Author Archives: vancod

The Daily Oracle: Your Thoughts are Answered Prayers

What we think about every day…is the stuff from which our dreams and nightmares are made of. They are the foundation of our current reality.

Look around at your life right now. How are you feeling? What is unfolding?

Think back a year or two ago…what were you thinking?
“ I need to leave this job. I want to leave this job…” and never did anything about it?
“ I want to leave this job and I am going to start my dream career while at work. I will focus and then leave this job.”
“ I am not feeling too hot. Gotta start paying attention. I am paying attention and feeling better every day!”
We guarantee that if you thought I need to leave a job AND did something about it, it is highly likely that you are in a better place today!
I also know that when we focus on how much we dislike something without taking action steps…we might find that the situation at work gets worse and worse. We may also see our health acting up.
Our thoughts are feeding that reality AND our Higher Selves are giving us warnings, feeding our inner flame to get the BLEEP out and get moving!
Over a year ago I was involved with something I called OPERATION FREEDOM. I had a corporate job and planned a surgery and was praying to make an escape soon after.
Well, the Universe, OH ever faithful LOVING Universe was listening…I was let go before I was personally ready ( ego speaking here) and I have been supported soley from what I LOVE since!
A year and a half ago I thought, “Wouldn’t it be cool to meet amazing entrepreneurs who are also bilingual and start reaching out to the Latin American community?
Soon after I followed my intuition, enrolled in a program that introduced me to many great women and especially two powerful women who I am seeing, playing and collaborating with now, like next few weeks…here in Panama. AND it’s my third trip here to see clients and teach in spanish!
So WATCH what you talk about, think about and wish about. Make it a life worth LIVING. Make it a life full of GIVING.
My current thoughts? “ I am experiencing a deep, passionate love with a partner that wants to give back to the world as well. I am writing a book that people have been waiting for. My clients and students are THRIVING LIKE NEVER BEFORE! I am healthy, strong, abundant!”
And when those thoughts of “Holy crap! What did I get myself into????” pop up..i think, “I meet the right people, the right time. I am supported by the Universe whatever happens and I KNOW that this is all created for my greatest GOOD.”
Amen! I hold you all in thoughts of freedom, abundance, health, love & deep joy!
Let’s all get to ABUNDANCE thinking…our cups runneth over!
~VCC 10/18/13


The Daily Oracle: Respect Your Self before You Wreck Yourself

Many intuitives are afraid to speak up or follow their intuitions.

The fear chokes their gift, their passion and joy.
It’s a painful cycle.On the other side of that is overcompensating. Also painful.

After years of being quiet, the wounded/hidden intuitive might start being very vocal.

To the detriment of others, themselves AND their mission!

Since they are still reacting “to” influences and fears instead of “responding” they are caught in a back and forth. All or nothing. As we know, extremes might be part of our healing process but uncomfortable to exist in and much less thrive in.

Starting with: “ I won’t say anything people don’t believe me. I will get attacked. They won’t love me! I don’t even know if what I FEEL, SEE, SENSE or KNOW is REAL?”

Swinging towards: Screw it!!! I have this gift!!! I’m gonna let HER RIP!!!”

To my overzealous, impassioned and loving Intuitive:

SO you have this ability where you SEE, FEEL, HEAR or KNOW stuff about others…and it’s ON POINT. Cool Sh&t. I’m with you!

SO you have this obnoxious habit where you are always, I mean ALWAYS giving UNSOLICITED readings. Friends. Family. Strangers. That’s just plain sh&tty.

I ask you to consider…

You are not the only intuitive on earth school who is charged with delivering the messages. When we first realize that it’s on point we may feel the burden of sharing/helping others. We may feel like we HAVE to. We also just may have foot in psychic mouth disease.

Quick way to lose friends, be attacked and be disliked: psychic blabbermouth and soul gossip.

Quick way to keep friends, dignity and integrity?

Respect others. Respect yourself. There is definitely a time, place and circumstance for you to share in a way that nurtures you and others.

Offer helpful suggestions that are really intuitions.
Don’t think you have all the answers.
They are on their own journey and will get their answers like all of us: in due time.

Love you  ~VCC 10/17/13

The Daily Oracle: Size doesn’t matter

No REALLY it doesn’t.

Let’s clarify.

You are hungry. You desired a smoothie and your client called saying, ”Would you like me to get you one?”

As you got a pedicure, you thought…I’d like a bite right now.

A friend walks by, sees you inside. Comes in, chats then offers you a bite of a cultural food from your hometown.Did we not deliver? Yes.
In your hands and tailor-made.
Just for YOU.You didn’t doubt the thing.
You only desired it.
You felt the feelings and then just received.When you set your intentions for “items” ( love of your life/incredible success,etc) you may think that they are TOO LARGE or to BIG to request…That’s where you are going off course…Size doesn’t matter.

Just the feelings, the desire and the openness to receive it.

Now that we’ve shared one of the Universe’s deepest secrets…what are YOU going to do?

Play. Desire. FEEL what you want.

Don’t judge. Forget shame, blame and guilt.




Big HUGE Universe

~VCC 10/16/13

The Daily Oracle: Capping the Good

Everything is going well.
You are living your passion.

You’ve gotten the promotion.

You’ve upleveled your business.
You’ve posted your first blog post.

The man/woman you love,
loves you back.

You’ve dodged a health scare.
Now you have a great health report!

So why the sense of dread,
Intuitive one?

Is there a belief that you have only, “Oh so much goodness I can take/deserve/receive?”

Are you waiting for the other shoe to fall?

Go within. Look at what’s surrounding the fears and the self-sabotage.

Your Angels say: Stop capping the Good. We GOT so much love to give!
~VCC 10/15/13

The Daily Oracle: The thing that STOPS you…

The whispers that you are too much…
The sneers that you are not good enough…
The feeling that often doesn’t let you speak, share or step forward…

The things that make you want to hide and blend with the sheep…

Is a LIE.

You read right. It is a LIE.

“People can’t handle my energy so I have to stay small.”
“ I won’t be loved if I am all that I could be.”
“I don’t have (fill in the blank) so I cannot succeed.”

EVERY experience that you have had
that made you believe all these lies…
is there to assist you in growing BEYOND it.

EVERY experience that you have ever had
teaches you to listen to the truth of who YOU are no matter what you have experienced.

The TRUTH that your core self, your SOUL
cannot be altered by pain, sorrow, torture, neglect, scorn, criticism, abuse, poverty, loss, oppression, illness and death.

The FACT is that some of our MOST amazing leaders and transformative healers have experienced abuse, neglect, oppression and limitations of the mind, body and heart…

So take off those heavy coats and layers of beliefs that were created and worn since this or that happened or was said…

Take off the family curse/belief. Take off cultural limitations and gender-based limitations.

The TRUTH remains…
That which STOPS you is a LIE.

And you know all that talk about how the TRUTH will set you FREE?

Yeah, it’s true. Phewwwww!
Try it!

~VCC 10/14/13

The Daily Oracle: Be WILLING

As sensitive beings we sometimes hold a fear that we might “not be ready.” Others believe that perhaps, “I might break.”

The truth is that on Earth school you don’t usually get lessons that we can’t handle…even if “handling” means getting quiet, going into solitude or even swimming like “crazy” to deal.
There are different flows. Different rhythms.
Sometimes we glide. Sometimes we struggle. Sometimes we cry with pain, loss or fear.
The belief that being spiritual or intuitive will save you or keep you away from these unwanted feelings is false.
While we CAN choose to how to react to certain people, events and situations we will undoubtedly feel loss, sadness, disappointment and sorrow at some point of this earthly existence.
The cool thing is that we ALSO get to experience joy, love, devotion, ecstasy, satisfaction, safety and peace.
Fall down.
to get your face muddy.
Hurt sometimes.
Be WILLING to experience ALL OF IT!
Above ALL
Be WILLING to LOVE like you have never LOVED before.
In order to HAVE and experience all YOU dream of experiencing
Your fears
And your VAST
Be WILLING to experience it all
Expanding your heart
Be WILLING my friends. Be WILLING.

The Daily Oracle: The World on Your Shoulders

The Hidden/Wounded Intuitive tends to carry the weight of the world on his or her shoulders.

Something good happens. Instant euphoria.

A job well done! Then perhaps after some goodness…the weight might settle in…

We begin to feel weighed down again.

So difficult for someone who FEELS they were born to FLY.

Almost impossible for those that dream of SOARING…yet, may not know how.

We take on leadership or nurturing responsibilities from a young age.

Either others sense some sort of resilience or strength or those around us are so inept that we MUST step up and handle adult situations.

We often feel judged. Left out. We fear being judged harshly by others.

We take it all on because somewhere inside we KNOW that we are meant to bring light and healing into the world.

We may not know the shape of the work or the path but we KNOW we are here to DO something, BE something, MAKE or BRING FORTH something.

The truth is that we judge ourselves harshly.

Until we can heal our own wounds and stories we will continue to be exhausted, caught in the back and forth and not feeling as good as we can.

Commit yourself to releasing all that is holding you back from your greatness. Commit yourself to your own WORK as preparation for all that will flow from you.

Commit yourself to stepping into the greatest clarity that you can imagine.

Start by taking a load off. Take that world off your shoulders.

Find the joy in today’s existence and KNOW that as a sensitive your FIRST job is to FEEL good.

~VCC 10/12/13

Q & A: Past Life Regression

“The soul comes from without into the human body, as into a temporary abode, and it goes out of it anew… it passes into other habitations, for the soul is immortal.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you’ve always felt you’ve been here on earth before, have an intense attraction to a particular time in history or would like to explore present-day phobias, relationships, talents and attractions…a past life regression maybe right for you.

Vanessa has studied at the Hypnosis Institute with Dr.Barry Seedman and been a certified clinical hypnotherapist since 1997. She will guide you through hypnosis to explore possible past lives and then guide you to your own deep wisdom.

By connecting to your own higher self and hearing advice from yourself, Vanessa believes that you will integrate the information and that it will increase your own confidence and ability to manifest more peace, joy and emotional freedom in your life. It is recommended to start with one session but several may be needed to answer questions, work through issues and explore various areas/themes.

What is a Past Life Regression?

A past life regression is a way to tap into the subconscious mind in order to retrieve memories of past lives. One of the most common ways this is done is with a hypnotherapist/hypnotist through use of hypnosis. It is believed current day phobias, fears, likes/dislikes, talents and relationships may have a past life foundation.

What is hypnosis? Simply put: a heightened state of awareness and a deep sense of relaxation. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

What happens during a session?

A typical session begins by interviewing the client and setting up guidelines and goals for the session. Then I guide the client into deep relaxation. Once the client is deeply relaxed, the subconscious memories are able to surface and the client is guided into a past incarnation. By bringing these memories into conscious awareness, we can release or diffuse the energy and emotional blockages that keep us stuck.

Typically, then I guide the client through the significant events of the lifetime, through the death experience, and then a “life review.” This is where the purpose of that lifetime, the lessons learned and forgiveness and understanding are examined from a higher, spiritual perspective. I focus on what is most important about that prior life in terms of what the client is experiencing in their present life.

What will I experience during a Past Life Regression?

The experience is usually different for each person. For some people, past-life recall is slow and careful. For others, information flows so fast that they find it hard to keep up with it. Many people expect that they are going to see their past life in great detail. This isn’t always the case, especially when experiencing a first regression.

Although some clients find they “see” things in their mind’s eye quite clearly, others may find the impressions somewhat vague, only portions coming in clearly. Others feel the experiences and hear information. I will give hypnotic suggestions that allow for more details to emerge even after the session is done.

What is reincarnation?

Reincarnation is the belief that souls are born time and time again, each time in a different body in order to learn valuable lessons for spiritual growth.
Do I need to believe in reincarnation for a past life regression to work?

No, time and time again people have explored past lives without believing in past lives. Several doctors have written books about past life regression and stated that while they can’t prove for sure there are past lives, they know that past life regression works for their clients.

Will I be trapped in a another time or be unable to wake up?

No, you are never trapped anywhere. You always have the power to come to full conscious attention while remembering all information gathered during your regression. Returning from a past life experience can feel the same as going to a movie, watching a video, or finishing a good book.

What is a Higher Self? Your Higher Self is the most perfect form of “you”. It is the divine spark. It is your deep soul self. It is always guiding you on your journey through life.

Benefits Of Recalling Past Lives

* Freedom to create more love, happiness and fulfillment in your day to day lives as you remember your true value as a unique individual.
* Freedom to experience better health and resolution of old issues, as you feel more confident, more relaxed and more at peace with yourself.

* Alleviate or release deep fears or phobias
* Shed light on current relationships and family connections.
* Can uncover and develop a past life talent
* Release negative karmic patterns
* Boost self-esteem and self-confidence
* Increase your appreciation and gratitude for your present life
* Explore your relationship with earlier periods of history
* Release karmic contracts created in other life times

To BOOK a session email:
“Before working with Vanessa, I was struggling with the confidence to out myself “out there” with my work and my writing. During my session with Vanessa I felt incredible safe, deeply supported, completely at peace; and, this allowed me to go as deep as I possibly could into my subconscious and my heart to poke around and see what might be holding me back. Through my past life exploration, I clearly saw what my obstacle was, and graciously made a commitment to change. Since my experience with her I have felt more present and courageous, more aligned and willing to do the work I need to do to move forward.

Vanessa is incredibly gentle, and yet, extraordinarily powerful. If you are looking for support making change, I seriously suggest exploring the option work with Vanessa. She has a gift, and is a beautiful gem… She’s a healer’s healer and a masterful guide.”~Jennifer Raciopi Bandes, Women’s Health+Success Coach

“I had a past life regression and enjoyed it tremendously. It shed light on a lot of concerns about my present life. You also get to hear advice from your higher self. Which is very on point. I walked away feeling really connected to myself as well. Vanessa was terrific! She spoke with me afterwards to help me make more connections to my life and the actions I take on a daily basis. She is so great to work with. I look forward to working with her in the future.”~N.R

This woman knows her stuff! I’ve known Vanessa for some time now and have had intuitive readings from her in the past. I’d always wanted to do a past life regression but never felt comfortable enough with a person to do it until I met Vanessa. From the very beginning she made me feel comfortable and empowered. She explained the entire process in detail before we dove into the regression. The past life regression was amazing! I was able to tap into multiple past lives and gain a new perspective on myself, my life, why I am the way I am and where I’m heading in this lifetime. If your ready for a past life regression Vanessa is the person to see. She knows what she’s doing, she’s with you every step of the way and the experience is priceless. I can’t wait for my next session. I’m sure there is more for me to discover about myself and Vanessa is the person to help me do it!

Amethyst, 2 Witches 1 Blog

The Daily Oracle: SOMEDAY IS TODAY

Sometimes it’s enough to just read cool, inspiring quotes, chat endlessly with friends or have synchronistic meetings with strangers.

We see, we feel that the UNiverse is supporting us. We say,” HEY! That’s cool!”

It’s like a time of gathering strength. A time to gather resources, allies and information about the LEAP we want to make.Some talk about the training they WILL DO.

The healers/leaders THEY WILL become.
The time when they will LIVE their life purpose.Others drown themselves in studies and trainings, feeling they don’t know enough.

We keep training. We keep getting more and more certifications.

Ohhh and we keep TALKING and we keep dreaming about SOMEDAY we are going to do this and SOMEDAY we are going to do that…Here’s the Memo: SOMEDAY IS TODAY

So if you’ve been wanting coaching, insight and training…GO NOW.

While it’s very important to get training, mentorship and field experience ( they are all definitely actions & manifestations!) there comes a point to STEP OUT!

If you’ve been studying like a crazy person get the support you need!


GET what YOU need to make your someday TODAY!

~VCC 10/10/13

The Daily Oracle: Playing with Perspective

So imagine that where you are standing or sitting right now…the view isn’t so cool.

Maybe you see the dirty sidewalk. Garbage and perhaps a rat or roaches…ugh!

Chances are you are looking down.

So raise your eyes. Notice the leaves bursting into autumnal song and color!

Notice the kids walking to school with bursting excitement and life force energy in bucketfuls!

Raise your eyes even higher. Notice the tops of trees.

Check out the majestic buildings. The effort it took to make these architectural beauties! The fact that these buildings holds hundreds of lives and hopes and dreams inside of them!

The life that teems through each stretch of branch, each transforming leaf. The weed that breaks through the concrete cracks, refusing to die.

Yeah…if you are always looking down, you will see the grime, the garbage and even the refuse. Look around.

Look down. Look up AND around.

Then look WITHIN.

How does everything you see around you and outside yourself INFORM your existence?

Are you doing and being better because you “know” better?

Don’t make excuses. Don’t say things suck so why try.

All of us make a difference. It’s a matter of perspective.

I don’t know about you…but we always CHOOSE the perspective that brings us MORE joy, MORE hope and definitely MORE expansion.

CHOOSE wisely. Perspective can limit us.

Make us think there are no options OR it can FREE us and have us SEE and EXPLORE possibilities never imagined before!

After all, isn’t Earth school an experiment? And what is an experiment if not a GRAND excuse for EXPLORATION and PLAY?

WOoooHooo! I like this game in Earth School! PLAYTIME!!!
~VCC 10/09/13