Speaking our truth is in the air right now. Conversations that revolve around speaking our heart even in the face of judgement or lack of kindness have been on the coaching radar lately.
When some stuff happens that feels unfair and not cool…Get yourself together and speak from your heart.
It may be painful, you may want to run to the woods/cave/Hawaii (insert place here) the thing is, wherever you go, you take you with you.
That means that ALL the stuff you want to hide from or shove in a drawer gets to go with you. You don’t get to outrun your stuff chasing ease down to the bottom of the vodka glass or passed the zillionth video game.
Dealing with stuff is not easy but it’s definitely character and chakra building. Staying quiet makes you feel smaller, constricted and reduces the energy flow you have to make great stuff happen in your life.
So whenever you want to hide the shit that’s bothering you, take time out to look at it, feel it and see it from various perspectives.
- Get to a quiet spot. Heck the bathroom stall works too if thats all ya got.
- Breathe deeply. Allow yourself to feel your body.
- Many people think “consciousness” is about leaving the body. Why are we in it to begin with? To experience it all from that place?
- Allow yourself to let your feelings rise up.
- What is the belief at the core? No one understands me? No one loves me? I am not enough? I am to much?
- Imagine now that you are parasailing.
- From that perspective you can SEE so much. Whats going on beyond YOU? from the other person’s point of view?
- If you were looking at the situation from a third party perspective, what would you say about this?
- Remember to speak and talk to anyone from the best place you can muster.
Even if it sucks, show up the best you can. It’s in your mind, body & spirit’s best interest!