Full Moon in Gemini December 17, 2013


FULL MOON in GEMINI! The Full Moon in Gemini occurs at 26 degrees on December 17th, 2013. I will be polite…can I say verbal spillage? Look out for chattiness ensuing and covering up what’s REALLY going on!

The Full MOON is a time of power and of a culmination of what we have been working on. It symbolizes the coming to LIGHT of something that has been in the shadows. The FULL MOON brings in awareness.

Oh Mercury of thee I speak! Gemini is ruled by the winged-feet of the God of communication, Mercury.

There’s a lot rising up from the depths on this FULL moon! It will not be a boring moon and a lot of conversation and communication will be pulling at our attention. We are in the midst of the holiday seasons where expectations, family and responsibilities are all traversing the need for peace and quiet.

The Moon is opposed to the Sun in Sagittarius. Take time to be honest and truthful in a way that honors you. If you are frazzled and ODing on communication…take a break!

Personally, I’ve had my atennas really LIT UP today!

I live like this but today has been off the charts! SO after I finish posting and get off my last call…yes, sometimes I have a late last call…I will R-E-S-T!!!!

Light a candle. Breathe in peace and know that you can invite greater understanding at this time! blessed be!  VCC

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