Monthly Archives: September 2013

The Daily Oracle: Miracles Ahead

As modern life has evolved it seems we worry more about the things that “can” happen and what “could” be.

We worry SO much in fact, that disconnecting and putting ourselves to sleep can become a way of life so as not to feel the pain and anxiety.

Yes…there may be another earthquake, another hurricane. Another war. Another relative passing and maybe another illness…or lay off.

Even our prayers can be filled with fear:

“Oh please God don’t let this happen…”
“Oh Please God don’t let my stuff be taken away…”

Even when we step into greater abundance and even love…we worry it might ‘end.” SO we don’t enjoy that not having and then we can barely experience the experience of having/living because we are worrying about the losing.

So…what do we do?

How about give AS much or MORE fuel, idea, thought and passion to the belief that MIRACLES are evolving and occurring everyday?

Let’s for today:
Pretend. Play. Allow.
Be curious about the miracles that lie in everyday life!

The miracles of healing, forgiving, exploring, feeling and BEING.

The miracle that we are alive and have survived so much and continue to thrive!

The very miracle of being able to love through great pain and loss.

The miracle of HOPE.

Yes, my friend. Miracles are ahead. They are here. Take a breath and KNOW this.

If you read this and feel it in your heart…the miracle of recognition, validation and connection may have just shown itself!

Pay attention to miracles. You and I and all of us are living them and experiencing them everyday.

Ah, yes let’s get our MIRACLES ON!

~VCC 9/30/13

The Daily Oracle: Our TRUE Nature

“Precious” is a movie character, not a way of life…

What do we mean by this?

There is a tendency in the spiritual lifestyle to make so many feelings, ideas and life purposes as “precious” …as if they are apart from your daily life.

As if it needs to be separated from the daily muck of your mundane existence.

As if you need to be incensed,
detoxed on a mountaintop to be “spiritual” or “on purpose.”

The thing is…you are not in a cave.
You are most likely not a nun or monk in a monastery (you might be though… )

You are spiritual from conception and dare I say,
before of course! For all time, actually.

You HAVE a purpose whether you are aware of it or not.

We have fallen in love with ideas about how “spirituality” and “life purpose” should feel or look like.

Throw that away. Now.

Look in the mirror and breathe deeply. Say,” Hi beautiful/handsome.”

Your spiritual life and your purpose is already on it’s way. It’s unfolding as you breathe and sooner or later you will say, “Ahhh there you were all along!” Amen, to that!

Life IS precious but when we let our ego get all caught up, WE get all caught up with expectations that create separations rather than true connection.

You are precious. So am I. Now don’t fret if you’ve lost your crystal bag or don’t have your yoga mat.

All these accoutrements are fun & cool. It’s amazing to go to a sweatlodge and be in ceremony. I love these experiences!

It is life-changing to experience spiritual retreats…yet we are NOT less spiritual if we do not have access to these experiences. They also do not replace true awareness and intuitive action that expands our consciousness here on Earth school.

We already have everything we need.
Our minds, bodies, hearts and Soul. WE are the vessel AND that which fills it.

Remember We are the LOVE
And it is

~VCC 9/29/13

Blessings on this day of celebration to Archangel Michael

The Daily Oracle: Stay OPEN


Even if you’ve been so hurt you think you’ll never love again.

Even if you think no one will ever “get “ you.
Even if you feel the tightness and pulling in your heart when faced with an opportunity to love…

Earth school wasn’t just about getting here, being freakin fabulous, getting married to the perfect soulmate and having adorable kids…you may actually experience some or all of that at some moments…


You will lose people you love
You will run from opportunities due to fear
You will get mad at GOD
You will get your heart broken
You will break hearts
You will win
You will fail

You WILL get up again. You gotta.

That’s the thing. It’s this grand adventure so don’t get stuck on yesterday’s pain.

Don’t get stuck on what you “expect” from others and aren’t getting. Revel in the joy that every day is a new day to express, experience and exist!

Move through it.

Forgiveness serves YOU.
Letting go serves YOU and the PLANET.

Could you IMAGINE a planet, a Universe in fact,
of healing beings running, dancing around with OPEN hearts?

Wow. Now that’s an Earth School Graduation Party! That’s what I’m talking about.

Stay OPEN cuz you are invited to that party
Meet ya on the dance floor!
~VCC 9/28/13


It’s so interesting how we can confidently believe that love will always find us, and it does.

Or KNOW that no matter what we will always be wealthy…and we are. It’s so interesting that we believe that we can use energy to “manifest” some things and not other things. I know this has happened to me as well.

The fact is thought that we are at the heart of it, pure energy.
Every thought is energy. Every feeling is energy.

Whether we are talking money, jobs, love, babies or intimacy. Everything is belief. Everything is energy.

If we believe that we can manifest one thing easily let’s look deeper and see what belief we are holding about money, love or health that is limiting our experience of that at this moment.

If we can release, “ there are no good men left” or “ My mailing list is too small to bring in that kind of abundance!.” If we can release it as some convention that we chose due to fear and step into the limitlessness of our potential…well, the sky is the limit!

Everything, even love and money are all one thing. Energy. So let’s shake off our limitations in an area today and take an energetic bath in the pool of possibilities!

What will it be?

“Today I release my fears of being hurt and open my heart to deep love and understanding with an amazing partner.”

“ Today I acknowledge that money is energy and I understand that WHEREVER I am, I prosper.”

“Today as I own and accept my abilities and gifts, I step into my visibility as an artist/healer/poet/entrepreneur and am fully embraced by the world!”

Just remember when fear knocks at the door. You’re not home. You are too busy loving it up with the grand Universe and manifesting every thing that you need to create everything you came here to experience and offer! Ahhh it’s all connected….

Blessed be~VCC


The Daily Oracle: Evolve don’t revolve

We are creatures of habit. We get used to what we think and do and we continue doing it.

Even not finishing what we start, running away and starting new things all the time could be a habit or pattern that you keep repeating.

Our lives are actually based on beliefs that we have and keep repeating over and over ( even if subconsciously) until they are manifested in the outside world. The greatest gift you can give yourself and others is choosing ways to view yourself and life that allow you more hope and love.

“The Universe is conspiring towards my outrageous success.” Is so much better and an invitation towards more expansion than, ” This world sucks and I am just fighting to stay alive!”

Believe it or not, many of us feel the latter. You are reading this for a reason. What overriding belief are you carrying that has shaped your experience in life thus far?

Take a moment to breathe and ask, “ Is this habit truly serving me?” If it’s not…it might be a great time to pick up some new habits!

Everyone is intuitive but LISTENING and taking right action based on said intuition is a CHOICE. Yes, I was born highly intuitive but the reason this has become part of my life’s work is also because it’s a well-cultivated habit. Looking beneath the surface and sensing deeply are a way of life for me.

Close your eyes. How do you want to FEEL in your life? Free. Happy. Sensual. Joyful. Abundant. Whatever it is allow yourself to breathe it in (no matter what your circumstances look like now) and FEEL what you want.

What kinds of habits would support this amazing way of feeling?

Getting up early to write might mean an earlier bedtime. Feeling strong in your body might mean starting yoga, dance or weight training.

Finding the love of your life might mean fully loving yourself first AND knowing that you are lovable and not a weirdo. That yes you can and already do have a loving partner waiting for you somewhere as you read this!

Feeling freer might mean getting rid of stuff in your house you don’t need. Being happier might mean letting go of the habit of pessimism and allowing all to be a learning lesson as you start to view life as a curious adventure instead!

Instead of seeing some of these changes as a drag…realize that they are supportive BUILDING BLOCKS to the life and FEELINGS that you are wanting to experience.

When we do what we do unconsciously, we create more unconsciousness and stuckness. Being stuck can be like a revolving door and hopelessness can set in.

If you want to FEEL different things in your life than what you are feeling, look at your habits now. Pick those that bring expansion and release those that keep you in a fake safe space. You think you are safe but you are actually not taking risks or allowing yourself to grow.

Jump off that turning door! When we start to think and move in ways that allow us to expand and grow we are creating positive change and greater room for joy.
Yes we create a sense of evolving rather than revolving! Let’s EVOLVE!!!

~VCC 9/23/13

The Daily Oracle: TODAY: Just BE

When sh&t hits the fan, some duck their heads under the covers ummm… and kinda stay there.

Then there are those that activate all inner hands on deck TO GET MOVIN!!! And I mean, they DO IT ALL THE TIME.

Adrenal burnout anyone? Cortisol rising? Headaches. Body aches. You get the picture.

Taking action is great. Absolutely great but not to the demise of your inner flow.

There are times when something inside you says,” Wait. Wait. Just rest for a minute.” I invite you to LISTEN.

When we allow ourselves to BE without taking care of sh&t like a pro…we open up space for miracles to arise.

Of course sometimes, miracles move through your inspired actions but when something is internally suggesting that you relax for a moment do so.

Go within. Breathe deeply. Allow yourself to BE in your body.

Then ASK for assistance, peace and patience.

Do something good for yourself and allow some rest time. Release thoughts of laziness and stress. Invite yourself to take a load off.

This mini-break in the middle of a storm or a crazy week can and will restore you. If you allow yourself to BE, you open up to potentials, opportunities and insights you may never had experienced by scampering under the gun.

So go get that pedicure, haircut or kick back on your lawn or living room. Take a breath. Look around and give thanks for whatever IS.

It’s only in BEING can we have true SEEING.

Kicking back for some Me BE time with my pedicurist! Giving thanks and understanding that everything I need is already within me.

Knowing that as we step into being present, the gifts in situations/circumstances begin to show themselves to us!

Yeah, you created some space for awareness!

Whooaaa that is something I can truly be grateful for! ~VCC

Quick TIP: Looking at things from a bigger perspective

Speaking our truth is in the air right now. Conversations that revolve around speaking our heart even in the face of judgement or lack of kindness have been on the coaching radar lately.

When some stuff happens that feels unfair and not cool…Get yourself together and speak from your heart.

It may be painful, you may want to run to the woods/cave/Hawaii (insert place here) the thing is, wherever you go, you take you with you.

That means that ALL the stuff you want to hide from or shove in a drawer gets to go with you. You don’t get to outrun your stuff chasing ease down to the bottom of the vodka glass or passed the zillionth video game.

Dealing with stuff is not easy but it’s definitely character and chakra building. Staying quiet makes you feel smaller, constricted and reduces the energy flow you have to make great stuff happen in your life.

So whenever you want to hide the shit that’s bothering you, take time out to look at it, feel it and see it from various perspectives.

  • Get to a quiet spot. Heck the bathroom stall works too if thats all ya got.
  • Breathe deeply. Allow yourself to feel your body.
  • Many people think “consciousness” is about leaving the body. Why are we in it to begin with? To experience it all from that place?
  • Allow yourself to let your feelings rise up.
  • What is the belief at the core? No one understands me? No one loves me? I am not enough? I am to much?
  • Imagine now that you are parasailing.
  • From that perspective you can SEE so much. Whats going on beyond YOU? from the other person’s point of view?
  • If you were looking at the situation from a third party perspective, what would you say about this?
  • Remember to speak and talk to anyone from the best place you can muster.

Even if it sucks, show up the best you can. It’s in your mind, body & spirit’s best interest!

For the Wise Ones: on POWER & Humility

My close friends know this about me…as outgoing and boisterous as I can be, there is a deep reverence and devotion for the sacred that is fused with profound humility. In the past it was difficult for me to share what I do, the outcomes and my deep love AND skills…because the sharing of it felt like showing off.

The stating the obvious “I DO POWERFUL WORK” felt so weird. I always felt that what is powerful does not have to exclaim or proclaim itself…such as a mountain, a river or the winds. When our work is a force of nature, it will show…

I have been a seeker all my life, enjoying church, temple and nature…yet not an official member of any particular religion. I have been sitting in sisterhood circle for over 20 years, since my guides said,” Gather them.”

I started doing past life regressions before I trained at 19 and intuitive readings ( while blindfolded so I couldn’t read faces/clothes/mannerisms) at 16.

My understanding and lifelong experience has been to encounter wise and sage people who do not go shouting about ” I am POWERFUL! Look at me!”
I am talking about people that are not known online or don’t have published books but who have affected thousands upon thousands of people…

And yet, I have witnessed many guides and sages who walked this path of humility and then turn to bitch when someone who took a quickie course in hypnosis or decided to teach class in a sisterhood circle format ( and spoke about it as if they invented it.) I have witnessed really gifted leaders, healers and holders of space keep this vow of humility and remain hidden. I’ve witnessed them get bitter and sad.

No need for bitterness. A change of perspective is due. In the past these virtues served the Wise Ones and they no longer do.

Silence. Humility. Introspection gone too far keep you from serving in the big way that you are called to. In the true way you were BORN to serve.

I smile when I see copy after copy that claims “powerful work” now. Yes, their work is powerful. We are ALL capable of powerful work.

Words have power so let us use them. Let us use our words to put our purpose out into the world so it may gather the energies it needs to GROW!

I believe that the proof is in the experiencing. I also believe that we as Spiritual peeps and INTUITIVES need to step out and share our POWERFUL work.

This is a time where much financial abundance can come to true experts and wise people and it is up to us to share. In the sea of “powerful” work, and words and the latest trends…be open, be honest, share your truth, your SOUL…be brave.

Share and EMBRACE what is yours and has been yours…
the fact that you ARE POWERFUL WORK!

blessed be,
~vcc 12/9/13