Monthly Archives: February 2015

We are ALL Intuitive

vanessa codorniu trust your inner voice

So many times in my Intuitive Oracle sessions, I share information that no one else knows about the client. This allows the client to trust that truly their guides are with us and that this is real. Often what follows is also insight, pattern awareness and deep clarity around health, love, career and business. I can also tell you as an intuitive for over 20 years that at some part of the reading the client says,” I had a feeling. I knew deep down…”

We ARE ALL intuitive. I’ve always believed that and have seen it across the board with international clients and students. We ALL have an inner voice, a gut feeling and a sense of the invisible world.

What makes the difference in EVERYONE being intuitive and SOME people actually being aware, understanding their gift and using it?


Before going to bed tonight.

Take a moment. A deep breath and ask,
“What do I need to know right now?”
Allow whatever comes up.

It may be inviting you into expansion. It may feel frightening.
Trust. Write it down and let it unfold in your life.
Much love! Sweet dreams,
‪#‎vanessacodorniu‬ ‪#‎theurbanpriestess‬ ‪#‎priestess‬ ‪#‎thedailyoracle‬ ‪#‎oracle‬ ‪#‎intuition‬ ‪#‎amagickallife‬ ‪#‎magickinmysoul‬ ‪#‎highpriestess‬ ‪#‎seer‬ ‪#‎intuitiveoraclesessions‬ ‪#‎lovemywork‬ ‪#‎lovingtheflow‬ ‪#‎magic‬ ‪#‎thememefairy‬ ‪#‎stateofgrace‬ ‪#‎grace‬ ‪#‎fairiesamongus‬ ‪#‎angellife‬ ‪#‎angelsamongus‬ ‪#‎starseedlove‬ ‪#‎mermaidlove‬ ‪#‎intergalacticparty‬ ‪#‎intuitiveleverage‬ #magic ‪#‎blessedbe‬ ‪#‎lovematters‬ ‪#‎love‬ ‪#‎soulpurpose‬ ‪#‎SHINEyourlight‬ #intuitivebusiness

Intuitive Business & Valuing Your Soul Gift

vanessa codorniu

I spoke with an intuitive that I am mentoring yesterday and was reminded of something that took me quite a bit to learn. I feel called to share because so many of us have experienced this at some point.

I noticed that after having raised her rate at my urging and after many comments from clients, she suddenly decide to dip back down to a lower rate…

I asked her,” Why did you charge so low after having charged a higher rate?”
She laughed and said,” I shared it on my website after our call because I knew you’d give me a smack down. I could hear your voice in my head questioning me on the decision and I was driven to do it”

“What did you learn from this?” I asked.

” I learned alot though! I realized that I wasn’t valuing my gift and by charging so low and being so tired and overbooked…I realized my worth and I AM OVER IT!”

We both laughed and I told her, I had seen her social media after our call and was like,” Ohhh she didn’t mention this because I would’ve argued against it.” LOL.

She then said,” Well, now I know that need to value my gift but I just don’t know how I will get the higher paying clients? Where do I find them???”

I remembered this so well!
“You don’t,” I said.
“They find YOU.”

We all talk about the asking and receiving and co-creating our realities then it seems with our intuitive businesses or any other business, that we forget the UNIVERSE/GOD is our Boss…so we ask and we do receive!”

That may mean releasing deep-seated fears, beliefs and money stories…it may mean doing some deep transformative work. It may mean setting yourself up to suffer a bit until you are DONE. Our life is constantly reflecting lessons back to us and inviting us to evolve PAST revolving.

Now that doesn’t mean that we don’t do certain things like write blogs, do podcasts and teach online and in person but we SHOW UP & THEY SHOW UP.

The truth is that as we keep showing up and serving wherever we are…people take notice. They connect and feel aligned with the message, the journey and the work.
It’s like the whole “Field of Dreams”thing…BUILD IT. THEY WILL COME.
I can’t tell you over and over how this has played out in my life!

From building the discipline and the sacred container that is my mind/body & spirit so that I can see/hear/feel and know intuitive information whenever and wherever I am. To creating events, workshops, online programs that are filled with aligned people who truly appreciate the journey together!

love, V

For a complimentary MP3 on EXPLORING YOUR INTUITIVE STYLE go to:
‪#‎vanessacodorniu‬ ‪#‎theurbanpriestess‬ ‪#‎priestess‬ ‪#‎thedailyoracle‬ ‪#‎oracle‬ ‪#‎intuition‬ ‪#‎amagickallife‬ ‪#‎magickinmysoul‬ ‪#‎highpriestess‬ ‪#‎seer‬ ‪#‎intuitiveoraclesessions‬ ‪#‎lovemywork‬ ‪#‎lovingtheflow‬ ‪#‎magic‬ ‪#‎thememefairy‬ ‪#‎stateofgrace‬ ‪#‎grace‬ ‪#‎fairiesamongus‬ ‪#‎angellife‬ ‪#‎angelsamongus‬ ‪#‎starseedlove‬ ‪#‎mermaidlove‬ ‪#‎intergalacticparty‬ ‪#‎intuitiveleverage‬ #magic ‪#‎blessedbe‬ ‪#‎lovematters‬ ‪#‎love‬ ‪#‎soulpurpose‬ ‪#‎SHINEyourlight‬ #intuitivebusiness

Choosing Your Perspective: What You Think Affects Your Life

vanessa codorniu perception

OVERWHELM can arrive in many forms. We’ve packed on so much on our to-do list or life has suddenly thrown some interesting twists our way. Whether we are choosing a surgeon, a lawyer, a graduate school program or whether or not to have children…we are, all of us, always dealing with multiple choices and possibilities.

Doctoral degrees.Career choices or changes. Illness and death. Entrepreneurial dreams. Marriage. Divorce. Break-ups. Graduations. Births. We are all dealing with them. Some flow better and others may collapse under the stress…

How do we make sense of it all and build lives that make us happy?

One of the keys to being happy and making choices that support our wellness is checking in which “what we believe about what we are going through.”

In that sense HOW we choose to see, believe and experience something will DEFINE the experience, the impact and the consequences to our health.

We have all heard terrible stories of war, concentration camps and violence…the survivors who thrive tend to have a belief in hope, faith and the undying will that will get them through. Many people come through marked but not destroyed from terrible ordeals because they CHOOSE to see their experiences in a certain light.

SO as you navigate your nasty boss, difficult relationship or the many decisions that shape your life…start to CHOOSE how you look at it.

I remember years ago, I worked a day job and at night I coat checked at nightclubs. This meant I was often working from 9am till 4am with maybe a 2 hour break. It wasn’t every day, only 3-4 days a week but getting only 3 hours of sleep before I hit the day job or the homework ( I was in college too) were not easy.

I remember many early mornings (4am ish) in the taxi crossing the 59th street bridge, tears streaming down my face and thinking,” This is all worth it. This is building my will, my focus and paying off school debt…” Then,” Oh please God/Universe please let this all work out!”

At the time, I knew I had special talents that weren’t necessarily on a university’s curriculum or on a degree. I didn’t know how my interest in media, metaphysics, healing and empowerment as well as the arts would somehow work out.

FLASH FORWARD: to last week. I was coming home from a few meetings in the city and 2 in-person intuitive sessions. When I do in-persons, my clients pay for transportation and I was looking out the back window of a taxi when I saw the familiar view, the one I’d seen for several years as I worked two jobs and finished school.

Tears slid down my face and I laughed. It was all worth it. I knew it would all pay off. I always believed. I have strong conviction and a deep devotion to my special service. SOMEHOW it would work out as long as I kept stepping up. It did.

What you BELIEVE
is what you PERCEIVE
and therefore RECEIVE and ACHIEVE.
I didn’t create that phrase but I sure do believe it AND have witnessed it over and over with students, clients and people all over the world.

As a clinical hypnotherapist, BELIEFS are at the core. HOW we SEE EVERYTHING SHAPES OUR EXPERIENCE.

Our parents can be people who don’t believe in us and nag us or they can love us and want the best for us.

Our boss can be a hateful devil or a great trickster that the Universe is employing to let you know, “CHILD, you do not belong here!”

Check in with yourself. When something feels limiting and constraining ask yourself,” If everything was being created for me….even the tensions and the stresses…what could I be learning? How can I step into greater courage, strength and communication by handling this situation now?”

Ahhhh…yes. We can choose to stay hidden in a box, remember if we argue for our limitations, they are surely ours!

IF we seek opportunities for growth and expansion, they are ours as well!

* inspired from today’s one hour chat with a awesome young woman from Bella Abzug Leadership Institute Inc. on the brink of making major decisions…YOU CAN DO THIS!
blessings, V

‪#‎vanessacodorniu‬ ‪#‎theurbanpriestess‬ ‪#‎priestess‬ ‪#‎thedailyoracle‬ ‪#‎oracle‬ ‪#‎intuition‬ ‪#‎amagickallife‬ ‪#‎magickinmysoul‬ ‪#‎highpriestess‬ ‪#‎seer‬ ‪#‎intuitiveoraclesessions‬ ‪#‎lovemywork‬ ‪#‎lovingtheflow‬ ‪#‎magic‬ ‪#‎thememefairy‬ ‪#‎stateofgrace‬ ‪#‎grace‬ ‪#‎fairiesamongus‬ ‪#‎angellife‬ ‪#‎angelsamongus‬ ‪#‎starseedlove‬ ‪#‎mermaidlove‬ ‪#‎intergalacticparty‬ ‪#‎intuitiveleverage‬ #magic ‪#‎blessedbe‬ ‪#‎lovematters‬ ‪#‎love‬ ‪#‎soulpurpose‬ ‪#‎SHINEyourlight‬

Time To SHINE Openly

vanessa codorniu

SHINE OPENLY DEAR INTUITIVES: As an intuitive/oracle and seer there are many levels of reality that I experience when I sit down to do an Intuitive Oracle Session. From early childhood traumas that may be impacting your business, health or love life to past lives and hidden talents that can support in the healing and embracing of a new way of looking at things. I can trace, hear or see even, the overall Soul assignment and it’s ramifications in your life at this time.
Many intuitives focus on the shadows and sometimes even feed the fears of those seeking support. It’s easy to do that because shadows are easy to see when you are gazing thru a third eye into the spirit. What is not always easy to SEE or truly KNOW is the acknowledging that we are all LIGHT and truthfully we have always been.

If you are allowing your fears to allow you to cling to the belief that the shadows can harm you or the belief that others will attack you if you shine too brightly, know that it is a story that needs healing. These fears can feed a sense of victimhood or even “them” and me/us.”
The fact is EVERYTHING you are experiencing whether it is seen as positive or negative is a reflection of some part of our belief or fear or some part of our co-creation. SO as you sit to think,” I always get attacked when I speak my truth” or “people don’t like it when I shine,” look deeper…waaay deeper.

In my experience, I find people are too busy to be worried about how bright we shine our light. In the case of our famous martyrs, we cannot compare our entrepreneurial mission to MLK. Different time. Different history. While many of our powerful and amazing leaders have been attacked for bringing in a NEW WAY…we are the NEW WAY.

We have discovered through exploration on our spiritual journeys that many of us feel we are way-showers and born to create NEW PARADIGMS.

IF we are then why keep singing that old song?
IF you are caught up in that belief that you will be attacked or reviled because you shine your Light…undoubtedly you will attract it. Then truly, are you a way shower? Or are you merely repeating an old song over and over into 2015?

Our shadows ( areas that need healing & love) can be triggered and come out be seen when Light shines. No necessarily bad. When we truly shine our LIght, I am talking our Light of the Soul not the intellect or ego…there is no shadow. It is PURE LIGHT.

SO if all you can see is shadow for now, know that there is more to SEE & KNOW…
Ask yourself when I cling to my limiting beliefs and how am I keeping myself tied to a story?
What part of YOU is kept safe with that belief? How does it keep you in victimhood?


Know that there are many levels of reality, more than the third eye can see. The LIGHT Is felt thru the HEART
sending love, V

‪#‎vanessacodorniu‬ ‪#‎theurbanpriestess‬ ‪#‎priestess‬ ‪#‎thedailyoracle‬ ‪#‎oracle‬ ‪#‎intuition‬ ‪#‎amagickallife‬ ‪#‎magickinmysoul‬ ‪#‎highpriestess‬ ‪#‎seer‬ ‪#‎intuitiveoraclesessions‬ ‪#‎lovemywork‬ ‪#‎lovingtheflow‬ ‪#‎magic‬ ‪#‎thememefairy‬ ‪#‎stateofgrace‬ ‪#‎grace‬ ‪#‎fairiesamongus‬ ‪#‎angellife‬ ‪#‎angelsamongus‬ ‪#‎starseedlove‬ ‪#‎mermaidlove‬ ‪#‎intergalacticparty‬ ‪#‎intuitiveleverage‬ #magic ‪#‎blessedbe‬ ‪#‎lovematters‬ ‪#‎love‬ ‪#‎soulpurpose‬ ‪#‎SHINEyourlight‬

Releasing What Is Not Yours: Ancestral Healing


POWERFUL AWARENESS & DEEP RELEASE: Most of us are carrying stories, belies and patterns that are not truly ours. They are “money” “love” “success” and “sex” stories. There are patterns around the RESCUER, MARTYR, HERO, STARVING ARTIST, REBEL & so many other archetypes. Part of my own healing path and that of the work I do through clinical hypnotherapy and priestessing is the healing of ancestral patterns.

When stories are told and retold, they become a “reality” and we are born into this innocently (obviously with some agreement to explore this illusion) and and always with the choice to uncover & transform this belief and allow ourselves and our families greater freedom and wholeness.

Some of these patterns manifest in poverty, heartbreak, physical illness, lack of success or hitting a ceiling in our careers. They can affect us in lack of confidence in our art, our creativity or business. Body hate and fear of intimacy can be passed down thru generations through cultural, religious and societal codes for living.

For example my family has highly intuitive people on both sides of the family.

My maternal grandfather had a guide and received messages. He shared this with me when I came to him stressed and excited over the arrival and communication of my spirit guides. My maternal grandmother received messages from the departed and they both explored the books of the spiritualist & medium, Allan Kardec.

My paternal family had a grandfather who was interested in UFOs, mediumship and the other parts of the mind that we don’t use. My maternal grandmother was a medium. People believed AND they didn’t tell anyone about it. It was accepted but to shared openly and there was always a fear that it might harm me if I delved deeper. My mom was particularly protective and I had many a battle with her as she tried to keep me safe.

As I released these beliefs years ago, I was able to embrace and start conversations and guide others in test areas. I my own way I have created a healing and an open expression of this. As we each heal and release these fears/patterns we create more healing for ourselves and others.

While these patterns can “feel” very real, they are not. They are illusions that we are dealing with on this Earth walk and illusions that we can heal and transform. As we gather ourselves into wholeness there is MORE energy for healing our bodies, minds and spirits. There is MORE ability to manifest success, love & abundance.

Today as I finished a session my awesome client said: Is there any crystal I should use for further healing? I said: snowflake obsidian, petrified wood and…they are telling me you have a tiger’s eye! She laughed: Yes in my hand!

Intuition, reiki and priestess and shamanic training support my experience in hypnosis. Powerfully coming together in a very subtle and supportive way, all of these come together for my clients as they dive deep and uncover and transform that which no longer serves.

If you would like to have a chat about this, let’s! love, V

Book a chat below!

Love-filled Thursday


Beautiful intuitive oracle sessions. Awakenings. Transformation and down-to-earth transmissions that allow clients to embody their Soul Purpose! Take a moment and allow yourself to sink into your body & breathe. “What do I need to know about my Soul Purpose?” Allow the information to flow… Blessed be, V

‪#‎vanessacodorniu‬ ‪#‎theurbanpriestess‬ ‪#‎priestess‬ ‪#‎thedailyoracle‬ ‪#‎oracle‬ ‪#‎intuition‬ ‪#‎amagickallife‬ ‪#‎magickinmysoul‬ ‪#‎highpriestess‬ ‪#‎seer‬ ‪#‎intuitiveoraclesessions‬ ‪#‎lovemywork‬ ‪#‎lovingtheflow‬ ‪#‎magic‬ ‪#‎thememefairy‬ ‪#‎stateofgrace‬ ‪#‎grace‬ ‪#‎fairiesamongus‬ ‪#‎angellife‬ ‪#‎angelsamongus‬ ‪#‎starseedlove‬ ‪#‎mermaidlove‬ ‪#‎intergalacticparty‬

When Is It Time to Quit?


When do we give up? Most of us take great pride in not being “quitters” and being able to pull through the tough times in life. I know that I am one of these people. Once I give my word, it’s pretty damn solid. I call it integrity and I’ve had to learn on Earth School, that walking away or letting go, isn’t quitting…it’s getting wise.

I know that in the past I’ve stayed in situations, relationships and even on projects
that turned out to be more “work” than I ever intended. My good intentions and strong work ethic, didn’t want me to give up.
“What if the Universe is testing me?”
“What if this is part of the agreement I signed up for?”
“What if? What if?”
How can we tell the difference?

Well, in the thing you need to let go of there’s usually what I call a “Fatal Flaw” it’s something that has nothing to do with you and that you keep fighting up against. It could be that a partner in business is not trustworthy but..”you want to believe in them.”

It can be a romantic partner that has serious intimacy issues or patterns of fear that no matter what pretzel, yoga formation you take…they cannot get over. They can’t because it’s their decision and their healing path to take. The Boss that projects their insecurities on his/her team and isn’t even aware of it-while continuously causing drama and chaos.

There are just situations, that NO MATTER WHAT WE DO, WILL NOT CHANGE.
That’s the difference!

Staying in something like that will dampen your drive and have you bumping heads and never getting what you want.

That’s the difference, is there a Fatal Flaw here or is it negotiable and easily workable?
That awesome guy/gal who is afraid of getting hurt in love, you share openly, give it time and it turns out great. That business partner that might have different strengths than you do and really wants to join may take time getting used to the dance but it can succeed.
Taking stock of WHERE we place our energy is important because when we place it in a bucket with the proverbial hole…well, being drained and exhausted is the outcome.

When we stay, or continue the fight we need to ask ourselves…WHY? because frankly it’s something within us drawing us to this set up, person or situation.

“What story am I playing out?”
“Did I see this type of interaction in my family? How am I replicating this story?”
“How am I adding to this going-nowhere situation?”
“What am I here to learn and why did I decide to enter into this and stay?”

It’s part of Earth School, this learning when we need to let go and when we need to be patient and work on things.

There are times where our Soul will test us. Not everything works out the way we want on our first try…coming back to practice as in a hobby, sport or anything worth doing, will take time.
The thing is…every time something is truly meant to be, you will get signs. Doors might not open right away but as you keep showing up, a window pops open or a backdoor let’s you in!
I didn’t wind up becoming an award-winning ( singer, actor, director) yet when I wanted to try these things, doors opened…my experience in all these areas helps me with my work today! It served me and when I was ready to leave, I did. It wasn’t wasted time, it was practice for the real deep calling that my Soul was preparing me for.

So don’t give up on your calling or dreams. Do give up on fixating that “that project, that person, that opportunity” is the only way. The Universe is boundless and ONLY our mind can limit the doors that open to your TRUE calling or even partner.
Our time is something we don’t get back. We can replace a car, a house or even a product. And while some of us may believe we have eternity ( I am one of them), I only have this life as Vanessa and I want to place seeds in fertile ground that grow, so I am always checking in 🙂

Take a moment and check in and get ready for some awesome growth coming your way!!!
When is it time to quit? When it’s no longer serving your highest good.
Keep Keepin’ On!
loving you, V
The Daily Oracle 2015
‪#‎vanessacodorniu‬ ‪#‎theurbanpriestess‬ ‪#‎priestess‬ ‪#‎thedailyoracle‬ ‪#‎oracle‬ ‪#‎intuition‬ ‪#‎amagickallife‬ ‪#‎magickinmysoul‬ ‪#‎highpriestess‬ ‪#‎seer‬ ‪#‎intuitiveoraclesessions‬ ‪#‎lovemywork‬ ‪#‎lovingtheflow‬ ‪#‎magic‬ ‪#‎thememefairy‬ ‪#‎stateofgrace‬ ‪#‎grace‬ ‪#‎fairiesamongus‬ ‪#‎angellife‬ ‪#‎angelsamongus‬ ‪#‎starseedlove‬ ‪#‎mermaidlove‬ ‪#‎intergalacticparty‬