So imagine that where you are standing or sitting right now…the view isn’t so cool.
Maybe you see the dirty sidewalk. Garbage and perhaps a rat or roaches…ugh!
Chances are you are looking down.
So raise your eyes. Notice the leaves bursting into autumnal song and color!
Notice the kids walking to school with bursting excitement and life force energy in bucketfuls!
Raise your eyes even higher. Notice the tops of trees.
Check out the majestic buildings. The effort it took to make these architectural beauties! The fact that these buildings holds hundreds of lives and hopes and dreams inside of them!
The life that teems through each stretch of branch, each transforming leaf. The weed that breaks through the concrete cracks, refusing to die.
Yeah…if you are always looking down, you will see the grime, the garbage and even the refuse. Look around.
Look down. Look up AND around.
Then look WITHIN.
How does everything you see around you and outside yourself INFORM your existence?
Are you doing and being better because you “know” better?
Don’t make excuses. Don’t say things suck so why try.
All of us make a difference. It’s a matter of perspective.
I don’t know about you…but we always CHOOSE the perspective that brings us MORE joy, MORE hope and definitely MORE expansion.
CHOOSE wisely. Perspective can limit us.
Make us think there are no options OR it can FREE us and have us SEE and EXPLORE possibilities never imagined before!
After all, isn’t Earth school an experiment? And what is an experiment if not a GRAND excuse for EXPLORATION and PLAY?
WOoooHooo! I like this game in Earth School! PLAYTIME!!!
~VCC 10/09/13