Monthly Archives: November 2014

Getting Soul-Aligned in your Business

Vanessa Codorniu the Light

SOUL ALIGNED: There’s something really fulfilling about being in alignment with your Soul Purpose.

There are still fears, there are still challenges and issues to work on but at the core when you are aligned, there is always flow. This is what I have found in the last two years of having an online business.

I’ve been getting paid to do what I do since I was 22 yet this gift has deepened. The sense of calm and peace where you know who you are and what you are here to do can cause others to feel threatened and others to be inspired.

I’ve seen so much come and go since I began channelling the departed/guides and cosmic wisdom and expanding into deep healing work in my twenties that it gives me a very unique and expansive perspective.

I would never say that “I see everything” because I believe that is a ego-centered expression but I see more than even most advanced Intuitives. I have clients that are still working with me for over a decade and a half.

Yes, I am a Seer, an Oracle and healer/teacher. It didn’t happen yesterday. It happened over lifetimes and was honed and re-membered in the last two decades.

It’s something I barely ever shared and frankly, I had a good part-time business thru word-of-mouth for years. I used to be, “the best kept secret in NYC.”

I only started sharing this in a bigger way in the last few years. I never needed to convince anyone of my gifts, they are evident.

The river is a river and it flows.
The eagle doesn’t consider it’s wingspan…it soars.
The owl doesn’t have to tell you what it sees over and over again as it peers through the darkness.

When a gift is natural and aligned it flows. It is everyday to you.

It didn’t occur to me to post on FB years about having the Sight ( I am clairvoyant-see past/present/future) or that I can do remote viewing and mediumship with high accuracy rates. I just did it. I’ve been taught and I have expanded into public sharing in the last two years.

Like the Owl, I just did what I did and shared with those who asked.

YOU must find your gift and BE what YOU BE.
Not grasp at ideas because they sound good or you think they may simply give you more cash flow…if you truly want to serve.

When you are grounded and centered in your own reality, there is no need for creating fear thru marketing or overcompensating with your accomplishments or talents.

I’ve been born with this gift, never shut it down and have dedicated my life to guiding and teaching others to use and really serve humanity with their own gifts.

It’s never been enough for me to do intuitive sessions or healing work.

Supporting, guiding and teaching is at the heart of my Soul’s mission. I am not here for self-aggrandizement. I am here to support YOU, why? because as I’ve always said,” we are undergoing deep personal and planetary change and we MUST rise up, master our inner worlds so we can serve the way we signed up to do. This is not a new message from me: people who sat in my circles beginning in 1999 have felt this call and understood what it meant for them, their communities and for the world.

Welcome as you awaken to this message! We are waiting for you Your Higher Selves, your guides and many of us on the planet who prepared and knew you were coming!

When you are grounded and centered in your own reality, there is no need for creating fear thru marketing or overcompensating with your accomplishments or talents.

The truth is I guide creatives, entrepreneurs, healers and change-makers to connect and hone their gifts, heal from present & past life paradigms/issues and train people to go out there and SHINE in their intuitive best. I’ve done this all my life, in different formats.

It’s often been difficult to share everything I do because it’s expansive.

From turning breech babies thru healing hypnosis, to giving powerful Soul Purpose intuitive sessions, to holding circles for over 16 years, guiding future young women leaders at a Women’s Leadership Institute, pain management hypnosis, clearing and supporting energy systems thru reiki, sharing astrology/numerology with others, training people in Reiki levels I,II & III, healing sexual trauma thru hypnosis, guiding people with their children’s healing and marriages, working with spiritually and intuitively gifted children, to training intuitives/healers and priestesses to step into their Light- FULL ON loves! and so much more…

Your calling is a BODY of work, not a maneuvering of marketing and proper wording to create fear in others so they will come to you. ALLOW ALL YOUR GIFTS TO FLOW. We may fear we are too much and we are what we are- multi-dimensional.

I hold love in my field and even in consultations to see if a client may want to work with me-there is no intense process to strong-arm someone ( energetically. psychologically or emotionally.) I believe as I hold this space of love, that the right people will find me…and as I FINALLY create my list of services . Yes, my website doesn’t have a list of services!!! and yes, I have a successful business. The Law of Attraction at work here <3

In the meantime, I’ve learned to leverage my intuition in my business and while others may have much training and loud marketing…I am here.

I’ve realized in the last 2 years that what REALLY counts is your WHY but not how we think, how we FEEL and how we KNOW deeply from our Souls. Being guided this way since I was very young, there is no other way to be. I am doing well and I am evolving because I am employed by the Universe.

I don’t share this to pat myself on the back or show off, how badass I am.
I share this to say that success is a lifelong process.

Worry less about what others are doing, about intense marketing and about expanding beyond your limits…it ensures a crash. A crash may bring amazing lessons and opportunities. But if YOU keep honing your gifts- and I mean deeply, not just because it’s “so cool” or “trendy”, if you follow your desires and passion to your Soul’s joy- you will be unstoppable.

I’ve heard of friends and colleagues having their websites writing copied recently. I’ve had my articles republished as someone else’s. The person has found me years later and apologized thru tears. I understand when you don’t feel good about yourself and your work, you may copy/co-opt or borrow ideas from another. the truth is we own nothing but the form and expression in which we offer our experience, expertise and wisdom.

SO if you are stressed out about what YOU have to offer know:
* There is no one and there will never be anyone exactly like YOU.
* You don’t need to copy or imitate the path or business of another.
* There is no rush to the finish line. You may think Oprah is the finish line but there is no finish line on the spiritual journey.
* You don’t need to keep jumping around, stay still, grow some roots and GROW, SERVE, GROW!!!!
* Understand that what will TRULY grow your business isn’t always the highly-priced marketing strategies ( they can help!) or the beautiful website ( so great to have a lovely digital temple though!) What will truly grow your business is YOUR devotion, dedication and consistent ability to have integrity and WALK YOUR TALK.

Others will scratch at the surface, change businesses frequently ( that may be a good thing too!), re-brand every year and seem to pattern themselves to the latest trend but when YOU are YOU, you will be here when the storms blow through.

When you know what you know. You don’t need to convince anyone and so I share so that you may be inspired to continue to SHOW UP & SHINE your Light!
I invite YOU, to really follow your gifts and keep sharing with the world. Some may fall away, others will be strengthened. Just be YOU. That’s what I believe in my heart you signed up for…
The share our universal LIGHT thru the UNIQUE magnificent prism that is YOUR Mind, Body and Spirit!

Here is to YOUR path, your Soul’s Calling and showing up to serve .

In my heart, I believe we decided to return to Earth School to be magnificent, to love deeply, to share openly and CREATE, CREATE, CREATE!

What we create can be from a place of fear and or a place of love. We all feel fear, it’s really there to help us. By connecting to the larger perspective ( The HIgher Self perspective) we know that the everyday pettiness and small-mindedness doesn’t support our greatness. As we step aside and continue to work on ourselves, expansion is our DESTINY <3

What was your journey? Is there something you would like to share? I would love, love to get to know your beautiful adventure!
Loving you, V

The Magic Within You

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If there is something that I believe in more than anything, is that we have the Magick and the Soul Power to be, create and manifest anything that we want! I know some people may roll their eyes when they read this but honestly I am the living example of this.

This vocation for me wasn’t found in school ( though talents were discovered), or in jobs ( more skills developed), it was birthed in the exploring of what authentically makes me happy!

And that is going into the Mystery of each person; reading their past/present/unfolding future, connecting with the invisible worlds and delving deeply in the mud of the subconscious to bring about healing and wholeness.

I didn’t start out with a structure like so many coaches do. I Created the structure to hold the invisible. My body, mind, spirit, life and work ARE the vessel in which the Universe pours through ONE of it’s infinite expressions…as are YOU.

So if you are stuck or stressing, focus on your well-being and on what makes you happy and full of joy. Frankly businesses built on what’s trendy or cool ( and they can be “spiritual” projects too) will fall apart eventually. I believe what transforms and continues to create magic happens deeply within you and is aligned with your heart and is embodied in your very essence.

Connect to that magick because YOU are everything <3
loving you,
~vcc 2014

Staying True while going through Transformation

vanessa codorniu gym

As the seasons change and we are brought deeper into our truths, self-care is needed more than ever. We are all going through deep change and it doesn’t mean we have to suffer.
We can “choose” to move thru it gracefully and trust in our inner guidance. There’s been a huge shift for me this Fall and it has brought more love, more connection, more healing and by receiving and flowing with change: greater ease.

At the gym today reflecting on how my business has been growing even in this shifting marketplace. I know that part of the fun of being an entrepreneur is trying on different hats and seeing what works. Exploration is key in growth and then there’s grabbing at what’s hot…that means you are turning your inner power over to your fears of lack and believing that what you have to offer is limited. Stay true.

I know from my inner guidance that being what you are, always allows you to expand. If you’re worried about your career or business, keep shining YOUR light. Don’t try on fads or trends as if they were your essence.

I’ve been an oracle, intuitive healer teacher for decades and have been told to leave that behind, cut out the urban priestess part or morph. I think that works for some. I’ve noticed for myself that as I stay true to who I am and what I do, people find me.

Abundance flows and opportunities keep arising. It’s not from a billion teleclasses or marketing machinations… It’s from showing up as my true self over and over again. For some that might be too simplistic. For me, it’s tried and true wisdom. I believe in it. I’ve lived it.

Trends, templates come and go. Be solid. Show up consistently as you are. You don’t need all the crazy “extra” some might jump on that boat. People resonate deeply with the authentic that serves from the Soul. I’ve always said, ” Serve wherever you are.” That’s what we are here for. Lifestyles come and go. DeAls and bookings come and go.

My Soul has always said,” you were here in the beginning, you are here now and you will be here after.” All of us have been. We are eternal.

Remember this journey of ours is deep, long, complicated, scary as well as beautiful, exhilarating and moving.

It’s more than getting followers, getting to Oprah, marrying the perfect partner. It’s all about Embodying your Soul. Shine my friends, I see you. New energies are being added to all of us for this purpose. Don’t stare too long at the doors that closed, turn and dance in the fields of your own freedom.

That’s what this time of change is about. Freedom, service, connection & expression! Blessed be, Ashe, Aho & Amen! V

Hear the Call, Find your Tribe & Shine!

FIND YOUR PEOPLE: We do not live in a bubble…

Men and women have been writing me about how my posts and calls have been supporting them. They are sharing that that my life and expression is giving them a language around what they are living and experiencing.

They may be just like YOU.
Like ME.

We walk between the worlds.

We are intellectual, practical, grounded AND we are receiving invisible information.
We are facing fears and the Universe is inviting us to step into a grander version of ourselves. We are being called. Our current lives, friends and environment may not be the most supportive for these changes. Nonetheless, we are being invited and often pulled towards huge transformations that include visibility.

Grand doesn’t necessarily mean Oprah or a 6 figure book deal.
Grand can mean, free from phobias, anxieties, from jobs that no longer serve our Spirit.
It can mean sharing our love and our gifts with those that will most benefit. Grand may include following your inner guidance through unchartered territories.

Grand can mean living a life so bright, so love-filled and that everyone around you is upgraded from just being near you.

So, find those that inspire you. Find those that allow you to be all the Light you are as they shine their own Light. Gather with them wherever you can. Don’t hold back. Be all you. Learn to ask for support, give support. Know that you are living during one of the most exciting and challenging times of the planet and each and everyone of us is being called forward.
Step up. We are waiting for you!

Loving you, V
Copyright 2014 VCC

Vanessa Codorniu the Light