To whom it may inspire:
I’d spent most of my life feeling a bit off. I was uncomfortable in crowds, more affected by emotion than others, afraid to sleep, and had an uncanny feeling of always knowing. Its amazing how the universe has a way of providing just what you need at the right time.
Recently I met Vanessa at April Glass during a mini psychic fair where she gave me an intuition reading and instantly I felt a connection.
I knew I had gifts, but I hadn’t made the connection between them and the cause of alot of my anxiety and quality of life issues. Things as simple as a good nights rest that many take for granted.
Also I’m pregnant and knowing the likelihood of bearing a child with the same gifts was a cause for concern since if I couldnt control my own. How was I to protect him or her from the same fears and problems that plagued me?
Vanessa suggested I attend her weekly Intuition Group/Class in order to learn how to use and enhance my gifts positively and not be a victim of them.
I’ve been going for over a month now and have transformed into a confident Empath, able to feel emotion without being smothered by it. I continue to work and learn each week more about myself and others, discovering new gifts, and befriending those like myself.
I love this group because its a healthy spiritual inlet and outlet. A small community full of guidance and acceptance where my gifts as well as friendships flourish. I know Im in the best place with the most supportive of people. I feel safe, I sleep peacefully, I can breathe in large crowds, I can differentiate my emotions from those that don’t belong to me. I understand myself more than ever while developing new gifts in the process.
Thank you Vanessa for your teachings, your friendship, and your spirit.- Sincerely Lisa Marie
If you would like to connect with Vanessa regarding Intuition workshops contact her at
Hola Vanessa, You are a most special and spiritual lady! Must meet up one of these days…
Hasta pronto, Laura