Looking through my journals from the last twenty years. I am sifting through for my first Urban Priestess book. Many ask me, how do I grow as a Priestess? How do I develop my intuitive abilities to apply them to my business and life? How do I work my magick? Many don’t like the answer…
In a world of spiritual trends, manipulation of power and sorcery in the form of NLP, Hypnosis, Power Over structures and paradigms( thanks Dylan)…we fall in love with what glitters. We fall in love with fake fairy dust.
We follow and glorify those that seem to carry the qualities we desire. We buy into the lifestyle.
We do not see with our inner eyes or our heart. Fake fairy dust is what we buy and often at a high price! And NOW we don’t pursue our spiritual paths with devotion and apprenticeship in mind…we expect we will be speaking in from of millions by the end of the year after the first day we started! And it could be, THAT might be your path. Take heed though, we need many light workers filling different positions!
Yet, the most powerful of mysteries may exist in the plain dirt pile, in the monastic peace of your room, in the modern mermaid maintenance in a bathtub or the gathering of Souls in a non-instagramed location.
I’ve seen miracles.
I’ve lived thru them.
I have spoken of them as an Oracle and Seer.
HEALTH. LOVE. CLIENTS. FAMILY. ABUNDANCE. Miracles in my own life.
From being directed to move my body before a car accident so I don’t break my back, to the right jobs and being at the right place at the right time. I’ve been lucky enough to participate in miraculous headings of others and of myself. In a world, where people quote that true transformation only begins with the right coach or teacher…mine began like I suspect most of ours do…with Source.
I’ve experienced miracles with my finances and with my business. Surviving a lay off, surgery, break up and MRSA…I came to early 2013 with no financial movement or financial support-whatsoever.
I sat down. I connected to, to what we are all connected to since the beginning and beyond.
I didn’t sit down with three coaches and figure out how to create a program to save my booty. I frankly couldn’t afford it. My dear friend Lisa, did a session with me where we discussed my belief around talking/promoting about my business. She helped me gather a new perspective.
My spiritual identity was firmly anchored in priestesshood….where you do not go about posting pictures of your initiation or what you are learning.
NO, the direction of the spiritual NORTH teaches us discernment and the wisdom of SILENCE. By 2013, I had already been one for 20 years.
In that session I came to understand that my SHARING was a SERVICE not from ego or self-aggrandizement…if I did not share, how would anyone know?
My spiritual background says that the right people find me when it’s time. Modern day business says, the squeakiest wheel gets the oil. Beyond squeaky. The hippest, glitteryiest and most lavish lifestyle gets the oil! SOUL and WISDOM, SISTERHOOD have become commodities and we have exploited them. Like anything else and everything else, it’s not the thing itself but how the thing is wielded. Many are jumping on the trends to reap quick rewards. Disheartening and yet it should GALVANIZE the light workers to start SHARING MORE! Don’t be silent. Stop hiding please…we NEED YOU.
Far from the squeakiest wheel, yet I a now sharing like never before. I wonder sometimes if the Universe backed me up into a corner that way so I could RISE? TRULY RISE, in true devotion, faith, service and intuitive action.
February/March 2013, I sat down one night with altar, circle cast and Angels called. I asked for guidance and Intuition Immersion was born. It saved my business. No money for a website. I did it all through eventbrite. I hadn’t written a newsletter in months but blogged daily. Then from that financial influx, I created the 9 month mastery program. The rest is history.
I’ve been a full-time online business for a year and a half now. Armed and supported by the invisible world, I seek to guide and inform those that are like me, Intuitives and light workers called here to serve. My program Intuitive Leverage, for both men and women is born from my journey and my struggles. I struggled as a highly gifted psychic, I don’t want YOU to.
Back in the day, as I read SETH SPEAKS by Jane Roberts, All the Sanaya Roman channeled books, Louise Hay, Shakti Gawain and Starhawk, Merlin Stone & Z Budapest it was not popular. As I learned the language of the stars, numbers and runes, it was not well-accepted. For a teen to be exploring her wyrd in such a way was an act of societal rebellion and a seeking to align with my Soul’s Calling.
Today everything is up for grabs. I urge you to seek your own silence. I urge you to honor your own cycles. I urge you to write, take notes and learn, learn, learn. Here are some images from my Book of Shadows from 1991 and 1994. I didn’t lie. I started in my teens and by early 20s was initiated. All this was kept quiet for about 14 years, though I was a professional psychic in my twenties. Learning HOW to share what we know. Learning how to LIVE what we are AWARE of..takes time. Don’t regurgitate what you read yesterday AS IF you own it yet. It takes time. It takes practice. They say 10,000 hours to make an expert. Believe it.
Excited to be preparing some JUICY, transformative experiences for you soon!
We are equipped with all we need to mediate between Heaven & Earth…
SIt just may take time and dedication to remember!
Sending you HUGE LOVE! Blessed Be, V