Monthly Archives: May 2014

Night before New Moon in Gemini



Loves, it’s an exciting time! It’s the day before the NEW MOON! SO write down what you want to release or let go, burn that thing! Or step into a sea salt bath and release out loud what you don’t want to carry anymore! The point is to prepare to LET GO and SHIFT!

The NEW MOON energy tomorrow allows us to BRING IN, ATTRACT, INVITE and DECREE that which we are stepping into! It will be NEW MOON IN GEMINI, yes the twins of communication and ruled by the greek god Mercury. Mercury was always one of my favorite archetypes. Difficult to date him but that energy gets us moving with ideas, communication and of course, social media!

Our intentions and dreams have “extra” wings right now and what we want to manifest or shift into can HAPPEN REALLY REALLY FAST! SO be prepared to clear the way and go with this powerful flow that will bring you closer to the life, love and business you are wanting to experience now.

much love & Godspeed!

5/27/14 © VCC

Courage, Co-creating & Divine Timing


PERFECT TIMING: Many of us sensitives may be extremely harsh and critical with ourselves. I know I was. I felt ashamed for many years…why? you may wonder? I felt that I had a tremendous ability to see, hear, feel and know intuitive information and what was I doing with it? I projected a pressure from the Universe, my guides and Soul~ that I was not doing ENOUGH with what I had. I felt guilty, here I was very talented in many ways and yet, what did I have to show for it? I served wherever I was. Like the ancient version of priestess, I worked devotedly behind the scenes.

I trained. I had a spiritual practice and a discipline and I gave away my services.
In time, I began to charge. I held classes. I rented space. I felt, “it’s not time yet. I’m not ready. I need more training. I don’t have enough live mentors supporting my work. I don’t know where to begin. I work too much, where will I find the time?”

My full-time business didn’t happen perfectly. In fact, it’s a miracle it ever happened at all.

I worked a corporate job, did a mastermind and worked nights and weekends. Right before a major surgery, I was laid off from said corporate job. Like the day before. A deep romantic relationship ended after surgery. My business was on hold. Car accident and MRSA that was overlooked months before by my doctors. Five months of almost no business. Painful beyond belief. I didn’t feel well and I was using up all my savings for medical expenses. Enough to make anyone ask,” Universe, have you forsaken me?”

Enough to make anyone give up.
Enough to make you run back to the safety of the cubicle until I could get myself together again.

My Soul charged me to step up and IN. It was my time.

Yes, sensitives. We want the light to be JUST SO, so we can write.

The moon to be in deep fullness and the One to be gallant and perfect so we may fall in love.

We want the right amount of money in the bank to make the leap into our dreams. Our bodies to be just so, our homes to be in perfect harmony so our lives can be what we DREAMED of.

What IF The lack of external harmony and peace is there just to teach you to create the harmony and peace you want within?

As human beings, our brains want us to cross of numbers, lists and circle to-do’s ( i love lists btw!) but our Souls whisper,” you have everything that you need. NOW.”

What did I have? No man. No financial support. An exhausted, healing body and weary heart. Business at a standstill…

Then unemployment made a mistake and ended prematurely. Yes. Truth.

I will tell you what I did have:

1. The faith that I was supported by a loving God/Goddess/Great Spirit/Universe.

2. The deep understanding that this was set up to bring the best out of me.

3. The awareness, that NOTHING is stable. All is change. Only our inner being in it’s PRESENCE and being PRESENT is the stabilizing influence.

4. Family, friends, clients and students who loved me dearly.

5. A mind, body and spirit that has often gone through hell and back and not only survived but THRIVED.

5. Proof of all of the above. I had experienced miracles from choosing the 11th doctor to operate me and saving what was deemed unsalvageable to emerging from a double rollover and landing upside down car accident UNSCATHED. All the miracles happened because I LISTENED TO MY INTUITION.

I even faced my shadow, my pride in my independence. I asked for help from two friends that had promised years ago, that they would step up if I ever needed them. I have always been very proud for doing things on my own…I never asked before. I hated asking. I knew I had to grow past these shadows that meant if I asked I was weak or incapable.

SO I asked. One said they couldn’t help and the other down right ignored my request. I cried. Then I laughed. I laughed and laughed and cried. It wasn’t so hard asking. I didn’t die from being ignored. I didn’t die from surgery, from the car accident, no business.Yeah, I decided WE GOT THIS! The Universe and I.

I understood that the job, the man, the money were an ILLUSION. And I knew that I was the CREATRIX of my life.

No shame in becoming more stable before launching something…yet I was told,
” This is YOUR initiation process. If you are to guide others, you must jump from the cliff without much physical support.”

SO divine timing exists. Often we want, we want and it does not happen. Other times we are left practically naked from all semblance of what human beings decree as “comfort and stability” and we are asked to FLY.

SO don’t wait for everything to be PERFECT. I know people who charged and borrowed and saved their money….their businesses didn’t succeed no matter how many photoshoots and websites they created. It’s not about what you HAVE to support you on the outside, it’s about what you HAVE on the inside.

YOU, ME, WE co-create our realities.

SO no money and no honey as they say, I flew.

It was scary, The weather didn’t seem right. I had to go through darkness, rain and storms. I created. I believed. I dreamt up programs, offerings and services…

Year and a half later. I am here. I am thriving. My clients are thriving. My students are expanding in their awareness and calling. I’ve traveled, taught, loved and been supported by dear friends, family and clients/students.

I give thanks EVERY DAY that the Universe saw fit to EMPLOY me whole.

Yes, you read right. I could’ve emerged from the car in a wheelchair or with many tubes. I crawled through the glass then walked out.

The Universe gives us ALL so much that we overlook. We have such a sense of entitlement and don’t SEE or give thanks for ALL we have!

It’s not perfect. It’s perfectly imperfect.

Face your fears and watch them crumble into teachers.
Love yourself into BEING. LOve yourself into DOING.

Start to HEAL now. INVOKE your Sacred ability to LOVE, HEAL & SHARE love.

Not tomorrow. Not when you have enough or hired the millionth coach.


ESPECIALLY if you are sensitive.


The world needs you MORE than you can ever know.

loving you
in passionate transformation & sacred community,

© Vanessa Codorniu 5/22/14 The Daily Oracle

On Prophets & Teachers

At 19, my life turned in a way that has marked my Soul deeply ever since.

At 19, I wrote God/Universe a letter and asked to be a channel for inspiration and healing. I found out when you raise your hand in God’s classroom, you are IN!

My guides showed up in full force and books, information and tapes seem to make their way to me. I started to be trained in my dreams. My abilities cracked open miraculously. I became a professional psychic and tarot reader at 22, an initiated priestess at 23.

I’ve seen so much in the last two decades.

I’ve witnessed sweatlodge cleansings and full moon chanting. My dear friend and I have guided circles for 14 years. Gatherings of women first then of men and women. Learning our whispers into the numinous mysteries and exhaling into rebirth. Over and over again. Miracles. Miracles. Miracles.

I forget the names, I remember the stories, the women, the voices and the seasons. I have witnessed great courage in ceremony thru decades. True sisterhood. Deep healing. Most of all, I’ve witnessed my heart expand and expand. My talent and capacity deepen. I bow to my clients, students and teachers for the vulnerability and courage you have shown and continue to show as we dance this dance together!

I’ve seen real, wise and solid teachers hold themselves back from visibility and abundance due to limiting beliefs about money, “the haves and have nots” and about the definition of what being spiritual means. The old ways of martyrdom and poverty seem to be holding tight into present day reality.

Rejecting opportunities, avoiding technology and clutching safely to anonymity as they hurt over recent arrivals who claim they have “created” sisterhood, feminine leadership, priestesshood, ritual and red tents. Yet, the escond themselves in sadness and lack of right action. Rise sweet teachers and call on your inner cosmic Soul to allow you to adapt and bring forth the wisdom you carry!

I’ve seen mediocre charismatics gain influence due to financial support and the general ignorance of the populace. I’ve seen people who studied one weekend, one workshop or two trainings put up money-infused sites that promised to share the ancient truths…they just discovered or initiated into last month. “yaaaa…like that is so deep,” and they merely skate on the surface of true healing or intuitive wisdom. I smile and learn the lessons they brought and bring. We can learn from everyone, even the hubris-dipped.

This does not mean they cannot channel truths or hold space. Years of study can still not grow true Soul seeds if the land of the heart is fallow. A weekend or two may be what you need to crack you open to your Soul’s calling.

The truth though, that to be able to channel, hold space often requires time, training and solitude for it to actually integrate. If not, there may be energetic gaps in ability and actual capacity. Traditional priestess training was a year and a day. Sometimes there was a vow of silence. Not punishment or limitation, rather time for integration.

Karma spins in interesting ways. When in the flush of the rising winds we believe our eternal power, not of Soul but of the Ego, we are bound to fall. I’ve seen many rise and shine brightly in the last two decades and through the time I’ve been on Earth School. I’ve seen many entangle themselves and grow blind. Hubris carrying them not their Soul.

Staging images of deep wisdom and power. Publishing words of gathered wisdom and promoting an existence that do not live and breath, so they cannot guide you in.

And so many fall, so many rush to pay hefty sums and believe they are aligning themselves with power. So many trample over their true teachers to put up their shiny shingles that will fall in the next storm.

Why are you rushing to step into ill-fitting shoes? Just because they are trendy does not mean they are right for YOU. You are not ready for your own unique pair and you court dissolution and disappointment. Chanting spells will not gain you entry where you do not belong yet and the painful fall of a smoke and mirrors reality will hurt you and others deeply. Ahh this learning!

In all the time, I have always known. Chop wood, carry water. There is no skipping in Earth School. One way or another, you will attend the classes and get your Soul lessons.

So don’t rush. Don’t shortcut. Don’t take on another’s essence, thru images, pictures or words. We all inspire each other and we should all explore our own UNIQUE offering in the world and for the world. Yes, you may sell alot on your program or sessions…for awhile. But soon enough you will be left scrambling about what to offer next, how else can you TOP that?

When you are truly in harmony with your Soul, there is not need to fret about your abundance, your programs or your calling. So don’t rush that the EArth School courses on FAITH, DISCIPLINE, LOVE, TRUTH, COMPASSION & SERVICE…for these are the values you will build your true calling on.

“A Woman (man) in harmony with her spirit
is like a river flowing.
She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination
prepared to be herself
and only herself ”― Maya Angelou

© Vanessa Codorniu 5/10/14

On Madness & Wild Women…


Someone asked what madness means to me? Some people think women dancing ecstatically under a starry sky is madness or that men & women listening to their Souls and being guided by their hearts is madness.

Some see madness as when you choose the road less traveled for your Soul is the pathfinder of it’s own destiny.

Wild women and men with wild souls isn’t madness for me because that’s how I live now for a long time.

It’s like when people say ” omg! omg! I think i’m psychic!!! omg ITS SO CRAZY!!!” It’s not crazy at all. It’s our birthright. Part of my mission is to share that we all have these abilities and how to hone them so they can serve us and allow us to step into our greatest calling!

I live between the worlds and succeed in both daily, I help others do the same. Its normal for me and a way of life. I started going to spirituality festivals and dancing under the moon around bonfires 20 years ago, sweat lodges, journeying, healing with sisters, ritual and ceremony. I started holding women’s circles in 1999. It’s my normal place of existence and most if not all of the women in my life are like that too!

So madness to me is when you DON’T listen to your SOUL.

Madness is when you confine your spirit to BULLSHIT rules so you don’t even remember the wild woman/man that you are.


Madness is a modern day malaise of conformity, mediocrity and escapism.

Madness is becoming ill, being separated from your SOUL.

Madness is believing what “they” say about your body, mind and spirit. “They” being a society or belief system that might confine your authentic being. “They” being those that without meaning to, have unfortunately informed your young self that you were not good enough, you were too much, not pretty enough, too beautiful, broken, repulsive, valueless and unworthy.

MADNESS is believing that it’s REAL. It’s not, it’s not.

Believing the hype. Keeping up with the Joneses. Idol worship in the form of ego, sex, escapism and money.

I love abundance, sex & money… when you separate it from your SOUL and pursue it to replace the vacant space in your heart that needs your Spirit more than it needs a ego gratification it brings about unrest, disease and madness.

Thinking that madness is being creative, sexual or spiritual is part of the oppressive, chauvinistic bullshit we’ve all been fed for centuries so we can fear woman, the unknown, the dark, the MYSTERY and our most divine powers of creativity, sensuality & Spirit.


Not I, said the Cat.

No, sensuality, intuition, soul connection and divine ecstasy are part of our birthright and our path as we walk between the worlds to birth a new one.

It is pure madness to not be ALL IN and SHINE our LIGHT. In that regards…ah, it is a mad, mad world…

Being aligned with our Souls, our desires, our sacred community and our beautiful planet is our BIRTHRIGHT and our SOUL’S AGREEMENT…at least that’s the memo I got!

Much love, V

Stepping into our greatness

The closer we get to stepping into our flow, our greatness and our deepest calling…the more the shadow and inner saboteur steps up to challenge us.

It’s our inner critic, the voice of our teachers, parents and romantic partners. It’s our hidden fears parading about our hearts and minds. It’s our worst nightmare in many ways AND our greatest teacher.

This critic, this voice that seeks to cut us down to our most valueless feeling self is really showing us where we need love, healing and transformation. The truth is that we are perfectly made for our life’s mission.

There is nothing “to fix.” There is everything to release. Releasing beliefs and paradigms of lack, failure and success. So often we are crippled by what we “think” success will do to us or what it means to be a genius, an expert or a master.

Often the master is at the heart, not a master of a particular subject..but a master of being PRESENT, being mindfully, whole heartedly devoted to the task at hand and SHOWING UP. The secret no one wants to believe is that SHOWING UP and BEING PRESENT is most of the work. When done with ease, it is effortless.

Our true genius and gift is often invisible to us. We overlook what comes through us with ease as we are addicted to believing that what is worthy must be hard won.

If there is ANY chance of getting to our greatness its about showing up, surrendering and allowing.


The Daily Oracle: Show up. Surrender & Allow

STEPPING INTO OUR GREATNESS: The closer we get to stepping into our flow, our greatness and our deepest calling…the more the shadow and inner saboteur steps up to challenge us.

It’s our inner critic, the voice of our teachers, parents and romantic partners. It’s our hidden fears parading about our hearts and minds. It’s our worst nightmare in many ways AND our greatest teacher.

This critic, this voice that seeks to cut us down to our most valueless feeling self is really showing us where we need love, healing and transformation. The truth is that we are perfectly made for our life’s mission.

There is nothing “to fix.” There is everything to release. Releasing beliefs and paradigms of lack, failure and success. So often we are crippled by what we “think” success will do to us or what it means to be a genius, an expert or a master.

Often the master is at the heart, not a master of a particular subject..but a master of being PRESENT, being mindfully, whole heartedly devoted to the task at hand and SHOWING UP. The secret no one wants to believe is that SHOWING UP and BEING PRESENT is most of the work. When done with ease, it is effortless. Our true genius and gift is often invisible to us. We overlook what comes through us with ease as we are addicted to believing that what is worthy must be hard won.

If there is ANY chance of getting to our greatness its about showing up, surrendering and allowing.



ABUNDANCE: The UNIVERSE is invested in my calling. The UNIVERSE has my back even when my surroundings or situations don’t look good to my human eye. The UNIVERSE/GOD is invested in my living my calling and so I am ALWAYS supported and LOVED. Abundance is not to be acquired, it is always present. ACCEPT. ALLOW.RECEIVE. ~vcc

Shaming Intuitives & owning your gifts

woke up to a message from one of my students in the Intuitive Leverage 8 week intuition bootcamp. She is a talented healer who had blocked off her psychic abilities awhile back. She unearthed a memory where her teacher many, many years ago shamed her in front of a class and told her that trying to IN-TO-IT about her safety ( she had been attacked) was like raping another person. WOW…NOT!

Our intuition is our birthright and our connection to the Divine. Our inner senses guide us towards the good, the light and spiritual growth. We can align our lives to make the BEST choices and decisions based on our internal guidance system.

Part of mission is for every man, woman and child to reconnect, understand and own their intuitive gifts. It requires courage, patience, dedication and a child-like wonder. It will guide you waaay beyond your comfort zones and it will keep expanding! I wouldn’t trade it for the world!

Keep taking your power back, you badass intuitives who exist in every profession, level of society and culture! We are the ones we’ve been waiting for!!! ( the Hopi Elders speak)

STEPPING into, OWNING your intuitive abilities means greater healing ( mind/body/spirit) greater peace AND a deep knowing that whatever may happen…you will be well.

YES. My intuitive practice is a spiritual one. It is a checking in with Sacred presence, with my Divine Creator. It is a way to align myself daily with the truth of what is.

Taking on you intuition is not about being the cool kid with psychic gifts ( unless that’s how you want to play it) its about developing a part of you that is here to serve in a BIGGER WAY! It won’t come from your mind, or body or heart ONLY. It’s a team effort, so get your SOUL onboard and turn away from the naysayers, the shamers and the fear-filled.

HUGE love. In passionate transformation & sacred community,