Ritual has been a part of my life for two decades…lifetimes, really. I slip it in my teen trainings, I work it into my Intuition Immersion & Urban Priestess Program. I do it in the am, in the pm and even in bwteen…seamlessly, it is such a part of my life that I don’t even make a big deal of it or think about it!
Ritual helps align us to our core and provides a container and practical process to attain a certain consciousness. A saying attributed to Dion Fortune is: “Magic is the art of changing consciousness at will.” Those who do ritual, ceremony and meditation know how we can expand and recharge ourselves through changing consciousness!
I attribute much of my own mastery, success, peace, health on ritual and the alignment that comes from making it a habit for a healthy life.
Before the Full Moon one is growing intentions, the waning moon. After the Full Moon one accesses the intentions, the growth and one harvests…it is also a time of releasing. This is a natural cycle that is visible in the every day world, be it moon cycles, tides, nature and men and women…ALL of it CYCLES thru, SPINS and swirls in a CIRCLE of existence.
Learning about the Spirit and the Divine Feminine is now acceptable and even trendy…the times we have been waiting for are here. The time of Awakening! I still come from a time where you sat in solitude and really dove deeply in your training until you emerged…newly birthed.
Not after a weekend, or a week…after a year and a day of dedication, you moved into initiation and then levels of growth thereafter. So the fact that many of us have remained quiet is because of tradition and the lineage/heritage of the Craft of the Wise. Life of course, initiates and trains you through her unfolding through you!
I entered the Circle this week for deep healing and clearing. Powerful sisterhood and personal work with a shaman. I am so blessed to be witnessing the changes so quickly!!! I had been feeling blocked, even sllloooweed down beyond the winter hibernation pull.
The seeds are sprouting as the fogginess clears. A new partner in a business venture is expanding our mission, speaking at event with several hundred people, being an empowerment facilitator & curriculum support of a Leadership Institute, creating partnerships in various wellness centers here and in Miami, South America. Last year I spoke at 15 LIVE events from March ( the Odyssey Mastermind) to September. This year it seems the numbers may be growing!
Often people want to label or wrap their brain “around” what someone does. Clarity is good for business purposes and I believe in it! There are many though called to more than a snappy tagline!
While I am an clairvoyant psychic medium and intuition trainer, I am also a healer that supports change thru clinical transformative hypnotherapy. I work AND live from a deep place of Soul Service and deep dedication to the Light within each person I work with. I am a connector to the Divine, within you, within me. It is a latent connection with us all, I just decided at 19 to make it my conscious path and my raison d’être.
I have been a priestess for two decades and guided women in the Mysteries of the Divine Feminine…as well as men.
I help entrepreneurs get clarity, people quit smoking or give up fears AS WELL help birthing mommies turn their breech babies thru hypnosis/or move the placenta out of the way… as well as teach YOU how to ROCK YOUR intuition.
I create innovative transpersonal programming for teens in a competitive Leadership training as well as see them 1:1 or in intuition group sessions. I have worked with over 200 young women in the last 4 yrs! My mission is to be a vessel for inspiration & transformation…for now in English and Spanish..perhaps in another language in the future?
I work from wherever I am AND I also value my clients so if they want in person…I LOVE to meet them! I love people, always have. I love that Spirit works as Spirit does quickly through the phone line, instantaneously really,,,AND I love that I get to hold your hand as I connect and read you. I love guiding my tribe on tele class trainings as well as 3rd eye to 3rd eye seeing in a workshop or day event like this summer at Goddess on the Go! or three times this year alone in Panama, teaching Intuition Immersion & Conscious Manifestation workshops/talleres in SPanish !
Don’t let yourself be pigeonholed. You don’t have to BE one thing or DO one thing. If you do that ROCKS!!! If you don’t, that DOES TOO! Who cares if you are temporarily misunderstood, if your ideas or expressions are co-opted or imitated…Don’t let YOU tell you that you are TOO MUCH or not enough…It doesn’t matter if your interests are “weird” compared to others. They are organic to your essence and BEing.
KNOW that you were made with these passions and desires for a reason…as they anchor and guide you to your SOUL’s PURPOSE.
Learn to ROCK your intuition. Learn WHO YOU TRULY are and OWN that $hit, for realz!
in perfect love & perfect trust,
Blessed be
Vanessa Codorniu, CHt, RMT, Urban Priestess