As modern life has evolved it seems we worry more about the things that “can” happen and what “could” be.
We worry SO much in fact, that disconnecting and putting ourselves to sleep can become a way of life so as not to feel the pain and anxiety.
Yes…there may be another earthquake, another hurricane. Another war. Another relative passing and maybe another illness…or lay off.
Even our prayers can be filled with fear:
“Oh please God don’t let this happen…”
“Oh Please God don’t let my stuff be taken away…”
Even when we step into greater abundance and even love…we worry it might ‘end.” SO we don’t enjoy that not having and then we can barely experience the experience of having/living because we are worrying about the losing.
So…what do we do?
How about give AS much or MORE fuel, idea, thought and passion to the belief that MIRACLES are evolving and occurring everyday?
Let’s for today:
Pretend. Play. Allow.
Be curious about the miracles that lie in everyday life!
The miracles of healing, forgiving, exploring, feeling and BEING.
The miracle that we are alive and have survived so much and continue to thrive!
The very miracle of being able to love through great pain and loss.
The miracle of HOPE.
Yes, my friend. Miracles are ahead. They are here. Take a breath and KNOW this.
If you read this and feel it in your heart…the miracle of recognition, validation and connection may have just shown itself!
Pay attention to miracles. You and I and all of us are living them and experiencing them everyday.
Ah, yes let’s get our MIRACLES ON!
~VCC 9/30/13