration.

cradling you into deep rest,

~vcc 12/3/13

The Daily Oracle: Things Fall into Place

Sometimes everything falls into place
the way it’s supposed to…
at least that is the way it feels…
and you feel free
taken care of
and lovable
then you know
you just KNOW that the UNIverse was on your side
every time you cried
every time you asked WHY? WHY?
every time you felt out the darkness
and felt no immediate reply
and now in this simple moment
in this space between spaces
you KNOW that all is happening FOR YOU.
It is GOOD
and all is well.
sometimes everything falls into place
the way it’s supposed to…
~vcc 12/2/13


I know many of you have been feeling: emotional, murky, overwhelmed, moody and somehow needing solitude.

Thank the very powers of transformative Scorpio! Many of us were pulled under to face the undertow of what “we REALLY feel” during this time!
The Good, no GREAT news is that the fire to get rising and get THRIVING IS HERE!NEW MOONS are all about seeding new intentions and new beginnings. This new moon is one of the BEST new moons around!

The Sun in Sag, the moon and some intense support from Uranus in Aries gives us a fiery power to lift up from the scorpionic depths and RISE!!!!
Enough of delving deeply into the past or the subconscious ( says I who travel there everyday as part of my work!) It’s time to grab our bow & arrows and AIM!The question here becomes: What are we AIMING at? What are our true aligned goals, for realz now…not what you learned in school or what you think you need to answer. What do you FEEL you came here to DO? BE? SHARE?

These are the aims and goals that Sagittarius highlights now!

It’s all about your inner visionary. ROCK THE VISION YOU CAME TO UNFOLD!Seeing what others cannot see and creating it in your life! No matter what, knowing that the Universe will come to your aid and that it is all unfolding.

SO DREAM BIG and use this fiery get-up-and-go to be HONEST about what you want…what you really, REALLY want…cuz you will get it!

Ohhh I knew i was feeling fiery this am, had to be Sun, Moon, Uranus all in FIRE!!!! Let’s go, let’s get FIRED UP with our purpose!!!

Call to action: Light a candle. Stare at the flame. Breathe deeply and connect with the fire element…no matter what sign you are.

Allow yourself to imagine your dreams on FIRE, your life on FIRE, what would it feel like if your PASSION and PURPOSE where ON???
Allow yourself to feel the full ALIVENESS of it all. Come back, now go to it Fire Starters!!!loving you, V
~vcc 12/2/13

The Daily Oracle: Grateful for the Unknown

We often huddle in dark bar corners discussing the unknown, or on couches and at brunches. We say we, “Hate change.”

All the while knowing that CHANGE is at the very core of our existence. We were born to arrive, grow, transform, transform, transform and then transform out of the shape we came in with.In essence our little deaths, our little endings are all part of a skein,
a web of divine forces that if allowed will take us into the flow of what and who we were born to BE.On days that we decide are “special” we gather, mourn the past (often secretly) and feast. Change is still present. It is unfolding.

On these days on any days, attempt to stop weeping for what was, can never be or is not here.

OPEN your eyes, your heart and perceive, experience fully where you are NOW.

If you step out of the script of “what has been” and “what is” you may find that some invisible realities may arise…

You may discover a connection that you didn’t know was there.
You may receive love and compassion from strangers.
You may speak truth to a stranger who knows you better than a sibling.
You may love more than you thought you were able.
You may feel more pleasure than you ever imagined.

Step out of your role, your script, your play…be GRATEFUL for the unknown and ALLOW yourself to be open, to understand, to receive and to share.

Be grateful for the unknown. Do not fear it.

The unknown is your future love.
Your unborn children.
Your great success in the making.
Your greatest joy and deepest pain…that allows you to create your poem, your business, your movie, your award-winning book.

The UNKNOWN is YOUR book.

Be grateful for all that has transpired without judgement.
Be grateful for all that you have but overlook.
Understand that your health, your wealth, your soul, your mind, your family..are ALL a blessing!

Nothing is promised, really…
all is up for grabs.
Each roll of the die is an unknown!
So be grateful for ALL.

Meet you in the UNKNOWN.
Get ready to play.
We are waiting

~vcc 11/28/13

The Daily Oracle: Remaining OPEN

What if we told you that all the “reasons, analysis and fears” are not real at all?

perhaps there were experiences that occurred that brought you to an overall consensus that “THIS IS THE WAY IT IS.”

What IF though,
what if,
“THE WAY IT IS” is far beyond what your eyes can see?
What if it extends even farther than what your heart can muster?
What IF, “THE WAY IT IS,” is…
Expansive beyond our imagining

What IF all these things are here for you NOW?

Not when you’ve lost 10 lbs or fallen in love or made 7 figures?
What IF all of it is here and because you can’t SEE it,
You don’t BELIEVE it?

Getting comfortable in 2 dimensional or even 3 dimensional living and perceiving is EASY. It’s comfortable. It’s the way it’s been done..

Not for creatives, lovers, healers, dreamers, doers & intuitives…

No, you want the juice of life! You want and sense there is so much more!

That’s why you’ve been equipped you with a third eye. That’s why you see, feel, know and hear more than what they eye and ear can perceive.

You see BELOW
The circumstances!

Remain OPEN.
Ask for assistance.

Keep on Keepin’ on with your VISION.
It’s ALL here NOW.

And SEE!

OPEN your heart and feel!

Deeply grateful for YOU

the SEEING will unfold in all it’s abundance!

~vcc 11/27/13

The Daily Oracle: the Empath’s Gift

Dear Empath,

You feel so much.
The child who is lost.
The woman who is aching.
The man whose heart is closed…Everyone walks by…

YOU feel it all.

We understand. It is your most precious gift, this gift of feeling. This experiencing deeply.

Yet we feel the pain you carry that is not yours.
We see excuses, the compassion and understanding you attempt to have for others…
to the detriment of your SELF.

Yes, while you are here to love and experience…you are also here to own your gifts and that includes self-love!

So pay attention to your pain, your aches and your sadness. Release what is not yours and allow others their experiences, their choices.

Remember as painful as all might be that there is co-creation unfolding and that there are always choices to be made. There are always CHOICES.

Choose your expansion.
Choose to feel good.
That is your greatest task, as you feel good you hold space for others to enter into joy.

Yes, hold space for JOY & HAPPINESS.

For CHOICE and above all…LOVE.

~vcc 11/26/13

The Daily Oracle: Facing the Visibility Challenge

As visionaries, healers, leaders and intuitives…we have BIG visions.

Since we have the gift of seeing we can delve deeply with Spirit and feel how the vision could play out.
We can go for the big steps, the big leaps and then wonder why it didn’t play out the way we envisioned…
Looking back at your vision,
did you leave out the part about sharing authentically?
Did you omit sharing your heart, your experience and your TRUTH?
Creating your VISION= being VISIBLE!
As spiritual peeps it doesn’t work anymore to create from behind the scenes. As spirit and consciousness is stepping up into the public stage so are we in turn, NEEDED to step up.
The way we attract allies, assistance and opportunities is by being OPEN!
So start sharing where you are at, what you want to create and what you are facing…
We are here to answer the call and gather our tribes. The ONLY way we can do that is by allowing our HEART & SOUL to be VISIBLE.
When we share from our Soul we are LOVE made visible!
We SEE you. WE SEE your vision. Now go and SHARE with the world.
~VCC 11/24/13