It’s been another powerful day.
* Client: Carrying a belief that something was wrong with her, we regressed to the first time she developed this belief. In her crib in hospital, she was born with a health condition and the energetic message was: you have this problem so there is something wrong with you. Accessing her Higher self thru hypnosis, the client received this message: You took on this illness to help the others learn.
Can you imagine IF what you believed was your detriment or “failure” was truly a limitation YOU chose on a Soul level to support growth of yourself and others? Mind-blowing. Life-shifting.
* Great meeting with team member in Spain! Woot!
* Transformative Intuitive Oracle Session for a beautiful Soul whose time has come! Connecting with relatives from the over side and giving her spot on details and insights has supported her to go FULL OUT in her current project! YES!
* 30 minute session with long-time client! Her interview and new job unfolded pretty much like her intuitive reading said. Celebrating and looking into more expansion!
Feeling goooood! and now self-care. Delish green juice, clearing bath AND heading to bellyfdance performance workshop class 5-7pm!!! Can’t wait! <3
love, V