EVERYTHING. Yes, you read that right.
Power is actually at the heart of being able to access your intuitive abilities.
What is it? How do we get it? What does it even mean?
Power a (1) : ability to act or produce an effect (2) : ability to get extra-base hits (3) : capacity for being acted upon or undergoing an effect b: legal or official authority, capacity or right 2a: possession of control, authority or influence over others b : one having such power; specifically : a sovereign state
Power means having influence, having authority and the ability to have that authority or the ability to act.
No wonder people sell their firstborn for it or their Souls!
As we have witnessed in history, for some having the power to influence the masses and their riches is worth going to war for…
Human being 101 seems to be: the minute we are born…we are taught to give our power away.
Most of us can agree that we are made of energy. That energy cannot be destroyed or created.
So it follows that a definition of power can be the innate energy that we are born with to live our lives, enjoy our lives and live out our soul purpose.
We give our power (energy) away in many ways everyday:
- “Well, she’s making more money in her business that I am…something’s wrong with me”
- “My relationship is ending…everyone I know is married. I must truly SUCK.”
- “My parents are right. I can never close the deal.”
- “My partner/boss/job/parents/upbringing/society don’t let me be who I really AM!”
- “I’m fat/ugly/old/too skinny/dumb/stupid.”
In every statement…we have handed our ability to act or our energy to break through to what we want.
In essence our beliefs, our words and our actions start reflecting a structure a process where we automatically start to give our power away.
We are born with this amazing ability to be sovereign onto ourselves, to decide, to create…yes, to MANIFEST.
This beautiful creative energy is then layered upon with stories/beliefs/patterns passed down by family, culture, society, religion and government. You name it and you’ve encountered it. Yes, programming.
It’s not done maliciously. It’s done so you will survive.
Keep your head down so they won’t shoot it off. Dress and speak the same so you won’t be singled out. Be part of the pack to survive. Laws that the reptilian part of the brain we still carry, wants us to uphold so we will survive.
The thing is…we don’t need that anymore! Thank the Universe for that! Mostly in this world ( sadly not all parts) we have more freedom than ever before yet we continue to drag all those layers around us AS IF they are real, unbreakable, carved in the stone of our being. Our being is not stone.
The beliefs/stories/laws of the tribe can shape the lens from where we look from but not the true essence of what we are.
When we give our power away we often suffer:
- Bad health
- depression, anxiety
- stress
- lack of self-confidence
- lack of accountability
- unhappiness and discontent
- lack of gratitude and an overall YUCK and UGH energy
- inability to commit
- not-so-hot relationships
- lack of direction at work
It’s all about getting back to that essence. That energy. Yes, that power.
My story revolved around even defining the word POWER.
It was a very bad word for me. It told stories of enslavement, imperialism, patriarchy, racism, oppression and victimhood.
I found myself experiencing “power over” and feeling like a victim. In my mind though I was a “good person.”
Those were my stories, the layers I carried and the internal conflict I felt.
I knew I was capable of so much, so strong yet I could not claim my own energy to be the authority for myself.
I still left home when my intuition told me it was time.
I still followed much of my intuition but in crucial moments of my life, I handed myself over to fears, the “how things are” and the belief that the reality around me was truth with a capital “T”. I knew that I knew better but I had no words for it, no frame of reference.
I stayed away from even acknowledging my power lest my ego get carried away with my spirit! The truth was, I was frightened of it…so I gave it away.
The giving away of it made me not acknowledge my strong healing and intuitive abilities. The giving away of it made me suffer. The giving away of it made me a bit of a martyr.
Do we smell some stories about defining a good spiritual person by their martyrdom? Yes, another story we are possibly born into through our religion or spiritual beliefs.
When we give away our energy, we start to have less energy (power) to manifest what we want. In fact, we give power to fears so we tend to manifest what we actually don’t want.
It’s in the breaking free from these limiting beliefs and fears that we reclaim what is ours.
We get comfortable because its easier to blame others or society than to change our beliefs and clear our lens.
Honoring our intuitive and healing abilities is about accepting our inner power. It’s about knowing that the authority lives inside YOU. It’s about aligning ourselves with what spiritual activist Starhawk teaches is “Power from within instead of power over.” Oh I like that. Feel that out.
“Power from within instead of power over.”
Most of us need to be pressed to the wall and smacked around a bit in everyday life to ask,” What the hell is going on? I can’t go on like this!”
I know that I was brought to my knees when I didn’t listen about not taking a job and instead gave away my power to the fear that “there are no jobs out there. I need to take this one!” though my internal system was saying, ”Hell no! This is not for you!”
By standing and finally (!) accepting my internal gps, I claimed my power back. I make decisions and stand by them not just from facts, from my own guidance system. It’s my calling and I have claimed it.
So I ask you…”Do you have the courage to exist in a reality that others may not validate? Are you ready to connect with and live from your own internal guidance system, your true north?”
What happens when we start to accept our power from within?
- Clarity around our purpose and our work
- Not settling! Better relationships of all kinds
- Better health. Using our energy y to heal rather than be drained from giving it away.
- Self-confidence & increased self-worth
- Committing to the things and people that evolve and inspire you
- More fun. More love. More joy.
- Deep sense of gratitude
Almost forgot. There is another definition for power.
Power: plural : an order of angels — see celestial hierarchy
I like that one the best. Let’s claim our celestial hierarchy and remember we have a divine spark inside of us!
If that wasn’t enough…we also have POWER, yeah an ORDER of Angels willing to help! Love it!
Work your power people and use that innate gift you were born with!
Intuitively yours,