Often we see Ochun/Oshun (the West AFrican Goddess of the Sweet waters) as a symbol for sensuality/sexuality, fertility and dance…ONLY. The truth is that she is what makes life worth living! She invites healing, sisterhood and creation to convene. Invoked she sweetens the deal and softens the harshest of situations.
Allow her to soften your heart, open your mind past judgements and beliefs. Know that while proud, she is forgiving but don’t take her kindness for weakness for there is a line and once drawn, it’s very difficult to get back on the good side. Don’t take advantage of kindness, patience or love. GIve thanks. EMBRACE yourself as worthy.
Often we push away friendship and love because we feel we do not deserve it. If we accept that we are all children of God/the Universe we will know that we were BORN to love and be loved. Let’s get to loving! ourselves and others, the world! Ashe! ♥~vcc