As visionaries, healers, leaders and intuitives…we have BIG visions.
Since we have the gift of seeing we can delve deeply with Spirit and feel how the vision could play out.
We can go for the big steps, the big leaps and then wonder why it didn’t play out the way we envisioned…
Looking back at your vision,
did you leave out the part about sharing authentically?
Did you omit sharing your heart, your experience and your TRUTH?
Creating your VISION= being VISIBLE!
As spiritual peeps it doesn’t work anymore to create from behind the scenes. As spirit and consciousness is stepping up into the public stage so are we in turn, NEEDED to step up.
The way we attract allies, assistance and opportunities is by being OPEN!
So start sharing where you are at, what you want to create and what you are facing…
We are here to answer the call and gather our tribes. The ONLY way we can do that is by allowing our HEART & SOUL to be VISIBLE.
When we share from our Soul we are LOVE made visible!
We SEE you. WE SEE your vision. Now go and SHARE with the world.
~VCC 11/24/13