“Precious” is a movie character, not a way of life…
What do we mean by this?
There is a tendency in the spiritual lifestyle to make so many feelings, ideas and life purposes as “precious” …as if they are apart from your daily life.
As if it needs to be separated from the daily muck of your mundane existence.
As if you need to be incensed,
detoxed on a mountaintop to be “spiritual” or “on purpose.”
The thing is…you are not in a cave.
You are most likely not a nun or monk in a monastery (you might be though… )
You are spiritual from conception and dare I say,
before of course! For all time, actually.
You HAVE a purpose whether you are aware of it or not.
We have fallen in love with ideas about how “spirituality” and “life purpose” should feel or look like.
Throw that away. Now.
Look in the mirror and breathe deeply. Say,” Hi beautiful/handsome.”
Your spiritual life and your purpose is already on it’s way. It’s unfolding as you breathe and sooner or later you will say, “Ahhh there you were all along!” Amen, to that!
Life IS precious but when we let our ego get all caught up, WE get all caught up with expectations that create separations rather than true connection.
You are precious. So am I. Now don’t fret if you’ve lost your crystal bag or don’t have your yoga mat.
All these accoutrements are fun & cool. It’s amazing to go to a sweatlodge and be in ceremony. I love these experiences!
It is life-changing to experience spiritual retreats…yet we are NOT less spiritual if we do not have access to these experiences. They also do not replace true awareness and intuitive action that expands our consciousness here on Earth school.
We already have everything we need.
Our minds, bodies, hearts and Soul. WE are the vessel AND that which fills it.
Remember We are the LOVE
And it is
~VCC 9/29/13
Blessings on this day of celebration to Archangel Michael