I meet so many people everyday who are sharing how they feel called to help others. It brings me great joy that so many people are beginning to awaken and realize that we are here to uplevel the energy and existence on this planet. Light-workers are uniting!
The joy of feeling the call is a first conscious step in a very long journey that we never stop exploring and expanding into. It draws people to yoga, intuition, readings, astrology, nutrition, coaching and healing.
The thing that never ceases to amaze me though that the CALL seems to always include a book, speaking in front of thousands of people and traveling the world!
That doesn’t mean that it isn’t true as we need all of us doing what we can. It just goes from “OMG I feel a call!!!” to ” I see a vision of me speaking in front of thousands of people!” If I had a dollar, every time I hear this…
I wrote a letter to the Universe at 19, over 20 years ago and asked to be of service. I asked to be a vessel of transformation, healing and inspiration. I proceeded to go to NYU Tisch after attending Marist and thought I would serve through film.
That year, my guides ( through automatic writing) said,” It’s great you are in film school but you won’t work in film long. You will be a healer, intuitive, teacher & writer.”
Then at 22, a psychic who worked from home at my job got me on the phone and told me to leave film school and get psychic and healing training. She said I would be known for that and work internationally.
My reaction, though I knew from a young age I “knew” stuff was “HELL NO I’m not doing that! People will assume I am weird and nuts!” Yet, i was perplexed and wondered what the Universe would ask of me.
Years passed. I worked in film/tv/events management & media AND I never stopped learning and exploring healing, creativity and my intuitive abilities. Gathered people in empowerment circles starting 1999 till 2013. Taught at Where Womyn Gather, Daughters of the Earth, Hunter College, REVEAL Conference and anywhere I could.
In the last 4 years is really where it all came to a head and I’ve only been an online business for a year and a half!
The point is that many Lightworkers have been sold a bill of New Age goods. The it’s all supposed to happen OVERNIGHT! You think you’re going to do a workshop or 7 and be ready to rule the world. And you just MIGHT! Maybe for some, that is their reality. For most on Earth School, not usually. There’s a reason for it. The apprentice phase is important to TRUE MASTERY!
But the majority of good-hearted peeps I see quitting jobs, fighting with themselves, convincing themselves they deserve MORE…aren’t actually doing the INNER WORK. One fire circle doesn’t a training make. YES you deserve more! and be prepared for however it unfolds! Which usually includes an internship in LIFE.
So they quit the job, cry and freak out. Parents, husbands and family might step in and pay for never-ending retreats, gorgeous websites,etc. and then no clients and no REAL desire to serve.
Endless selfies and retreats and events later, many don’t feel any clearer. Their offerings are a mishmash of what they have studied that year and many are still reading off templates 6 years into their businesses. This is not about shaming. It’s also not everyone. Tons of people have quit their jobs and all things have fallen into alignment! The fact is that they already had a passion going and a sep interest and calling in their fields. IF you have gone through this and feel lost…This is a loving reality check.
Please breathe this IN…
YES things take time but I know from working with tons of successful creatives and entrepreneurs…that when you are ready, the doors open!
SO IF you REALLY want to SERVE…
Because if all your intentions pan out and you get to speak to thousands…
People have said:
” I need to have some clients so I can just get some testimonials so I can look good.”-concerned about what it looked like to the world.
” I have a great idea for a book so I will do a few sessions and then write a book based on these sessions.”-no experience and still hates 1:1 sessions.
“I am meant to speak in from of like umm thousands, like NOW!!!” I asked,” What would you like to share? ” Ummm…I don’t know.”-Me, perplexed look.
“I can’t afford your intuition program, Vanessa but I will take a cheaper one and that can give me the content because like I know so much about receiving and intuition. I just need the details.”- UM YEAH, I”m glad she couldn’t afford my program!
So it felt like NONE of these people really wanted to SERVE. And that’s what it’s about really being in SERVICE.
I served wherever I was, so when it came time to do it on a bigger scale…I always rise to the occasion. The amazing healers, intuitives and coaches I look up to and am honored to call friends have SERVICE as their middle name.
So with all the love, compassion and caring…IF YOU REALLY WANT TO BE FAMOUS & KNOWN, go audition for a reality show or TV talent competition. Your desire when honored and voiced can actually bring you what you are wanting!
IF I had to do this for FREE would I do it?
Would I leave my cushy job and DO THIS?
Do I really want to SERVE OTHERS?
Do I actually have the ability to articulate my Heart and Soul and
would I invest the time and practice to develop it?
I did tons of different things but my through line was healing, spirituality and transformation for 20 years…it’s my Heart & Soul.
Some coaches or healers are guided in a short time to a training and really SHOW UP TO SERVE and they grow a practice quickly. It can happen when you’re aligned with your SOUL. Some Lightworkers hide in the guise of school teachers, crossing guards, professors and doctors. We can ALL SERVE FROM WHERE WE ARE!
Sending you tons of love amazing LIGHTWORKERS!!!!
May you serve the world and SHINE your LIGHT in all it’s glory
however that serves your SOUL most!
Blessed be,
with me! http://t.co/Euyph9Z3Ga