Time To SHINE Openly

vanessa codorniu

SHINE OPENLY DEAR INTUITIVES: As an intuitive/oracle and seer there are many levels of reality that I experience when I sit down to do an Intuitive Oracle Session. From early childhood traumas that may be impacting your business, health or love life to past lives and hidden talents that can support in the healing and embracing of a new way of looking at things. I can trace, hear or see even, the overall Soul assignment and it’s ramifications in your life at this time.
Many intuitives focus on the shadows and sometimes even feed the fears of those seeking support. It’s easy to do that because shadows are easy to see when you are gazing thru a third eye into the spirit. What is not always easy to SEE or truly KNOW is the acknowledging that we are all LIGHT and truthfully we have always been.

If you are allowing your fears to allow you to cling to the belief that the shadows can harm you or the belief that others will attack you if you shine too brightly, know that it is a story that needs healing. These fears can feed a sense of victimhood or even “them” and me/us.”
The fact is EVERYTHING you are experiencing whether it is seen as positive or negative is a reflection of some part of our belief or fear or some part of our co-creation. SO as you sit to think,” I always get attacked when I speak my truth” or “people don’t like it when I shine,” look deeper…waaay deeper.

In my experience, I find people are too busy to be worried about how bright we shine our light. In the case of our famous martyrs, we cannot compare our entrepreneurial mission to MLK. Different time. Different history. While many of our powerful and amazing leaders have been attacked for bringing in a NEW WAY…we are the NEW WAY.

We have discovered through exploration on our spiritual journeys that many of us feel we are way-showers and born to create NEW PARADIGMS.

IF we are then why keep singing that old song?
IF you are caught up in that belief that you will be attacked or reviled because you shine your Light…undoubtedly you will attract it. Then truly, are you a way shower? Or are you merely repeating an old song over and over into 2015?

Our shadows ( areas that need healing & love) can be triggered and come out be seen when Light shines. No necessarily bad. When we truly shine our LIght, I am talking our Light of the Soul not the intellect or ego…there is no shadow. It is PURE LIGHT.

SO if all you can see is shadow for now, know that there is more to SEE & KNOW…
Ask yourself when I cling to my limiting beliefs and how am I keeping myself tied to a story?
What part of YOU is kept safe with that belief? How does it keep you in victimhood?


Know that there are many levels of reality, more than the third eye can see. The LIGHT Is felt thru the HEART
sending love, V

‪#‎vanessacodorniu‬ ‪#‎theurbanpriestess‬ ‪#‎priestess‬ ‪#‎thedailyoracle‬ ‪#‎oracle‬ ‪#‎intuition‬ ‪#‎amagickallife‬ ‪#‎magickinmysoul‬ ‪#‎highpriestess‬ ‪#‎seer‬ ‪#‎intuitiveoraclesessions‬ ‪#‎lovemywork‬ ‪#‎lovingtheflow‬ ‪#‎magic‬ ‪#‎thememefairy‬ ‪#‎stateofgrace‬ ‪#‎grace‬ ‪#‎fairiesamongus‬ ‪#‎angellife‬ ‪#‎angelsamongus‬ ‪#‎starseedlove‬ ‪#‎mermaidlove‬ ‪#‎intergalacticparty‬ ‪#‎intuitiveleverage‬ #magic ‪#‎blessedbe‬ ‪#‎lovematters‬ ‪#‎love‬ ‪#‎soulpurpose‬ ‪#‎SHINEyourlight‬

Releasing What Is Not Yours: Ancestral Healing


POWERFUL AWARENESS & DEEP RELEASE: Most of us are carrying stories, belies and patterns that are not truly ours. They are “money” “love” “success” and “sex” stories. There are patterns around the RESCUER, MARTYR, HERO, STARVING ARTIST, REBEL & so many other archetypes. Part of my own healing path and that of the work I do through clinical hypnotherapy and priestessing is the healing of ancestral patterns.

When stories are told and retold, they become a “reality” and we are born into this innocently (obviously with some agreement to explore this illusion) and and always with the choice to uncover & transform this belief and allow ourselves and our families greater freedom and wholeness.

Some of these patterns manifest in poverty, heartbreak, physical illness, lack of success or hitting a ceiling in our careers. They can affect us in lack of confidence in our art, our creativity or business. Body hate and fear of intimacy can be passed down thru generations through cultural, religious and societal codes for living.

For example my family has highly intuitive people on both sides of the family.

My maternal grandfather had a guide and received messages. He shared this with me when I came to him stressed and excited over the arrival and communication of my spirit guides. My maternal grandmother received messages from the departed and they both explored the books of the spiritualist & medium, Allan Kardec.

My paternal family had a grandfather who was interested in UFOs, mediumship and the other parts of the mind that we don’t use. My maternal grandmother was a medium. People believed AND they didn’t tell anyone about it. It was accepted but to shared openly and there was always a fear that it might harm me if I delved deeper. My mom was particularly protective and I had many a battle with her as she tried to keep me safe.

As I released these beliefs years ago, I was able to embrace and start conversations and guide others in test areas. I my own way I have created a healing and an open expression of this. As we each heal and release these fears/patterns we create more healing for ourselves and others.

While these patterns can “feel” very real, they are not. They are illusions that we are dealing with on this Earth walk and illusions that we can heal and transform. As we gather ourselves into wholeness there is MORE energy for healing our bodies, minds and spirits. There is MORE ability to manifest success, love & abundance.

Today as I finished a session my awesome client said: Is there any crystal I should use for further healing? I said: snowflake obsidian, petrified wood and…they are telling me you have a tiger’s eye! She laughed: Yes in my hand!

Intuition, reiki and priestess and shamanic training support my experience in hypnosis. Powerfully coming together in a very subtle and supportive way, all of these come together for my clients as they dive deep and uncover and transform that which no longer serves.

If you would like to have a chat about this, let’s! love, V

Book a chat below!


Love-filled Thursday


Beautiful intuitive oracle sessions. Awakenings. Transformation and down-to-earth transmissions that allow clients to embody their Soul Purpose! Take a moment and allow yourself to sink into your body & breathe. “What do I need to know about my Soul Purpose?” Allow the information to flow… Blessed be, V

‪#‎vanessacodorniu‬ ‪#‎theurbanpriestess‬ ‪#‎priestess‬ ‪#‎thedailyoracle‬ ‪#‎oracle‬ ‪#‎intuition‬ ‪#‎amagickallife‬ ‪#‎magickinmysoul‬ ‪#‎highpriestess‬ ‪#‎seer‬ ‪#‎intuitiveoraclesessions‬ ‪#‎lovemywork‬ ‪#‎lovingtheflow‬ ‪#‎magic‬ ‪#‎thememefairy‬ ‪#‎stateofgrace‬ ‪#‎grace‬ ‪#‎fairiesamongus‬ ‪#‎angellife‬ ‪#‎angelsamongus‬ ‪#‎starseedlove‬ ‪#‎mermaidlove‬ ‪#‎intergalacticparty‬

When Is It Time to Quit?


When do we give up? Most of us take great pride in not being “quitters” and being able to pull through the tough times in life. I know that I am one of these people. Once I give my word, it’s pretty damn solid. I call it integrity and I’ve had to learn on Earth School, that walking away or letting go, isn’t quitting…it’s getting wise.

I know that in the past I’ve stayed in situations, relationships and even on projects
that turned out to be more “work” than I ever intended. My good intentions and strong work ethic, didn’t want me to give up.
“What if the Universe is testing me?”
“What if this is part of the agreement I signed up for?”
“What if? What if?”
How can we tell the difference?

Well, in the thing you need to let go of there’s usually what I call a “Fatal Flaw” it’s something that has nothing to do with you and that you keep fighting up against. It could be that a partner in business is not trustworthy but..”you want to believe in them.”

It can be a romantic partner that has serious intimacy issues or patterns of fear that no matter what pretzel, yoga formation you take…they cannot get over. They can’t because it’s their decision and their healing path to take. The Boss that projects their insecurities on his/her team and isn’t even aware of it-while continuously causing drama and chaos.

There are just situations, that NO MATTER WHAT WE DO, WILL NOT CHANGE.
That’s the difference!

Staying in something like that will dampen your drive and have you bumping heads and never getting what you want.

That’s the difference, is there a Fatal Flaw here or is it negotiable and easily workable?
That awesome guy/gal who is afraid of getting hurt in love, you share openly, give it time and it turns out great. That business partner that might have different strengths than you do and really wants to join forces..it may take time getting used to the dance but it can succeed.
Taking stock of WHERE we place our energy is important because when we place it in a bucket with the proverbial hole…well, being drained and exhausted is the outcome.

When we stay, or continue the fight we need to ask ourselves…WHY? because frankly it’s something within us drawing us to this set up, person or situation.

“What story am I playing out?”
“Did I see this type of interaction in my family? How am I replicating this story?”
“How am I adding to this going-nowhere situation?”
“What am I here to learn and why did I decide to enter into this and stay?”

It’s part of Earth School, this learning when we need to let go and when we need to be patient and work on things.

There are times where our Soul will test us. Not everything works out the way we want on our first try…coming back to practice as in a hobby, sport or anything worth doing, will take time.
The thing is…every time something is truly meant to be, you will get signs. Doors might not open right away but as you keep showing up, a window pops open or a backdoor let’s you in!
I didn’t wind up becoming an award-winning ( singer, actor, director) yet when I wanted to try these things, doors opened…my experience in all these areas helps me with my work today! It served me and when I was ready to leave, I did. It wasn’t wasted time, it was practice for the real deep calling that my Soul was preparing me for.

So don’t give up on your calling or dreams. Do give up on fixating that “that project, that person, that opportunity” is the only way. The Universe is boundless and ONLY our mind can limit the doors that open to your TRUE calling or even partner.
Our time is something we don’t get back. We can replace a car, a house or even a product. And while some of us may believe we have eternity ( I am one of them), I only have this life as Vanessa and I want to place seeds in fertile ground that grow, so I am always checking in 🙂

Take a moment and check in and get ready for some awesome growth coming your way!!!
When is it time to quit? When it’s no longer serving your highest good.
Keep Keepin’ On!
loving you, V
The Daily Oracle 2015
‪#‎vanessacodorniu‬ ‪#‎theurbanpriestess‬ ‪#‎priestess‬ ‪#‎thedailyoracle‬ ‪#‎oracle‬ ‪#‎intuition‬ ‪#‎amagickallife‬ ‪#‎magickinmysoul‬ ‪#‎highpriestess‬ ‪#‎seer‬ ‪#‎intuitiveoraclesessions‬ ‪#‎lovemywork‬ ‪#‎lovingtheflow‬ ‪#‎magic‬ ‪#‎thememefairy‬ ‪#‎stateofgrace‬ ‪#‎grace‬ ‪#‎fairiesamongus‬ ‪#‎angellife‬ ‪#‎angelsamongus‬ ‪#‎starseedlove‬ ‪#‎mermaidlove‬ ‪#‎intergalacticparty‬

NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS: 1/20-1/21/15

vanessa codorniu new moon

Do you feel a yearning for something new? I mean besides the New Year and all…I mean something in you wanting to shake it up in a new way? Well breathe easier my friend because the new moon is here to help!

The New Moon is all about seeding new ideas, thoughts, projects and change in our mind, body & spirits.

Aquarius is an air sign though often confused for a water sign because of the water bearer symbol. This energy of ideas and change are channeled into the archetype of the rebel, the visionary & the humanitarian.

So breathe deeply and KNOW that without a doubt your desires are being manifesting… they may feel slow in coming because of mercury retrograde, yet they are unfolding!

Soooo why don’t you take a minute & see what part of you jumps up & dances to a new beat and trust…trust that Divine Guidance is carrying you into change and a renewal and reinvention of your life!

Loving you, V

The Daily Oracle 2015

#vanessacodorniu #thememefairy #highpriestess #priestess #TheUrbanPriestess #oracle #TheDailyOracle #seer #soulgifts #intuition #intuitiveleverage #intergalacticparty

SEEing Everything as an Experiment or Exploration

vanessa codorniu. experiment

All of us place so many expectations on ourselves. We are told what our BEST life should look like. How are bodies should be, the romantic partner we should have and what romance and love should look like.

Never mind the pressure on entrepreneurs/creatives and intuitives…to serve BIGGER, be MORE, reach MILLIONS and make BILLIONS…while looking hot and having out of this world sex.

It’s not impossible. It may be unfolding for us as we speak. The thing is, we need to check in with our own truth and what we are aligned with. The personal development and spirituality world has brought with it it’s own pressures and the fact is, entrepreneurism or certain spiritual paths aren’t for everyone!

So once you know that this is truly YOUR path and you are devoted to it, you may be barraged with what you “should be doing” with “whom” and “when.” SOME of this advice might be on target for SOME people…check in, does it resonate with you?

In my experience in life, business and supporting thousands of people, the three main components in any success has been : 1. becoming conscious & present. 2. Self-care & boundaries and 3. a dedication & deep commitment to the long haul of the mission you are here to birth.

I believe as you become conscious, you intuition increases and as you remain open and present, you magnetize: the right people, the right time and the right opportunities. No amount of pushing, promoting, manipulation or faking can create that type of supported path.

How do you want to LIVE into your success? Being exhausted? Breaking down every year for months, with no energy? Learning to love and value your well-being aside from some timetable you created with your coach or driven self, is HIGHLY important. It can make the difference in quality of life and impact you make in the world.

Yes, it seems overnight successes or what look like overnight successes pop up with amazing pics of worldly travel and fab friends. It can be all true and it can be an exaggeration. At the heart of it, it doesn’t matter IF there are tons of what seem like overnight successes around us.

Bow deeply to their beauty on the path and REMEMBER that this mission of yours…is the long haul. It’s about sustainability and actually knowing something when you get the book deal, big interview and get in front of millions. YOU want to have a life of wisdom joy and EXPERIENCE inside you to give! That can be at 20 or 67! The important thing is to be conscious, open, healthy and committed because that’s what it truly takes.

So INVITE yourself to EXPLORE possibilities and to experiment with paths. Alllow yourself to TRUST that what is unfolding is already guiding you to YOUR greatest SERVICE.

and TRUST <3

loving you,


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Fighting For Or Against VS Creating

vanessa codorniu create change

I remember as a teen and young adult…I was fighting for: my own individual expression, our collective freedom, equal rights, racial equality, for justice and peace just to name a few. I marched. I gathered in groups, peace meditations and held positions in various clubs and worked with Latino and African-American nonprofits and film & theatre organizations. My passion and power were all in the fighting the reality we had created on earth.

My spiritual practice took me deeper and allowed me to see how we need the dark to understand the light, that shadow needs to be embraced and that in fact we are each of us, personally and collectively creating reality…yes, NOW. This VERY MOMENT.

And so it became more interesting, alive and juicy to start CREATING instead of FIGHTING FOR or AGAINST anything.

When we set ourselves up “against” something we undoubtedly will receive the energy of what we are setting up ourselves against. We can be aware and if we take ourselves out of the “this or that” mentality and start exploring the “and” we can go further.

For example I believe in supporting women’s equal rights and freedom. What I do about it now is create programs that support the sacred feminine online and in person and then go through an organization to support the mission of training and educating our future women leaders. I am not fighting against injustice, sexual abuse and inequality in the traditional sense..I am creating a new space and co-creating with others to build a better environment now and in the future.

This attitude has assisted me stepping into the Co-creator that I am, with the Universe and with others on Earth School and it’s allowed me to take back my power. If I am not fighting anything, I am flowing AND creating.

Since this shift I have created my own business in a particular niche that isn’t a normal coaching niche, it’s growing right now but not many intuitives also do healing work and training. Instead of fighting the ” I am so different, I don’t even have a role model!!!” I became enamored with curiosity and exploration…”what would it be like to NOT have a coaching intake form? To do the first session as a intuitive reading and then explore thru hypnosis, coaching and intuition training?” Yes, I created my own niche.

I wanted to work with teens and thankfully have been exploring and creating with a wonderful organization that is supporting future young women leaders from the INSIDE OUT.

In this way I have created:
* my own freedom & deep self-expression
* space to hold others freedom & self-expression
* awareness & courage to face issues
* strengthening confidence & inspiring & holding space for community healing

I keep creating. You are always creating. Fighting against was too tiring, sad and painful. CREATING is filled with love, childlike wonder, awe and a deep hope and faith. I invite YOU to create the world YOU would like to live in…bit by bit. Slowly and engage the powerful magick you were born with! Let’s CREATE! ~VCC


#thememefairy #amagickallife #magickinmysoul #intuition #vanessacodorniu #lovemywork #lovingtheflow #intuitiveleverage #intuitionbootcamp
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Remember Love: The Last Dance

Vanessa Codorniu remember love

Sweet tears tonight.

The Last Dance

I do not weep for fear.
I weep for the sweetest of promises
that invites my Soul forth into full presence.

I cry because I feel.
I cry because I am alive.
I allow my heart to break open
and flow,
knowing that I am
You are
We are
simultaneously eternal, mortal and finite.

I cry because all that was said
is unfolding.
I cry because all that was seen
is manifested.
I cry because at last this agreement is realized.

We move,
We move
you dry my tears because it’s time for the best part of this dance.



Happy Thursday!

Happy Thursday! Faith has always been at the core of what sustains me. I know end & beginning of the year brings up sadness, family tensions, money worries and invites us inwards. Many of us hold strong till the end of the year and then allow ourselves to get sick and rest. Doing a clearing meditation or a ritual to release the old is one of the ways we can honor & let go of what no longer serves us. Increased patience & self-care with ourselves is needed. Make way for the Divine to guide your life & move in Faith this year!

Sending love! heart,  V

Vanessa Codorniu

Deep Dive Into Your Realm Session

Vanessa codorniu mermaid

Doreen Virtue’s Realms of the Earth Angels gave form to what I had felt since childhood. I always felt a connection to the stars, to the ocean and the knowing that I had been on Earth many times before. My current clients are Souls from many of the realms: Starseed, Angel, Elementals ( fairies, mermaids, leprechauns) and Wise Ones. There are many of us who are combinations..wink, wink, nod, nod…Not many are aware or trained to understand the differences and how to support varied energies. I took the Realm Reader training and have been offering this as part of the work I do. It is a beautiful addition to what I do. What is your Realm? If you would like to explore your REALM instead of a Intuitive Oracle session, let’s do a DIVE INTO YOUR REALM sesh!

Many Souls come from the stars, have been on earth for centuries, are actually Angelic or come from the elementals ( fairy/mermaid,etc) realms. Book a session & let’s DIVE DEEP into your realm OR realms & how to make the most out of it!

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‪#‎awakenpriestess‬ ‪#‎priestess‬ ‪#‎highpriestess‬ #lovemywork ‪#‎TheDailyOracle‬
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