SHINE OPENLY DEAR INTUITIVES: As an intuitive/oracle and seer there are many levels of reality that I experience when I sit down to do an Intuitive Oracle Session. From early childhood traumas that may be impacting your business, health or love life to past lives and hidden talents that can support in the healing and embracing of a new way of looking at things. I can trace, hear or see even, the overall Soul assignment and it’s ramifications in your life at this time.
Many intuitives focus on the shadows and sometimes even feed the fears of those seeking support. It’s easy to do that because shadows are easy to see when you are gazing thru a third eye into the spirit. What is not always easy to SEE or truly KNOW is the acknowledging that we are all LIGHT and truthfully we have always been.
If you are allowing your fears to allow you to cling to the belief that the shadows can harm you or the belief that others will attack you if you shine too brightly, know that it is a story that needs healing. These fears can feed a sense of victimhood or even “them” and me/us.”
The fact is EVERYTHING you are experiencing whether it is seen as positive or negative is a reflection of some part of our belief or fear or some part of our co-creation. SO as you sit to think,” I always get attacked when I speak my truth” or “people don’t like it when I shine,” look deeper…waaay deeper.
In my experience, I find people are too busy to be worried about how bright we shine our light. In the case of our famous martyrs, we cannot compare our entrepreneurial mission to MLK. Different time. Different history. While many of our powerful and amazing leaders have been attacked for bringing in a NEW WAY…we are the NEW WAY.
We have discovered through exploration on our spiritual journeys that many of us feel we are way-showers and born to create NEW PARADIGMS.
IF we are then why keep singing that old song?
IF you are caught up in that belief that you will be attacked or reviled because you shine your Light…undoubtedly you will attract it. Then truly, are you a way shower? Or are you merely repeating an old song over and over into 2015?
Our shadows ( areas that need healing & love) can be triggered and come out be seen when Light shines. No necessarily bad. When we truly shine our LIght, I am talking our Light of the Soul not the intellect or ego…there is no shadow. It is PURE LIGHT.
SO if all you can see is shadow for now, know that there is more to SEE & KNOW…
Ask yourself when I cling to my limiting beliefs and how am I keeping myself tied to a story?
What part of YOU is kept safe with that belief? How does it keep you in victimhood?
Know that there are many levels of reality, more than the third eye can see. The LIGHT Is felt thru the HEART
sending love, V
#vanessacodorniu #theurbanpriestess #priestess #thedailyoracle #oracle #intuition #amagickallife #magickinmysoul #highpriestess #seer #intuitiveoraclesessions #lovemywork #lovingtheflow #magic #thememefairy #stateofgrace #grace #fairiesamongus #angellife #angelsamongus #starseedlove #mermaidlove #intergalacticparty #intuitiveleverage #magic #blessedbe #lovematters #love #soulpurpose #SHINEyourlight