The Daily Oracle: Dear Hidden Intuitive

Dear Intuitive: When YOU are still in hiding…

I speak to YOU
The hidden intuitive
The one that was “born knowing.”

That spoke truths and perhaps was silenced as a child.Teen. Adult.

Disowning your “weird” learning to fit in.
Adopting continued silence turned inward in depression.
Turned outward in senseless rebellion and unexpressed anger.

I speak to YOU
The one who sees the undercurrents of your friends lives and tries and tries…

To help them on their way.
They may listen.
They may not act.

You, frustrated and upset at “those” that will not listen.

Like Cassandra, the Seer of Greek Troy…
you speak future visions and may not be believed…
even by YOUR very self.

Yet the TRUTH rises and you live to see what you FEEL, SEE. KNOW or SENSE come to reality.

YOU become the witness of your own greatness and remain quiet, inactive in service of YOUR true purpose.

I speak to YOU,
who has overlooked your gifts.

Used them to advance the causes of others.
Who cannot seem to use all your keen insight for your life..
Who may do half-steps and half-movemenents
and has been afraid to be ALL IN.

I was once the hidden, wounded Intuitive and then the Universe had enough of that…

The TRUTH was that I would never be fully


I stepped up to do what I was BORN to do.
Until come Hell or high water I was


Not for others…but for myself
And in so doing
Was able to SERVE the world in a greater way!

TODAY is a year that I walked away from the corporate world…
From “making the best of a situation” to “LIVING the best thru my intuition.”

The world is waiting for your wisdom, your “weird” your brilliance and tenderness.

YOU are waiting to feel the flow of the Universe carry you and allow you to SHINE like never before!

Sending you & knowing that you were BORN knowing…
Let’s walk together and UNLEASH your true Self.

~VCC 10/1/13

5 thoughts on “The Daily Oracle: Dear Hidden Intuitive

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