Q & A: Past Life Regression

“The soul comes from without into the human body, as into a temporary abode, and it goes out of it anew… it passes into other habitations, for the soul is immortal.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you’ve always felt you’ve been here on earth before, have an intense attraction to a particular time in history or would like to explore present-day phobias, relationships, talents and attractions…a past life regression maybe right for you.

Vanessa has studied at the Hypnosis Institute with Dr.Barry Seedman and been a certified clinical hypnotherapist since 1997. She will guide you through hypnosis to explore possible past lives and then guide you to your own deep wisdom.

By connecting to your own higher self and hearing advice from yourself, Vanessa believes that you will integrate the information and that it will increase your own confidence and ability to manifest more peace, joy and emotional freedom in your life. It is recommended to start with one session but several may be needed to answer questions, work through issues and explore various areas/themes.

What is a Past Life Regression?

A past life regression is a way to tap into the subconscious mind in order to retrieve memories of past lives. One of the most common ways this is done is with a hypnotherapist/hypnotist through use of hypnosis. It is believed current day phobias, fears, likes/dislikes, talents and relationships may have a past life foundation.

What is hypnosis? Simply put: a heightened state of awareness and a deep sense of relaxation. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

What happens during a session?

A typical session begins by interviewing the client and setting up guidelines and goals for the session. Then I guide the client into deep relaxation. Once the client is deeply relaxed, the subconscious memories are able to surface and the client is guided into a past incarnation. By bringing these memories into conscious awareness, we can release or diffuse the energy and emotional blockages that keep us stuck.

Typically, then I guide the client through the significant events of the lifetime, through the death experience, and then a “life review.” This is where the purpose of that lifetime, the lessons learned and forgiveness and understanding are examined from a higher, spiritual perspective. I focus on what is most important about that prior life in terms of what the client is experiencing in their present life.

What will I experience during a Past Life Regression?

The experience is usually different for each person. For some people, past-life recall is slow and careful. For others, information flows so fast that they find it hard to keep up with it. Many people expect that they are going to see their past life in great detail. This isn’t always the case, especially when experiencing a first regression.

Although some clients find they “see” things in their mind’s eye quite clearly, others may find the impressions somewhat vague, only portions coming in clearly. Others feel the experiences and hear information. I will give hypnotic suggestions that allow for more details to emerge even after the session is done.

What is reincarnation?

Reincarnation is the belief that souls are born time and time again, each time in a different body in order to learn valuable lessons for spiritual growth.
Do I need to believe in reincarnation for a past life regression to work?

No, time and time again people have explored past lives without believing in past lives. Several doctors have written books about past life regression and stated that while they can’t prove for sure there are past lives, they know that past life regression works for their clients.

Will I be trapped in a another time or be unable to wake up?

No, you are never trapped anywhere. You always have the power to come to full conscious attention while remembering all information gathered during your regression. Returning from a past life experience can feel the same as going to a movie, watching a video, or finishing a good book.

What is a Higher Self? Your Higher Self is the most perfect form of “you”. It is the divine spark. It is your deep soul self. It is always guiding you on your journey through life.

Benefits Of Recalling Past Lives

* Freedom to create more love, happiness and fulfillment in your day to day lives as you remember your true value as a unique individual.
* Freedom to experience better health and resolution of old issues, as you feel more confident, more relaxed and more at peace with yourself.

* Alleviate or release deep fears or phobias
* Shed light on current relationships and family connections.
* Can uncover and develop a past life talent
* Release negative karmic patterns
* Boost self-esteem and self-confidence
* Increase your appreciation and gratitude for your present life
* Explore your relationship with earlier periods of history
* Release karmic contracts created in other life times

To BOOK a session email: muzeworks@gmail.com
“Before working with Vanessa, I was struggling with the confidence to out myself “out there” with my work and my writing. During my session with Vanessa I felt incredible safe, deeply supported, completely at peace; and, this allowed me to go as deep as I possibly could into my subconscious and my heart to poke around and see what might be holding me back. Through my past life exploration, I clearly saw what my obstacle was, and graciously made a commitment to change. Since my experience with her I have felt more present and courageous, more aligned and willing to do the work I need to do to move forward.

Vanessa is incredibly gentle, and yet, extraordinarily powerful. If you are looking for support making change, I seriously suggest exploring the option work with Vanessa. She has a gift, and is a beautiful gem… She’s a healer’s healer and a masterful guide.”~Jennifer Raciopi Bandes, Women’s Health+Success Coach

“I had a past life regression and enjoyed it tremendously. It shed light on a lot of concerns about my present life. You also get to hear advice from your higher self. Which is very on point. I walked away feeling really connected to myself as well. Vanessa was terrific! She spoke with me afterwards to help me make more connections to my life and the actions I take on a daily basis. She is so great to work with. I look forward to working with her in the future.”~N.R

This woman knows her stuff! I’ve known Vanessa for some time now and have had intuitive readings from her in the past. I’d always wanted to do a past life regression but never felt comfortable enough with a person to do it until I met Vanessa. From the very beginning she made me feel comfortable and empowered. She explained the entire process in detail before we dove into the regression. The past life regression was amazing! I was able to tap into multiple past lives and gain a new perspective on myself, my life, why I am the way I am and where I’m heading in this lifetime. If your ready for a past life regression Vanessa is the person to see. She knows what she’s doing, she’s with you every step of the way and the experience is priceless. I can’t wait for my next session. I’m sure there is more for me to discover about myself and Vanessa is the person to help me do it!

Amethyst, 2 Witches 1 Blog http://2witches1blog.blogspot.com/

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