Well not exactly a pear tree. I got to KEEP my pear tree.
Several years ago my intuition told me to “NO WAY do not say yes to taking a job this terrible job!” Yes, it was unoffically a job at Satan’s lair.
I was scared. My well-known psychic, best-friend, family all told me to take it. ALL of the people I trusted, told me to basically go against what I felt. ALL of them told me I was being negative…I knew that I am not. I didn’t listen to myself. When something’s bad. I know it’s bad!
The job market was floundering. I was scared. I gave my power away to the outside world.
I knew better. I didn’t do better.
In less than 9 months, my millimeter fibroid turned into several inches and several fibroids. I finally stepped up and quit. No job. No real back-up.
I got busy. Made things happen. I listened to my intuition. I learned to master it.
Trying to heal the fibroids I did all I could. Herbs, therapies, meditations, reiki, ancestor rituals,etc. They did not budge. I knew that it was part of my spiritual growth to get surgery.
Guides said,” It’s a shamanic initiation. You must hand yourself over in faith and KNOW that all will be well.”
I went thru 10 doctors. They all basically said,” Gotta remove the uterus.” My family begged. People cried. I was told I had to do it now…
THIS time, I was NOT handing my power to the outside world.
I knew better. I did better. I got the doctor that I KNEW would save my uterus. I found her. She did.
After surgery she said,” You are the first patient in 30 yrs that didn’t ask me about her uterus.”
I said, “I knew you were going to save it.”
Now the facts were that I was told I was 80% fibroid from hip to hip.
That they were pressing on my back, discs…that I had a 6.5 month pregnancy. That it was impossible that these five critters could be taken out without a hitch.
They were wrong. I had TWENTY tumors and a polyp.
And I am here. I am healthy. I have all my lady parts and I am doing what I love, how I love…
Because I learned to ROCK my intuition. I learned to OWN my own inner voice and ALLOW it to carry me through the toughest decisions I’ve ever made.
When I didn’t listen:
- I had a feeling I wasn’t living my purpose.
- I was helping everyone and not feeling fulfilled.
- I had a job that didn’t make me glow & shine!
- I made decisions based on fear rather than decisions based on intuition.
- I second-guessed myself
- I doubted
- I was hurting and exhausted from being energetically drained
- I gave too much…
A year ago yesterday I left the corporate world.
A year ago today I left behind indecision, tumors, patterns and BS around being what I am.
I listened. I kept my uterus. I kept my sanity. I left a job that drained me.
I made it against what seemed like impossible odds. Not perfect but centered in my deep knowing. Completely trusting.
I am rocking what I was BORN to do.
I am guiding wounded/hidden INTUITIVES to own their gifts and be healthy, happy and kickass successes! I am supporting the lightworkers/leaders to ROCK their light in a way that supports the and serves the world!
I know better. I do better. I love you and look forward to supporting you on the journey! Thanks for reading, sharing & being brave enough to get what you need and to take care of you.
~VCC 10/2/13