The Daily Oracle: Showing Up & Getting Dumped

When you’ve given your best.

When you’ve loved beyond the lines.
Worked overtime at work, family or life like a MO’FO.

When you have given faith, trust and loyalty
and people. situations don’t seem to respond in kind…
makes you think!

An intuitive I now shared how sad he was for a co-worker that got laid off today. He had a heavy heart for his friend.

Well…It can make you think ” people dont appreciate sh&t” or “the world is going to Sh&t there’s no jobs, no flow…”

“Wow its time for me to move on and I was staying here in safety! How cool the Universe arranged a forced exit…”

I’ve worked in film tv where you were laid off after movie projects…it was a way of life. So it’s all perspective.

In last 4 yrs I was laid off 3 times. The Universe was telling me to do my thing full time. I was scared to.

If you are witnessing or experiencing this…

I would give thanks for the big, unceremonious whallop of uncomfortable I just got served!

YOU are am intuitive, a healer and yes a leader.

You Are a Badass.
YOU know that the energy you sustain within affects those without.

I know YOU got that.
Choose to hold the energy of hope
Of exploration and possibility..

That is how i don’t die when…
Weddings are suspended!
Jobs ended before I was ready!
Illnesses practically shutting down my business.
When people I loved didn’t step up when I needed them most.
When a man I loved did the back & forth tango with me too many times.

Hmmm wow…
The Universe wants me to expand passed this “world crisis” sh&t
And see with eyes filled with light
And possibility…

YEAH…it Sucks
I won’t lie or sugarcoat this.
NOT cute or sweet!


The Universe and love are working.
EVEN when it looks like an ending.
Or a terrible thing.

Rock on Lighthouse!!!
Let’s connect and let me support you in SHINING bright!
~VCC 10/4/13

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