So often intuitives/visionaries/creatives have a big vision, an expansive mission that they sense and feel is pushing from within.
This feeling drives them, moves them and often haunts them…
Sometimes, it pushes them into taking risks they never would have taken! Sometimes, this makes them shut down and close down thinking, ” Who the hell do I think I am? WHO am I to have this vision and even BELIEVE that I can do this?”
Other times, those risk takers that moved and grooved with their purpose for quite a bit…get to a cliff that they deem to high, to deep to jump from and they STOP!
So what are we to do? Mission. Check. Passion. Check. Vision. Check.Fears…double check…
It’s times like these, those moments where you may want to let someone else run to the edge, where you may want to just hide until the next life that you must REMEMBER.
Remember that what you are here to share.
What you are here to OFFER the world is BIGGER than YOU!
It’s BIGGER than your fears, your lacks, your limitations, your “I can’ts”, you’re buts, “I don’ts” it’s BIGGER than YOUR bs too…
SO fear can seem so damn real and just like you will call out your friend and say,” It’s just a STORY,” well…look at the stories that you are using to keep yourself quiet. Look at your beliefs, what you are telling yourself.
And say out loud, ” What I am here to do is BIGGER than me.”
The fact is, that it IS.
What you are here to give, share and put forth in the world is: organic and flows through you WHEN you get out of your way.
Please get out of your way. Your lovers, friends, family, clients, readers, fans are waiting for the BIGGER YOU that you are BEcoming!
We love you, ALL of you!
~vcc 12/8/13