Monthly Archives: August 2014

Visiting Yemaya at the beach

Yemaya Asesu  Vanessa Codorniu

Mother of the Oceans. Yemaya Asesu!

I set an intention to visit the beach before summer began. I am blessed to visit the beauty and majesty of the ocean every Tuesday when I am in NYC. There is a laying down of the “world” that I feel I am carrying on my shoulders. I take time to grind, connect, breathe and cleanse in the saltwater. There is usually playing and jumping the waves followed by rest and sometimes a quick nap. Most of all, there is deep gratitude for being a child of the Universe and playing in her vast ocean and earthly garden! I sit by the seashore and count my blessings and give THANKS for what is ALREADY on it’s way! here is a link to a beautiful chant of Yemaya!,+Sisters+in+Rhythm/_/Yemaya

Her sacred day as Our Lady of the Rule is September 7th

From 9 Goddesses Every Woman Should Know by Annie Finch

Yemaya. A queenly and beautiful ocean goddess, Yemaya is mother of all waters in the Yoruba religion of Africa, which has spread to Cuba, Haiti, and elsewhere. Once a year, tens of thousands of people float flowers and other gifts for Yemaya out into the ocean from the shore of Salvador, Brazil. Bringing Yemaya into your life, perhaps with this chant, which brought her to me from a women’s drumming group based in my area of Maine, can sweeten your life with compassion, fertility, nurturing, and healing.

Doing what you can NOW: New Moon in Virgo August 25, 2014

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What does it all mean? Well, that’s where Virgo is going to give you a hand in seeing the details and putting things in to place!

Tonight as the sun sets, allow yourself to gaze at the dark sky. The moon, much like our potential is truly there just not visible to the naked eye! Proceed as IF you see your possibilities. Take a moment to visualize, even in great detail.

The NEW MOON always represents new beginnings and seeding new intentions that open new pathways and attract new ventures into your life! Allow this energy of the “new” to bring a regeneration into your life, I think you might be needing it!

Virgo is the sign of the Virgin. Literally it means, “one who is whole onto himself/herself.” Keeper of the hearth this sign speaks to us of routine in service of productivity, details that are needed to create the vision and the day to day aspects of your health, home and everyday workplace.

IF you don’t like what you see when you look at the outer or inner world, change it. It’s time to adjust your perspective and thereby changing your experience in the world.

It is time for conscious choice and SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT.

What does it mean? Maya Angelou said,” When we know better, we must do better.”

SO you’ve been in yoga training, traveled to exotic locales to find yourself and maybe have seen a bunch of shamans, healers and holistic coaches ( and/or are one yourself!)…and now that you KNOW better, the Universe is holding you to doing better.

That doesn’t mean you are not perfect the way you are It doesn’t mean you are lacking. What it means now that some of your veils of forgetfulness have fallen off and you’ve RE-MEMBERED who you are or at least alot of your truth…it’s time to apply and execute this to the life you are living NOW.

NOT when you’ve had 5 more lifetimes or three more certifications. NOW. After all, isn’t that the moment with the most possibilities?

SO don’t keep waiting till you are “perfect” or “cooked” or whatever that means. Just step in and ask,” WHat would I do if my house was in ORDER? and what do I need to BELIEVE, BE and/or DO for that to be SO?”

Exhale…it can be as simple as cleaning house. Organizing your books or restructuring your business in some away. Updating your website or home. Changing and placing order so that your wildest dreams have a place to skyrocket from! It’s a great time to purge, cleanse, release and press RESTART.

It’s ALL about getting your LAUNCHING PAD ready to GO!!!

Sending love to you COSMONAUTS! It’s gonna be fun if you allow it to be!
SO allow it to be! Before FLIGHT there are preliminaries and plans to be practiced and set in place. You get it, I know it!

See you soooooon!

much love, V


Is it meant to BE?

“Movies, songs and tv shows have many believing that every spark, zing and deep connection you might experience, means something more than what it is or that we need to “do” something about it. The truth is love, curiosity and/or intimate connection may reside in that meeting or conversation and…that’s it. Not all potential manifests in Earth School. These spark igniters remind us of how to feel, what to avoid or attract to us. Many of our meetings are with messengers. Remember and allow them freedom. Allow yourself freedom. What is destined will unfold. What is yours, no one can turn from you. Relax and play with the sparkling ones in the Universe. Be patient. Stay open. We are all interconnected at the source.”-vcc

Limitations on our Abundance as Spiritual Peeps


LIMITATIONS ON ABUNDANCE: I’ve been doing some personal work on expanding my ability to receive. Support, assistance and abundance. I have been doing some deep dives through shamanic journeying and so much has come up to be released. This will be shared as the medicine of the North always asks that we may sit in contemplation and silence to truly aborb the lessons.

I will share though, that I started watching the movie, The Son of Man and began to weep. Immediately.

Lightworkers at this time have much to RELEASE and much to RECLAIM!

As a Past Life repressionist, I have experienced over 45 lifetimes of my own and thousands of lifetimes of my clients and students. Each session reviews 3-5 lifetimes and I do about 6 a week. I’ve been facilitating this work for over 15 years…as you see, I have witnessed thousands of experiences and awarenesses. I am grateful to have such insight and a peculiar view of time, history and Soul development.

I cried as this movie began because I started to remember all the stories.

I began to feel all the aches of each and everyone of my tribe who has shared their inner world with me. We have been aching. We have wept more in our past than even at this time in history and yet there is so much to do!

I read about James Foley’s life and his death. I have read about the kidnapping of the young women in Nigeria. I tell you this, this has been a way of life on planet earth for centuries! We are poised upon a deep change. I see it in the young teens I work with. I see it in the parents that I work with who are raising conscious children.
Believe it or not, the world has gotten better and it needs to continue to.

This does not happen from cursing about what is. This does not happen by blaming and bemoaning our situations. It ONLY happens when we embrace the mantle of CREATOR in our lives! If we continue to be sheeple or allow ourselves to be guided from “POWER OVER rather than POWER WITHIN” (Starhawk) we will only witness the destruction of our planet. I know many know this…and how do we do this?

I knew as a teen that I had to heal myself in order to support other’s healing. Start with the one that needs it most (YOU) and then share your love and light with the world.

There are centuries in our DNA that make the true spiritual seeker embrace humility, invisibility and poverty. There are centuries in our DNA that cry out for us to remain SAFE and HIDDEN.

To step up and share openly seems to be the path of Jesus, MLK, Joan of Arc, Malcolm X..and yet they did not end well, did they?

To rise up, be seen and be wealthy within and without is a true NEW WORLD.

We have been poisoned to think they cannot coexist. Then major figures in history have been martyred… No wonder we embrace being a martyr! If the son of God died for being all that he IS who are we mere humans to think we can really be all that & not be harmed? And yet that is the lot of the Lightworker

To be all that we ARE and embrace our INNER and OUTER wealth is actually sacrilegious, isn’t it? It’s going against what major religions say is true wealth. The major religions say that being meek and poor is akin to true wealth. Our most sacred people have always held the mantles of poverty, chastity, humility…and to what aim this martyrdom? Has it become a cycle that self-perpetuates?

Truth be told, I wanted to be a Saint when I grew up (astronaut, singer and writer too!) A nun didn’t seem like to much fun and what other way to serve GOD? I started to allow myself to be walked upon and be martyred. With this energy I situations and people that would have me need to “rise up ” from being hurt. Trust me, I got stories for you. They may have made me strong but in the end, they were manifested enactements of a belief system. An OLD system that needs to GO.

We choose a story that might keep us safe and or loved or validate our reality and we stick to it…

Does it really serve us?

Martyrdom and I? It’s a story I embraced a long time ago and have since surrendered.

I kept myself one of New York’s biggest kept secrets because I was scared to be myself and get backlash. Once this story dropped, I stepped out and guess what?
Little to no backlash.

Yes, some people left my mailing list and others were put off by my raising my prices. Yet how many begged for a discount and then paid for a weekend retreat in Costa Rica or new handbag worth hundreds? Understanding that our work has value and that people will find a way for what is important is key in setting yourself free from this pseudo-martyrdom BS.

Now I know of the abuses people have caused on others as they called themselves “spiritual, evolved, guided by God.” That is WHY we must embrace OUR OWN DIVINE CONNECTION. When our compass is ON we will be guided to the right people at the right time for the right changes and growth!

As a LIGHTWORKER we are coming in to RECREATE and SHINE FORTH without the history of the planet weighing us down. We are here to bring a new order of love, creativity and community.

In order to have the resources to change the world, we need to ALLOW ourselves to receive the resources that will allow us to!

OUR LIGHTWORKER CHARGE must include the acceptance that wealth energy and just as we channel energy into the world we can allow the world to channel this through us as well.

The dark side had a great win the day it convinced the Light seekers that wealth had negative connotations. The Light seekers think they are better than money.
And they are and then we are all ONE, yes?

So why not invite the abundance we need to support our deep desires and allow ourselves to be the CREATORS we truly are?

The great news: we don’t have to limit ourselves anymore and we don’t have to hurt, lie or connive anyone to get the abundance we deserve! That is the fear-based way.


Make way for the NEW DNA to get shifted and for all Beings ( if they are to accept their mission) to SHINE our LIGHT all day and Night!

I love this ride! Thank you, Universe!

any thoughts? comment below! I love to hear them

Focus and watch your Intuition Grow!

Manifest your vision Vanessa Codorniu

INTUITION CAN BE DEVELOPED. I’ve gone from a clairvoyant Empath to a multi-sensory Intuitive Oracle Seer and guide others in connecting with their abilities as a result of my own life path.

Intuition is widely accepted as “knowing without knowing how we know” or being aware of correct information without factual evidence. In truth it is the ability to access that which is behind the eyes. It is the ability to see, feel, hear, feel and know information that is beyond time and space. We are all born with the ability to read invisible information. Some have gut feelings (I don’t for example), some see images or others hear information. Some few people can access information on various levels.

MOST of us combine factual information or what is being shared with us and read into it in a deeper way. That’s how many coaches and teachers use their intuition. They will listen, ask questions and send intake forms then look at patterns and connect to their inner wisdom. It’s a seamless way to access intuitive information on an everyday level.

I prefer to work with as little information as possible, it serves my process. It allows me to know I am not jumping to conclusions or judging or analyzing data well…I know that I am accessing invisible information purely this way.

The information that arises doesn’t always “explain” itself to you. Some get images, others words, songs and others, directives.

The main way to be able to TRUST your intuition is actually more of a scientific process where you journal your readings/experiments and start to see your strengths and accuracy. Scientific in that the question is posed, the answer given and noted, then there is a 3rd step to validate the accuracy of information. Of course some spiritual information doesn’t have that linear way to check it, it’s felt in the heart!

This KNOWING THYSELF practice will give you the confidence to make life and death decisions as well as the everyday ones.

I started out as an emotional empath, meaning that I accessed what people felt around me and the energy/feeling of a place or object. Overwhelming to a child and a teenager. The more I paid attention to this, it grew. At 16 I realized, as I was blind-folded at a ouija board and could “hear” and “see” information without access to anything visible. It proved to me in a very definite way that indeed, I could do this.


People write and say,” It’s not growing…I don’t get it…”

My question is, “Are you practicing everyday?”

Intuition is available AND it must be used. Like a muscle, it must be worked.

I was on a session yesterday and I was surprised as yet another aspect unfolded.
Even after 20 years of practice, I am still expanding in my abilities.

A client had been held at gunpoint and kidnapping was threatened. She told me it was three men. I said,” Please say no more.”

I saw an older an, 2 younger. One fumbling and scared ready to run. One hopped up and macho ready to fight. The older, with a cigarette, wavy hair, tan and mustache.
I saw them from the outside, looking in on them. Then suddenly I shifted. I saw them from their perspective.

I could see my client and her partner. The house, the dogs.

The scene shifted and I could see the assailants at home talking about the attempt. I shared how they were talking. My client confirmed that how they looked, talked and acted was as I described.

Now I’ve done this before at times where I actually tried and other times as I was chatting with a friend walking down the street. It’s just happened.

This experience showed me that this is more possible and accessible than i thought. I will now add that to my conscious intuition exploration and keep reaching further.

Whether it’s intuition, love, abundance or true connection…WHATEVER WE FOCUS ON MANIFESTS, SO FOCUS ON YOUR VISION!

Please don’t focus on what you don’t have or what’s missing.

Keep moving forward and making time for your INNER wisdom to support you in all you do!

Classes starting soon! To get on the mailing list go to and receive a complimentary MP3 guiding you to YOUR INTUITIVE STYLE:

Much love, V

©VCC The Daily Oracle

Courage to Speak from your Heart


WE ARE IN SERVICE WHEN WE SHARE: Many of us have been or are afraid of telling our truth. It goes beyond just writing an authentic FB post. Many of us are afraid of upsetting the applecart by sharing our true feelings about a situation. So many feel that telling or sharing unpleasant thoughts, experiences or feeling about something or someone will result in “hurting” people.

The fact is when you DON’T tell them the truth…you are hurting yourself AND them.

For example, I knew a client that used to break off or never speak to friends again rather than share with them that she felt taken advantage of. After we started working together and a friend from the past demanded WHY? I supported her in sharing her real feelings. Her ex-friend apologized, cried and shared her own feelings. Today, they are a great support system and have a stronger friendship than ever before! They understand each other!

Once upon a time, when i had a day job I noticed my new boss seemed annoyed. I finally walked into her office and asked her if there was anything in the way I was supporting her that was not really up to her standards. She exhaled and said, ” You are doing this the way the old boss wanted it and I wanted it this way.” I changed it her preferred way and she loved me thereafter.

Now, I am a mind -reader but come on.

Why are we fuming or getting annoyed with people if they are doing or saying things that rub us the wrong way? What right do we have IF we haven’t had the courage to step up and share?

The fact is that we all have different definitions of how things should be, how they should be done and how people should live. One person’s clean house is another’s nightmare. One person’s most hated job is another’s dream situation. IF we are all coming from a different place mentally, emotional, physically what make sue think we don’t need to say something?

Now this is not the easiest thing for my either! As an older sister and keeper of the peace, I know how to allow the energy to flow and allow allow. Yet there are times where I would do a great disservice if I don’t SPEAK MY HEART and MIND.

IF you don’t speak;
you can lose friendships, have fake relationships, not get what you want,
not have the sex life you desire and let your career or business fall apart due to lack of communication and understanding.

IF you don’t speak you will eventually lose touch with what you really want and how to gather support to get it. SO practicing sharing and asking is a way to fine-tune those abilities. You cal so can’t give people true communication if you don’t understand them, share and allow others to share!

It’s not easy, this Earth school but we are here to LEARN and that can be uncomfortable.


Making the way for true exchange.
Temporary discomfort for long-term success.

That’s what I’m talking about!


Owning our power and the shadow teachers


true power vanessa codorniu

Don’t hand over your Power, chances are…whoever you give it to will take it.

I just saw a video with a healer who seems “to make his clients/patients faint and swoon.” While I believe there are many ways of healing and many modes and paths to releasing and healing, I can’t help but feel that this is unnecessary.

I know this happens in different churches as well but I feel that in a professional healing setting it feels like a “show of power.” Reiki works and there is no hoopla. Hypnosis and prayer works even without these dramatic SHOWS. I am a trained advanced clinical hypnotherapist and I know how to do that swooning, fainting thing. I also know how to use convincers so your arm shakes uncontrollably and so you will faint into the arms of an assistant…I don’t use it, why? because I don’t want to continue the path where people trade ONE POWER OVER SCENARIO FOR ANOTHER.

You don’t need the drama, charades, technicolor dream coat to demonstrate miracles. Buddha, Jesus, Mother Teresa and so many others did not GRANDSTAND. When Jesus was said to raise people from the dead, create wine and food, walk on water and he also was supposed to have said,” you can do this as well.”

I’ve seen many grandstand in my day. I started in my teens to seek out community and teachers. I’ve seen ( in the 90s) well known underground healers charge thousands for ayahuasca ceremonies and laugh with their friends, ” I don’t even know what I’m sharing with these people! They buy it anyway!”

That same healer became the toast of the town, All the Victoria’s Secrets models were at this office as were famous Upper Eastsiders and world renown fashion designers, yes Vogue and so much more.

I’m sure people thought it all seemed insane or that it was out there, but the EMPEROR DOTH NOT WEAR ANY CLOTHES phenomena that comes along with the trendy and the FABULOUS was in place and working it’s magic!

As a leader, guide, oracle and healer, it’s easy to abuse people who are seeking you out. It’s easy to build yourself up and show yourself to the best to your ability and take the power that others offer. This is something that always turns my stomach. I’ve handed my power over to a Guide before because I thought,” who am I to know at 22?” I deferred to another instead. I was not met with wisdom or kindness rather ruthlessness. I learned and would never pass on that pain. I am grateful for my journey and I truly learned a great lesson.

Much like the coups that unfolded in Latin America, replacing one bad government with another, we often insert one “power over” situation over another…WHY?

The fact is that owning your power and acting from a place from alignment with your Soul can be scary on Earth School. We hold in our memories, our blood and in our bones, DNA of of fear of visibility, fear of being heard and seen. SO when you see a teacher, coach or guide that shines brightly remember that they are SHINING BACK A REFLECTION OF YOU. We are all mirrors.

The truth is that we often go through a phase in our spiritual path where we are the servant to a Shadow teacher/guide/boss/partner. We PROJECT our own unlimited potential and power on another. They take it on until we have had enough and sometimes, many times people fall into a pattern where they always get into these relationships.

Abuse comes in so many forms. From manipulation, sexual exploitation, to keeping you around as a source of inspiration and ideas and literally energetic draining. The path to leadership, visibility and any sort of impact in the world has always been lined with the reasons for desire for power.

This combination allows us to see our own shadows and allows for us to STEP UP and draw boundaries. When we are enthralled by someone or something that is about abusing and manipulating power, we are in deep training. How long it lasts, is up to YOU.

Remember WHO YOU ARE. If someone tells you, you will never het anywhere without them…run. Not true. There are a million ways to heal, learn and flourish.

If the exchange is your silence, your body, mind our SPirit. Run my dears.

IF you stay, learn, Learn and step up to OWN your own SPirit in this training!

Dare to look beyond the drama that some present. Dare to question. Dare to ask yourself why is this person needing so many fireworks, when the truth is deeper and more beautiful than anything you could machinate.

Yes, true power resides within. Learning how to access it is KEY.
Seek your INNER TEMPLE as in KNOW THYSELF. It was on the Temple of APollo for a reason! Meet your Soul and know EVERYTHING IS A LESSON AND A REFLECTION THAT ASKS FOR YOUR GROWTH, LOVE AND EXPANSION.

Blessed be, V

© VCC The Daily Oracle 8/17/14

Self-deception and Enlightenment

Self-deception: One of the ways our ego and inner saboteur can trip us up is by telling us that we have “arrived.” It can convince us that after all these trials and tribulations we are “Illuminated. Evolved. Enlightened or a Bodhissatva!” This can create spiritual snobbery and also a delusion of sorts. It can blind you to your actions and thoughts. It can cloud the truth of your own hidden agenda. It can even bring your world crumbling down if you have built it on a faulty foundation.

Yes, you may have released fears and broken through patterns. You may have MORE love to hold in your heart and there is always more…

Not “more” in a way that guides you to competition rather more in that we are eternal and multi-dimensional, of course there is more! Enlightenment is not a race, a game, a winner takes all or even a location. I believe it is a path, a journey, an adventure and sacred play.

SO be happy in the expansion that you are feeling and remember you are not the total Shiznitz. You are part of the badass Universe and yet you are not the God of all Gods. So join humanity and break bread among mortals. Dance, love and live openly.

Being kind to all, including yourself,
approach leadership as Soul service,
hide not your fears in houses made of flesh, shoes, food, gambling, money, acquisitions, fame and power. Hide not your brilliant light in earthly, fleeting and ultimately disenchanting endeavors. These will fill you temporarily.

Seek the truth that you are love and here to channel this into the world.
SO simple, yes? So complicated to our earthly minds.

This may just bring you to the Enlightenment you seek…
without even knowing that you are there
Loving you



Gratitude and Intuition


Intuitive session this am filled my heart. A talented healer and entrepreneur on the verge of her biggest expansion with a deep connection to the heart of the Universe Six more in person sessions this week along with my online sessions, before I leave for NYC again.

A year and a half after stepping off the ledge and flying off into my own business full-time, I am deeply grateful.I wasn’t prepared with savings ( they were used up during a surgery), I didn’t borrow from friends or family ( Bless those who can!) and I had been laid off before a surgery and now faced returning to the corporate world to get myself “together” and then come back…OR just DO IT.

I chose the path less traveled. I chose FAITH over FEAR. SInce then I grew a business without a coach, a template or a stream of business trainings behind me. Not to say that all that is bad, it just was not my experience.
I had an awesome mastermind and a great intensive session with a friend of mine the year before that really supported me greatly. Love those mastermind women up to this day!

But when all the chips were down, I had to BRING IT FROM WITHIN.

When things looked dire, my SOul stepped up and aligned with my intuitive strengths allowed me to focus on LOVE over fear and HOPE over doubt. The only reason I do what I do today in the way that I do it is that I LISTENED TO MY INTUITION.

After years of not listening, I learned to LISTEN ALL THE TIME!

My experience was the DO or DO NOT and I chose DO. That’s why as I share this EVEN if you don’t think you don’t have the right website, coach, training,etc. IF you have the LOVE, DESIRE to serve and the expertise above all aligned intuition…DO IT!!!! The world is waiting

I look back and realize all that as unfolded and I am in awe and my cup runneth over with love!

* Grateful for the transformations that my clients undergo as we work together.

* Grateful for the intuitives who are rising as they realize their “weird” is their TRUE gift and power in the world!

* Grateful to support BALI in it’s leadership training and do my part in helping future leaders step up.

* Grateful for the experiences that allow me to OWN and EXPAND my own heart everyday.

* Grateful that wherever I travel, I see clients or teach workshops, online and in person.

* Grateful for my friends, family and kindred spirits who support, love and believe in consciousness and purpose.

Thank you Universe <3 Thank you sweet Life <3

How ignoring your intuition can get you sick, hurt and heartbroken

There’s that saying that goes “We teach what we need to learn.” I’ve always felt that was my relationship with intuition.

It was and is, a central part of me. I couldn’t shut it off. I had to learn to live with it and hopefully live well.

I was overwhelmed at a young age by my clairsentience, or empathy (receiving intuition through feelings) that it drove me to read, research and explore how to handle this ability that at times…seemed like a curse.

The fact was that it was hard to be around crowds, depressed or angry people, and fear. It overrode my system. It brought me to tears and confusion at times.

How could I cry and feel other people’s betrayal, fear and pain?

This was among many of the questions I needed to answer!

Through hard work and discipline, I learned to manage it. Then I learned to THRIVE with my intuition. My internal guidance system evolved into the ability to receive information through images, hearing and knowing…pretty much upon request. So much so, that I began to do readings at corporate/private events at 23 (although I had started for friends and family at 16).

Like so many of you reading this today, I’ve gotten intuitive feelings, thoughts, images and gut reactions that I’ve ignored.

YES. I would connect and be spot-on with strangers, and then, at crucial moments ignore my OWN intuition!

I literally have gotten warnings and have been told to move on or go elsewhere…and ignored it! I have lived to share about it, albeit not without painful war stories and some scars.

Here’s how ignoring your intuition can make you sick, hurt and heartbroken

What did IGNORING or OVER-RIDING my intuition create in my life?

A stint in Satan’s lair as one of her handmaidens

Yes, THE JOB from Hell. It made me really sick. Not rush to the bathroom, vomit sick…we could barely get restroom time for that! It made me ill in a profound way that manifested as tumors.

Intuition said, “HELL NO GIRL! This is NO GOOD for you!”

Fear said, “Take the job. It’s rough out there.”

Everyone, including my well-known psychic said, “Stay. Don’t be negative. It’s hard out there. People are struggling. There are no jobs right now.” I stayed.

I had headaches every day. I stopped belly dancing. I had no time to work out. I gained weight. I tried to make the best of it. I prayed. I meditated.

I met an accountant by day/amazing numerologer by night at this office. She said I was a spiritual messenger number 11 all across my chart, with a 22 master builder thrown in. I laughed. I felt like a master of nothing and a fool for not listening to myself!

How could I be a messenger if I didn’t listen myself?

One day I came in to work and the angel that I had on my desk had an unexplained broken wing and my plant was dying.

I was a messenger with a damn broken wing who couldn’t trust her own self! Yes, I got angry and bitter.

I KNEW I had betrayed myself. No use blaming anyone else. My internal GPS had been LOUD and CLEAR. My fears and the world outside myself had won. I don’t tend to be negative…so when I feel something that’s negative…well, it’s because IT IS NEGATIVE!

I had tiny less than 1 millimeter fibroids when I started…10 months later when I finally walked out…my fibroids were about a 5 month pregnancy!

My benign tumors grow at an astounding rate. I later discovered that many of the women also had tumors benign or otherwise. A man, who was her right hand (I called him Satan’s lapdog) later came down with cancer of the throat.

Not listening to my intuition cost me my once stellar HEALTH and SELF-CONFIDENCE. Thankfully, I am okay now

It doesn’t end there…

Physically attacked on a date. Tallish, dark and handsome…what’s not to like? Not to mention, French accent, to boot?
Intuition said, “He’s off. Don’t see him again.” I said, “Well…I don’t want him to think I’m being mean or judgmental. I will tell him its over in person.” The Inner Good Girl didn’t get far.

Once again, letting what others thought of me AND my fear of being wrong…got the best of my inner knowing!

Yes, I was attacked and threatened with more violence in weeks to come!

Thankfully, I got out of that situation…but it was a close call. Too close for this girl who was living solo in Manhattan and trying to make her dreams come true. This was, in truth, every young woman’s nightmare.

Not listening to my intuition and listening to my “what will he think” fears placed me in a precarious situation. I swore I would always, always listen!

Until, I met the most amazing green eyes I’ve ever seen…

Starting relationship doomed to end unhappily:
I met this gorgeous, loving man and after a date, I KNEW. INSTANTLY. I knew deep in my heart that we were not matched.

I had a lot of confidence and he suffered in this area. I knew that eventually he would grow to dislike me for this. I shared with him that we were unmatched. He said, “Cut me some slack. I know about this and I am working on myself.” A year of sharing, passion and love ended in him literally drowning his sorrows in alcohol…he felt he couldn’t hold his own. I ended it.

Now intuition and spirituality won’t keep you from experiencing all of life and as we know life is filled with illness, sadness, heart break and loss. There are some things we are meant to experience.

But as I’ve always said, “Instinct has an automatic aspect to it. Intuition involves CHOICE”

I was given a CHOICE by getting warnings about situations and I OVER-RODE the intuitive information and CHOSE another way…a way that caused me grief.

I shared only three examples here. I hate to admit it, as much as I knew I could do good intuitive sessions…I sometimes pushed away my own intuitive insights.

Do you remember feeling or knowing something and then brushing it off…only to discover that you were right?

I bet that’s happened more times than you would like to admit.

We are all intuitive. It’s something that we are born with and meant to help guide our lives. Yet, somehow along the way…we push it aside, devalue it or thing we are doing some crazy thinking.

I have betrayed myself in the past AND now I have valued myself enough to LISTEN, PAY ATTENTION and take APPROPRIATE ACTION.

That’s why this is part of my personal mission to assist anyone and everyone who is interested in connecting to and developing to their intuition.

It’s not enough for me to be able to give you a ROCKIN’ intuitive session…I want to have you ALWAYS rockin’ your OWN world with your internal GPS!

So…IF you are tired of thinking…”I HAD a feeling! Why didn’t I listen?” or simply can’t even recognize WHAT your INTUITION is because your FEAR and cultural beliefs take power…

Remember: Intuition is our most powerful gift. We all have it. Most of us don’t know how to make the most of it or apply it to practical everyday situations.

Reach out if you want to know more…