I just saw Russel Brand’s video and it brings up a lot of thoughts.
I remember as I became a self-taught automatic writer (now called a writing channel) in my late teens, all the information about being part of a spiritual revolution. At the time I was at NYU Tisch and I just wanted to be left alone to be a film director. My written downloads guided me to soul agreements at school, in life and in relationships. I was conflicted. I walked away…came back a week later.
I said, “No more! Get someone else for the gig…” I could never leave though. At 21, I held free monthly gatherings with two other young channels in NYC and we did akashic readings for strangers…sometimes over 20 strangers showed up. We served. We learned. It was NOT cool then. It was not trendy. We were on point though. We helped many. We were in practice. We were living the training.
I’ve known very clearly from a young age that I was here to work alongside others to make this world a better place. The words expressed as a teen were spiritual guide/teacher/healer/writer. I kept quiet and did my work for almost two decades before getting the courage to step up and be publicly vocal…that is, to speak at organizations/conferences and events that were not exclusively “women’s spirituality” events. I felt safe there but knew I had to outreach to both men and women.
So here I am. I coach and while all of us are intuitive…I do my sessions without an intake sheet and without tons of information from you where I can do excellent pattern recognition. I have a skill that I’ve honed for over 2 decades. I do “see” “hear” and “know” about people and details without ever seeing an image or googling them. I also know more than I let on.
Which is funny…because people still are not truthful around me or think they can fool me. I may smile pleasantly as you go on but truthfully I see through it…and I love you anyway. I see, understand it and I love you in your growth and in the place that you are in the moment. I respect boundaries and people’s individual journeys but frankly remote viewing and accessing info are as easy as taking three breaths…answers are easy to acquire and avenues of healing and understanding are plentiful.
What does this have to so with spiritual revolution?
SELF-MASTERY. The truth is that part of my mission is to assist you on TRUSTING YOUR INTUITION like no one and nobody before or EVER again. Bringing it back to your own ability for direct revelation and your own connection with Divine Intelligence.
There are tons of videos about spiritual revolution circulating nowadays and thankfully most of us are consciously awakening and knowing that we and the planet needs healing.
So we are all talking about it, which rocks but are we BEING the change? Are we ALLOWING ourselves to be used as a transformational tool?
Yet, how can we move forward with MAJOR structural changes if we don’t even TRUST OURSELVES? So we take a million courses and travel and tinder-our booties off…but are we TRUSTING OURSELVES?
IF we do not TRUST ourselves how can a planet shift in a positive way? We will only re-create what was before with a “prettier” name or social marketing branding campaign.
And HOW exactly do we get to that level of CONFIDENCE in our OWN internal guidance system, with our OWN INTUITION?
I love talking. I love words. I also know…talk is cheap. Words are free. If what we say is not deeply aligned with our TRUE self and with our mission…we don’t feel well and there is no peace even while enjoying wild earthly success!
So we rush to bring down old-systems…and don’t even now what to REPLACE it with? The story of our planet’s coups and revolution turned dictatorship once in power. We are doomed to repeat if we do not learn.
So as we all continue to read, talk and put down “the system”…can we ask how we will ALSO move into a place of greater mastery so we can change how we SEE the world and then how we MOVE through it?
Honestly speaking, there is a place and a part for all of us…yet I believe that true, real transformation comes from not only awareness and consciousness but also COMMITMENT and ACTION.
Of course, it will all happen in it’s own time and as my guides say, ” well, essentially you do have ALL time to learn it…”
But WHO we are RIGHT NOW doesn’t have all time. Our soul does, the facet of that multidimensional diamond we reincarnated into at this time…only has NOW.
Soooo… my powerful intuitives, who hate your jobs and like to think,” If i only didn’t have this job i’d be a healer/artist/muse/writer/etc.” I beg you from my HEART and my EXPERIENCE…don’t be satisfied with mere dreaming and vision-boarding!
Make a decision.
Make the commitment.
Let this be the year that you STOP being the closet ,mystic, healer/lover that you are…and that you step up and let the UNiverse/God give you the downloads and the divine assignments that you are seeking!
I love you and I am So with you on this! YOU have no idea what greatness I SEE in you. YOU have no idea what sacred space I hold for YOU.
Sitting around the cosmic fire and shooting the s%^t about our committed actions for 2014 is where I am at. Sending out an invite soon…
loving you,
~vcc 1/1/14