LIMITATIONS ON ABUNDANCE: I’ve been doing some personal work on expanding my ability to receive. Support, assistance and abundance. I have been doing some deep dives through shamanic journeying and so much has come up to be released. This will be shared as the medicine of the North always asks that we may sit in contemplation and silence to truly aborb the lessons.
I will share though, that I started watching the movie, The Son of Man and began to weep. Immediately.
Lightworkers at this time have much to RELEASE and much to RECLAIM!
As a Past Life repressionist, I have experienced over 45 lifetimes of my own and thousands of lifetimes of my clients and students. Each session reviews 3-5 lifetimes and I do about 6 a week. I’ve been facilitating this work for over 15 years…as you see, I have witnessed thousands of experiences and awarenesses. I am grateful to have such insight and a peculiar view of time, history and Soul development.
I cried as this movie began because I started to remember all the stories.
I began to feel all the aches of each and everyone of my tribe who has shared their inner world with me. We have been aching. We have wept more in our past than even at this time in history and yet there is so much to do!
I read about James Foley’s life and his death. I have read about the kidnapping of the young women in Nigeria. I tell you this, this has been a way of life on planet earth for centuries! We are poised upon a deep change. I see it in the young teens I work with. I see it in the parents that I work with who are raising conscious children.
Believe it or not, the world has gotten better and it needs to continue to.
This does not happen from cursing about what is. This does not happen by blaming and bemoaning our situations. It ONLY happens when we embrace the mantle of CREATOR in our lives! If we continue to be sheeple or allow ourselves to be guided from “POWER OVER rather than POWER WITHIN” (Starhawk) we will only witness the destruction of our planet. I know many know this…and how do we do this?
I knew as a teen that I had to heal myself in order to support other’s healing. Start with the one that needs it most (YOU) and then share your love and light with the world.
There are centuries in our DNA that make the true spiritual seeker embrace humility, invisibility and poverty. There are centuries in our DNA that cry out for us to remain SAFE and HIDDEN.
To step up and share openly seems to be the path of Jesus, MLK, Joan of Arc, Malcolm X..and yet they did not end well, did they?
To rise up, be seen and be wealthy within and without is a true NEW WORLD.
We have been poisoned to think they cannot coexist. Then major figures in history have been martyred… No wonder we embrace being a martyr! If the son of God died for being all that he IS who are we mere humans to think we can really be all that & not be harmed? And yet that is the lot of the Lightworker
To be all that we ARE and embrace our INNER and OUTER wealth is actually sacrilegious, isn’t it? It’s going against what major religions say is true wealth. The major religions say that being meek and poor is akin to true wealth. Our most sacred people have always held the mantles of poverty, chastity, humility…and to what aim this martyrdom? Has it become a cycle that self-perpetuates?
Truth be told, I wanted to be a Saint when I grew up (astronaut, singer and writer too!) A nun didn’t seem like to much fun and what other way to serve GOD? I started to allow myself to be walked upon and be martyred. With this energy I situations and people that would have me need to “rise up ” from being hurt. Trust me, I got stories for you. They may have made me strong but in the end, they were manifested enactements of a belief system. An OLD system that needs to GO.
We choose a story that might keep us safe and or loved or validate our reality and we stick to it…
Does it really serve us?
Martyrdom and I? It’s a story I embraced a long time ago and have since surrendered.
I kept myself one of New York’s biggest kept secrets because I was scared to be myself and get backlash. Once this story dropped, I stepped out and guess what?
Little to no backlash.
Yes, some people left my mailing list and others were put off by my raising my prices. Yet how many begged for a discount and then paid for a weekend retreat in Costa Rica or new handbag worth hundreds? Understanding that our work has value and that people will find a way for what is important is key in setting yourself free from this pseudo-martyrdom BS.
Now I know of the abuses people have caused on others as they called themselves “spiritual, evolved, guided by God.” That is WHY we must embrace OUR OWN DIVINE CONNECTION. When our compass is ON we will be guided to the right people at the right time for the right changes and growth!
As a LIGHTWORKER we are coming in to RECREATE and SHINE FORTH without the history of the planet weighing us down. We are here to bring a new order of love, creativity and community.
In order to have the resources to change the world, we need to ALLOW ourselves to receive the resources that will allow us to!
OUR LIGHTWORKER CHARGE must include the acceptance that wealth energy and just as we channel energy into the world we can allow the world to channel this through us as well.
The dark side had a great win the day it convinced the Light seekers that wealth had negative connotations. The Light seekers think they are better than money.
And they are and then we are all ONE, yes?
So why not invite the abundance we need to support our deep desires and allow ourselves to be the CREATORS we truly are?
The great news: we don’t have to limit ourselves anymore and we don’t have to hurt, lie or connive anyone to get the abundance we deserve! That is the fear-based way.
Make way for the NEW DNA to get shifted and for all Beings ( if they are to accept their mission) to SHINE our LIGHT all day and Night!
I love this ride! Thank you, Universe!
any thoughts? comment below! I love to hear them