Sometimes everything falls into place
the way it’s supposed to…
at least that is the way it feels…
and you feel free
taken care of
and lovable
then you know
you just KNOW that the UNIverse was on your side
every time you cried
every time you asked WHY? WHY?
every time you felt out the darkness
and felt no immediate reply
and now in this simple moment
in this space between spaces
you KNOW that all is happening FOR YOU.
It is GOOD
and all is well.
sometimes everything falls into place
the way it’s supposed to…
the way it’s supposed to…
at least that is the way it feels…
and you feel free
taken care of
and lovable
then you know
you just KNOW that the UNIverse was on your side
every time you cried
every time you asked WHY? WHY?
every time you felt out the darkness
and felt no immediate reply
and now in this simple moment
in this space between spaces
you KNOW that all is happening FOR YOU.
It is GOOD
and all is well.
sometimes everything falls into place
the way it’s supposed to…
~vcc 12/2/13