We are creatures of habit. We get used to what we think and do and we continue doing it.
Even not finishing what we start, running away and starting new things all the time could be a habit or pattern that you keep repeating.
Our lives are actually based on beliefs that we have and keep repeating over and over ( even if subconsciously) until they are manifested in the outside world. The greatest gift you can give yourself and others is choosing ways to view yourself and life that allow you more hope and love.
“The Universe is conspiring towards my outrageous success.” Is so much better and an invitation towards more expansion than, ” This world sucks and I am just fighting to stay alive!”
Believe it or not, many of us feel the latter. You are reading this for a reason. What overriding belief are you carrying that has shaped your experience in life thus far?
Take a moment to breathe and ask, “ Is this habit truly serving me?” If it’s not…it might be a great time to pick up some new habits!
Everyone is intuitive but LISTENING and taking right action based on said intuition is a CHOICE. Yes, I was born highly intuitive but the reason this has become part of my life’s work is also because it’s a well-cultivated habit. Looking beneath the surface and sensing deeply are a way of life for me.
Close your eyes. How do you want to FEEL in your life? Free. Happy. Sensual. Joyful. Abundant. Whatever it is allow yourself to breathe it in (no matter what your circumstances look like now) and FEEL what you want.
What kinds of habits would support this amazing way of feeling?
Getting up early to write might mean an earlier bedtime. Feeling strong in your body might mean starting yoga, dance or weight training.
Finding the love of your life might mean fully loving yourself first AND knowing that you are lovable and not a weirdo. That yes you can and already do have a loving partner waiting for you somewhere as you read this!
Feeling freer might mean getting rid of stuff in your house you don’t need. Being happier might mean letting go of the habit of pessimism and allowing all to be a learning lesson as you start to view life as a curious adventure instead!
Instead of seeing some of these changes as a drag…realize that they are supportive BUILDING BLOCKS to the life and FEELINGS that you are wanting to experience.
When we do what we do unconsciously, we create more unconsciousness and stuckness. Being stuck can be like a revolving door and hopelessness can set in.
If you want to FEEL different things in your life than what you are feeling, look at your habits now. Pick those that bring expansion and release those that keep you in a fake safe space. You think you are safe but you are actually not taking risks or allowing yourself to grow.
Jump off that turning door! When we start to think and move in ways that allow us to expand and grow we are creating positive change and greater room for joy.
Yes we create a sense of evolving rather than revolving! Let’s EVOLVE!!!
~VCC 9/23/13
Awesome article.