Monthly Archives: July 2015

Powerful Manifestation Requires Support: Inside & Outside

Vanessa Codorniu powerful manifestation

Powerful manifestation requires support.
Both visible AND invisible support.

What I am sharing here today is a first. I respect my calling so deeply that I seldom write about my deep experiences, fearing they will become a joke or fodder for tom foolery. In fact, I even share them in a way that is not overdramatized so that they will not be seen as too out of this world, when in TRUTH we are all experiencing mystical experiences and may often just push them off as “imagination.”

Today was my first day off in 10 days of intense growth, business lessons, spiritual technology deepening and all around abundance.

Gathered with sisters, got stuck in traffic, talked relationships, held delicious babies and laughed. Realized how much we’ve all grown since we met. Felt peace and joy as I watched my sisters and reflected on their special place in my life <3

Returning home at 8pm…my supercalifragilisticexpialidocious healer/massage therapist, Julie was waiting for me. Promising to arrange a night of massages for my friends at my place, we went inside.

Because I studied energy and teach it, I consciously work on mine at the beginning of my massages and then…let go.

Dropped deep. Energy shifted. I felt as if we were in the cosmos and I was falling thru space as I was being carried.

Landing in a deep net and then floating in space, I knew my guides had waited for this moment for a profound download. I was ready.

My angels stood around me ( I experience Angels to be really TALL) and began to explain all the events of the last month to me. Guiding me not to anger. No to take it personally. Instructing me to view those that I may have felt had been selfish, uncaring or unconscious as teachers.

They were teaching me what I want, what I don’t want. They were showing me how to shift mid-stream and make quick, hyper quick decisions that would ensure my desired manifestations. I was being taught how to rise above EVEN my own stories. Yes to rise above my own bullshit. And as you know, our bullshit can look really REAL.

Letting me know that when we cut ourselves as victims we cannot move quickly. It’s the nature of victim status to enhance stickiness.

The light warrior shifts in mid-stream, not because she is unstable or indecisive, but precisely because she is decisive, she shifts according to the tides to sail the ship in the direction EVEN when the winds are threatening and unstable.

I tend to shift and move quickly. Some have thought, does she compartmentalize?

No. I am literally in this moment and it is THIS WAY.
Now I am HERE and it is this way.
I read energy, I experience it as ever-changing.
Meaning this relationship works now…
and when it doesn’t, I can move forward without dragging it to it’s pathetic demise…
Been there, done that.

We see age as slowing us down.
The older I get, the faster I move.
The quicker everything materializes.

I am willing to be guided into and through the darkness.
I am willing to walk through the unknown with the faith that what I leave behind is not the best I can experience.

Faith over fear.
At the heart of some of my Soul lessons.

Spirit moves quickly, my guides say.

My guides have taught me to hop, skip and jump on an energetic dime…
Rare for a sun taurus I know…
It’s either learn to energetically double-dutch or get slapped, kicked an punched by lessons until they are learned…done that too. Have the keychain and gave away the t-shirts.

Yet these are the lessons.
To love deeply.
Be fully present.
Forgive quickly.
To know that it is ALL
for my greatest good.
See truth. Accept it and keep flowing. All in process, I am always learning.

My Angels parted, blue light filled my inner vision.
My guides stepped into perception.

“We are with you.
You are learning who is truly an ally and who is not.
You are stepping into another phase and the false stories of visibility or not, cannot serve your highest vision you have chosen for this life. Life is moving fast and you are being taught to shift adapt, stand strong and shape shift in integrity.”

Many don’t know that I actually hit 6 figures my first year online. It takes most, several years and thousands and thousands invested and much training.

I invested in a mastermind in 2012 that put me firmly on the road and had 2 two hour sessions with another coach but never did what she said (videos.)

I was very successful quickly (lots of hard work & faith) but I didn’t even know it.

Deep in the quiet healer story, I didn’t truly realize it.
My guides shared with me what to do AND often, I had to do it quickly. I don’t focus on how much I’ve made thru my intuition in my copy or my articles. Or that my first promotion of my 8 week program hit 10k. I see that as it supported my work, not as that is the raison d’être for my work.

And the kicker…I did all this with a website with NO services on it.

I was born to do this and by serving…abundance show up.

My website has an opt-in, that’s it. Some have said I was afraid of visibility…but yet here i was starting a business with intuition at it’s core BEFORE it was popular and the thing to talk about…so how much fear of visibility did I truly have?

I was afraid of being overwhelmed.
Many of us have that fear.
For me it’s a reality.
Most of us have this fear and yet for me, it’s played out.
And so, here on this massage table…

My guides began to share how deeply protected I am and loved.

How my website had to be done and proceeded to show me the breakdown and the elements of my process, my Soul mission and how I will just have to deal with overwhelm and hire people and get over it.

The showed me the school, the intuitives, leaders and healers. The showed me the global spiritual community <3

I was awed, moved and tears filled my eyes. I saw each process, each part of what I do clearly delineated and my school… the Universe’s school…

Coming out of my massage, my awesome Julie ( who initially came to me as an intuitive needing support) said,” You had really TALL guides standing around you today!!! Then I saw blue light and I was told not to be afraid.”

I smiled,” My Angels feel really TALL!”

We laughed. We sat and talked about life, business and how happy we are to be on each other’s teams.

Who is on your physical team supporting YOU?
Do you access and know your INNER TEAM?

This is what I do. That is what I support you with.
The inner and outer team to access your deepest clarity, your most transformative healing and your most powerful work in the world…of course, I had to learn to do it for myself first!

Powerful manifestation requires support.
Both visible AND invisible support. Period.

Thank YOU for yours. I CANNOT wait to share what I am birthing into the world. Thank you for witnessing my journey and sharing yours with me! Thank you for holding space for our collective Light to shine <3

loving you,

copuyright 2015 The Daily Oracle

Embodying Our Beauty: Inside & Out

story originally published under TRUE Confidence Stories: Alison Leipzig


Boobs. Bazookas. Bazongas. Bosom. Boulders. Funbags. Honeydews. Gazongas. Grapefruits. Melons. Honkers. Jumbos. Mounds. Mountains. Tits. Tetas. Tetonas. Tittage. Torpedoes. Zepplins.

And just last week as I crossed the street, “Hey Airbags!”

My breasts changed my life. Since they showed up, they have bothered others, attracted looks and for some strange reason, gave everyone permission to make commentary…as if I wasn’t there.

My breasts have been beacons for unwanted attention. Hands of friends, grocery store clerks, amusement park attendants have wandered. Shoulders squeezed and male friend’s of the family peered down my shirt.

My breasts meant sexuality to many and created vulnerability for a young girl. There is something about a girl or woman with large breasts that can really bring up some deep-seated unconscious insecurities…and may I add, fantasies in many. Large breasts seem to equal sexual availability or wantonness.

Arriving quickly at the age of nine, they took me much too quickly from pigtails, glasses and book-devouring geekiness to a pit stop at A then a full B cup. Boys began to stare. Girls to hate.

The lies arose and kept growing side by side my cup expansion. I was slutty they said. That I let boys play with them and suck on them-the true secret to my growth. That’s what my best friend told everyone! There was commentary on the bathroom walls and boys tried to pop my bra clasp to see if tissue or real breasts would fall out.

It didn’t help that I was one of the only Latinas growing up in a white, Jewish neighborhood. I already stood out. I was the only Vanessa in a sea of Jodi’s and Deborah’s. A few girls developed quickly too but most were flat or small chested at that time. I started covering up. My posture suffered. At 13 I was an overflowing C cup threatening to go D and my friendships were diminishing.

I imagine now that my father was uncomfortable with his little girl growing up and out. He said I was fat. The truth was I was 5’4” at 125lbs. I started feeling self-conscious. I wanted bigger clothes, my mom argued against it.

One day walking into my family’s kitchen I overheard my paternal grandma say, “Poor Vanessa, I will save money for her. I will save money and I will help her get an operation.” I asked, “Abuela, what do I need an operation for?” I hated my nose, maybe a nose job? “Ahhh she said of course your horrendous breasts!” Sobbing I ran to my room.

My life was ruined before it began I thought. Laying on my bed and sobbing my attention fell on a mythology book. The nude beauty of Aphrodite rising from the sea foam soothed my tears.

I ripped off my clothing and stood in front of the mirror. I was surprised. I was pleased. I was, well…alittle in love with myself! My breasts were high, round, firm and well-formed. I giggled as I cast myself as my own Venus, my own sort of beauty, in my own world.

My mom knocked on the door. We had an amazing heart-to-heart. She told me how she suddenly developed at 17, how they made fun of her and that we have to love and accept ourselves the way God made us. Venus and my own mother goddess brought clarity to my life that day and I held on to it from then on.
I have never hated my breasts. I have deep gratitude for my mother’s wisdom and her guidance. Rocking her DDs, positive attitude and great posture.

My mom taught me to love and accept my body. She infused a respect and assisted me in creating standards of behavior that protected me. Though I realized that I had sexual desires at a young age and was quite sensual, I was always careful. In college I was a debate champion and my body was under wraps. I loved to dance but made sure to never lose control drinking or being seen as promiscuous.

In my twenties, I was offered stripper auditions, guys asked me on the street if I was one. If a guy looked at me instead of friends they would sneer,” He likes your tits, that’s it.” Dancing at a wedding about ten years ago a surgeon said to me,” You’re not fooling me you have implants!”

Eventually as a form of protection I allowed my body to expand and the names went from just bazoongas to brick shithouse and thick hourglass.

In my mind, the added weight made me more “balanced” as my hips and thighs filled out. The truth is I felt safer being bigger. I didn’t seem to be such a big deal if I was more of a full-figured busty woman rather than a slimmer one.
I see my generous body parts as being an extension of my abundant soul and my loving heart.

My breasts have withstood heartbreak, loss, joy, profound pleasure and a weight gain and loss of 50lbs…twice. They’ve been through so much and keep on bouncing. I wear bras to sleep, have used firming creams and swear to weight training as the fountain of youth for chest muscles. The bottom line, they are healthy. Breasts are beautiful at any size, in a variety of shapes and I believe they react to how we think of them.

I believe that when we love ourselves and recognize that our bodies are sacred that we embody the Divine.

I know that as I kept walking tall and owning my own personal power I inspire others. As I started my business and really stepped into being visible and known for what I do, I am also seen as who I am…one of the many reflections of the goddess.

Most recently, when asked to name my breasts by some girl friends, without skipping a beat, I exclaimed, ”Goddess Globes!”

Last week a client said, ”Would you ever consider a reduction?”
“Nope, I have great sensitivity! They bring me pleasure!”
“Even if you got bigger? What if they hurt your back?”

“Honey,” I said, “I don’t’ worry about that, to carry these around all this time you gotta have a strong backbone.”

Yeah, I love them, they are healthy and they are mine. Amen! Ashe! Blessed be,


I am excited to announce that I have been invited to co-create some magic with Sarita Coren, Fairy Godmother of Green Beauty  and Natural Beauty Make-up artist, Rebecca Casciano!

If you’ve often felt your heart twist as someone commented on your body or face…

Or have compared yourself to what media finds beautiful…highly manipulated images! If you are ready to release these stories that may have been holding you back please join us!

We will be gathering in sisterhood, acceptance and exploration on Sunday, August 23rd at a private estate in New Jersey to support you in embodying your beauty & free yourself from the past!

For more information on this powerful opportunity please visit: EMBODY BEAUTY RETREAT 

If you feel called to join us use the code VANESSA for $20% off the original cost.


The first 10 people to register AND share the flyer below will win FREE GENERAL ADMISSION to the Indie Beauty Expo on Thursday, August 27 valued at over $55!! Use these hashtags on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, anywhere: #EmbodyBeautyRetreat and #weareindiebeauty.


Call Tonight: Leverage Your Sensitivity in Life & Biz

Everyone is buzzing about this topic and I want to invite you into a conversation that I’ve been having with hndreds if not thousands of people in my trainings and sessions…
Yes, the time of the Highly Sensitive & Intuitive is here!
IF you have ever felt or have been told you are:
TOO emotional.
TOO weird.
TOO sensitive.
A foolish dreamer.
Ahead of your time.
That you need to turn it down.

You need to do HIDE your sensitivity to succeed
or that YOU just don’t fit in..anywhere…

PLEASE get on this community call!

If you are an empath, you’ve probably felt that you are different from most people around you.

As a child, you may have had a hard time dealing with untruths, or pretending to be ok when you weren’t.

You could feel what was truly happening behind the smiles. You may have had very deep thoughts, cried easily or asked out-of-the-ordinary questions about life, the afterlife and situations around you.

In my early twenties, I was so empathic, that I couldn’t go to nightclubs though I loved to dance. I felt the feelings and energies around me, and it overwhelmed me.

I had a connection but didn’t know how to really step up in a way that really served me.

If you’re anything like me, you will totally relate to the pain of having a sensitivity that can feel like a detriment rather than the true advantage it is!

Your sensitivity, your deeper way of seeing and knowing is a gift that many do not know how to apply. You may have felt it was a hindrance, a curse or something to hide.
Maybe you have even turned your intuition off and have been letting your mind and the opinion of others rule your life.

Amazing Soul,
I am here to tell you that your KNOWING
is your greatest GIFT
and the KEY to YOUR Success!

I’ll share with you what no one is talking about…

I won’t share what I read in a book on psychic development or what I think I know about intuition. I won’t even share what I learned in a workshop last week…

I will share from my 20 years as an intuitive giving psychic Soul readings and as an intuition trainer for 8 years!

You’ve read every self-help book online and off. You’ve attended workshops, gotten psyched up to “make it happen”, “change your life” or “step up and shine”…then you arrived at home and within days, you’ve lost your way-again. I’ve been there. I know how that is.

I have suffered from all of that and more as I tried to understand my gifts so I could stop hiding them and let them fuel my true calling.

Understanding and owning my gift as led me to thrive in my soul-based business and follow my inner guidance to a life that I only dreamed of before.

I became a respected and successful intuitive in two languages, get paid to make huge impact in people’s lives while I travel and work from wherever I want. My clients and students are thriving and using their abilities like never before!

If you’re anything like me, you will totally relate to the pain of having a sensitivity that can feel like a detriment rather than the true advantage it is!

I have gathered these key secrets from my own life’s adventure, doing thousands of intuitive sessions worldwide and from teaching hundreds to understand and use their intuition in life, health and business.

You’ve tried one technique and then another. The initial excitement gives away to confusion, doubt and lack of clarity.

How do you get to a place of clarity so you can move forward and live the life you desire?

How do you get past your fears and take a major leap that will shift your life?

How do you get to a place where you always feel good about the decisions that you are making?

I’ll share with you what no one is talking about…

Yes, we all ohhh…and ahh…about guessing who is on the phone before we answer it.

We all love the session with a great intuitive who can look deep and shine the light on some issues we’ve been dealing with. We are all amazed when we tap into a feeling, a thought or an impulse that leads us to an opportune meeting or unseen blessing.

We all agree that intuition is important and then we keep moving…not realizing its the KEY to unlocking our talents, our courage and our zone of genius so you can succeed on your terms.

IMAGINE: waking up to work you love and working with people that really “see” you and appreciate what you offer.There’s a fierce energy and vibrancy you only dreamed of before!

IMAGINE: that you finally left that dead-end go-nowhere facsmile of a relationship and now feel free and open to living the love you truly want.

IMAGINE: that its easy to get direct guidance. ANYTIME. ANYWHERE and it doesn’t matter if you’re in the middle of a car crash…I can say I’ve been there on that one!

IMAGINE: you have a direct clear line to know what to do…ALWAYS.

Find out how you can work the magic that already exists within you to create the life you’ve always dreamed of!

The world is waiting for you to OWN your talents.

YOU are tired of waiting for when and what….Find out HOW!

Join me for TONIGHT as I share FIVE keys so you can go from HIGHLY SENSITIVE TO HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL!


TONIGHT 8pm EST we will gather for a community call!

I hope to connect with you!

intuitively yours, V

“Thank you, Vanessa!! The connection that I made to my deep intuition through the Intuitive Alchemy circle has been such a gift, something I have been looking for in myself for years. The support I now feel from inside myself is SO valuable and so important for everything I do. Vanessa’s sincere belief in each of us having that internal guidance was such a support to me connecting with it and then to share it with the group and have Vanessa affirm it’s validity, existence, wisdom was SO helpful. I can’t wait for the next circle!!”, Ayla Daley

“Vanessa is at the same time ancient, and moving swiftly towards the future. She has a deep recognition and appreciation for the wisdom of the elders and ancestors, while also understanding that we are moving towards different times, when flexibility of thinking and grounded-ness are essential elements in our personal and collective development. Vanessa does not tell you how to be, but helps you understand who you are, in order to help you grow. She is a New York treasure — I don’t think you’d find someone like her anywhere else! “-Randi C.
“When I started Vanessa’s Intuitive Alchemy course I had no idea what to expect. I was having a difficult time in my life experiencing the pain, anger,sadness and powerlessness of a friend who had gone through a traumatic life event. It was interfering with my life and causing great emotional upset for me.
Something told me I should take this course, and I am so glad I listened to my intuition.
Through this workshop and working with Vanessa I discovered I was an empath and I had no protection from others I was feeling emotional pain from.
I have learned how to use my empathy and intuition in a healthy manner and have tapped into my intuition in a way I never knew I could.
I have always been a strong believer in actualizing reality. It has always worked for me – right now I am still searching for what I want to actualize, howeverI strongly feel what Vanessa has taught me has been a great help in getting on that path. I am looking forward to the next workshop to further develop these attributes I had within me but never knew I had and never knew how to access.
I strongly recommend this workshop to any and everyone who wants to learn how to connect with and trust their intuition.”~John Farrell
What some amazing people are saying…
“Working with Vanessa is like having the whole of the universe on speed dial. Phenomenal cosmic power…itty bitty priestess-woman!”~Kristen Kalp, BrandCamp
“Vanessa is incredibly gentle, and yet, extraordinarily powerful. If you are looking for support making change, I seriously suggest exploring the option work with Vanessa. She has a gift, and is a beautiful gem… She’s a healer’s healer and a masterful guide.”~Jennifer Racioppi, Women’s Health+Success Coach

“Vanessa has an exceptional gift. I recently had the opportunity to do an intuitive session with her. I found her to be gentle yet no nonsense. She was able to connect with themes that are currently looming large in my life, and provide much needed insight and inspiration. Her ability to articulate hidden depths and make the implicit explicit is truly moving. If you have questions, are seeking guidance, or just want to connect with a force bigger than yourself, you absolutely MUST speak to this modern wise woman. Absolutely amazing.”- Liz Alton, Indie Blue Media
“Vanessa has such a powerful vulnerability- a capacity to hear and to trust the information she is receiving from spirit. The depth of my healing at Vanessa’s mystical hands was profound. She is a gorgeous soul and holds deep medicine with her gift of intuitive healing.” ~Meggan Watterson, Founder REVEAL. Hay House Speaker+Author of Reveal: A Sacred Manual for Getting Spiritually Naked

Feeling Good About Who You Are

” WOW. You are a FORCE of Nature!” said a new client today after an intuitive oracle reading this evening. She said,” Of course you know that!” I shared that it’s always great to be seen, appreciated and valued.

I’ve been called a force of nature throughout my life. Since I was a little curious one.

Feels good now.
I remember when it didn’t.

“You are TOO MUCH!”

” No man will be able to handle you.”

” YOU are larger than Life and that’s not always right for theatre or film…” ex-acting teacher.

While auditioning for a school play,” Alright, we know you can sing, no need to do it so loudly!” ~classroom teacher.

“You are too much for your own good!”

“So you are smart & on top of that your psychic? You know too much for your own good!”

” No one is good at many things! PICK ONE! PICK ONE!”

I remember walking into my therapist’s office in 2003. Describing to her that I envisioned a small, trembling mouse in front of a majestic door and behind it, a powerful Lion. I giggled then at how ridiculous this image seemed to me.

She said,” Oh, you are the mouse and you are afraid of the Lion?”

“No,” I said.
” I am PRETENDING to be the mouse so I won’t be attacked but I am truly and REALLY the LION…and someday I will no longer need this parody that the mouse is creating.” Ahhhh yes. I KNEW I had power within me and had clearly received the message that day!

So many of us FEEL that we have so much love, brilliance and energy to share with the world and at some point or another have shut it down or made it smaller. We’ve dimmed our Light so others wouldn’t be insulted or hurt or harm us.

We’ve dimmed our Light so we could survive.
We’ve dimmed our Light so we could fit in.
We’ve dimmed out Light SO much so that we have come to BELIEVE we are that quivering mouse. Forgetting the power, strength and centeredness that we carry in our Soul.

It’s time to remember our Light.
The oak tree was made that way for a reason as was the fig or the apple. We, each of us, are no mistake. We have been created in the multifaceted expression and image of a Divine Universe that embraces and loves itself through our expressions and sacred diversity.

There is no ONE way to be strong.
There is no ONE way to be beautiful.
There is no ONE way to be powerful.
There is no ONE way to serve…

There is only ONE you!

So be that dear Soul,
be what you were born and made to be!

Yes, force of Nature: Be YOUR SELF <3

Much love,

Copryright 2015 The daily oracle #vanessacodorniu #intuiiton #mystic #thedailyoracle #theurbanpriestess #akashicrecords #pastlives #divinereason #soulpurpose