Our minds are constantly “working” to “figure it all out” and while this amazing resourcefulness allows us to hustle AND flow in the Survival game…it can be limiting in creating a life where we are THRIVING!
In this life where the mind has ruled the roost for so long…Spirit is having a comeback!
Our minds and logic have taken all of us to a certain point in love, in our health, out business or our careers…we say,” What else? what else?”
A resonating quiet often meets that question when it is asked from an authentic place.
Answers come quickly, fleetingly, vague or obvious…yes, answers come!
The thing is sometimes answers are right in front of you and your MIND won’t let you see them.
Most often we have to let go of what we are “thinking” and allow our “hard-working brains” to rest.
The ego thinks it is dying but this is the edge of comfort, it is the wilderness of our own Souls and here, here is where the true treasure lies!
Few are brave enough to surrender into the unknowing, into the brilliant light filled space of vast potential.
It requires courage, strength and the ability to let go of “knowing” in the conventional sense.
AFFIRMATION: “Today I surrender to my Spirit and I acknowledge that while intuitive, my Spirit knows more than I could ever imagine and I trust this. I TRUST my SPIRIT is guiding me into the next place of vast potential and that all is well.”
Giggling in the quiet.
Floating in the void.
playing in the darkness
While invoking the light and being open to all the miracles that have been and are unfolding NOW