Monthly Archives: December 2013

Becoming Conscious

conscious beings

conscious ensouled beings

“I believe that life as we know it is set up to help us SEE past the physical container we exist in. It’s so easy to make judgements based what we think is happening TO us. When we adopt a perception that it’s happening FOR us we start to see beyond the immediate limitations, pain and heart break. We are meant to be hearts & Souls without borders. Our lives create a structure that our SOUL was meant to surpass, outgrow and TRANSFORM beyond. Let’s not view obstacles and hurts as instruments of limitation and shrinking but rather a weeding of our thoughts, beliefs and ego so we can GROW and THRIVE into the next evolution- Conscious Ensouled Beings .”


The Daily Oracle: Don’t Fight the Pull to Rest

We are in love and loathing with our to-do lists. Every check ignites us and what is left can haunt us.

Our “making shit happen” anthem is loud and pulsating…our desire for quiet and rest can often be pushed to the side.

In the midst of these seasonal changes, we begin to feel the pull to rest, to go inward. Allow your Soul to call you back to the void, to the darkness from where all creation is BORN.

Give into the darkness, the quiet, the solitude of slumber.

Know that you are being reborn, know that you are emptied so you can be filled again with fuel, fire and purpose.

Don’t fight the pull to rest, it’s the key to your rejuvenation and your deep well of inspiration.

cradling you into deep rest,

~vcc 12/3/13

The Daily Oracle: Things Fall into Place

Sometimes everything falls into place
the way it’s supposed to…
at least that is the way it feels…
and you feel free
taken care of
and lovable
then you know
you just KNOW that the UNIverse was on your side
every time you cried
every time you asked WHY? WHY?
every time you felt out the darkness
and felt no immediate reply
and now in this simple moment
in this space between spaces
you KNOW that all is happening FOR YOU.
It is GOOD
and all is well.
sometimes everything falls into place
the way it’s supposed to…
~vcc 12/2/13


I know many of you have been feeling: emotional, murky, overwhelmed, moody and somehow needing solitude.

Thank the very powers of transformative Scorpio! Many of us were pulled under to face the undertow of what “we REALLY feel” during this time!
The Good, no GREAT news is that the fire to get rising and get THRIVING IS HERE!NEW MOONS are all about seeding new intentions and new beginnings. This new moon is one of the BEST new moons around!

The Sun in Sag, the moon and some intense support from Uranus in Aries gives us a fiery power to lift up from the scorpionic depths and RISE!!!!
Enough of delving deeply into the past or the subconscious ( says I who travel there everyday as part of my work!) It’s time to grab our bow & arrows and AIM!The question here becomes: What are we AIMING at? What are our true aligned goals, for realz now…not what you learned in school or what you think you need to answer. What do you FEEL you came here to DO? BE? SHARE?

These are the aims and goals that Sagittarius highlights now!

It’s all about your inner visionary. ROCK THE VISION YOU CAME TO UNFOLD!Seeing what others cannot see and creating it in your life! No matter what, knowing that the Universe will come to your aid and that it is all unfolding.

SO DREAM BIG and use this fiery get-up-and-go to be HONEST about what you want…what you really, REALLY want…cuz you will get it!

Ohhh I knew i was feeling fiery this am, had to be Sun, Moon, Uranus all in FIRE!!!! Let’s go, let’s get FIRED UP with our purpose!!!

Call to action: Light a candle. Stare at the flame. Breathe deeply and connect with the fire element…no matter what sign you are.

Allow yourself to imagine your dreams on FIRE, your life on FIRE, what would it feel like if your PASSION and PURPOSE where ON???
Allow yourself to feel the full ALIVENESS of it all. Come back, now go to it Fire Starters!!!loving you, V
~vcc 12/2/13