Finished my last hypnosis session at 9pm tonight and I am dancing through the house. I love what I do. It’s not an average session…it takes time. It can go from 2 hours to maybe 3. It involves very deep listening and guiding the person out of their own paradigm into expansive ones in a very profound way. Of course as I am working with the subconscious and the invisible.
My paradigm at the core: everything can be healed. Everything can be release and it is NEVER too late to be what you might have been. It may take a different form but the essence of what we are can ALWAYS shine through when healing ensues.
I danced and hugged my mom and drew a bath. You would think it’s my first time! It’s not. I’ve done hundreds of these sessions but when my clients respond this way…I dance! I celebrate!
My client shared…” Last week’s forgiveness & release hypnosis session was unbelievable! I am a different person. This week I have been challenged in such an intense way that would’ve invited my normal angry reactions and reactive/defensive ways. I was surprised. I did not react. Instead I was filled with this deep wisdom with this sense of peace. I went from overly controlling and vigilant of what others do or say to being relaxed and trusting. This work has literally transformed me! Conflict is gone from my life. I used to look for it everywhere I went and THRIVE on conflict and anger. Now it’s unappealing. I am in a conscious and aware place. All I know is that this place FEELS like I should’ve been here my whole life. It’s natural and I want to allow it to flow every day. I just want to keep healing.”
Deep gratitude for a world that is awakening to love, compassion and connection. Deep gratitude for you sacred community and joyous gratitude for the cleansing bath I am about to take !
Sweet dreams…for they are ALREADY manifesting! ~V