Author Archives: vancod

Do or Do Not Do. My Personal Yoda Moment…


Tears in my eyes…Just received an email from an ex-co-worker, who was in her 60s when we first met. She was an accountant at Satan’s Lair ( my old j-o-b) and one day pulled me inside her office. ” I need to do your numbers! You have an uncanny way of SEEing and KNOWing what’s going on within minutes of entering a situation. You also know how to speak to people no matter what’s going on. It’s really UNCANNY!

By doing my numbers, she meant that she would do a numerology chart for me. I knew a little about that and was aware that I was an 11, master number known as the Spiritual Messenger. I was also aware that IF you don’t really live it out you collapse to a single digit. It’s not bad but if your destiny is to step up into this master space and you stay in the single…you are really not living your life to it’s full Soul Purpose.

Days passed. Finally, after all the minions had left the office, she comes to me quietly and stares at me until I say,” WHAT?”

“I’ve rarely seen this. Of course it exists. You are a master number across the board! But I mean any way you cut aren’t doing what you are supposed to be doing on the planet. Not in full. I mean VANESSA! You are an 11…”

“I know, I told you I was,” I said sadly as we had already been at the office since early and it was 8pm. The night would be long…

“Shhhh, listen! You are an 11, Spiritual messenger & Psychic in three different main categories and then you are a 22, the Master Builder. Do you know what this means???”

“Not really.”

“It means you are an old F*&%IN’ MASTER! Wasting away in corporate when you are supposed to go out there and be a Spiritual messenger that builds something that helps support others on the planet!!!!”

I laughed, then almost cried.

This job had all but broken my spirit and I am pretty relentless when on a mission. Six days a week for a famous corporate strategy CEO ( someone played this person in a movie), late nights, back-stabbing co-workers who sold their own children for another 15k or a fur coat and 12 co-workers abused and fired nastily within 9 months during a terrible time for employment in NYC…yeah… I was a Master, a veritable Mistress of Misery. I had believed that I was sent to serve here. I knew that Light workers are needed everywhere and showed up ready for duty. The cause became heavier and heavier and I was getting sick…

“FAITH OVER FEAR, Vanessa,” said my own personal Yoda.

So I wrote her back tonight and as I did, I realize that I am doing the best I can and that even though those days and nights were brutal…I am HERE. I have been location free and a spiritual entrepreneur Oracle, Teacher and guide for some years now. I am in deep service and I am living my most beautiful lesson…


Thank YOU! my 11 Spiritual Messenger friend, Jeannie V!

Blessed be, Ashe. Aho, Amen, V

© VCC 2014 — feeling grateful.



Vanessa Codorniu serve wherever you are

I meet so many people everyday who are sharing how they feel called to help others. It brings me great joy that so many people are beginning to awaken and realize that we are here to uplevel the energy and existence on this planet. Light-workers are uniting!

The joy of feeling the call is a first conscious step in a very long journey that we never stop exploring and expanding into. It draws people to yoga, intuition, readings, astrology, nutrition, coaching and healing.

The thing that never ceases to amaze me though that the CALL seems to always include a book, speaking in front of thousands of people and traveling the world!

That doesn’t mean that it isn’t true as we need all of us doing what we can. It just goes from “OMG I feel a call!!!” to ” I see a vision of me speaking in front of thousands of people!” If I had a dollar, every time I hear this…

I wrote a letter to the Universe at 19, over 20 years ago and asked to be of service. I asked to be a vessel of transformation, healing and inspiration. I proceeded to go to NYU Tisch after attending Marist and thought I would serve through film.

That year, my guides ( through automatic writing) said,” It’s great you are in film school but you won’t work in film long. You will be a healer, intuitive, teacher & writer.”

Then at 22, a psychic who worked from home at my job got me on the phone and told me to leave film school and get psychic and healing training. She said I would be known for that and work internationally.

My reaction, though I knew from a young age I “knew” stuff was “HELL NO I’m not doing that! People will assume I am weird and nuts!” Yet, i was perplexed and wondered what the Universe would ask of me.

Years passed. I worked in film/tv/events management & media AND I never stopped learning and exploring healing, creativity and my intuitive abilities. Gathered people in empowerment circles starting 1999 till 2013. Taught at Where Womyn Gather, Daughters of the Earth, Hunter College, REVEAL Conference and anywhere I could.

In the last 4 years is really where it all came to a head and I’ve only been an online business for a year and a half!

The point is that many Lightworkers have been sold a bill of New Age goods. The it’s all supposed to happen OVERNIGHT! You think you’re going to do a workshop or 7 and be ready to rule the world. And you just MIGHT! Maybe for some, that is their reality. For most on Earth School, not usually. There’s a reason for it. The apprentice phase is important to TRUE MASTERY!

But the majority of good-hearted peeps I see quitting jobs, fighting with themselves, convincing themselves they deserve MORE…aren’t actually doing the INNER WORK. One fire circle doesn’t a training make. YES you deserve more! and be prepared for however it unfolds! Which usually includes an internship in LIFE.

So they quit the job, cry and freak out. Parents, husbands and family might step in and pay for never-ending retreats, gorgeous websites,etc. and then no clients and no REAL desire to serve.

Endless selfies and retreats and events later, many don’t feel any clearer. Their offerings are a mishmash of what they have studied that year and many are still reading off templates 6 years into their businesses. This is not about shaming. It’s also not everyone. Tons of people have quit their jobs and all things have fallen into alignment! The fact is that they already had a passion going and a sep interest and calling in their fields. IF you have gone through this and feel lost…This is a loving reality check.


Please breathe this IN…

YES things take time but I know from working with tons of successful creatives and entrepreneurs…that when you are ready, the doors open!

SO IF you REALLY want to SERVE…


Because if all your intentions pan out and you get to speak to thousands…

People have said:

” I need to have some clients so I can just get some testimonials so I can look good.”-concerned about what it looked like to the world.

” I have a great idea for a book so I will do a few sessions and then write a book based on these sessions.”-no experience and still hates 1:1 sessions.

“I am meant to speak in from of like umm thousands, like NOW!!!” I asked,” What would you like to share? ” Ummm…I don’t know.”-Me, perplexed look.

“I can’t afford your intuition program, Vanessa but I will take a cheaper one and that can give me the content because like I know so much about receiving and intuition. I just need the details.”- UM YEAH, I”m glad she couldn’t afford my program!

So it felt like NONE of these people really wanted to SERVE. And that’s what it’s about really being in SERVICE.

I served wherever I was, so when it came time to do it on a bigger scale…I always rise to the occasion. The amazing healers, intuitives and coaches I look up to and am honored to call friends have SERVICE as their middle name.

So with all the love, compassion and caring…IF YOU REALLY WANT TO BE FAMOUS & KNOWN, go audition for a reality show or TV talent competition. Your desire when honored and voiced can actually bring you what you are wanting!


IF I had to do this for FREE would I do it?
Would I leave my cushy job and DO THIS?
Do I really want to SERVE OTHERS?
Do I actually have the ability to articulate my Heart and Soul and
would I invest the time and practice to develop it?

I did tons of different things but my through line was healing, spirituality and transformation for 20 years…it’s my Heart & Soul.

Some coaches or healers are guided in a short time to a training and really SHOW UP TO SERVE and they grow a practice quickly. It can happen when you’re aligned with your SOUL. Some Lightworkers hide in the guise of school teachers, crossing guards, professors and doctors. We can ALL SERVE FROM WHERE WE ARE!

Sending you tons of love amazing LIGHTWORKERS!!!!
May you serve the world and SHINE your LIGHT in all it’s glory
however that serves your SOUL most!

Blessed be,

with me!

Living the dream


LIVING THE DREAM: I was at Mastin Kipp’s workshop yesterday and as I left a young woman said,”You look familiar. You did a Intuition workshop at the REVEAL conference a few years ago…” “Yes!,” I said. ” You were awesome, thanks! And I’ve been following you and I wanted to congratulate you on living your dream.”

WOW. I took that in. REALLY IN.

I have a life now where my sensitivity is my greatest advantage. I have a life where I decide what my days look like. I have a life that I WANTED but didn’t know how to get. I am location-free and work from anywhere. This is not a hobby or part-time situation anymore…it’s my FULL TIME CALLING. And on many days, it is seven days a week and it employes my mind, body and spirit like nOTHING else has…and trust me I’ve directed, acted, sang, performed and worked in corporate, academic settings as well as start-ups and non-profits.

Is that scary? YES.

I wanted FREEDOM and now I have it. I had always had it really and now I am LIVING it!

FREEDOM comes with responsibility, accountability, hard work, deep soul diving and courageous risks.

YES, in order for me to do what I do and support YOU the way you deserve…I have to continue growing, releasing, transforming and RISKING.

IF you want to “live your dream,” whatever it looks like, know that it doesn’t come without risk. How can you LEAD, or GUIDE people into the dark places or the light filled places if YOU, yourself haven’t traveled there?

When I do intuitive sessions, I know I am kind, sassy and TRUTHFUL. Any support that is offered is supported by my values of integrity and love. Yet, sometimes…most often you will hear things that you may not like and that will ALWAYS call you to increased risk AND connection.


SO BE READY TO EMBRACE THIS…for the rest of your life. You may dance towards it or come kicking and screaming. I know I have both ways!

My guides told me to cancel my wedding two months before the date set. I had been living with my fiancé for 6 years and a stepmom to three kids. It was a location wedding in Miami’s Spanish Monastery with 175 traveling guests! I was like,” YOU COULDN’T TELL ME SOONER???” I heard,” YOU HAD LESSONS and THEY ARE DONE.”

Taking a deep breath I said,” I will cancel this wedding if you give me evidence in black and white, please.”

A week later I received a message and called my fiancé and asked that he honor our promises because I felt that our Universe was about to shift and change. He laughed though he knew my abilities. A week after that, when he returned from a business trip, he left an open email on my laptop. There it was in black and white. EVIDENCE. I had asked and it was delivered.

After sobbing at the infidelity, I asked him to leave. Within 24 hours there was an apology email to the guests sent. Everything was cancelled. My 1k wedding dress forgotten at the store, too painful to retrieve.

I had left my job in Telemundo/NBC Miami. I had no job, cancelled a wedding and had kicked him out. It felt like losses all around. I had me and I CHOSE to honor what I felt I deserved.

This breakup lead to my stepping into the work I do today. I believe in my heart that going through this DIVINE earthquake brought me more fully on the path. My energies that had been tied up in my family were suddenly flowing into dancing, traveling and learning even more!

I’ve had lots of Divine earthquakes. The layoff, major surgery, car accident, break-up and MRSA all happened within three months…and when was delivered of these dark nights of the Soul…my full-time business was born. Out of tears, joys, dreams, courage and often feeling like most human beings didn’t get me. It wasn’t their job. I had to GET ME and LOVE ME AS I AM.

These DIVINE earthquakes and destructions have created a more vulnerable and trusting human. That’s why I am resilient. That is why I am confident. This is why I know I can hold the space people need when undergoing a tremendous change. My bullshit and fears are continuously peeled from me. I’ve been there, so many theres. I’ve risen from ashes and I’ve learned to THRIVE.

This takes risking. You can’t LIVE your dream if you’re not letting your wings SOAR. I’ve created a 4 and 8 week programs and 9 month programs as well as serving one on one. I’ve taught in Spanish and have clients/students from around the world, in two languages and STILL…I am being called to expand and SOAR further!

Is that scary? YES. And I wouldn’t trade it for the world!

Thank you to the lovely lady last night who reminded me. Thank you to all of you that share, read and post. Thank YOU to my clients and students who keep showing up for THEMSELVES AND THE PLANET.

I love you so much and I am so grateful I am living my dream. It’s not exactly what I thought it would look’s SO MUCH MORE


loving you.

© VCC 9/10/14

SEEing & the Mystery


It’s not easy being a Seer, an Oracle and a “knower.” For those that live and breathe from their intuition, it is KEY that we understand and learn to apply it in service of our joy AND that of humanity’s. Often, have to bide our time and trust. Things unfold over minutes, days and decades AND there is that truth that we dance in the great Mystery even as we remember, recognize and know aspects of it. We SEE glimpses and are asked to SURRENDER by our CREATOR into this mystery where our greatest gift will be REMEMBERING WHO WE ARE


Full Moon in Pisces 9/8/14


FULL MOON IN PISCES: Well. If it ain’t a possible tearjerker I don’t know what is
I’ve been dry-eyed yet my HEART runneth over with love, gratitude and awareness!

The Full moon is the moon in it’s fullest of powers. Intentions that we began two weeks ago on the NEW MOON are now flourishing OR not. The full moon is always a great time to go deep and re-access where we are going and what we are creating.

This particular full moon invites us into even greater healing! It can unearth deeply held trauma, love and compassion. It can unearth true spiritual power and miracles that until this time may not have been possible!

The trick though? STAY PRESENT.

‘Cuz Pisces has a magickal way of leading us into the wonderland scenarios where food, drink, drugs and sex might be a recourse to pain , suffering and awareness. The thing is, it might allow us a temporary escape but we all gotta pay the ferryman to get to truth…so get your courage shillings in order and step up.

Facing the Minotaur, the three-headed dog and other mythical creatures turned everyday characters (did I hear Boss, wifey and best friend?) or just different aspects of YOUR inner self could be in the making at this time.

It’s all worse when you hide, escape or go numb.

So step away from the cake, put the iPhone down, and don’t even look at the booze.

It will be ok so just let it out.

Mind you, this is not all about pain and suffering. Often when we actually behold that we CAN GET WHAT WE WANT…we suffer MORE than when we think we can’t!


Pisces is the sign of the fish, connected to Ascended Masters and the symbol of eternity. Pisces is the dissolution of form and the embodying of meaning. It’s the embrace of opposites and the wisdom of the ages. It’s meeting Jesus while making out with Kali and singing love songs to the Isis. It’s the all is ONE and ONE for all…
And you are the superb human being that is supposed to be able to carry all of this!
Deep breath. Yeah…

In it’s shadow aspects, Pisces is about feeling lost, confused and disconnected. At it’s highest expression it is about being a conscious LIGHT in the world. We know that confused and disconnected can lead to the LIGHT. SO wherever you are TODAY on the spectrum, keep on swimming!

My Abuela always said that God doesn’t give us more than we can handle.
I would say that the Soul within us doesn’t accept assignments that we can’t handle.

SO what assignments are YOU still okay with?

Take a deep breath. Feel your feet in the earth (on the ground below you) and really breathe low. Allow yourself to find your center thru the breath.
IMAGINE your life now. And the role you are playing in it.

Are you still okay with this role? Is it too confining? It is? Ok, let it go.

Everything is a habit but every habit begins with a decision. IF you are feeling confined at this Full Moon…it’s time to breathe freely. ALLOW IT. It really is your decision

This full moon in Pisces forms a Grand Trine in Water. This lovely alignment allows for more healing and clearing of past karma and shining our LIGHT brightly in the world.

ALLOW yourself to embrace that at whatever age or life phase you may be at…

Step outside today and look up at the FULL MOON.

Allow your 5 year old to look up, your 25 year old, your 40 year old self and your other selves waiting to be born to stand on this earth and peer up…innocently, lovingly and with an open-heart.

It’s not happening TO YOU.

You are loved.
So go be BIG in all the million of little ways that create an epic journey!
Cuz love is who you are and who you are meant to BE.

blessed be,


If you like what you read and want to know MORE about me, YOU and your most powerful gift of INTUITION…sign up for a FREE CLASS HERE:


Serving our kids & teens

Heading to bed and tears welling up in my eyes. Part of the reason I show up in the world as I do is because I want to support the next generation of young women who are coming up in the world. I often didn’t find the support I needed as I was growing up: soulful, aware and creative. So part of my mission, besides supporting adults release fears, awakening & owning their INTUITION so they can fulfill their soul purpose…is a vision for young women leaders. To this end I have been facilitating empowerment training with the Bella Abzug Young Women’s Leadership Institute.

Be kind to our kids and teens. Be loving even when they are scared and lash out.
Give of yourself when you are in their presence, you never know how deeply you are affecting their lives.

SHOW UP for them. They need us. As parents, as aunts and uncles as guides and teachers.

I just received this.

“Hello Vanessa,
I hope you enjoyed Panama and the rest of your summer!

I know this is late but I feel it is important to share with you how much you really helped me in BALI. I spoke a little about how I suffered from depression and how BALI has helped me with it, but It was more than just that.

In the exercise that you ran in which our older selves whispered something in my ear my older self told me not to kill myself. It came from nowhere, I feel as if it was the deepest thought inside me. I have had those thoughts before and after I heard that from myself I felt optimistic if anything about my future. In that I found who I want to be and who I am now. I apologize if this is a little too serious, but you drastically impacted my life in those short 12 days and I am so happy that we crossed paths in that way.”

Tears of gratitude because life is this elusive, this beautiful and this synchronistic.

Smile at a child. Guide a teen. Take them seriously. Remember what it was like.

Serve them with love, integrity and compassion. They are the ever-evolving now ( future.)

sending you love,


Vanessa Codorniu everything is experience


A dear friend was stressing about a date a few weeks ago, “What if he isn’t into me, what if I don’t like him,” I just said, ” SHOW UP and EXPERIENCE. Allow yourself to LIVE and be open to what happens.” This successful entrepreneur was always taking risks and exploring in her business and then forgot to apply this to her personal life as well.



SO it is with EVERYTHING.

On Earth school we are constantly dancing in several energies at once. Our focus may be on the everyday realities and there is a part of us that aware of the invisible realms as well. By invisible, I mean the thoughts, feelings and energies of others and the planet. By invisible I also mean our guides, Angels and Great Creator.

We are always dancing in many possibilities. It’s ONLY our minds and the thoughts we CHOOSE that can ALLOW us to step into other realities and expand our perceptions.

As human beings we tend to focus on some limiting experience or belief because subconsciously we “think” it will keep us safe. We have bought into the belief that we are much smaller and much less powerful than we truly are.

What IF everything in your life was here FOR you? not against you?

What IF you showed up without preconceived notions and ALLOWED an aspect of yourself to become VISIBLE and KNOWN to YOU?

EXPLORE in health.
EXPLORE in business.
EXPLORE making new friends.
EXPLORE in dating.
EXPLORE loving all those you already LOVE.

ALLOW the experiences that will stretch and expand you into ALL THAT YOU ARE
to arrive in your LIFE as required

much love,


Visiting Yemaya at the beach

Yemaya Asesu  Vanessa Codorniu

Mother of the Oceans. Yemaya Asesu!

I set an intention to visit the beach before summer began. I am blessed to visit the beauty and majesty of the ocean every Tuesday when I am in NYC. There is a laying down of the “world” that I feel I am carrying on my shoulders. I take time to grind, connect, breathe and cleanse in the saltwater. There is usually playing and jumping the waves followed by rest and sometimes a quick nap. Most of all, there is deep gratitude for being a child of the Universe and playing in her vast ocean and earthly garden! I sit by the seashore and count my blessings and give THANKS for what is ALREADY on it’s way! here is a link to a beautiful chant of Yemaya!,+Sisters+in+Rhythm/_/Yemaya

Her sacred day as Our Lady of the Rule is September 7th

From 9 Goddesses Every Woman Should Know by Annie Finch

Yemaya. A queenly and beautiful ocean goddess, Yemaya is mother of all waters in the Yoruba religion of Africa, which has spread to Cuba, Haiti, and elsewhere. Once a year, tens of thousands of people float flowers and other gifts for Yemaya out into the ocean from the shore of Salvador, Brazil. Bringing Yemaya into your life, perhaps with this chant, which brought her to me from a women’s drumming group based in my area of Maine, can sweeten your life with compassion, fertility, nurturing, and healing.

Doing what you can NOW: New Moon in Virgo August 25, 2014

Unknown copy


What does it all mean? Well, that’s where Virgo is going to give you a hand in seeing the details and putting things in to place!

Tonight as the sun sets, allow yourself to gaze at the dark sky. The moon, much like our potential is truly there just not visible to the naked eye! Proceed as IF you see your possibilities. Take a moment to visualize, even in great detail.

The NEW MOON always represents new beginnings and seeding new intentions that open new pathways and attract new ventures into your life! Allow this energy of the “new” to bring a regeneration into your life, I think you might be needing it!

Virgo is the sign of the Virgin. Literally it means, “one who is whole onto himself/herself.” Keeper of the hearth this sign speaks to us of routine in service of productivity, details that are needed to create the vision and the day to day aspects of your health, home and everyday workplace.

IF you don’t like what you see when you look at the outer or inner world, change it. It’s time to adjust your perspective and thereby changing your experience in the world.

It is time for conscious choice and SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT.

What does it mean? Maya Angelou said,” When we know better, we must do better.”

SO you’ve been in yoga training, traveled to exotic locales to find yourself and maybe have seen a bunch of shamans, healers and holistic coaches ( and/or are one yourself!)…and now that you KNOW better, the Universe is holding you to doing better.

That doesn’t mean you are not perfect the way you are It doesn’t mean you are lacking. What it means now that some of your veils of forgetfulness have fallen off and you’ve RE-MEMBERED who you are or at least alot of your truth…it’s time to apply and execute this to the life you are living NOW.

NOT when you’ve had 5 more lifetimes or three more certifications. NOW. After all, isn’t that the moment with the most possibilities?

SO don’t keep waiting till you are “perfect” or “cooked” or whatever that means. Just step in and ask,” WHat would I do if my house was in ORDER? and what do I need to BELIEVE, BE and/or DO for that to be SO?”

Exhale…it can be as simple as cleaning house. Organizing your books or restructuring your business in some away. Updating your website or home. Changing and placing order so that your wildest dreams have a place to skyrocket from! It’s a great time to purge, cleanse, release and press RESTART.

It’s ALL about getting your LAUNCHING PAD ready to GO!!!

Sending love to you COSMONAUTS! It’s gonna be fun if you allow it to be!
SO allow it to be! Before FLIGHT there are preliminaries and plans to be practiced and set in place. You get it, I know it!

See you soooooon!

much love, V


Is it meant to BE?

“Movies, songs and tv shows have many believing that every spark, zing and deep connection you might experience, means something more than what it is or that we need to “do” something about it. The truth is love, curiosity and/or intimate connection may reside in that meeting or conversation and…that’s it. Not all potential manifests in Earth School. These spark igniters remind us of how to feel, what to avoid or attract to us. Many of our meetings are with messengers. Remember and allow them freedom. Allow yourself freedom. What is destined will unfold. What is yours, no one can turn from you. Relax and play with the sparkling ones in the Universe. Be patient. Stay open. We are all interconnected at the source.”-vcc