Monthly Archives: November 2013

The Daily Oracle: Grateful for the Unknown

We often huddle in dark bar corners discussing the unknown, or on couches and at brunches. We say we, “Hate change.”

All the while knowing that CHANGE is at the very core of our existence. We were born to arrive, grow, transform, transform, transform and then transform out of the shape we came in with.In essence our little deaths, our little endings are all part of a skein,
a web of divine forces that if allowed will take us into the flow of what and who we were born to BE.On days that we decide are “special” we gather, mourn the past (often secretly) and feast. Change is still present. It is unfolding.

On these days on any days, attempt to stop weeping for what was, can never be or is not here.

OPEN your eyes, your heart and perceive, experience fully where you are NOW.

If you step out of the script of “what has been” and “what is” you may find that some invisible realities may arise…

You may discover a connection that you didn’t know was there.
You may receive love and compassion from strangers.
You may speak truth to a stranger who knows you better than a sibling.
You may love more than you thought you were able.
You may feel more pleasure than you ever imagined.

Step out of your role, your script, your play…be GRATEFUL for the unknown and ALLOW yourself to be open, to understand, to receive and to share.

Be grateful for the unknown. Do not fear it.

The unknown is your future love.
Your unborn children.
Your great success in the making.
Your greatest joy and deepest pain…that allows you to create your poem, your business, your movie, your award-winning book.

The UNKNOWN is YOUR book.

Be grateful for all that has transpired without judgement.
Be grateful for all that you have but overlook.
Understand that your health, your wealth, your soul, your mind, your family..are ALL a blessing!

Nothing is promised, really…
all is up for grabs.
Each roll of the die is an unknown!
So be grateful for ALL.

Meet you in the UNKNOWN.
Get ready to play.
We are waiting

~vcc 11/28/13

The Daily Oracle: Remaining OPEN

What if we told you that all the “reasons, analysis and fears” are not real at all?

perhaps there were experiences that occurred that brought you to an overall consensus that “THIS IS THE WAY IT IS.”

What IF though,
what if,
“THE WAY IT IS” is far beyond what your eyes can see?
What if it extends even farther than what your heart can muster?
What IF, “THE WAY IT IS,” is…
Expansive beyond our imagining

What IF all these things are here for you NOW?

Not when you’ve lost 10 lbs or fallen in love or made 7 figures?
What IF all of it is here and because you can’t SEE it,
You don’t BELIEVE it?

Getting comfortable in 2 dimensional or even 3 dimensional living and perceiving is EASY. It’s comfortable. It’s the way it’s been done..

Not for creatives, lovers, healers, dreamers, doers & intuitives…

No, you want the juice of life! You want and sense there is so much more!

That’s why you’ve been equipped you with a third eye. That’s why you see, feel, know and hear more than what they eye and ear can perceive.

You see BELOW
The circumstances!

Remain OPEN.
Ask for assistance.

Keep on Keepin’ on with your VISION.
It’s ALL here NOW.

And SEE!

OPEN your heart and feel!

Deeply grateful for YOU

the SEEING will unfold in all it’s abundance!

~vcc 11/27/13

The Daily Oracle: the Empath’s Gift

Dear Empath,

You feel so much.
The child who is lost.
The woman who is aching.
The man whose heart is closed…Everyone walks by…

YOU feel it all.

We understand. It is your most precious gift, this gift of feeling. This experiencing deeply.

Yet we feel the pain you carry that is not yours.
We see excuses, the compassion and understanding you attempt to have for others…
to the detriment of your SELF.

Yes, while you are here to love and experience…you are also here to own your gifts and that includes self-love!

So pay attention to your pain, your aches and your sadness. Release what is not yours and allow others their experiences, their choices.

Remember as painful as all might be that there is co-creation unfolding and that there are always choices to be made. There are always CHOICES.

Choose your expansion.
Choose to feel good.
That is your greatest task, as you feel good you hold space for others to enter into joy.

Yes, hold space for JOY & HAPPINESS.

For CHOICE and above all…LOVE.

~vcc 11/26/13

The Daily Oracle: Facing the Visibility Challenge

As visionaries, healers, leaders and intuitives…we have BIG visions.

Since we have the gift of seeing we can delve deeply with Spirit and feel how the vision could play out.
We can go for the big steps, the big leaps and then wonder why it didn’t play out the way we envisioned…
Looking back at your vision,
did you leave out the part about sharing authentically?
Did you omit sharing your heart, your experience and your TRUTH?
Creating your VISION= being VISIBLE!
As spiritual peeps it doesn’t work anymore to create from behind the scenes. As spirit and consciousness is stepping up into the public stage so are we in turn, NEEDED to step up.
The way we attract allies, assistance and opportunities is by being OPEN!
So start sharing where you are at, what you want to create and what you are facing…
We are here to answer the call and gather our tribes. The ONLY way we can do that is by allowing our HEART & SOUL to be VISIBLE.
When we share from our Soul we are LOVE made visible!
We SEE you. WE SEE your vision. Now go and SHARE with the world.
~VCC 11/24/13

The Daily Oracle: Becoming an Embodied Soul

Often we hand over control to the brain, the mind, the logical side of ourselves. We trust it.

Of course we do! It’s quick reactions and resourcefulness have gotten us out of a few situations…

It’s also created quite a few dilemmas and fears as well.

So wherever you are in your life, especially if you are the intelligent intuitive humans we know you are…
allow your faith and trust to guide you into your body.

It’s all about the mind, body & soul connection!

In order to have an EMBODIED soul, we have to have a body, no?

So come back to it.

No matter how brilliant your mind is, your body is it’s house and they need each other, along with the soul to create a HOME.

Ahhh yes! And remember that as you say, “Home is where the heart is,” so as you take care of connecting and feeling your body, you are also watching out for your health and your emotions. When we are all mind, the heart and body suffer and those are pretty unwanted side effects!

We know that you get REALLY busy making s&%t happen and that is why you NEED to allow your mind, body AND soul to align.

A quick and easy way? Breathing deeply and allowing your thoughts to flow in and out. Holding on to nothing. Allowing yourself to be present…oh yes, meditation!

Its not about a coup over the mind, it’s about a sweet invitation and a loving promise that you are ok. Your mind thinks it needs to keep control and your body and soul know better.

Yes, we do…  “So baby, come back” <3

~Vcc 11/22/13

The Daily Oracle: Growing Pains

Once in awhile you get a glimpse of your greatness…

It might expand your heart in the moment.

It might make you feel like, “ AHhh YES! I always thought SO!”
YOU soar in that moment.
YOU love everyone.
YOU love EVERY thing!
Then in the bright early morning light,
the enlightenment hangover hits…
Where you making that up?
Who the hell do you think you are, anyway?
Did you IMAGINE everything you feel you are here to do?
Yeah, it’s your imagination. NOT.
It’s your fears acting up. It’s the pressure of “how” it will all unfold and how it will come about. It’s the fear that it’s ALL up to you.
Guess who is creating this pressure? Your ego, your fears…your little self that when confronted with your eternal, magical SELF is threatened.
Yes, YOU have to show up. You do, but you don’t have to do it all. In fact, all you gotta do is RIDE the wave of your own authentic Self.
So be forgiving. Be compassionate…above all with yourself.
If you fall off the unicorn, get back up. And remember fairies and Angels never lose their wings, some people just can’t see them. But boy they can feel them when we SOAR!
EMBRACE your growing pains and FLY!
Loving you,
~vcc 11/18/13

The Daily Oracle: It is Done

So often as our mind rallies facts and “proof” of the way things can go wrong…just as often our heart & soul is out on a truth seeking mission.

Allow your mind to rest.
Allow your heart & Soul to SOAR!”Good mind. Good mind, thank YOU for how you try to keep me safe and make sure I will survive, now rest.”

Allow yourself to be restored by the magick brought back by your Soul’s seeking!

Drink fully from the cup of plenty for experience is your birthright and LIVING is your expression of the creative power that flows within!

It is Done.

That which is your Soul’s true calling.
All you desire. It is Done
~VCC 11/16/13

The Daily Oracle: REFLECTING the Light

The greatest gift you can give anyone is the reflection of their own most brilliant Soul self.

In order to hold that space, we must become that magnificent mirror we must also learn to see OURSELVES clearly within!

It’s a process and we are all works-in-progress. Compassion is key.

It’s about being vigilant with our fears, patterns, desires, dreams and beliefs. Always uncovering more of ourselves leads to assisting others to SHINE as well.

Think on it, if we cannot see the most beautiful potential that resides within how can we CLEARLY see another?

The moments and sparks of beauty, light and love can become a way of life as we move with dedication and compassion on our on path.

The greatest gift you can give your loved one, your family, your friends…is the owning and being of your most brilliant Soul self!

Disowning, projecting and thinking that “those people are brilliant, or talented or lucky, beautiful, spiritual” and we are not, does not support the light of your world. It does not allow your brilliance to shine through.

SHINE on! We are holding up the mirror and loving you into brilliance!


The Daily Oracle: Love begins with you

Often we look around and feel like we aren’t getting the love we “deserve.” This idea and/or experience can get us in a funky mood.

If love seems to be “missing” from your life…
take a moment.
How do YOU define LOVE?
How do you define experiencing love?
Do you give love easily or is there an agenda on your part? Are you keeping a love tally?
Do you ALLOW others to love you the way they do? Are you OPEN to RECEIVE?
And of utmost importance, do you love & accept yourself the way YOU are?
We’ve all been fed this idea that we aren’t “good enough” at some turn of our experience or we have formed that idea. Yet our greatest power comes from loving and accepting ourselves the way we are!
When we love ourselves we are going to make better choices. When we love ourselves we are going to GIVE ourselves opportunities to SHINE and give others in turn!
As we learn to love and accept ourselves the way we are, we in turn can support others to love us and respect us as they also respect and love themselves. Win-win situation, we say!
Remember we set the pace. We actually DO have a SAY in how much love we give, experience and receive.
The truth is that we are love. Yes, that’s it. We seek what we are reflected back. Let us recognize what we are and invite all that juiciness in!
Affirmation for today: “ I love and accept myself the way I am. I am open to experience giving, experiencing and receiving love in it’s infinite manifestations.”
Ah LOVE. We are love and we are always experiencing love <3
~Vcc 11/12/13

The Daily Oracle: Keeping it Simple

Often when you realize your “purpose” your “mission” or simply your next “big thing,” there is an immediate full-bodied YES.

This YES moves you to share with friends.
Post on FB. Sign up for courses, maybe buy some books.

This YES gets you off your couch or your comfort long enough to SEE that there’s something more that you’ve been called to share with the world.

Then your brain, stats on the success that other’s have had or other people’s experiences start to simmer it down to a maybe, or to a MEHHH…

Eventually you find yourself saying,” Well, it’s a dream you know…I need to keep my feet on the ground.”

Yeah, it IS a DREAM. A dream that YOU have been given, in your own way!

So keep it SIMPLE.
When a dream shakes you up inside enough to say YES!

Nurture it. Find those that will cultivate it with you.
Stay away from naysayers and stay connected to your HEART!

In the end, it’s YOUR dream for you to follow, create and bring forth into the world.

Don’t let it pass out of this world without a fighting chance.

Keep it simple. Keep saying,” YES.”

YES. Yes. YES. Yes. YES. Yes.

~VCC 11/9/13