Gotta quote one of the intuitives I love! Caroline Myss often says,” Healers and spiritual folks, we don’t need a wishbone, we need a backbone!” It’s true. Let the masculine serve the feminine.There is no either/or where we must choose the heart or mind, the body or Soul. We need our actions and strength to support and manifest our intuition and dreams We need ALL of us to get behind our dreams and intentions! love you, V <3
Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives
Listen to your body’s wisdom…
Allow yourself to embrace quiet, peace and nature so you can rest, renew, recharge & return with your well filled and your being restored-vcc
Do you receive information through your emotions, body, mind or are you a spiritual intuitive? Or a combination….To discover your Intuitive Style go to my site and download FREE MP3!
Intuition: Our true Intelligence
For centuries the rational. logical and tangible has been the ruling paradigm. The return of the Goddess and the awakening and expanding into consciousness is birthing an awareness that is changing how we live and exist.
What IF our intuition was our superconscious, untapped potential?
What if we are WIRED to receive but most of us are too overwhelmed to really access or apply this wisdom?
Breathe that in…we are WIRED to receive invisible information?
Make 2015 the year to understand and apply your Soul gifts!
much love, V #soulgifts #intuition #intuitiveleverage #vanessacodorniu #amagickallife #magickinmysoul #lovingtheflow #lovemywork #womeninbusiness #awakenpriestess
Past & Future Life Explorations…
Past & Future Life Exploration: Today I guided a client as she uncovered a powerful, abuse pattern existing in present time as we traveled and witnessed her: live and expire in 1800s Russia as a peasant in an abusive relationship, escape from a stalker during medieval times and experience and perish during the Black Plague.
We also explored her most successful and happy life as a concert pianist…in the future! Having broken free from this pattern in this life her next life is all about living her life to the UTMOST freedom and expression possible! Her HIgher Self & guides supported us in the process of clearing her personal power chakra and her throat chakra. She awoke clearer and with a greater sense of peace and inspiration.
Biggest takeaways?
Higher Self: Just because you feel a connection with someone it doesn’t mean they are your soulmate.
In the past, women depended on men for survival, thankfully more and more women are now independent. There is no need to suffer or accept oppression. You can and will overcome this situation.
Ask for help. No one can do it alone. As for support and open to receive.
Remembering that the MOST POWERFUL MOMENT IS NOW and that we need to make choices from the most expansive place possible. Faith over Fear
Intuitive Oracle Reading Testimonial
We are all intuitive and I believe 2015 is THE year to delve deeper and DEVELOP YOUR GIFTS! Grateful for the gifts and how they arrive and are expressed in various ways. 2014 clients have been sending thank you cards, lil owls and testimonials. Thank YOU!
“Vanessa has a true gift. I never had an intuitive reading before so I was skeptical and unsure what to expect. Vanessa’s voice immediately put me at ease. I instantly felt that she connected to me and saw me. I had the call with her about a year ago and have watched everything she said come true. It has been an amazing year for me where I’ve reached all my personal and professional goals and now look forward to setting new ones for the new year. I really believe that this was guided by Vanessa and her truly seeing me and my future. I thank her greatly and deeply appreciate the time I spent with her.”~ Marissa Moore
#intuition #amagickallife #magickinmysoul #intuitiveleverage #intuitivedevelopment #vanessacodorniu #awakenpriestess #soulgifts #soulmates #lovingtheflow #lovemywork
— feeling wonderful.
No Shame In Getting Clear About Who You Want To Serve
I see so many healers/intuitives/creatives and light workers running about trying to be everything to everyone and scattering themselves everywhere and wondering why they are so tired, overwhelmed or not getting ahead in their own goals.
Been there, done that.
While it served me to be everywhere because it gave me a variety of skills and know-how, the real success and deep feeling of wholeness came when I FOCUSED.
Once upon a time, I wrote a letter to the Universe asked God that I may serve on Earth School as a vessel of inspiration and transformation…I thought that meant SERVE WHEREVER YOU ARE, ALL THE TIME AND JUST GIVE AND GIVE…GIVE SOME MORE!
What I learned:
* If you keep planting in poor soil, a harvest is less than likely.
* Just because you are here to shine your light doesn’t mean you have to get comfortable with residing in hell.
* If you don’t honor your value and time…no one else will.
* Even though I may function like I have 27 hours in a day…I kinda don’t.
* When you are focused, chances of success are very likely.
* Part of getting focused is owning your own mission and talents.
Yes, it’s scary shiz but part of our own growth and journey! When we define and focus our accountability quotient rises and most of us stress when that happens. The thing is you were already serving and you were already invested. By getting focused you are increasing the likelihood of growth and expansion and maximizing your impact across the board.
SERVE WHEREVER YOU ARE and remember that while our Soul overflows with energy and power that our bodies need rest and CHOOSING who to work deeply with, is needed.
Truth…I believe in adding goodness to any place or group or space I am in. Sometimes that looks like listening, holding space, speaking, sharing, laughing and deep conversations with strangers that I may never see again.
Truth…once I got CLEAR that I wanted to work with intuitives/creatives/entrepreneurs that were ready to dive deeply and move on their dreams- THEY SHOWED UP!
When I was unclear, I attracted unclear.
When I got clear, clear got attracted to me.
SO getting clear and focused is not about losing freedom are reigning you in. I still work with kids anywhere from 5 to over 70 years of age, both men and women. The thing is most of them are READY and they SHOW UP.
Have the courage to give yourself the time to get clear and focused. Once you know WHO you want to serve in a deeper, consistent way…your peeps get some amazing radio energetic message and we all converge in some shape or form.
It’s like a Spirit smoke signal that wafts thru the air and into the stars…
It’s a powerful intention into the Universe and an acknowledgement of what you are here to do.
I believe your Soul wants that and so does your everyday personality. Working with your tribe enriches the journey and allows all of us to grow, expand and feel deeper in the joy of doing what we love, with those we love and creating more love in the world.
Cheering YOU on, SHINE sweet ones!
loving you, V
Spiritual Peeps & Courage…
COURAGE: I am often told that for a kind and loving spiritual guide, I am also fierce and honest. My thought is…should we be anything else?
Of course we all exude and vibe in different ways but this belief that “spiritual” means all ” soft, mush-like, flowing, sans form, sans direction and ethereal” just doesn’t work for me AND I don’t believe it works for you.
I started my conscious journey at about 17 and over the last 20 or so years I’ve seen people ( including myself!) go from hurt to objectively compassionate and even allowing abuse and bad situations to continue because we are ” spiritual” and making great efforts to be ” good, kind, loving and compassionate.”
YES and NO…be kind, be loving and when you feel like crying and screaming, do so. IF we were completely evolved we wouldn’t be on Earth School ( at least thats’ what I believe.)
We are here to live, love, hurt, cry, get pissed AND grow. We are here to learn as a “spiritual” person to step and say,”NO MORE.”
The old way was to be martyred and sacrifice ourselves for others. I think the new way is to have the COURAGE to say when something doesn’t work. To have the COURAGE to envision and create a NEW way where there seems TO BE NO WAY…
If you are an intuitive, spiritual person, which I think you are, remember you may be here to serve but being hurt, depleted, martyred and overlooked helps no one.
NO MATTER how bad it looks, no matter how limited, small and hopeless you feel…you are never alone.
The fact is that when we have that true courage our guides are already on the bridge waiting to meet us.
It’s only when we have the fiery heart and the great desire to truly thrive that the Universe can fully take us on the journey we signed up for! Yes, guides are there in our lowest points but the shouts become whispers if YOU do not reclaim your power.
To courage,
to fiery hearts that trust in their freedom.
To love and all that is worth living!
loving you,
Believe: Perceive: Receive: Achieve
People have often asked how I’ve gotten through heart-breaking situations in my life and how I am so grounded and centered even as a highly intuitive empath and oracle…what I will share is really not new.
It’s at the heart of transformation and the work that healers and transformers should address always, first for themselves and then for their students and clients.
While this is a work in progress for all of us, it’s good to remember that what we BELIEVE about the world and who we are in it…
Is what we will PERCEIVE.
If you think people hate you because you are short or a woman or tall, or because you are so successful or talented,
you will start to notice the reactions and attitudes of those that will affirm your reality so…
You will RECEIVE it in your life and into your awareness and conscious thoughts.
What happens then?
What you BELIEVE,
is what you PERCEIVE
so you will RECEIVE it
and only ACHIEVE that which is aligned with your world-view.
So IF you are struggling with your reality and the limitations, relationships and challenges seem overwhelming…take a moment
What BELIEF got you there?
You might get mad at what I am sharing…but it’s the truth.
What belief based on what you experienced or were taught by your family, culture or the “world” did you integrate and then PLAY OUT IN YOUR LIFE?
Take a look at it, explore it…
and if you want some support,
let’s connect
Loving you, V
Break through fears. Awaken Intuiition. Live Boldly.
Sensitives & Empaths: An Invitation to Courage
Do you feel too much and sense energies all around?
Do you have insight into people, situations and even places and know things that you couldn’t logically “know”?
Well, you are not alone 🙂 I am a sensitive, an empath. I am an intuitive that is a Seer and shares as an Oracle. What does that ll mean? It means that I’ve honed a gift THAT WE ALL HAVE. Now some of us sing better than others and with practice we can all improve. Intuition is there for all of us. Some of us are more expansive and open…yet WE ALL HAVE THESE LATENT ABILITIES.
My message, my vision and my passion has always been for each and every human being to embrace and understand their intuitive abilities. We are wired to receive invisible information and most of the time…we are just plain overwhelmed. There are alot of myths out there about intuition and what isn’t. Most of all there is alot of fear. I’ve been a professional intuitive for two decades and in the last one stepped into guiding and supporting intuitives, healers, creatives and visionaries to really understand their gifts.
WHY? because our world depends on it. YOUR world depends on it.
When we don’t understand, accept or apply our intuition we can:
* stay stuck and indecisive
* get sick and overwhelmed
* feel lost and even slip into depression
* take on jobs, careers that our “mind” or the “world” says we should take on
* Feel our inner flame go out
* stay in bad or limiting relationships of all sorts
* not do or BE what we are mean to be…
When we listen we CHANGE our inner world
When we have the courage to STEP INSIDE
we will GROW the courage to STEP OUTSIDE and SHINE in a powerful and love-based way!
I am updating my 8 week intuition bootcamp Intuitive Leverage for SPRING 2015.
If you would like to connect to see if you are a fit, let’s chat! sending love! V
The need for freedom and self-expression have always made me a free spirit.
As a child, I drew, painted, danced, sang and wrote stories and songs. My freedom of expression in these mediums made my childhood a vast exploratory kingdom and I reveled in this inner world I could create and re-create in different ways. One of my favorite pastimes was drawing the goddesses of world mythology and other intergalactic worlds.
I drew however I wanted. Pencil, crayons. fingers, collage…what have you. I applied to Music and Art HS & Art & Design for my HS education and got in. My parents didn’t want me to travel from Queens to NYC at 12/13. I made them promise if I got in the next year, I would be allowed to go. I did and they kept their promise.
Immediately, I was told that I had to hold the pencil or charcoal a certain way. I was made to do still life when up till then I basically drew “imaginary life.” I was taught how to “see” and I started to dread drawing and creating in this way.
My inner FREE SPIRIT was like ‘OHHH NOOOO!!!!”
When I asked,” I got into the school doing what I do, why is it wrong?” My awesome teacher said that it wasn’t wrong at all and that I was being taught “classical” techniques so I could have a wealth of tools in my creative toolbox.
Ahhhh…i got it!
Art lost it’s allure over time as I entered college and go involved with theatre, debate, the newspaper and various media clubs. The truth of what my teacher explained stayed with me though out my life.
I apply this to all of the work I do now. Structure is important because without it, we enter the inner worlds, float around and come out all starry-eyed and ecstatic and have no words…and that might be the point-for awhile. If you are destined to be a teacher, guide or sharer of a path…you will need to share in an organized way. Structure is a way of organizing information that without form may seem too overwhelming. It may be so overwhelming that it may not be able to have a longer life than that of “experience.” That works too but if you wan tho teach and support others, being able to share a training or a way of doing something- you will need a vehicle to offer it in an understandable way.
For years I did lots of inner world exploration without the proper training or “structure” like perform my first past life regression at 18 without training or do hands on healing or trance exploring. I came back out knowing I had seen and heard many things and essentially having no framework for it. It was all great but I wasn’t satisfied. I wanted to be able to replicate my results and to help others undergo this process or experience and reap their own benefits and expansion.
I studied clinical hypnotherapy, energy medicine, shamanism and tons of other things with time. These structures gave me a foundation from which to leap from.
Today my client shared her training with a shaman and the challenges she was having. I guided her through a shamanic journey and she was able to get the answers she had been desperately wanting.
As she returned I shared with her,” Study the structures, the rules of various modalities and paths AND keep those of ethics and spiritual protection,etc. KNOW also that the closer you get to mastery…the more you can trust your inner guidance and allow your SOul to explain PAST the structures and guide you through the unknown.”
I offer my work and courses and there is a basic structure to exercises…AND there is room for the spontaneous and the inspired.
My life and the space I hold is solid and experienced to allow my students and clients to prepare to take the leap. If you trust your inner power and the grounded centered core of your being, the more likely you are to SOAR as we get close to the cliff and you jump!
Don’t be afraid of structure. Structure can serve your Soul as long as you do not let your mind lock you in to how things “should be.” If it’s making you a perfectionist, you are missing the point.
Structure organizes the information; it is NOT the information…at least in my world.
Remember that many artists learned classical styles, then allowed their spirits to soar and created a style all their own. You don’t have to live in the nest of safety but you can return after a long flight!
Remember that Yoda did his own thing though he trained and trained. So learn the foundation, the history and the whats and hows and then JUMP & SOAR!
It’s the way to inspire change and to embody MORE of your own SOUL
loving you, V