Monthly Archives: March 2015

Your Time As a Caterpillar Has Expired. Your Wings Are Ready!


This. Now.

We think perhaps that there is “one” awakening or transformation when in truth our existence on earth is all about cycling thru awarenesses and awakenings.

Higher Self said this am: Cling not to your well-worn wings, for new ones await.
Growth is always abit scary as it takes us beyond our comfort zone.

When we are on the “fasttrack” it happens even more often then we like. Especially if we are guiding, teaching & suporting others. There is nothing stagnant in the Universe and as such, we must accept ( when & if we are ready) that we are born shapeshifters and cling not too tightly to what we know. Freedom is where we come from and where we are expanding into. Passing through the tight space, the fear, the limitation space is the way to trade in our old wings, put on new ones and SOAR.

Loving you, V
2015 vcc The Daily Oracle

‪#‎vanessacodorniu‬ ‪#‎theurbanpriestess‬ ‪#‎thedailyoracle‬ ‪#‎intuition‬ ‪#‎mystic‬ ‪#‎oracle‬ ‪#‎seer‬ ‪#‎priestess‬ ‪#‎highpriestess‬ ‪#‎soulpurpose‬ ‪#‎stateofgrace‬ ‪#‎amagickallife‬ ‪#‎magickinmysoul‬ ‪#‎magick‬ ‪#‎love‬ ‪#‎intuitiveleverage‬

Full Moon in Virgo March 5th 2015

vanessa codorniu full moon in virgo

FULL MOON IN VIRGO…it’s late and this Virgo energy-just-wouldn’t-let-me-go-to-bed-without posting! FOCUS, she said!

FULL MOON is a time of the fullest power and a high point in a process of manifesting through the moon cycles. It’s time to gather our resources and go FULL out with whatever we are doing and planning!

Virgo though often seen as simply serviceable and detail oriented is actually the healer/priestess of the chart!

Learning to connect the earth and the mind ( Virgo is an EARTH sign ruled by Mercury-Air) she patiently tends her offerings, projects, patients and sacred work. By tending to the everyday DETAILS she guides us to create massive changes and creations that can make huge IMPACT.
Many of us embrace the Piscean ( Sun is in Pisces now) aspect of fantasy, dreaminess and soulful connection that Pisces can bring, yet it is the Virgo energy that can guide us AND actually get the job done for us.

It’s a great time to envision, focus, fine-tune, clear out, renovate and restructure our mind, bodies and spirits.

Virgo has done her work on me today as I just got off the phone with an awesome intuitive that will be joining my team in sales. With expertise in business, accounting, people and music, he’s what I’ve been looking for without looking for it! Thanks for the Virgo push to get us on the phone and connect on this!

In this same vein, I just brought on a new VA and am creating various other programs…ahhh yes Virgo came a knocking some time before she showed up at my house in her full on Full mOon glamour tonight! and PS. Virgo does sit on my 6th house of health, work and everyday routines…Oh , yeah they are getting renovated!

What do you need to pay attention to?
What needs some tweaking and focus?
Do you need to restructure your biz, closet or nutrition plan?
Take a deep breath. Us dreamers get nervous with details but when we make friends, we are bound to manifest greatness.

The Doing+Being= Making Great $hit Happen
Yes, the Full moon in Virgo and the Sun in Pisces….

Doing+Being= Making Great $hit Happen!
Ready. Set…Goooooooo!!!!

loving you, V
© The Daily Oracle vcc 2015
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Sisters Connect from Beyond: Intuitive Mediumship


Intuitive Oracle session turned into mediumship session. My client asked about her departed sister and just gave me her name. I saw her having been distant from the family and that she was in a better place. Said that what happened to her was bigger than the family and apologized to my client.

Feels really wonderful to support clients in getting closure with their departed. Hearing messages and seeing actual events that transpired and getting confirmation thru my client’s tears…brought shivers through me. Her sister apologized for not being there for her and said she missed the last wedding but will attend her future one.

Client shared she cancelled a wedding 6 months before the date and was afraid that she would never marry. Her sister said,” You will and I will give you a sign I am there.”

Her parting words,” Thank you for being the first one in the family who dared to ask for more, for not settling and for walking a more conscious journey. I love you and I believe in you. Thank you.”

No words <3