Author Archives: vancod

Shaming Intuitives & owning your gifts

woke up to a message from one of my students in the Intuitive Leverage 8 week intuition bootcamp. She is a talented healer who had blocked off her psychic abilities awhile back. She unearthed a memory where her teacher many, many years ago shamed her in front of a class and told her that trying to IN-TO-IT about her safety ( she had been attacked) was like raping another person. WOW…NOT!

Our intuition is our birthright and our connection to the Divine. Our inner senses guide us towards the good, the light and spiritual growth. We can align our lives to make the BEST choices and decisions based on our internal guidance system.

Part of mission is for every man, woman and child to reconnect, understand and own their intuitive gifts. It requires courage, patience, dedication and a child-like wonder. It will guide you waaay beyond your comfort zones and it will keep expanding! I wouldn’t trade it for the world!

Keep taking your power back, you badass intuitives who exist in every profession, level of society and culture! We are the ones we’ve been waiting for!!! ( the Hopi Elders speak)

STEPPING into, OWNING your intuitive abilities means greater healing ( mind/body/spirit) greater peace AND a deep knowing that whatever may happen…you will be well.

YES. My intuitive practice is a spiritual one. It is a checking in with Sacred presence, with my Divine Creator. It is a way to align myself daily with the truth of what is.

Taking on you intuition is not about being the cool kid with psychic gifts ( unless that’s how you want to play it) its about developing a part of you that is here to serve in a BIGGER WAY! It won’t come from your mind, or body or heart ONLY. It’s a team effort, so get your SOUL onboard and turn away from the naysayers, the shamers and the fear-filled.

HUGE love. In passionate transformation & sacred community,



New Moon brings in new beginnings. Spend a moment and really BREATHE.

What do you really want to FEEL this New Moon? Why do I ask this? because Taurus is all about the earthly pleasures and exemplifies embodying all manner of sensual experience and that means it’s a prime time to invite what you truly want to FEEL in your life. Taurus is the earthy feminine earth sign and She is weaving her magick thru us

This New Moon in Taurus highlights the body, sensual desires, your bank account so pay attention to your finances, how you are treating your body and what sensual desires you are denying or needing to expand with!

So I don’t know what your plans are tonight…but I’ve got a hot bath running and some delicious oil to pour on my skin. My massage is booked for this week and mani/pedi is also booked for tomorrow.

Mmmmm…it’s gonna be a delicious month I feel. THAT’s what I am inviting in blessed be, V

Happy Full Moon in Libra & Lunar Eclipse April 15, 2014

blood_moonAhhh the Full Moon lights up the sky in a reddish hue and dressed in the sign of Libra. The full moon represents the surge of power within and without. It is known as the time of greatest power and is symbolized by the hide tide in the Soul’s ocean. There is much flowing now. Expect some tears, sorrow, misunderstandings and with luck, a side of joy as well.

This is the first blood moon eclipse of what is thought to be a very prophetic tetrad of blood moons. It begins the same day as Passover. The Sun begins to move in to Taurus at the end of the week, Mercury and Uranus gather, as do Venus and Neptune. Eclipses are thought to precede big events.

This Full Moon in Libra comes enters bringing the themes of RELATIONSHIPS and balance. The emotions are highlighted at this time. Relationship is not just about people or others.

It may be bringing up and shedding light on our relationship with food, sex, purpose, intuition and our bodies. The Sun in Aries is all passion, pioneer, action and aggression. We are in for some intense times. The moon and sun as well as the cardinal cross that awaits, creates TENSION and the energy will express itself one way or another.

Remember that these astrological dances are not the CAUSE of the issues, they are the stage that is set perfectly so the characters may express and show themselves. Pay attention to what is shown, seen and experienced. Take note.

It’s really time to see things as they are. If you’ve been hiding in the guise of victim you will be slapped with you your own beliefs. Remember that you have created the circumstances you are experiencing.

It is a time for us to own how we view things. You might believe that someone else is attacking you and perhaps it’s your shadow holding up a mirror. Beware of emotional eruptions that came from assumptions, lack of awareness and stubborn perspectives.

If you choose to express your truth at this time be prepared for interesting reactions, as all parties will most likely not agree.

While there may be fireworks and waterworks going on, there will also be a chance for deeper connection as we clear away misunderstandings and old emotional habits that no longer serve us.


  • Dig deep. What is your part in the emotional turmoil that is rising?
  • Have you squelched your anger and now it’s being expressed in a way that harms you? Looking at self-sabotage here.
  • What do you want balance with? More movement, less thinking. More loving less doing? Look within and ask your heart where your relationship with your inner child, inner critic and inner lover need forgiving, nurturing and expression.
  • It’s a great opportunity to grow! <3 let’s take it on!
  • The lunar eclipse on April 15th is the first of four consecutive total lunar eclipses, also known as a tetrad. The next three eclipses will occur on October 8, 2014, April 4, 2015 and September 28, 2015.



Anyone who is born to support and heal has come across this issue.

As healer’s we SEE, FEEL And SENSE the person’s potential! We know in our Soul that there is good/God in all of us. So what are we to do?

We see the deception, pain and stories another can be living out and as the healer/visionary/intuitive/teacher archetypes rise up in us…we may feel to say the least CONFLICTED.

What if we were sent to support these people through transformation? What if holding space for this and being patient is exactly what you are called to do?

I love this story:

The Scorpion and the Frog

A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the
scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The
frog asks, “How do I know you won’t sting me?” The scorpion
says, “Because if I do, I will die too.”

The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream,
the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of
paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown,
but has just enough time to gasp “Why?”

Replies the scorpion: “Its my nature…”

I always say: KNOW YOUR ANIMAL

Yet I have also fallen into this dilemma, trusted and suffered. Thankfully recognizing things as they ARE does not mean that we cannot hold space for vast transformation. In fact, if we do say NO to the human scorpion, I dare to hope against hope that they..might EVOLVE?

I hope so.
Not on my back though!
or my time, or my heart or my money.

Yes, it’s ok to swim without carrying the scorpion…and allow your SELF to evolve past that limiting bs that you have to support everyone no matter how painful it is to you.

Loving you,

~vcc 4/14/14

The Daily Oracle: LOVERS


When we are wanting to call true love in, we often get caught up in our intentions, vision boards, the twin flames and “the meant to be.”

I believe that while we co-create reality there are many parts of us going the dance , including our shadow. SO what we call to ourselves isn’t always what it seems. It’s really an amazing lesson wrapped up in a lovely or not so lovely experience.

I have alot of experience in this. My first boyfriends ( yes more than one) were at 4-5 years old. I started dating at 15. One thing I have experienced over and over in my life in relationship is BEING LOVED, ADORED and VALUED. So when the opposite shows up, it can’t live in my world for too long. It’s unacceptable. My inner Aphrodite literally rises up and shakes me up. The Love Goddess within doesn’t stand for inauthentic exchanges and that’s a good thing!

I have also experienced LOVING deeply and completely on all levels. Many soulmate relationships. Proposed to 7x with ring before age of 32. I wasn’t ready in the beginning. I wanted to be unfettered and “know myself.” I embraced my Soul communication at a young age and I was struggling since my 20s to find a way to master and own my Soul work.

Later I was also engaged and was a step-mom to three kids. I was able to leave all these relationships with love and peace in my heart. I was convinced that the Universe was guiding me and that there was a reason these relationships weren’t forever. At this time as my business finally is in a place that allows me to feel I can step out there again, I am ready.

There are a few things that I have gathered along the way…

* Remember that we are under no obligation to be married or with children at any age. Times have changed. Pressures may remain but we can truly create our lives more than ever before. This means that YOU or HE/SHE won’t settle as quickly as people may have in the past.

* This freedom ROCKS and SUCKS. The rules of the past enacted a mating ritual that needed in marriage whether it was fulfilling or not because fit worked ie. power/status/resources/children. The new rituals that we are creating leaves us free-floating and gaining awareness as we go along.

* FB, Tinder & dating sites make NEW people available all the time. It’s fun , maybe but gets old. If someone is passing you up, they weren’t your man/woman to begin with.

* Take time to see who is who. We all look shiny & fab. It’s a matter of time when we are runny-nosed and bleary-eyed. Love the real being human and SPirit not the amazing mate they are on paper or website.

* Just because it feels so good when you are together…doesn’t mean it’s meant to be. The moment and exchange might be meant to be. Anything beyond that is an assumption.

* Just because you looked in their eyes or they looked in yours and said, ” you are so special” doesn’t mean you are getting married. It doesn’t mean that you aren’t either.

* Just because you feel and it’s the love of your life, doesn’t mean that they are… “WAITING” for them to grow up and realize UMMM it just won’t do. YOU deserve MORE. I’ve been stalked, it’s not fun. If it was meant to be, I would’ve said yes. I’ve waited for someone to heal, he never did. Take your time AND face the truth.

* Soul stirring, mind-blowing, body ablazing sex…can sometimes be just that. God bless it anyway 

* Sometimes people come in to your life, sweep you off your feet and then leave. They weren’t ready. They weren’t the One but they definitely showed you something?

I think ASSUMPTIONS are what hurt us the most. It’s not a monogamous relationship till you’ve both agreed. It’s not polyamorous till everyone has agreed. You are not moving in till you do. The power is in the moment and as we build a foundation with someone, it’s good to check into our assumptions.

Where did you have a better experience? Were they a messenger of something more aligned to come? Did they reflect a shadow or fear to you ?
Did they show you how GREAT it can be, just not forever with them?

We are all in the end, soul mates. Made from the same stuff, dancing our mirrored souls to each other. Sometimes it’s not pretty but it’s always worth it.

So keep holding the FEELINGS that you want to feel and allow the person to enter your life. Keep your heart open  I am with you in this experiment and excited for what is unfolding. Mmmm delicious love.

Love is all, V

The Daily Oracle: Recreating OLD $h%t on Earth School

Most of us might agree that there is a new time here on Earth School, That there is greater opportunity to step into our callings and missions than at ANY other time in history.This is an open letter…

Dear Returning Priestess/Priest/Shaman/Healer/Lightworker/Wizard/Healer,

I understand that you are REALLY excited about being back! You were born with a mission and a deep vision for yourself and for the world. I know you have suffered feeling outcasted, feeling weird, different and unloved. You may have doubted your abilities and it’s taken your deep strength, dedication and powerful will to overcome all sorts of hardships that these agreements often include. You may have deep memories of being ostracized, killed, maimed and destroyed at other times in history and just as you were healing/teaching and guiding others into more awareness. You probably have gone through serious trauma in this life as well.

Before you get caught up in the “New Hollywood” of the Personal Development/Healing & Coaching world, know that we DO have a chance to REALLY BE the change we wish to see in the world.

This doesn’t come from RECREATING hierarchies, homogeny, spiritual elitism or nepotism. The CHANGE we wish to see in the world comes from really being in alignment with our SOUL and inviting diversity, expansion, opposing viewpoints and different styles and spiritual paths.

Before you forget why you are really here…

* Remember that NO ONE has the power to make you or break you.

* You are not here to “learn” what works, take it on so you can “Make it.”

* You could get a badass book deal and still disappear after the first book.

* You could never get a book deal and work successfully with thousands upon thousands the world over.

* Remember that the truth always rises, no matter how much you hide it under your shiny charisma or your sexy hair.

* Remember that the higher you rise, the harder you if your empire is built on deception, using others, hurting the naive spiritual brothers and sisters that may have given way too much…it comes back. It does.

* Remember you don’t have to twist arms or manipulate people with fear “to sign up or they are not fulfilling their calling/healing.” If someone can’t join you now because of major issues and you say,” well, I guess your business or calling is NOT a priority,” this is not in their service…it’s in your bank account’s service. It is NOT LOVE-BASED, it’s FEAR-BASED.

* Try to come from LOVE-based as much as possible. We all screw up. Let’s re-center in out blazing HEARTS.

* SEE, look deeply as you share your truths and you build your worlds. Really WALK YOUR TALK in the highest perspective and love possible.

* Remember that true LEADERS know surrender, they court it, the embrace it and their Souls are exhaled within it. To surrender means that you show up and let Spirit fill your vessel.

We can shout from the rooftops that “IT”S OUR TIME!!!” and all the while re-create the conditions that toppled: ROME, ANCIENT EGYPT, MAYANS, AZTECS, ATLANTIS, LEMURIA, MU and many more civilizations, countries, dream projects because of EGO, GREED and a desire to REIGN.

The people might confer the crown. One might steal it, earn it or inherit it. Like the indulgences of the MIddle Ages, we cannot buy our way into enlightenment.

The truest gift, the crown of Divine connection and LOVE is not given by the people’s vote, certifications accrued or the seemingly high numbers of books sold…

So go do all that!

Go write, speak, guide, teach and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.

Do it to for highest ability and be honest, have integrity and don’t reinstate and recreate the familiar human patterns on Earth School. Be FREAKIN’ AMAZING and BRING IN THE GLORIOUS CHANGE!

That Divine connection is between YOU & the DIVINE CREATOR. We are all vessels & servants to the light. Please don’t forget that.

It IS OUR TIME an this “POWER OVER” #%^& has go to transform for the safety of the planet and the evolution of humanity.

In passionate transformation & sacred community, Vanessa

Life Lessons: Respect & Love


LIFE LESSONS: If people don’t respect themselves they won’t respect you. If people don’t love themselves they won’t love you. Period.

They might need you. They might grasp at you. They might place you on a pedestal ( come down quickly of your own will, lest they shove you off!) or place expectations on you that are not yours to fulfill.

These last 45 days have been cracking me open even more. Yet life brings you lessons in so many ways, deepening my awareness and allowing me to expand in forgiveness.

Great joy from creativity, Soul expression and Soul calling. When you listen to the whispers that have invited you into yourself since childhood, giving them the mic…you can’t go wrong! Deep joy and gratitude. Blooming into extra-ordinary experiences and expressions.

Aligned with this greater awareness, a few friends have fallen off and a romantic possibility has shown it’s true colors.

Being compassionate with ourselves isn’t weakness, it’s a path to true strength and a solid spiritual foundation for you life.

Understanding even more how loving ourselves impacts our lives, I am re-committing to deeply, lovingly and compassionately loving myself.

As Spring approaches, how can you re-commit your Soul? To really listening to the whispers that will guide you to your deepest joy and expansion?

“I know as I love and value myself, I love and value everyone and everything.”

Take a deep breath: where have you been excusing the behavior of others? Where have you been putting yourself last? Where have you been calling it “being non-judgmental or being spiritual” and accepting the unacceptable?

loving me and loving you <3 V

Butterfly Dreams


Over a decade ago I shared with a man I was dating at the time, that I had a recurring dream of butterflies flying around me and landing all over me. He just looked at me and smiled.

Months passed. One day he said,” Do you trust me?” I said,” Sure.” He said put this on,” as he gave me a blindfold. I put it on and walked down the stairs, into his car and we drove and drove. We laughed and talked. What a sight I must have been, a blind-folded girl in a car?

Blind-folded, I needed to let him lead. I had to trust him. I knew he was trustworthy. Time and time again he had shown me this. I was still a little nervous and used to my independence. This was quite different to say the least!

We parked. I had to hold his arm and go up never ending steps. We arrived somewhere and I heard people talking about me all around. “Why is she blindfolded, what’s going on?”

He said,” Do you trust me?”

” I wouldn’t be the blindfolded fool I seem to the world right now If I didn’t, Michael.”

” Hold out your arm and relax,” he said.

I did. Time passed slowly. Then he finally took the blindfold off.

Joy. Beauty. Love. Dreams come true.

Moved to tears as I saw blue, yellow, orange and so many other butterflies on my arms, my chest, they were on my head and on my shoulders. I was covered in butterflies, in trust and love.

I was blessed 

Trust what is worth trusting. Trust those that have earned it. Not through tests and trials of your own making. Trust those that shine bright with true intention and love themselves. When we love ourselves enough to make our dreams come true, we will love others into their own dream making realities as well!

True story 

Soul Empowered Support


What do feminine leaders, powerful healers and creative visionaries all have in common? They are usually more than commonly intuitive AND working a Soul contract and Soul Purpose to birth BIG shifts into the world! I know this because it is my deepest pleasure to guide and support these purposeful, beautiful badasses.

As purposeful, creative visionaries we need support that goes beyond ordinary, we need EXTRA-ordinary wisdom. We need deep dives, modalities that traverse multiple dimensions AND space to INVITE powerful breakthroughs and SOUL-EMBODYING shifts!

My eyes fill with tears each day. I often dance after a session! Each soulful deep dive, each past life regression, hypnosis belief-paradigm shift, each inspiring intuitive session, each “wow” after my clients return from their own cosmic journey… has me working in the expansive zone of Spirit.

Don’t hold back. Get the support you need. You are not alone and changes can happen so quickly because your Soul is waiting for more EMBodying than you can imagine!

((((HUGE))))  V

The Daily Oracle: Full Moon in Virgo


Tons of things to cross off my list on this Sunday. I have been moving through them with precision and calm. SO Virgo and so it feels right to get this note down about Full Moon in Virgo!

First off, many have been called to task this past week. If you have been all like ” yeah, I’m so relaxed and like everything is flowing” mode of Pisces…this FULL MOON IN VIRGO is turning that kaleidoscope of multi-awareness into singular or pure focus!

What does it all mean? Sun in Pisces invited us to relax or even to let go of some conscious limitations. We have either been chilling with the mermaids or dealing with some unconscious gunk that we cannot even begin to understand sooo…what’s a cosmic Soul to do?

TAP into the POWER of the FULL MOon in Virgo!

Full Moons are all about all your ideas, seeds and projects coming to fruition…how have things worked out for you? What works, what doesn’t?

The Full MOon shines the full light on you and your world and it’s time to really feel the goodness and the shadows because at the end of the day…ALL of it needs to be embraced for you to move into your full power! That means yes, loving even the stuff you are embarrassed about. And did you ever notice, the stuff you feel so self-conscious about isn’t even noticed by others! It’s all in our minds or hearts for that matter and it’s time to release.

So take this FULL power and focus of the moon and join it to Virgo. Virgo is represented by the VIrgin. Traditionally the virgin has been seen as literally “virgin” but what I am talking about here is the metaphysical meaning of Virgin which is “belonging to your SELF.” Allow this Full Moon to bring you back to your SELF!

The Virgin is also connected to the vestal virgins and Hestia, the goddess of the hearth. Since we are still experiencing winter in some parts of the world, how can you hone your inner LIGHT? HOw can you tend to your inner flame? your heart? Your home? Whether it’s your body or home, allow yourself to really connect and ask,” WHat do I need to know right now so I a can be present in my life? WHat do i need to be aware of that I may be avoiding or running from?”

In most nightmares we run from the monsters, the Virgo Moon asks you to face them, for when you pull of the masks…they are aspects of yourself, reflected in another!

Personally, I was faced with some monsters this week and as peered closer..I realized it was TIME, high time, to release some stories I was telling myself!

Remember that what we live may shape us and serve us for our journey but it doesn’t need to or should it limit us. The stuff happened and it doesn’t mean it’s a statement or fact about our inherent lovable SElf 

Envision what you are wanting to experience. FEEl into what you are wanting to live and KNOW that it’s in the works. Your job, if you were to accept is to release, trust and keep allowing yourself to FEEL what you want to feel. NOt what the world says you should feel or mom, or your ex…what YOU, yes YOU want to FEEL.

EMBRACE. FOCUS. ALLOW and CLEANSE mind, body & Spirit…messages from the vestal virgin that wants to bring you home to yourself. WHy is home so important? It’s YOU. ALL stems from your core and your home, your vehicle ( your body/mind/spirit.

Allow yourself the clarity you really need to get Spring off to a great start! Equinox is near and people..we are getting reborn! So let’s clear the way!!!

Sending HUGE love to you! V
