Author Archives: vancod

The Daily Oracle: Words Create Reality

When you say,” You are wanting to break paradigms…”
You will in effect get paradigms to break.

When you say,” There are no great men/women left out there,” you will be faced with the crappy dregs and overlook the diamonds shining around you!

Think about that.

You will go against the regular current, you might be ostracized, you may have to fight the old regime.

Yes, YOU said it.

When you say, “ I will do it and it will be very, very hard to do…”
In essence yes, it will be very, very hard to do.

You may not think or realize you have this much power.
YOU may not want this much power…
Yet that was the point!

You have ALL this power, come from the Divine and FORGET…
SO you can RE-MEMBER and gather your mind, body and spirit and work your MAGICK!

Your words, beliefs, actions and attitudes truly SHAPE your experience here on Earth School!

SO you are waking up every day saying you will be having an amazing day! That all will work out one way or another and that life is constantly showering you with LOVE!

YES! Invoke the POWER of the WORD to create your REALITY in a more CONSCIOUS WAY!

“My life is constantly opening up to my greatest good and I am showered with love, abundance and success!”


The Daily Oracle: For Your Greatest Good

The promotion was YOURS, you boss said so, except that the bonus, assistant and title went to someone else.

That man/woman was your delicious soul mate, your ONLY/LAST chance at your dream love…somehow you broke up.

The DREAM college the ONE that was going to get you everywhere and ANYWHERE you wanted didn’t seem to choose you first as you were waitlisted.

Your expectations, your desires thwarted, blocked…
pain ensues and anger rises. Sometimes even dropping deeply into a depressed state.

You SEE this in a way that limits, cuts you off from your dreams. You experience this as painful as things are not flowing as you wanted.

Feel how you feel. Don’t stuff or deny your feelings AND dare, yes DARE to look at life from a more expansive way…

How about that whatever happened that you particularly don’t like was for your GREATEST GOOD?

What if the Universe in its infinite love and wisdom moved some pieces in strange ways and while the outcome may have been even devastating…that it was ALL actually for YOUR GREATEST GOOD.

Not your ego’s good, not your “I want things to be the way I want them so I can be happy, safe and comfortable!”

But your SOUL’s greatest expression.

YOUR once in a lifetime opportunity to be the best YOU that you are by engaging you in an adventure that

ALL of you!

Not the you that bitches and complains but stays on their backside without moving in any direction, which in essence IS a decision folks! And yes  we are not saying that resting and meditating are not awesome for you. You KNOW what we are talking about…

We are saying that if you REALLY want the life you’ve always wanted you WILL have to step into it and give of your mind, body, heart and spirit AND you will also be asked to RECEIVE as well!

SO know,
KNOW in the quiet of your heart as you wake or lay down to sleep…
KNOW that all that has happened, has happened for YOUR GREATEST GOOD.

Accept your mission. Engage fully. We promise that you won’t be sorry.
You can’t. You won’t.
You will have lived an ADVENTURE like no other!

WOOoooHooo! Off we GO!!!

~VCC 10/29/13


The Daily Oracle: Say it isn’t so!

Ohhhhh…we are all learning. We are Souls on one HUGE intergalactic exploration, research and field experience trip to Earth School.

As intuitives we pick up A LOT to say the least and yes, most of it is invisible information.

So we look into someone’s eyes and feel the truth behind words or actions.

We sense when something is off in the field. As my dear friend says,” there’s a wobble.”

Some know exactly what it is and others cannot put their finger on it.

Since we have had no real training in listening or understanding this inner sense, since we probably haven’t had much support in listening to this inner voice…we turn a blind eye and deaf ear.

Say it isn’t so. You just don’t want to know that kinda stuff sometimes…say it isn’t so that my business partner is cheating me, say it isn’t so that I can’t trust this person, say it isn’t so that this relationship isn’t right for me or that I am studying a major that I really hate and shouldn’t be studying. SAY IT ISN’T SO!

When we do this, we close down, shut off the greatest GIFT that we have been given, our intuitive senses! Our connection to the Divine and our internal guidance system.

We basically open our heart chakra and say, “BULLS-EYE!!! Right, here!”

BOOM. Goes truth as it slaps us in the face.

BAM. As we trip over things we kinda knew but didn’t want to deal with.

CRASH! as your reality topples to the floor.

Say it isn’t so…that I KNEW this stuff and I didn’t DEAL with it!

So what is greater, the stress of KNOWING before it’s happening or dealing with the fact that you KNEW and didn’t DO anything about it?

We think it’s the later that takes a greater toll on your mind, body and spirit.

As we stand by and watch you beloveds go through this, we your guides, pull off our caps, light up a spirit ciggy and say,” Oh Universe, say it isn’t so.”

Help us give up our spirit ciggy.

Help your body and mind not have to deal with the stress of KNOWING and not BEING/DOING what is in your highest and best interest!

ACCEPT you know sh$t.
KNOW it’s a GIFT.
BE in the energy that is best for YOU.
DO what is needed to keep your self aligned.

Yes, say it’s SO…

And so it is, so shall it BE!

The Daily Oracle: One of the biggest LIES of all time

Yes, it’s true there is a lie that we have all bought into. Well, actually to be clear, several.

For today, we will cover one that keeps us stuck for years and even lifetimes.

The belief that WHAT happens in 5 seconds, 30 minutes, 4 hours or 48 hours…can block us, close us down forever.

If we had a dime for every Earth school participant who said,” Well, my parents said I was fat soooo…My teachers said I wasn’t smart soooo. I am having issues because…” and stayed REVOLVING in that same belief for decades and decades.

In fact, until it became a comfortable blanket. A shield that keeps you in the known pain rather than allowing you to experience new “pain” because the old pain is always being reignited and revived through memory, telling and story. It also tempers, taints and can minimize the joy, happiness and love you can feel. The “comfortable” blanket blocks and distorts it all.

We are not making light of this. We are not saying that events, statements, situations and experiences haven’t marked you in some way.

The truth is that all these experiences and stories have shaped your character and journey.

We are saying you have given it all TOO much power.

We are here to support the fullest, most freeing USE of these experiences.

We are saying that just like you have CREATED a STORY about how that has played out for you…you can RECREATE another story.

Your identity, the quality of your relationships, your enjoyment on earth and your experiences on earth can always benefit from clearing your lens and expanding your perspective!

We are saying that just like YOU gave a statement, repeated statements, beatings, putdowns and ugly stares a lot of weight and bearing on WHO YOU ARE and WHY YOU ARE…
YOU can also take that back.

Yes YOU can.

YOU can also decide to erase, undo, REFRAME and EXPAND your paradigm.

One of the greatest lies is that it will take forever.

Just remember. It took 5 seconds, 30 minutes, 4 hours or 48 hours…why can it not be undone in the same time?

Find the technique, find the healer that believes in this type of transformation.

Most importantly find the space WITHIN YOU that believes that you can let go JUST LIKE THAT.

And you may find that YOU just did.

Loving you in the super-hypercosmic, ALL-TIME-IS-NOW space where all can BE done and done…


And so it IS.

~VCC 10/27/13

The Daily Oracle: To BE or not to be

To BE or not to be

In the immortal words of Shakespeare, there comes a time in every little intuitive’s life where they need to put on their big boy/girl spiritual warrior undies on…and step into who they are.

The world is changing quickly and undercover Universe lovers are being pulled every day into more visible and instrumental positions.

If you KNOW that you were born for more.

If you KNOW in your heart that the life you are existing in (yes, existing) is not the life that invites you to THRIVE…it’s time.

It’s time to go INWARDS.

Invite your inner child, fairies, Angels, unicorns and spiritual peeps and posse to chill with you and guide you a tad more vocally, visibly or even assertively.

State your intention that you are stepping up and that you are in the present time accepting and wanting to experience your unlimited potential.

Doesn’t that feel good?

It might be scary, this whole thing about Unlimited potential. I get it.

If you are desiring, dreaming, longing or being called to something, it means…that you CAN achieve it!

So choose to BE. Choose to Be who you were born to be and you will see, all unfolds in miraculous ways.

We are given many great gifts and among the greatest is the gift of CHOICE.

Leave the smallness, the fears behind…it’s all unfolding in a divine manner. Perhaps it is not completely pleasing to you in this moment but it is in accordance to your soul’s work and purpose.

Let’s BE together! BEING party at my spiritual house! Met you online, here, live or wherever…know that I’m meeting you

BE who you are meant to BE.

~VCC 10/26/13

The Daily Oracle: Are you HERE, right NOW?

The unsettling events of this morning’s trek to work this am linger on.

Remembering today is the anniversary of an ex. It didn’t end well…those thoughts drift into other relationships since or that fact that there have been none since that bad break-up. You are secretly dreading that he/she was your last chance at love.

Stressing about your promotion, your next business launch, your next article, your in-laws next visit…

Have you noticed?

If you are giving thought, feeling and therefore power to the past or the future…you are NOT here, right now.

It’s natural to remember, feel some nostalgic tinge.
It’s normal to get excited and sometimes feel slight dread of the unknown future.

Yet if you are spending MOST of your day revolving around the past, what could’ve been done, beating yourself up for not knowing more, doing better, etc. you are not here in the present moment.

If you are spending MOST of your day anxious about the future and stressing, you are not HERE.

HERE is THE place to BE.

It has the most possibilities and if you are shining bright (no matter what is actually happening in your life) you are ATTRACTING more positive into your life!

There is so much talk about energy and Intuitives feel it.

Just like we get excited that we MANIFEST tons of cool signs and stuff, we also manifest lessons and fears, beliefs and patterns.

REMEMBER that when you spend lost of time in the PAST or PRESENT you are indeed, animating those realities, magnetizing fears into realities and co-creating from a place of fear and lack.

Just remember that the greatest POWER,
is in the

We set up our success way before we ever experience it.

We are already planning on meeting our mates before we ever lock eyes.

We are constantly creating the future in the NOW so be AWARE of what’s being embodied in you every day. Beware of what you are recycling and revolving and look underneath to release the fear of ACTUALLY living what you want.

Be aware of how much mind/body/soul real estate you give to negativity, pain, fear, sadness, anxiety, shame, guilt and remorse.

Be AWARE then choose to be here NOW.

Yeah the COOLEST place I know, Promise!!!
~VCC 10/25/13


The Daily Oracle: I’m too Sensitive, the Story

Some people are definitely more sensitive to light, sound, energy, emotions…It’s true.

Intuitives come in all shapes, sizes and professions. We are undercover, next-door neighbors and ex-lovers. Daughters, sons and children. Football players, soccer moms and hippie chicks and yoga aficionados. We are everywhere

Born sensitive to the invisible world and basically with no manual, we can flounder for quite some time.

Intuitives may know exactly what to do and say to make you feel better and they also may be drained to the bone at the end of the day.

My amazing Intuitives, the Oracle is short and to the point today.

Don’t let “sensitive” be the story you hide behind.

You read right. You might get mad. You might agree. Don’t lie to yourself that you are TOO sensitive for this world.

You basically agreed to come chill and do great stuff on Earth School and saying you are TOO sensitive for the VERY thing you were made for is kinda ridic.

Now what we do suggest is that you learn your own way of being. That you become a MASTER, a Jedi warrior in supporting your own well-being.


Figure out,
study all you can
and learn to manage the unseen world and your own energetic/spiritual/mental/emotional/physical existence so you can ROCK your soul agreements!

Yeah you’ve got many and you are so sensitive you will probably sense and recognize them.

Now, isn’t that cool?
Sensitivity ROCKS!
Just remember to make it work for YOU!

~VCC 10/24/13

The Daily Oracle: We can’t have it BOTH ways

We can’t have it BOTH ways
Or we can and remain splintered, confused…

What do we mean?

When we are in the flow and things are great we say:

“WOW the Universe has my back! Life is AMAZING!’

When we feel that all is going well:

“ Ahhhh I am in the flow, I am connected and I am manifesting this!!!! YAYYYY!”

When we get attacked at work, called into uncomfortable meetings, have to have tough talks and face endings and truths that hurt…

We might, blame everyone and anything else.

From “They are jealous of my light! THEY won’t let me SHINE!”
to “ This always happens to the GOOD people, the brilliant people!”

Ummm ok.

We have all been there but why does it make sense that YOU are in co-creating all the goodness with the powerful Universe but when it sucks…YOU and the beautiful Universe have nothing to do with it?

It doesn’t.

So you can’t have it both ways AND be consciously WHOLE. If we want to have our mind, body and spirit aligned we have to accept that:

NO MATTER HOW EXTRAORDINARY is a co-creation of thoughts, fears, dreams and beliefs held by all concerned and an unfolding of lessons inviting us into greater AWARENESS.

So when things don’t go well at work, have you been quietly thinking every morning “ Damn! I hate going to work!!!”

Yet freak out and get mad at what “is being done to you” when you are being set up to leave or be laid off?

Sweets, you have basically created this situation.

You can’t have it both ways.

If you are quietly bitching, “ Arghhhh I hate that my husband/wife does this, I hate they way they, I am so unhappy with this and that!” without communicating or sharing your feelingd from a non-blaming point of view…

WHY are you shocked that they leave, end the relationship or act worse and worse?

All our thoughts, feelings and beliefs are constantly being reflected in the world around us.

Step into accountability.

KNOW that you can make a difference and that even if people around you co-create chaos YOU can still walk in a bubble of peace, love and light and YES…

You can truly walk your sweet booty out of that situation AND into a much, much better one! The Universe loves to assist you in upleveling!

If you believe that you are co-creating with the Universe
then by God, YOU ARE.

Get READY. SET. GO!!!!

WoooHooo! Manifesting the JUICIEST LIFE FULFILLING EXPERIENCES we can muster!

~VCC 10/23/13

The Daily Oracle: How being “Spiritual” can keep you poor

Somewhere along the line, we spiritual folks have been bathed, marinated and pickled in the belief that goodness, compassion and all the sought after virtues of living a spiritual life equal poverty.

We’ve been taught Heaven is not here on Earth school and that we have to wait!Perhaps it’s that all three major world religions say similar things like, “ It’s easier for a poor man to get into Heaven than a rich one,” or “the meek shall inherit the earth,” etc.

Yes, we spiritual folks have been indoctrinated in the belief that being good=being poor.

On the other hand, there is also the modern day belief that IF you are aligned and spiritual you must be abundant, traveling the world, thin, with a fabulous home, gorgeous META man/woman and a grand world-changing career!

WOW. What pressure on both ends, RIGHT?

BOTH are extremes.

BOTH are reactions TO not a natural flow OF and WITH.

We react to the evils of greed by saying “ I am GOOD therefore I AM NOT GOING AFTER MONEY.”

We react to the desire to compete by using every technique available to MANIFEST and bust our behinds to pursue a LIFESTYLE.

When we leave these extremes behind and ACCEPT, EMBRACE and BELIEVE that the Universe is ABUNDANT and we can more than enough to live a full life ( different definitions for everyone) there is more of a flow.

Feel into this for a moment…

I used to say:
“ I am spiritual. I don’t need much. I focus on the inner and the Universe will bring me opportunities and such…”

When opportunities to be abundant came I took them and when I bumped into less than kind or loving, spiritual people I threw the baby along with the holy water out and ran for the hills!

Now I say: “It is my birthright to be abundant. The Universe supports me in my mission and vision for my life. Abundance helps me travel, reach more people, allow for scholarships in my business and to help others that I love.”

I still do bump into people that lie about their careers, their agendas, might try to use you for their advancement and give nothing back, that have no or little integrity AND I won’t throw out the baby with the holy water this time!

No, I will hold still to MY integrity and my FAITH. I will notice them but I will not run for the hills. I will step aside, love them from a distance and I will continue to SHINE.

The world needs the truth speakers, the lovers, the healers, the sensitives that often get hurt and go hide from the darkness of the world.

It’s ok. Don’t run. Stay strong. Be the LIGHT in the darkness. Be the LIGHTHOUSE that you were born to be AND attract your people who share your values.

SO don’t let “being spiritual” keep you poor OR hidden OR small.

That’s just BS to keep powerful light workers hidden like scared sheep. If each and everyone of us owned our ability to manifest and create our Soul gifts on Earth…I KNOW that there would be more than ENOUGH for us to go around a couple of times over!

At about 5 or 6, when I came to whine to my Argentine Mami about some trouble or injustice that had befallen me she would always stare at me with her dark eyes and say with a Spanish accent,
“Don’t breeng me problems. Breeng me SOLUTIONS.”

So my spiritual peeps let’s come up with solutions, let’s come up with abundance. Let’s redefine paradigms that no longer serve.

IF we stay bitching, complaining, small and blaming
“the MAN, the GOVERNMENT, our PARENTS, the WAR, etc” well…all we will create is a group of whiny warriors when if we took up our end of this manifestation and stepped into accountability for ourselves we could and ARE CHANGING THE WORLD.

YES, we are CHANGING the world. Right here. Right now.
Let’s break this belief that keeps many on their knees…

“Being Spiritual does not equal being poor.”

‘nuff said. Peace and CRAZY ABUNDANCE Earth School playas!

Love you,
~VCC 10/21/13

The Daily Oracle: What Scares You

Often what lives in your heart,
the thing you most wish you could do…
scares the beejesus out of you!

Pay attention.

Yet if you sit in that space for a moment
and breathe deeply.
You might come to understand
that this is holding a HUGE gift for you.

An invitation
A sacred promise…

The unknown is something that you have not experienced yet.

Add curiosity, sprinkle some wonder and invite the Universe to dance with you!

Be willing to risk all you know as your comfort to step into the unknown.

Yes it’s scary. The enriching scary. The expansive scary.
Who are we kidding?

It’s the REASON you are here on Earth School!

It’s to get on the most joy producing, life expanding RIDE of your LIVES!

It’s an incredible time in history people. Let’s rock this earth into EXPANSIVE JOY & PEACE!

Step into the scary, it’s the REASON we are here.
~VCC 10/20/13