You might not believe me.
You might think it’s impossible.
You might not see possibilities from where you sit right now.
In fact, I bet you think you have to rack your brains to figure all sorts of sh&t out!
Yeah, you think you have to come up with all this stuff by yourself…
• The award-winning book proposal
• The healing you need to love again
• The program that will put you on the map.
• The answers to all your clients issues.
• The solutions to all of your issues.
All this pressure and all this anxiety…coming down on your creativity and your soul. That kinda sucks if you ask us.
You keep forgetting the simple truth.
The truth that you may not believe or understand yet.
The truth, that your ONLY job is to GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY.
Yes. Let’s make that clear.
You already have everything that you need within.
Trust that.
Get out of your way.
Prepare to receive the instructions that will guide you…
To your greatest joy, your award-winning book proposal and your greatest successes!
Your ONLY job is to be OPEN so the UNIVERSE can pour her greatness into you!
The thing is, it’s not about you. Your greatness, your genius will flow THROUGH you if you just lay down your mind and fears and ALLOW.
Feels better doesn’t it?
Just do your job and let us do OURS.
We love you. We got you. For realz.
~VCC 10/8/13
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