What if we told you that all the “reasons, analysis and fears” are not real at all?
perhaps there were experiences that occurred that brought you to an overall consensus that “THIS IS THE WAY IT IS.”
What IF though,
what if,
“THE WAY IT IS” is far beyond what your eyes can see?
What if it extends even farther than what your heart can muster?
What IF, “THE WAY IT IS,” is…
Expansive beyond our imagining
What IF all these things are here for you NOW?
Not when you’ve lost 10 lbs or fallen in love or made 7 figures?
What IF all of it is here and because you can’t SEE it,
You don’t BELIEVE it?
Getting comfortable in 2 dimensional or even 3 dimensional living and perceiving is EASY. It’s comfortable. It’s the way it’s been done..
Not for creatives, lovers, healers, dreamers, doers & intuitives…
No, you want the juice of life! You want and sense there is so much more!
That’s why you’ve been equipped you with a third eye. That’s why you see, feel, know and hear more than what they eye and ear can perceive.
You see BELOW
The circumstances!
Remain OPEN.
Ask for assistance.
Keep on Keepin’ on with your VISION.
It’s ALL here NOW.
And SEE!
OPEN your heart and feel!
Deeply grateful for YOU
the SEEING will unfold in all it’s abundance!
~vcc 11/27/13