Author Archives: vancod

The Daily Oracle: Your ONLY job

You might not believe me.
You might think it’s impossible.
You might not see possibilities from where you sit right now.

In fact, I bet you think you have to rack your brains to figure all sorts of sh&t out!

Yeah, you think you have to come up with all this stuff by yourself…
• The award-winning book proposal
• The healing you need to love again
• The program that will put you on the map.
• The answers to all your clients issues.
• The solutions to all of your issues.

All this pressure and all this anxiety…coming down on your creativity and your soul. That kinda sucks if you ask us.

You keep forgetting the simple truth.
The truth that you may not believe or understand yet.

The truth, that your ONLY job is to GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY.

Yes. Let’s make that clear.

You already have everything that you need within.
Trust that.
Get out of your way.
Prepare to receive the instructions that will guide you…

To your greatest joy, your award-winning book proposal and your greatest successes!

Your ONLY job is to be OPEN so the UNIVERSE can pour her greatness into you!

The thing is, it’s not about you. Your greatness, your genius will flow THROUGH you if you just lay down your mind and fears and ALLOW.

Feels better doesn’t it?
Just do your job and let us do OURS.
We love you. We got you. For realz.
~VCC 10/8/13

The Daily Oracle: Service means OWNING your Super Power

It’s been one of the foundations of my life to “serve wherever I am.”

In fact, I believe it should be not only the healer/INTUITIVE and leader’s mantra…I think if everyone felt this way the world would definitely be an EVEN better place!
Could you imagine a world, where everyone just supported each other no matter how much money, fame, politics and limited time was involved? LOVE.
So the hidden/wounded INTUITIVE serves wherever they are. Trying to not feel “too special” about what they can see, feel or hear.
They stay in the Clark Kent persona and let others underestimate them (VERY BIG for most hidden INTUITIVES!)
Take that in…hidden/wounded INTUITIVES “LET” others underestimate them.
We’ve been taught that sticking out is not good. That being vocal about cool sh&t we can do is not that acceptable.
We’ve been taught that saying stuff that we just KNOW is true, is BAD.
We’ve been taught to hide.
We’ve been taught to shut our mouths.
So we have found other ways to survive…
* Be a great friend and confidante.
* Be everything to everybody (ehem but yourself!)
* Do a career that you are SO GOOD at…yet ache for the zone of genius that your Soul keeps calling you to!
* Accept friends, bosses and co-workers as they are (read insulting/selfish/nasty) because (God bless their little hearts) they don’t know better!
Now being compassionate is GOOD. Being kind is SUPER amazingly GOOD and not honoring your truth, eating your words and not drawing boundaries…really BAD karma for YOUR mind, body and soul!
The truth is when you are not LISTENING…sooner or later the Universe, when it has plans for you (and BOY does it have PLANS for you INTUITIVE!) will send you a SMACK down!
It ain’t pretty. Sitting among shattered glass after a car crash on that special day 12/12/12..i heard clearly, ” Never fear again!”
As I crawled out completely unharmed and supported by my Higher SElf and guides through the double rollover and upside down landing…I was told, “You are fine.”
I asked, ” Is this how it ends? Is this what it feels like to die?” “No,” they said, ” You will be fine.”
I was. I am. I am also ON FIRE about supporting YOU to not fear and be completely clear on why you are here and to fulfill your life purpose with joy and freedom.
Somewhere along the line, my dear INTUITIVE you adopted Jesus’ “turn the other cheek”, Mother Theresa’s desire to serve and the Buddha’s non-attachment paradigm…and STILL…
Oh amazingly, talented hidden INTUITIVE…you are NOT happy.
I know you. I know how this feels. Been there. Got the mug and t-shirt!
YOU cannot keep hiding. As the world is shifting and there is more attention to wellness and healing, it’s the moment you were BORN for! Many will start to wake up and acknowledge stuff, but YOU, you already knew.
Much like the squeaky wheel, all the people who are just realizing stuff will squeak loudly. Of course the point is not when we wake up, but that we DO wake up but for YOU, intuitive…it’s time to STEP INTO a leadership position.
It’s time for you to ROCK what the Universe gave YOU and teach others who are just getting the crust out of their eyes…
It’s time for you to use those amazing Superman and Wonder Woman talents to RE-CREATE yourself, your LIFE and make a LIVING that bring the GENIUS that you carry..OUT INTO THE WORLD.
I see you ducking behind that plant, getting another drink and hiding behind Mary Jo…STOP.
The world is WAITING.
In order for you to SERVE the BEST.
The eagle doesn’t hide his wingspan thinking it might scare the blue jay…
it just does it’s thing. FLIES HIGH.
YOU are meant to SOAR.
STOP doubting the size and power of your WINGS!
much love to you, V


The Daily Oracle: Stay Awake

Waking up to the deeper truth of your existence is a process.

It might be quick or be a long-time coming…
The fact is that just like bread and love,
staying PRESENT must be made NEW each day.
 Let’s renew our commitment to be AWAKE.
Stay awake and
Expand passed fears…
Always awakening into greater joy.
Always expanding into more LOVE.
Always coming back to center when life drags us to the past or our mind hijacks us into fears and stories that we are using to stay small.
Stay awake my friends!
~VCC 10/6/13


The Daily Oracle: Showing Up & Getting Dumped

When you’ve given your best.

When you’ve loved beyond the lines.
Worked overtime at work, family or life like a MO’FO.

When you have given faith, trust and loyalty
and people. situations don’t seem to respond in kind…
makes you think!

An intuitive I now shared how sad he was for a co-worker that got laid off today. He had a heavy heart for his friend.

Well…It can make you think ” people dont appreciate sh&t” or “the world is going to Sh&t there’s no jobs, no flow…”

“Wow its time for me to move on and I was staying here in safety! How cool the Universe arranged a forced exit…”

I’ve worked in film tv where you were laid off after movie projects…it was a way of life. So it’s all perspective.

In last 4 yrs I was laid off 3 times. The Universe was telling me to do my thing full time. I was scared to.

If you are witnessing or experiencing this…

I would give thanks for the big, unceremonious whallop of uncomfortable I just got served!

YOU are am intuitive, a healer and yes a leader.

You Are a Badass.
YOU know that the energy you sustain within affects those without.

I know YOU got that.
Choose to hold the energy of hope
Of exploration and possibility..

That is how i don’t die when…
Weddings are suspended!
Jobs ended before I was ready!
Illnesses practically shutting down my business.
When people I loved didn’t step up when I needed them most.
When a man I loved did the back & forth tango with me too many times.

Hmmm wow…
The Universe wants me to expand passed this “world crisis” sh&t
And see with eyes filled with light
And possibility…

YEAH…it Sucks
I won’t lie or sugarcoat this.
NOT cute or sweet!


The Universe and love are working.
EVEN when it looks like an ending.
Or a terrible thing.

Rock on Lighthouse!!!
Let’s connect and let me support you in SHINING bright!
~VCC 10/4/13

The Daily Oracle: Born KNOWING

Everyone is intuitive.

Everyone has the capacity to connect.
Everyone senses something, sometimes…YOU though
YOU feel, see, sense and know stuff
all the time!SO much so that you might
stay away from crowds
hide in a cubicle
drink, cigarette or meditation
in books
in videos
in television
in jobs and careers that don’t allow you the WINGS…

YOU were born with.
Yeah your birthright…

YOU my friend are one of those…
that know in their heart, in their body and deep within…
that they have a calling.

A calling that brings you to the edge of your comfort zone…

A calling that makes you face your shadows, even as reflected by others around you.

A calling that haunts you…restlessness, anxiety, sadness and making “the best of things.”

Lingers with you everyday as a deep dissatisfaction
with how things “are.”

In the world.
In the community.
In the office.
In your life.
In your <3

You want change and something inside you says YOU might know how to bring it forth…

You “see” so much for others.
You do so much for others.

Could you imagine if you worked that magick for yourself?

Could you imagine WHAT you could do if you could harness that ability that you have as you were born KNOWING?

Flow & clarity
Greater ease and a manifestation of ALL that you have kept hidden

YOU are almost
Almost there…
So close
So close

Cross over
Own that KNOWING
Rock your KNOWING

Because deep in your soul you KNOW that until you understand and LIVE from the place of BORN KNOWING
you just may not be living at all…

LIVE and embrace your KNOWING

~VCC 10/3/13

Why I am SO happy I ROCK my intuition: Tale of 20 Fibroids, a polyp & a peartree

Well not exactly a pear tree. I got to KEEP my pear tree.

Several years ago my intuition told me to “NO WAY do not say yes to taking a job this terrible job!” Yes, it was unoffically a job at Satan’s lair.

I was scared. My well-known psychic, best-friend, family all told me to take it. ALL of the people I trusted, told me to basically go against what I felt. ALL of them told me I was being negative…I knew that I am not. I didn’t listen to myself. When something’s bad. I know it’s bad!

The job market was floundering. I was scared. I gave my power away to the outside world.

I knew better. I didn’t do better.

In less than 9 months, my millimeter fibroid turned into several inches and several fibroids. I finally stepped up and quit. No job. No real back-up.

I got busy. Made things happen. I listened to my intuition. I learned to master it.

Trying to heal the fibroids I did all I could. Herbs, therapies, meditations, reiki, ancestor rituals,etc. They did not budge. I knew that it was part of my spiritual growth to get surgery.

Guides said,” It’s a shamanic initiation. You must hand yourself over in faith and KNOW that all will be well.”

I went thru 10 doctors. They all basically said,” Gotta remove the uterus.” My family begged. People cried. I was told I had to do it now…

THIS time, I was NOT handing my power to the outside world.

I knew better. I did better. I got the doctor that I KNEW would save my uterus. I found her. She did.

After surgery she said,” You are the first patient in 30 yrs that didn’t ask me about her uterus.”

I said, “I knew you were going to save it.”

Now the facts were that I was told I was 80% fibroid from hip to hip.

That they were pressing on my back, discs…that I had a 6.5 month pregnancy. That it was impossible that these five critters could be taken out without a hitch.

They were wrong. I had TWENTY tumors and a polyp.

And I am here. I am healthy. I have all my lady parts and I am doing what I love, how I love…


Because I learned to ROCK my intuition. I learned to OWN my own inner voice and ALLOW it to carry me through the toughest decisions I’ve ever made.

When I didn’t listen:

  • I had a feeling I wasn’t living my purpose.
  • I was helping everyone and not feeling fulfilled.
  • I had a job that didn’t make me glow & shine!
  • I made decisions based on fear rather than decisions based on intuition.
  • I second-guessed myself
  • I doubted
  • I was hurting and exhausted from being energetically drained
  • I gave too much…


A year ago yesterday I left the corporate world.
A year ago today I left behind indecision, tumors, patterns and BS around being what I am.


I listened. I kept my uterus. I kept my sanity. I left a job that drained me.

I made it against what seemed like impossible odds. Not perfect but centered in my deep knowing. Completely trusting.

I am rocking what I was BORN to do.

I am guiding wounded/hidden INTUITIVES to own their gifts and be healthy, happy and kickass successes! I am supporting the lightworkers/leaders to ROCK their light in a way that supports the and serves the world!

I know better. I do better. I love you and look forward to supporting you on the journey! Thanks for reading, sharing & being brave enough to get what you need and to take care of you.

~VCC 10/2/13

The Daily Oracle: Dear Hidden Intuitive

Dear Intuitive: When YOU are still in hiding…

I speak to YOU
The hidden intuitive
The one that was “born knowing.”

That spoke truths and perhaps was silenced as a child.Teen. Adult.

Disowning your “weird” learning to fit in.
Adopting continued silence turned inward in depression.
Turned outward in senseless rebellion and unexpressed anger.

I speak to YOU
The one who sees the undercurrents of your friends lives and tries and tries…

To help them on their way.
They may listen.
They may not act.

You, frustrated and upset at “those” that will not listen.

Like Cassandra, the Seer of Greek Troy…
you speak future visions and may not be believed…
even by YOUR very self.

Yet the TRUTH rises and you live to see what you FEEL, SEE. KNOW or SENSE come to reality.

YOU become the witness of your own greatness and remain quiet, inactive in service of YOUR true purpose.

I speak to YOU,
who has overlooked your gifts.

Used them to advance the causes of others.
Who cannot seem to use all your keen insight for your life..
Who may do half-steps and half-movemenents
and has been afraid to be ALL IN.

I was once the hidden, wounded Intuitive and then the Universe had enough of that…

The TRUTH was that I would never be fully


I stepped up to do what I was BORN to do.
Until come Hell or high water I was


Not for others…but for myself
And in so doing
Was able to SERVE the world in a greater way!

TODAY is a year that I walked away from the corporate world…
From “making the best of a situation” to “LIVING the best thru my intuition.”

The world is waiting for your wisdom, your “weird” your brilliance and tenderness.

YOU are waiting to feel the flow of the Universe carry you and allow you to SHINE like never before!

Sending you & knowing that you were BORN knowing…
Let’s walk together and UNLEASH your true Self.

~VCC 10/1/13

The Daily Oracle: Miracles Ahead

As modern life has evolved it seems we worry more about the things that “can” happen and what “could” be.

We worry SO much in fact, that disconnecting and putting ourselves to sleep can become a way of life so as not to feel the pain and anxiety.

Yes…there may be another earthquake, another hurricane. Another war. Another relative passing and maybe another illness…or lay off.

Even our prayers can be filled with fear:

“Oh please God don’t let this happen…”
“Oh Please God don’t let my stuff be taken away…”

Even when we step into greater abundance and even love…we worry it might ‘end.” SO we don’t enjoy that not having and then we can barely experience the experience of having/living because we are worrying about the losing.

So…what do we do?

How about give AS much or MORE fuel, idea, thought and passion to the belief that MIRACLES are evolving and occurring everyday?

Let’s for today:
Pretend. Play. Allow.
Be curious about the miracles that lie in everyday life!

The miracles of healing, forgiving, exploring, feeling and BEING.

The miracle that we are alive and have survived so much and continue to thrive!

The very miracle of being able to love through great pain and loss.

The miracle of HOPE.

Yes, my friend. Miracles are ahead. They are here. Take a breath and KNOW this.

If you read this and feel it in your heart…the miracle of recognition, validation and connection may have just shown itself!

Pay attention to miracles. You and I and all of us are living them and experiencing them everyday.

Ah, yes let’s get our MIRACLES ON!

~VCC 9/30/13

The Daily Oracle: Our TRUE Nature

“Precious” is a movie character, not a way of life…

What do we mean by this?

There is a tendency in the spiritual lifestyle to make so many feelings, ideas and life purposes as “precious” …as if they are apart from your daily life.

As if it needs to be separated from the daily muck of your mundane existence.

As if you need to be incensed,
detoxed on a mountaintop to be “spiritual” or “on purpose.”

The thing is…you are not in a cave.
You are most likely not a nun or monk in a monastery (you might be though… )

You are spiritual from conception and dare I say,
before of course! For all time, actually.

You HAVE a purpose whether you are aware of it or not.

We have fallen in love with ideas about how “spirituality” and “life purpose” should feel or look like.

Throw that away. Now.

Look in the mirror and breathe deeply. Say,” Hi beautiful/handsome.”

Your spiritual life and your purpose is already on it’s way. It’s unfolding as you breathe and sooner or later you will say, “Ahhh there you were all along!” Amen, to that!

Life IS precious but when we let our ego get all caught up, WE get all caught up with expectations that create separations rather than true connection.

You are precious. So am I. Now don’t fret if you’ve lost your crystal bag or don’t have your yoga mat.

All these accoutrements are fun & cool. It’s amazing to go to a sweatlodge and be in ceremony. I love these experiences!

It is life-changing to experience spiritual retreats…yet we are NOT less spiritual if we do not have access to these experiences. They also do not replace true awareness and intuitive action that expands our consciousness here on Earth school.

We already have everything we need.
Our minds, bodies, hearts and Soul. WE are the vessel AND that which fills it.

Remember We are the LOVE
And it is

~VCC 9/29/13

Blessings on this day of celebration to Archangel Michael

The Daily Oracle: Stay OPEN


Even if you’ve been so hurt you think you’ll never love again.

Even if you think no one will ever “get “ you.
Even if you feel the tightness and pulling in your heart when faced with an opportunity to love…

Earth school wasn’t just about getting here, being freakin fabulous, getting married to the perfect soulmate and having adorable kids…you may actually experience some or all of that at some moments…


You will lose people you love
You will run from opportunities due to fear
You will get mad at GOD
You will get your heart broken
You will break hearts
You will win
You will fail

You WILL get up again. You gotta.

That’s the thing. It’s this grand adventure so don’t get stuck on yesterday’s pain.

Don’t get stuck on what you “expect” from others and aren’t getting. Revel in the joy that every day is a new day to express, experience and exist!

Move through it.

Forgiveness serves YOU.
Letting go serves YOU and the PLANET.

Could you IMAGINE a planet, a Universe in fact,
of healing beings running, dancing around with OPEN hearts?

Wow. Now that’s an Earth School Graduation Party! That’s what I’m talking about.

Stay OPEN cuz you are invited to that party
Meet ya on the dance floor!
~VCC 9/28/13