Monthly Archives: February 2014

Being crazy and working your weird


“You must learn to love your discomfort and sit with it like an old friend. “~vcc

I said to my little brother yesterday, ” there are mornings that I ask myself, am I crazy for doing everything I am doing?” My mom said,” That’s what we ask every morning about you!” LOL. All in jest. When you go out on a limb, speak your truth, work your weird and do it all the time…it can be scary. There is no going back for me. I left corporate and all it’s comforts and I can’t go back. Not because it’s evil or soul-draining. The fact is everything is how we perceive it.

The truth is that while I CAN serve and have served wherever I am…that i do the world a disservice if I’m not ALL IN. I am a powerhouse. A good friend called me,” freakishly talented.” I know in my heart that I am meant to set people’s intuition on fire, help them remember their wings and help the next generation of intuitives change the world.

So maybe I am crazy for leaving comfort, stability and “normal hours” behind. Don’t fool yourselves. This is a lot of work. Of course, when you love what you do, hours fly by. The entrepreneurs i know who’ve made it happen have busted their booties.

During this intense last three weeks I may be in Miami but I am in full creation and service mode. I take great self-care breaks to the pool, eat well and meditation but I haven’t seen a full day off in a month. It’s all worth it. Videos, recordings, eBooks, new programs and incredible EVERY day breakthroughs!

When you follow your passion and answer the call you will go to the edge. You will be pushed like never before. The comfort zone will be a distant shore. You must learn to love your discomfort and sit with it like an old friend. You must move as fast as Spirit does and allow it to LIFT and carry you. There are no excuses. There is always a way. You can’t wait till the thing is perfect, it’s the way it is until it’s not. You have to stop talking, dreaming and journaling about it…if you feel that you are here to be of great service, you must do it.

You have to BEGIN wherever you are.

Some of you will know what I mean. You might tear up. We’ve all asked ourselves, ” Am i crazy for doing this?”

My thought is, we are crazy if we don’t.

~ vcc 2/21/14

The Daily Oracle: Nothing is Wrong

What if someone told you…after years of thinking you need to be fixed, that you are OK?

In fact, that you are exactly where you need to BE.

That doesn’t mean we all don’t need to hang off the edge and expand into our next BEcoming.

Just know, that while you were born and made to GROW…
That everything is the way it’s supposed to and
that it’s all temporary.

So if you don’t like what you’re experiencing, know it’s temporary.
If you do love what you’re experiencing REALLY enjoy it, it’s temporary.

Life is too short to worry about what’s wrong.
Place your energy on what’s right, good and expansive!

sending LOVE,


The Daily Oracle: Don’t Wait

Don’t wait:

to say the words your heart skips to sing
to create the art you may not have the brushes for
to sing the song that has no music yet
to give the love that your Soul was made for
to heal with the hands that still need mending
to share the beauty that YOU are!

Don’t wait, my loves
Don’t wait.

Don’t wait to SHINE until your polished
for the polishing is done in the living, the doing, the loving and the being.

SHINE loves, shine we need each other now.
We make each other SHINE in our own way…

Don’t wait for the perfect day that never comes.
The perfect one that never heals.
The perfect day that never rises.

Make this day perfection by showing up, ready, open and willing NOW.

Loving you, V
~vcc 2/15/14

The Daily Oracle: FULL MOON in LEO 2/14/14

HOW can I NOT post even though I am in bed? This MOON must be expressed and must have it’s moment in the light!
The Full moon is a time of ripe potential and potent energy. In the sign of LEO, we think the Lion, big hearts, royalty and child-like wonder.
It’s a perfect time to share how you feel with loved one, to friends and family. Leo will make it more magical, gallant and somehow sprinkle some pizazz on heartfelt expressions.Valentine’s day can be so hyped up that it can leave us all dreaming of what we wish we had.
Let’s look within with this Full Moon and ask our inner child, “what do YOU want to be happy? How do YOU feel LOVED?” Allow the answers to rise up as they may. Allow tears, laughter, desires.

Is there something you loved to do as a child that you just don’t have time for? Is there something that you need to EXPRESS, CREATE or SHARE? It’s time to SHINE! Whether it’s at an area you’ve ignored within ( need for creativity or more touch) or something that you need to go do ( acting classes anyone?) It’s time to EXPRESS!

And with that I bid thee adieu…
Flipping my Goddess cloak over my shoulder I retire to my chambers…

Ahhh Full Moon in Leo  gotta love it!

The year of Flying

As we step into this year there is an undeniable energy and momentum in the air …the year of the Horse! One of my power animals. It’s the year of leadership, power, strength, stamina, sensuality, shape-shifting and FREEDOM!

Whoa nelly. It’s time to get back on the saddle again, if we’ve taken a break in any area of our lives…it’s time to gallop on!

Do we all have a mission? I happen to think we do.

It can be as varied as saving the dolphins and whales, becoming the leader of the free world or being a badass parent to a child that has chosen you for a reason. Our missions are as varied as we are. That is a blessing! I, for one, am not interested in being a cookie cutter chick and I have a feeling that if you are reading this you aren’t either.

Getting back to our mission. We all have them. We all have something inside of us that burns brightly if not quietly at times.

What holds us back from being ALL IN and seeing our vision through? What causes us to abandon our dreams and create excuses that we are too caught up with everything else rather then the thing we are passionate about that really makes us feel alive?

From my own adventure, I know that when we feel like this it can take a long time to be all in. I want to support you in getting there as fast as you can, simply because it FEELS so good and of course, the world needs what you’ve got!

I understand you because I am one of you. I am sensitive. I am a person who sees and feels things that are invisible to the eye and often to the ego. Someone who usually will go all out for others and chalk it up to good karma.

Being the rock, the counselor AND the make-$^%* happen person in your family or world, isn’t enough though? Is it?

I know you want more, because I wanted more. I convinced myself that serving wherever I was, was enough. It was great training ground, but it wasn’t enough.

So I looked inside and spoke to my guides. They said it would all unfold and I had to step off the cliff and FLY!

Which leads me to my recurring childhood dream…

When I was a little girl I always dreamed that I could fly.

I would soar happily over New York City or Buenos Aires. I flew over mountains, valleys, rivers and oceans. I was free and flight felt natural.

In my dreams, I was scared to share it with the other kids. When I did, they didn’t believe me. The kids circled around me and told me to show them. I was so scared I could barely do it!

I was taunted and made fun of in this recurring dream. Then one day, I just stop caring what the kids said. When I stopped caring. I started to fly around them. As I landed I told the other kids that they could fly too and that I could teach them. They were scared but more curious than not. They agreed to try. We held hands and we flew. At first it wasn’t so easy but eventually, we all SOARED together!

You may not believe me now when I tell you that you have an inner voice that is dying for you to listen to it. You may think that I am special and weird so I can do this.

Grinning…I like to think that I am. I also like to think that you are as well…so take my hand and let’s do this!

I have a feeling that your wingspan is more powerful than you can imagine. I have a feeling that you can feel more joy, make more money from your passion and use your inner compass to guide you!




The Daily Oracle: Your Soul can get $%^& DONE


Tell the truth. Oh, you know you are more powerful than you seem.

You know it…and there’s always something.
If only there was a better childhood, greater resources, more opportunities, more youth, more talent, whatever “IT ” is, you don”t seem to have it and you believe it’s screwing with your GREATNESS.

Whether you tell yourself you don’t have the right pen, the right setting or the right laptop and so you can’t do it…it’s all an EXCUSE.

Sure, we should all have the right everything to do what we do but the truth is most often you MAKE it happen because you are COMPELLED to. Don’t let your tantrum-throwing ego kick your SOUL to the corner. Don’t let the ego block the door. Soothe that ego and promise a walk, some fruit, some fun times and maybe the great cabin in the woods someday for the magnificent OPUS…then give it a love pacifier and take over. Your life’s work may link together in bars, hotels, studios, sidewalks and during lunchtime at the corporate headquarters. NO EXCUSES loves 

If you want the Universe to part her arms to you with boundless opportunities ( that are already there for you btw) you gotta get the energy flowing!

That means WRITE wherever you are ( i mean your heart & location), LOVE wherever you are at ( meet others wherever they are) and CREATE ( what you are desiring.) If we all waited for the right conditions, the right resources and the right frame of mind NOTHING would get done!

All HAIL magical JK Rowling, who took 10 years to collect ideas for Harry Potter then wrote it as a single mom, on welfare in street cafes. No money. No honey. ALL CREATIVE FIRE & SPIRIT.

The creative SOUL will NOT accept earthly limitations. Get to it!
loving you, V

Embodied Vision



Convinced more than ever. We are exactly made for the calling that aches within us, for the purpose that pulses it’s way through our interests, passions and desires. We are made with the stardust that will get the vision manifested. We are equipped for our Soul assignments. Made capable and fashioned by the Spirit that will inhabit it’s own vessel. Nothing is wasted. Everything serves. Now get to it.  ~vcc

The Daily Oracle: The Universe works through People

We’ve been pouring through every Earth school manual in the Universe…never does it say anywhere that you have to do it ALL yourself!

Why human beings have taken this belief to heart, is beyond the spirit world, truly.

We are all connected. We are ONE even that person that annoys the crap out of you, is made of stardust just like you!

So how about you really open your heart chakra and ASK for help? From getting the sales page done to getting past some traumatic event. Yes, the powers that be, that by the way include YOU & me. US. We “GOT THIS!”

When you open your heart and mind to receiving the love and support through another human being…everything changes.

We can definitely send you the peeps that will help you with healing, writing your website and just having a better time of it on Earth School in general! Yes, we will send you some brothers & sisters to play with!

Ego (who can be a kickass ally on earth) gets in the way when it thinks that, ” I can’t trust anyone. I need to do everything myself. No one can help. No one understands.”

It’s a limited paradigm that has outworn it’s welcome and use. Let it go. Please make our job a little easier 🙂 There’s nothing cooler than setting up kindred spirits to meet and support each other. After all, you did come to Earth School to get some major $%^& done and most missions…always have supporters from the invisible and visible realms!

The Universe works through human beings too. Which reminds us, don’t you have someone to offer a hand to today?

always love,


The Daily Oracle: Awakening

Some were born awake.
Bided their time as they gathered their re-membering.
Others in deep sleep.
Awake Ones guide the sleepy-eyed and the recently awakened remind the teachers. We are all ONE.

We are all always awakening. Be mindful not to use “spirituality” or “enlightenment” as yet another tool or vehicle for condescension, judgment and fear.

Being Awake we see that all unfolds as it needs to. There is a place for all of us in this Universe that is more populated than its 7 billion and counting.

Awaken to your own uniqueness AND to the understanding that we are interconnected. SHINE your Light and re-member that it is in service of ALL LIGHT. EVERYWHERE.

loving you,

Hypnosis: Vows that bind us


Sometimes being blocked to a present relationship goes beyond a negative experience in childhood or present-day relationship issues. I work with releasing patterns and beliefs based on childhood/life experiences all the time and that is part of healing work.

My client today was guided in a hypnosis session to connect deeply with her husband. An image of a dark-haired man, a deep sadness and a recurring dream from childhood came up. Going deeper we explored the significance of this “dark-haired man.”

Her husband has light hair. It didn’t turn out to be any of her present life relationships. She easily slipped into another time. A vow. A binding they did with pen, quill and Soul. He had been her sweetheart and had been killed before they could marry. Yet they were bound. She was unknowingly honoring this vow. Her “block” to having a full on open heart was tied to this vow. She had no idea and always thought that perhaps she just favored dark-haired men. We released it. She feels lighter. It’s a beautiful New Day  ~vcc