Author Archives: vancod


It’s so interesting how we can confidently believe that love will always find us, and it does.

Or KNOW that no matter what we will always be wealthy…and we are. It’s so interesting that we believe that we can use energy to “manifest” some things and not other things. I know this has happened to me as well.

The fact is thought that we are at the heart of it, pure energy.
Every thought is energy. Every feeling is energy.

Whether we are talking money, jobs, love, babies or intimacy. Everything is belief. Everything is energy.

If we believe that we can manifest one thing easily let’s look deeper and see what belief we are holding about money, love or health that is limiting our experience of that at this moment.

If we can release, “ there are no good men left” or “ My mailing list is too small to bring in that kind of abundance!.” If we can release it as some convention that we chose due to fear and step into the limitlessness of our potential…well, the sky is the limit!

Everything, even love and money are all one thing. Energy. So let’s shake off our limitations in an area today and take an energetic bath in the pool of possibilities!

What will it be?

“Today I release my fears of being hurt and open my heart to deep love and understanding with an amazing partner.”

“ Today I acknowledge that money is energy and I understand that WHEREVER I am, I prosper.”

“Today as I own and accept my abilities and gifts, I step into my visibility as an artist/healer/poet/entrepreneur and am fully embraced by the world!”

Just remember when fear knocks at the door. You’re not home. You are too busy loving it up with the grand Universe and manifesting every thing that you need to create everything you came here to experience and offer! Ahhh it’s all connected….

Blessed be~VCC


The Daily Oracle: Evolve don’t revolve

We are creatures of habit. We get used to what we think and do and we continue doing it.

Even not finishing what we start, running away and starting new things all the time could be a habit or pattern that you keep repeating.

Our lives are actually based on beliefs that we have and keep repeating over and over ( even if subconsciously) until they are manifested in the outside world. The greatest gift you can give yourself and others is choosing ways to view yourself and life that allow you more hope and love.

“The Universe is conspiring towards my outrageous success.” Is so much better and an invitation towards more expansion than, ” This world sucks and I am just fighting to stay alive!”

Believe it or not, many of us feel the latter. You are reading this for a reason. What overriding belief are you carrying that has shaped your experience in life thus far?

Take a moment to breathe and ask, “ Is this habit truly serving me?” If it’s not…it might be a great time to pick up some new habits!

Everyone is intuitive but LISTENING and taking right action based on said intuition is a CHOICE. Yes, I was born highly intuitive but the reason this has become part of my life’s work is also because it’s a well-cultivated habit. Looking beneath the surface and sensing deeply are a way of life for me.

Close your eyes. How do you want to FEEL in your life? Free. Happy. Sensual. Joyful. Abundant. Whatever it is allow yourself to breathe it in (no matter what your circumstances look like now) and FEEL what you want.

What kinds of habits would support this amazing way of feeling?

Getting up early to write might mean an earlier bedtime. Feeling strong in your body might mean starting yoga, dance or weight training.

Finding the love of your life might mean fully loving yourself first AND knowing that you are lovable and not a weirdo. That yes you can and already do have a loving partner waiting for you somewhere as you read this!

Feeling freer might mean getting rid of stuff in your house you don’t need. Being happier might mean letting go of the habit of pessimism and allowing all to be a learning lesson as you start to view life as a curious adventure instead!

Instead of seeing some of these changes as a drag…realize that they are supportive BUILDING BLOCKS to the life and FEELINGS that you are wanting to experience.

When we do what we do unconsciously, we create more unconsciousness and stuckness. Being stuck can be like a revolving door and hopelessness can set in.

If you want to FEEL different things in your life than what you are feeling, look at your habits now. Pick those that bring expansion and release those that keep you in a fake safe space. You think you are safe but you are actually not taking risks or allowing yourself to grow.

Jump off that turning door! When we start to think and move in ways that allow us to expand and grow we are creating positive change and greater room for joy.
Yes we create a sense of evolving rather than revolving! Let’s EVOLVE!!!

~VCC 9/23/13

The Daily Oracle: TODAY: Just BE

When sh&t hits the fan, some duck their heads under the covers ummm… and kinda stay there.

Then there are those that activate all inner hands on deck TO GET MOVIN!!! And I mean, they DO IT ALL THE TIME.

Adrenal burnout anyone? Cortisol rising? Headaches. Body aches. You get the picture.

Taking action is great. Absolutely great but not to the demise of your inner flow.

There are times when something inside you says,” Wait. Wait. Just rest for a minute.” I invite you to LISTEN.

When we allow ourselves to BE without taking care of sh&t like a pro…we open up space for miracles to arise.

Of course sometimes, miracles move through your inspired actions but when something is internally suggesting that you relax for a moment do so.

Go within. Breathe deeply. Allow yourself to BE in your body.

Then ASK for assistance, peace and patience.

Do something good for yourself and allow some rest time. Release thoughts of laziness and stress. Invite yourself to take a load off.

This mini-break in the middle of a storm or a crazy week can and will restore you. If you allow yourself to BE, you open up to potentials, opportunities and insights you may never had experienced by scampering under the gun.

So go get that pedicure, haircut or kick back on your lawn or living room. Take a breath. Look around and give thanks for whatever IS.

It’s only in BEING can we have true SEEING.

Kicking back for some Me BE time with my pedicurist! Giving thanks and understanding that everything I need is already within me.

Knowing that as we step into being present, the gifts in situations/circumstances begin to show themselves to us!

Yeah, you created some space for awareness!

Whooaaa that is something I can truly be grateful for! ~VCC

Quick TIP: Looking at things from a bigger perspective

Speaking our truth is in the air right now. Conversations that revolve around speaking our heart even in the face of judgement or lack of kindness have been on the coaching radar lately.

When some stuff happens that feels unfair and not cool…Get yourself together and speak from your heart.

It may be painful, you may want to run to the woods/cave/Hawaii (insert place here) the thing is, wherever you go, you take you with you.

That means that ALL the stuff you want to hide from or shove in a drawer gets to go with you. You don’t get to outrun your stuff chasing ease down to the bottom of the vodka glass or passed the zillionth video game.

Dealing with stuff is not easy but it’s definitely character and chakra building. Staying quiet makes you feel smaller, constricted and reduces the energy flow you have to make great stuff happen in your life.

So whenever you want to hide the shit that’s bothering you, take time out to look at it, feel it and see it from various perspectives.

  • Get to a quiet spot. Heck the bathroom stall works too if thats all ya got.
  • Breathe deeply. Allow yourself to feel your body.
  • Many people think “consciousness” is about leaving the body. Why are we in it to begin with? To experience it all from that place?
  • Allow yourself to let your feelings rise up.
  • What is the belief at the core? No one understands me? No one loves me? I am not enough? I am to much?
  • Imagine now that you are parasailing.
  • From that perspective you can SEE so much. Whats going on beyond YOU? from the other person’s point of view?
  • If you were looking at the situation from a third party perspective, what would you say about this?
  • Remember to speak and talk to anyone from the best place you can muster.

Even if it sucks, show up the best you can. It’s in your mind, body & spirit’s best interest!

For the Wise Ones: on POWER & Humility

My close friends know this about me…as outgoing and boisterous as I can be, there is a deep reverence and devotion for the sacred that is fused with profound humility. In the past it was difficult for me to share what I do, the outcomes and my deep love AND skills…because the sharing of it felt like showing off.

The stating the obvious “I DO POWERFUL WORK” felt so weird. I always felt that what is powerful does not have to exclaim or proclaim itself…such as a mountain, a river or the winds. When our work is a force of nature, it will show…

I have been a seeker all my life, enjoying church, temple and nature…yet not an official member of any particular religion. I have been sitting in sisterhood circle for over 20 years, since my guides said,” Gather them.”

I started doing past life regressions before I trained at 19 and intuitive readings ( while blindfolded so I couldn’t read faces/clothes/mannerisms) at 16.

My understanding and lifelong experience has been to encounter wise and sage people who do not go shouting about ” I am POWERFUL! Look at me!”
I am talking about people that are not known online or don’t have published books but who have affected thousands upon thousands of people…

And yet, I have witnessed many guides and sages who walked this path of humility and then turn to bitch when someone who took a quickie course in hypnosis or decided to teach class in a sisterhood circle format ( and spoke about it as if they invented it.) I have witnessed really gifted leaders, healers and holders of space keep this vow of humility and remain hidden. I’ve witnessed them get bitter and sad.

No need for bitterness. A change of perspective is due. In the past these virtues served the Wise Ones and they no longer do.

Silence. Humility. Introspection gone too far keep you from serving in the big way that you are called to. In the true way you were BORN to serve.

I smile when I see copy after copy that claims “powerful work” now. Yes, their work is powerful. We are ALL capable of powerful work.

Words have power so let us use them. Let us use our words to put our purpose out into the world so it may gather the energies it needs to GROW!

I believe that the proof is in the experiencing. I also believe that we as Spiritual peeps and INTUITIVES need to step out and share our POWERFUL work.

This is a time where much financial abundance can come to true experts and wise people and it is up to us to share. In the sea of “powerful” work, and words and the latest trends…be open, be honest, share your truth, your SOUL…be brave.

Share and EMBRACE what is yours and has been yours…
the fact that you ARE POWERFUL WORK!

blessed be,
~vcc 12/9/13

Awakening the Priestess archetype


Women are collectively, individually and across the world waking up to their own spiritual power. They may come from all walks of life, from many spiritual and professional paths but they share the common desire to express their inner world, their soul’s purpose and most of all, to serve their communities.

Many modern women, if not all women called to be guides for healing, empowerment, leadership and personal development have a strong PRIESTESS archetype.

They are connecting to a force and power within and not to a power vested only through marriage, by culture, academia or traditional institutions.

Women are listening to their inner voice, to their inner desire more than ever before. Women today are courageously taking what has often been: the road less traveled. They are seeking answers within and with supportive sisterhoods.

What is a priestess, many ask?

Webster’s definition: a priestess is a woman who officiates in sacred rites. A priestess officiates sacred rites and serves the spiritual needs of the community.

Priestesses may have existed from the beginning of time. The priestesses in ancient communities around the world carefully observed the rhythms and patterns of Nature.

Attuned to earth’s cycles, they honored the Great Mother by performing sacred rituals for each season.

Women, seen as an embodiment of the Great Mother, were deeply revered, honored and celebrated. Like the earth and nature, a woman was able to create life within her.

Later in history, Roman, Greek, and Egyptian priestesses lived, trained and served together in holy temples. They served the Great Mother, the Goddess in Her many forms. They served the spiritual needs of the community as well and were also held in highly regarded and respected.

As the sword triumphed over the chalice (symbol of the womb), warring tribes began to conquer lands and their peoples. They also conquered their connection to nature and destroyed their religious/spiritual beliefs.

The invaders began to fear the power of priestesses. Religions rose that forbade women the power to guide sacred rites.

The natural spiritual and mystical practices of priestesses were recast as evil. Their power, deeply misunderstood, was thought to be a dark, poisonous force that needed to be eradicated. The fear of the unknown, the dark and of sexuality,  included a domination of women’s expression of wisdom, sensuality, spirit and intuition.

Thousands of priestesses were persecuted, tortured and murdered for their beliefs and spiritual practices. Those managing to escape death fled their holy temples, went into hiding or joined the religion of their culture.

The priestess has never gone away. She lives brightly in our inner landscape.

An archetype is a pattern or prototype in psychology. In Jungian psychology, archetypes refer to a collectively inherited unconscious concept, pattern of thought, image, etc., universally present in individual psyches.

The Priestess archetype is perhaps the least known and most misunderstood, especially in the present patriarchal culture, which has rejected women‘s spirituality and individual spiritual expression throughout history.

The Priestess archetype is the inner domain of intuitive awareness and deep insight. It is the portal to  secret or “occult” (that which is hidden) knowledge of the invisible realms.

The Priestess has a magical connection to the unknown and a guide of souls.  A trans-connector, she facilitates between the material and the spiritual. She is the mediator of the psyche.

The Priestess invokes, transmutes and guides energies between unconscious and conscious awareness which can impact our material and spiritual existence.

Toni Wolff, Carl Jung’s patient, student and colleague (one of the most respected Jungian analysts of her time) refers to this aspect as the Medial Woman.

The medial woman is naturally in tune with her environment and with her intuitive abilities. This is an aspect that has been mostly ignored as the Mother, Hetaira (companion & lover) and Amazon have been idealized in our culture.

If you have often felt like you stand between the inner and outer worlds of the conscious and unconscious…perhaps you are an unaware Priestess.

What this means is that you’ve always been called to see beyond what the eye can see. You’ve intuitively known things before they have occurred.

  • Often you have healed and supported men/women energetically through your love and sensual/sexual healing.
  • You’ve been someone others look to for guidance and you’ve weathered intense tests of faith, health and love.
  • You may have been rejected as “too much” or overlooked as “not enough.” Your light has been often sought after and at other times been smothered and shut down due to fear, jealousy and negativity. This energy pattern that resides within you is calling for healing at this time.

For hundreds of years, the PRIESTESS has been in the shadows.


She has been desired for her secret knowledge and chastised for the unknown. The secrets of the void of creation have often invoked terror in cultures around the world.

She has guided and inspired Kings, artists, craftsmen, warriors and noble men.



Many women I know who carry this archetype have woken up to the deep call of bringing forth Soul Work.

They are often burdened with fears of being seen, being outspoken, going public, of being vulnerable in love, having children, of creating poetry, works of art, of loving whoever they want freely.

Perhaps they have struggled with achieving a deep, long lasting connection in relationship. Struggled with financial success and even sabotaged themselves from at giving attention to their artistic talents. At other times, she has hidden her true vocation and desires under the responsibilities of marriage, children, career or addictions.

This transformative pattern of great power has lain dormant and has woken up. Women are rising and expanding.

When a woman is not aware that this archetype is strongly living within her, she keeps thinking she can push, muscle or “think” her way out of it.

You may have aligned with the traditional beliefs in “martyrdom, sacrifice and self-denial.” You may have been taught to be everything to everyone…but yourself. You may have allowed the waters to overflow and have undefined boundaries and lack of self-love.

Both extremes do not allow you full access to who you are and what you bring to the world.

It is only by growing in awareness and incarnating that beautiful energy into a world that you can step into WHO YOU ARE.

This world needs this aspect as it needs its own air, water, fire and earth…for this aspect INCARNATES the SPIRIT into the world.

This incarnates and invites SOPHIA, sacred wisdom into the mundane world.

A woman who owns her connection to the sacred AND the mundane is an EMBODIMENT of the Divine Feminine.

Women own your inner WISDOM.

Call on your elements of power and RISE.

As we do so we engage the STRENGTH, LOVE and SUPPORT of our brothers who are evolving and reclaiming their essence as MAGICIAN, PRIEST, WARRIOR, POET, MYSTIC and LOVER.

As we OWN our power freely we can experience our genius in the world and our truest faith and love are manifest.

I believe the promise was made long ago. I have felt the echoes of it’s manifestation in my soul and in the everyday world I live and breathe in.

I believe that it is our time to learn to become love-based rather than fear-based. It is time to be mermaids, go deep and return with the treasures that ONLY your Soul can offer you.

Be BRAVE. Listen to the CALL. Your Soul is waiting…

RISE Priestess. The world is in need of healing and you are the midwives of transformation and sacred community.

Blessed be! Ache! Aho! Amen!

Intuition: What’s power got to do with it?

images-3 copyEVERYTHING.
 Yes, you read that right.

Power is actually at the heart of being able to access your intuitive abilities.

What is it? How do we get it? What does it even mean?

Power a (1) : ability to act or produce an effect (2) : ability to get extra-base hits (3) : capacity for being acted upon or undergoing an effect b: legal or official authority, capacity or right 2a: possession of control, authority or influence over others b : one having such power; specifically : a sovereign state

Power means having influence, having authority and the ability to have that authority or the ability to act.

No wonder people sell their firstborn for it or their Souls!

As we have witnessed in history, for some having the power to influence the masses and their riches is worth going to war for…

Human being 101 seems to be: the minute we are born…we are taught to give our power away.

Most of us can agree that we are made of energy. That energy cannot be destroyed or created.

So it follows that a definition of power can be the innate energy that we are born with to live our lives, enjoy our lives and live out our soul purpose.

We give our power (energy) away in many ways everyday:

  • “Well, she’s making more money in her business that I am…something’s wrong with me”
  • “My relationship is ending…everyone I know is married. I must truly SUCK.”
  • “My parents are right. I can never close the deal.”
  • “My partner/boss/job/parents/upbringing/society don’t let me be who I really AM!”
  • “I’m fat/ugly/old/too skinny/dumb/stupid.”

In every statement…we have handed our ability to act or our energy to break through to what we want.

In essence our beliefs, our words and our actions start reflecting a structure a process where we automatically start to give our power away.

We are born with this amazing ability to be sovereign onto ourselves, to decide, to create…yes, to MANIFEST.

This beautiful creative energy is then layered upon with stories/beliefs/patterns passed down by family, culture, society, religion and government. You name it and you’ve encountered it. Yes, programming.

It’s not done maliciously. It’s done so you will survive.

Keep your head down so they won’t shoot it off. Dress and speak the same so you won’t be singled out. Be part of the pack to survive. Laws that the reptilian part of the brain we still carry, wants us to uphold so we will survive.

The thing is…we don’t need that anymore! Thank the Universe for that! Mostly in this world ( sadly not all parts) we have more freedom than ever before yet we continue to drag all those layers around us AS IF they are real, unbreakable, carved in the stone of our being. Our being is not stone.

The beliefs/stories/laws of the tribe can shape the lens from where we look from but not the true essence of what we are.

When we give our power away we often suffer:

  • Bad health
  • depression, anxiety
  • stress
  • lack of self-confidence
  • lack of accountability
  • unhappiness and discontent
  • lack of gratitude and an overall YUCK and UGH energy
  • inability to commit
  • not-so-hot relationships
  • lack of direction at work

It’s all about getting back to that essence. That energy. Yes, that power.

My story revolved around even defining the word POWER.

It was a very bad word for me. It told stories of enslavement, imperialism, patriarchy, racism, oppression and victimhood.

I found myself experiencing “power over” and feeling like a victim. In my mind though I was a “good person.”

Those were my stories, the layers I carried and the internal conflict I felt.

I knew I was capable of so much, so strong yet I could not claim my own energy to be the authority for myself.

I still left home when my intuition told me it was time.

I still followed much of my intuition but in crucial moments of my life, I handed myself over to fears, the “how things are” and the belief that the reality around me was truth with a capital “T”. I knew that I knew better but I had no words for it, no frame of reference.

I stayed away from even acknowledging my power lest my ego get carried away with my spirit! The truth was, I was frightened of it…so I gave it away.

The giving away of it made me not acknowledge my strong healing and intuitive abilities. The giving away of it made me suffer. The giving away of it made me a bit of a martyr.

Do we smell some stories about defining a good spiritual person by their martyrdom? Yes, another story we are possibly born into through our religion or spiritual beliefs.

When we give away our energy, we start to have less energy  (power) to manifest what we want. In fact, we give power to fears so we tend to manifest what we actually don’t want.

It’s in the breaking free from these limiting beliefs and fears that we reclaim what is ours.

We get comfortable because its easier to blame others or society than to change our beliefs and clear our lens.

Honoring our intuitive and healing abilities is about accepting our inner power. It’s about knowing that the authority lives inside YOU. It’s about aligning ourselves with what spiritual activist Starhawk teaches is “Power from within instead of power over.” Oh I like that. Feel that out.

“Power from within instead of power over.”

Most of us need to be pressed to the wall and smacked around a bit in everyday life to ask,” What the hell is going on? I can’t go on like this!”

I know that I was brought to my knees when I didn’t listen about not taking a job and instead gave away my power to the fear that “there are no jobs out there. I need to take this one!” though my internal system was saying, ”Hell no! This is not for you!”

By standing and finally (!) accepting my internal gps, I claimed my power back. I make decisions and stand by them not just from facts, from my own guidance system. It’s my calling and I have claimed it.

So I ask you…”Do you have the courage to exist in a reality that others may not validate? Are you ready to connect with and live from your own internal guidance system, your true north?”

What happens when we start to accept our power from within?

  • Clarity around our purpose and our work
  • Not settling! Better relationships of all kinds
  • Better health. Using our energy y to heal rather than be drained from giving it away.
  • Self-confidence & increased self-worth
  • Committing to the things and people that evolve and inspire you
  • More fun. More love. More joy.
  • Deep sense of gratitude

Almost forgot. There is another definition for power.

Power: plural : an order of angels — see celestial hierarchy

I like that one the best. Let’s claim our celestial hierarchy and remember we have a divine spark inside of us!

If that wasn’t enough…we also have POWER, yeah an ORDER of Angels willing to help! Love it!

Work your power people and use that innate gift you were born with!

Intuitively yours,


Faith over Fear: Spiritual Freedom of Neptune in Pisces

dea233baf50699cf23b97bcb5d071247It is undeniable. We are experiencing the breakdown of the old. We are ushering a way of life that once risen from the ashes, will imbue us with more freedom than ever. We have stepped into the era of Neptune in Pisces. Breaking through illusions. Our evolution depends on our having FAITH over FEAR.

Neptune moved into Pisces in 2012. Neptune is the natural ruler of Pisces and while it can herald confusion and escapism, it more strongly shifts our spiritual movements to the fore. We have added energy and passion to continue our service to transformation and many of us are awakening like never before.

Some things can no longer be silenced. That’s why I speak. That’s why I post. I speak, teach, write and gather people because I can.

Throughout history many different groups have been silenced. Women, gay, elderly, children, racial segregation, religious oppression. Too many to count. Now we can speak.

What are we saying? Are we speaking from our Soul’s purpose?

I share and guide people back to their inner gifts. Back to their divine lineage and to the birthright that is their 6th sense, their internal GPS. We NEED it more than ever. I help you break through fears, quickly with spiritual technologies.

Ritual, mystical arts, healing modalities and practical goal-setting creates powerful change. Empowerment is my thing and its done across financial classes, races and countries. It’s time for us to shift at a quicker pace, embrace our missions and stop playing small. We cannot count on the “truths” our tribe, our well-meaning family taught us. We must each step up and embrace who we are and make our own humble, love-filled offering to this light-filled planet.

We don’t need long process or 20 years of therapy to change anymore. We are standing on the shoulders of our ancestors. We are the future. Now. We are the living, breathing hope of generations and we are LIVING the connection, the freedom…and in places where our brothers and sisters are still not free, we must step up however we can to support greater peace, unity and connection.

Change has been brewing up from the basements of our collective subconscious. It has broken forth from our astrological 12th house (House of the Soul) and it is sweeping us in with Neptune in Pisces energies until 2025.

We are asking the question and re-defining: what does it mean to be HUMAN? We are awakening to the deep need to define mind, body, and spirit, and question the ideology that the body and mind are separate mechanisms. We are remembering that we are more than what we seem and what the world around us would have us believe. Many of us will remember our divine heritage and awaken to the ancient belief of the soul.

Issues of social entrepreneurship and evolving past social injustice will take center stage. We will re-create alternative ritual and ceremony for ourselves as sacred community, combining all our paths and choosing eclectic expression over dogma. The need for ritual and ceremony seems to go very deep in the human spirit. Rituals may even be commonplace but they are imbued with an almost magical energy that uplifts and creates a transformative experience. Neptune in Pisces is doing its work on us!

We have and are experiencing a genuine hunger for a sense of mystery and meaning which has yet to be filled – we are longing for collective experiences of beauty, something to inspire us into SPIRIT and EXPANSION, a connection that lift us up and away from our everyday concerns. Neptune rules film, art, music and photography. We will use these mediums to express our longing, our yearning and our Soul’s desire for true union. Creations will draw people in, in a whole unique way to expressing and creating culture in a sustainable way for ourselves and the earth.

Creating more clarity, truth, love, creativity and community. It’s time to get your paint set, your cloths and bright hopes. Its time to bring everything you’ve got and everything you’ve ever BELIEVED in and make it manifest. It’s time for the alchemy that the ancients have dreamed of and our mystics have hinted at.

It’s time to create as much Heaven on Earth as our fear-based reality can hold so we can break through and step into a new era. Everyone wants to feast? What are you bringing to the table during these transformative times? We want and need YOU. Be ALL IN.

in sacred community+passionate transformation, V

Are you ready to become an Urban Priestess?

9af4149da452e7e332a77253ba69e013As leaders, healers and intuitives, we often feel different and that we have to go at it alone…but the most powerful growth happens when we are in a sisterhood that encourages us to embrace our own intuitive power. Where we can finally own our gifts and release fear about bringing them forth into the world.


Are you ready to become an Urban Priestess?

Are you ready to?

• Be in the world but not of it. Rock your manolos AND your intuition.
• Learn and employ powerful yet forgotten ancient practices in modern ways.
• Heal the belief that sensuality and sexuality are at odds with the spiritual life.
• Get to know the different archetypes within you, so you can embody them to attain what you desire
• Answer the deep call to serve the world
• Step into your leadership as a true creative visionary
• See beyond the world that meets the eye
• Feel a connection to the Universe

What would it be like if at every moment you had a voice guiding you telling you exactly what you need to do to live your powerful purpose?
If this peeks your interest and you want to know more, read on…

This is for you if…

If you’ve been a spiritual seeker of all trades who wants to now develop laser focus and step into mastery of her gifts.
If you are an intuitive healer or entrepreneur and have been questioning how to make this a successful vocation in today’s world.
If you’ve had to be a warrior to attain your professional success but ache for something more…

If you’ve run from your powerful intuitive self because frankly, shining your light scares you.

This 9 month mastery journey is about delving deeply into your powerful intuition, unleashing your healing abilities, breaking free from anything that limits you from being the powerful healer that you are so that you can finally embrace the success that comes from an intuitively led life!

You’re here on this page for a reason. You can feel that the world is in an immense state of transition and you feel called to help.

a modern day mystery school

I’ve always dreamed of a modern day mystery school that would honor my inquisitive mind, my feminine body and my healing Spirit…in this mystery school one would learn ancient techniques for modern day application and success.

the dream is here

I believe that as women, we have a deep well of intuition that most of us do not access on a daily basis. I understand because intuition has been seen as hocus-pocus and mislabeled as dangerous. This can leave us afraid to tap into the most powerful intuitive guidance that we possess. It can prevent us from getting the answers to questions that come up as part of life. However, I believe that if we step into a sacred community a devoted sistehood that will support us we will be able to release our fears and step into the world in a bigger way.

Some of what’s included:

  • Private Mastery Intensive: This private session that includes a powerful intuitive session will connect you to your Soul Purpose and help guide you on your journey!
  • Release/Forgiveness Hypnosis session: to clear way!
  • Past Life Regression Hypnosis Session: Tap into Past life gifts & release any fears
  • Intuition Immersion Course
  • Private Soul Coaching Calls 
  • Monthly group calls with Mentors & Wise Women with over 25 teachers!
  • Three Transformative Retreats:  Sweatlodge, Guides & Wise Women teaching live, bellydance and exploration with ceremony & ritual.
  • The Call to Mastery April 26-28, NYC
  • Deepening in the Temple, June 6-9, PA/NY( camp located at the footfalls of the majestic Pocono Mountains)
  • Returning & Initiation, Sept 20, 21 & 22, MiamiThis program is for a small group of women who
    the call and want to have fierce sisterhood while they
    gather the courage and know-how to own their intuition
    and manifest their Soul’s work!

With my intuitive abilities to reflect your creative power right back to you.

A fierce sistehood behind you and the wisdom of guest teachers from some of the most powerful practices of the earth..think of how you would be in your relationships, career, love life, financially. With your intuition there is nothing you cannot achieve!

Connect with the Urban Priestess Mastery program and book a session to chat with Vanessa



“Vanessa has an exceptional gift.  I recently had the opportunity to do an intuitive session with her.  I found her to be gentle yet no nonsense.  She was able to connect with themes that are currently looming large in my life, and provide much needed insight and inspiration.  Her ability to articulate hidden depths and make the implicit explicit is truly moving.  If you have questions, are seeking guidance, or just want to connect with a force bigger than yourself, you absolutely MUST speak to this modern day wise woman.  Absolutely amazing.”- Liz Alton, Indie Blue Media

“Vanessa is a force of nature.  She is incredibly intuitive, but what is most compelling about her work is that she teaches us to connect more deeply with our own intuition.  Like teaching a man to fish, she allows us to become our own healer and guide.”- Nisha Moodley, Fierce, Fabulous and Free

What is an Urban Priestess?

“A woman in harmony with her spirit 
is like a river flowing.
 She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination
 prepared to be herself 
and only herself ”~ Maya Angelou

When I first read Maya Angelou’s quote above, my body and soul let out a deep sigh…

I was in my early twenties and I was seeking to just be my most brilliant self, a spark of the Divine as expressed in my female body. I wanted to use my talents to serve others and was unsure where to begin. This quote didn’t tell me how, but it sure exemplified how it might be to show up and shine, “ahhh to be in harmony with my spirit.”

At 19, I wrote a letter to the Universe and asked that I be a channel for inspiration, creativity, love and healing. I soon discovered…

Once you raise your hand in God’s classroom,
You’re IN!

Volunteering or rather acknowledging my calling threw me into what I call “the trenches.” Learning about being spiritual by facing fears and growing into adulthood with a purpose I actually had no idea how to attain. My intense training began.

I moved to Manhattan from Queens, by day I worked in film and by night; I read, did research practiced various healing and mystical arts. I also started giving intuitive readings at corporate events and private parties.

I never wanted to say that I haven’t tried what my heart pulled me to…so I explored acting, directing, writing, belly dancing. I learned that everything I have ever done has served me in this path and that no experience or relationship was a waste of time. Each and every experience and training influences my practice and my work today!

I wanted to be myself, accept myself and just flow with the tides without controlling or worrying about where I was going and how was I going to get there. I wanted to release the fears of being “too much” or conversely, “not enough.”

This search for healing, understanding and awareness has led me to ask profound questions and living into the answers. While our inquisitive minds can analyze and explain into early morning hours with kindred spirits there is a huge part of existence that is unexplainable…the Mystery.

The Mystery is all encompassing and sustains us. We must deal with it with utter faith, deep trust, compassionate love and unconditional surrender.

Surrender to me means that as a soul having human experiences we strive to do the best we can. Aware that we are in a learning process and that “it’s okay to learn as I go.” We also do all we can and then LET GO.

Yes, we must pour our love into our work,
fill our relationships with sacred presence and then release…

We do not know all outcomes even if highly intuitive.
We are taken to the path and we are supported.

In the end, as much of a go-getting, organized type A you can be…there is much you cannot control. If we can acknowledge that there is a greater plan at work. A master plan, if you will…our lives start to flow more and we start to experience greater harmony.

In my intuitive session work that’s my strongest skill. I don’t google my clients or want to hear their questions until I get an initial reading and share with them what I am picking up.

Imagine every time you had to show up to a large part of your work…that you had no spreadsheets, research, outlines, background on your case and you were not armed with the fool-proof coaching questions that let you see clearly into a client?

No, I just say hello, a prayer and start sharing what I see, hear, feel and know.

That’s how surrender has evolved in my life.

I can’t be afraid of the outcome, or that it may not show up.

I’m there as the vessel and Spirit has my back. Period.

That ability that I have in the intuitive part of my work is one that I am cultivating in other areas of my life. Scary and its been worth it! The more I surrender, the calmer and more open and peaceful I feel even if the outcome is not what I wanted.

Understanding that everything happens for a reason and there may be something better for me along the way helps me deal with disappointments that happen in everyday life.

It is part of our growth and education to learn to deal with our own unique trials and very real physical challenges. It is up to us to keep connecting to our inner life when the outer world is pushing its way in. It’s up to us to be open to finding our people, our friends, allies and sacred community.

As Caroline Myss, medical intuitive and NY Times best-seller author has said, “For the first time in history, we are mystics without monasteries.”

It is very clear to me that these days we are being called into a deeper experience of God in many ways. The definition of a mystic is—someone who wants to engage in direct conversation with God.

The Urban Priestess reworks the outmoded image of a mystic.

An urban priestess is a mystic in high heels, mani-pedi’s and clothes that represent her on many levels. Of course, only if she wants to rock the heels if not flip flops have become typical of the modern day wise woman, urban shaman and urban priestess.

That’s what my life has been as an urban priestess…I maintain a conversation with God as I live, survive and thrive in this modern world full of both high tech and basic demands.

Without a temple, convent or monastery…I’ve learned to have spiritual practices that support my mind, body and spirit through the most trying of times. I’ve learned to give gratitude thru art, singing, dancing and giving to others. I’ve learned to pour my love and Soul into everything I do.

I realized that I had intense intuition as a child and teen and cultivated it secretly for a long time. Then I felt a calling to gather women and have done that since 1999. Men started joining us in 2010.

When Spirit says, “Gather them. Speak. Heal. Tell them…” I do it to the best of my ability. It can be challenging to fight the internal pull I always have to run into a temple and wait for people to knock when they need my services.

As a modern day priestess I serve wherever I am and I have to communicate the work in order to serve well. I know I must share my experiences and reach out to those that may be going through similar situations or experiences. I know I have to share my deep inner world in order to gain entrance into yours…smile.

I am constantly learning and growing. Cultivating beginner’s mind and accessing ancient wisdom that can be applied in a practical way to everyday issues.

People have asked me, “What is an Urban Priestess?”

I believe that she is like you and me. We are spiritual seekers, dreamers and lovers. We may also follow technical trends and hit fashion shows whenever possible…or perpetually live dressed in NYC black or t-shirt and jeans.

It doesn’t matter if she has always been in touch with her divine sacredness or if she’s had a recent breakthrough…the fact is…she is AWAKE.

Now, I didn’t say perfect. Or enlightened beyond everyday existence. She is awake and awakening more deeply each day.

She understands that life is a journey and that we all have our own way. She knows that healing and releasing “stories” and worn-out beliefs is imperative so that she may feel free and live the life she was born to live.

The Urban priestess has broken free or is in the process of releasing the old spiritual cannons (sometimes subconscious) of celibacy, poverty, martyrdom and sacrifice. I’ve had quite struggle in my own life leaving behind those unconscious beliefs about sacrifice and service.

An Urban Priestess KNOWS that the more she THRIVES…the more she can create, dance, write, mother and love the WORLD.

One thing is clear to me about urban priestesses…we do it OUR WAY. Respectful of the old ways and well-read in world religions we gather knowledge and apply it to our everyday lives.

We honor our wisdom, we honor our bodies that speak to us in a myriad of ways…

Some rock Buddhist beads and divinate with African shells others carry their trusty Goddess Card apps on their mini-ipad or iPhone. Yeah we pick a card, “What do I need to know right now?” on the train, the plane or the automobile.

We know that there are no coincidences.

The definitive thing about an Urban Priestess though is…

She embodies the Divine Feminine in all her guises and beauty.

She knows her worth and value.

Knows in her bones that sensuality and spirituality are not in opposition of Spirit, rather in sacred service of the Divine.

She is connected to nature and is very in touch with her “animal” the primal needs and desires that seek expression through her body. In doing so she acknowledges her body’s deep wisdom and heals the centuries old rift between the flesh and the Spirit.

This is a rift caused by human beings afraid of the unknown. Afraid of their passions and Soul. In an effort to control and manipulate nature we have been split from our bodies and Gaia (the Earth) has suffered pollution and damage we still cannot fathom.

An Urban Priestess understands that she stands on the shoulders of the women that came before her and the women that can before Her…we are linked thru blood, spirit and subconscious patterns and stories to all the Mothers. We are here to heal the “sister divide” and to release our mothers, grandmothers and ancestors by living more FULLY and FREER than they ever had the chance to be.

We honor our Ancestors, Ashe!

She tends to her Spirit, respects her body and keeps her mind open and clear
Shes walked the earth long enough to know and DO better ( doesn’t matter if she is 18 or 88…)

The Urban priestess seeks to liberate herself from the patterns of the past to live fully in the present. Her deepest desire is to integrate her spiritual longing to evolve her passionate desire to change the world. Her daily mantra is to align her mind, body and spirit with her deepest spiritual calling.

  • Embrace yourself fully
  • Release what doesn’t serve you
  • Find true passion & purpose in your work
  • Create from an aware and intuitive place

An Urban priestess is having a love affair with the Universe, herself and life!

If you would like to find out more about being an Urban Priestess please contact Vanessa

So it is, so shall it be

Blessed be, Ashe, Aho & Amen!


Intuitive Soul Coach & Urban Priestess